Seth’s POV

″Make sure you get a good night’s rest, Prince Seth. You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow...″ Jules’s mother murmured to me as we walked further into the castle.

After we returned to the castle and granted Alva his vision back, I thought it was best to go see Estelle and Jules. After the countless questions of what hell is like- they finally told me that the Kingdom was just fine. We were gone for about a day as I suspected.

While we were gone the people of my Kingdom came to an agreement. The day after I returned... they were going to crown me King of France. It surprised me, really. It goes to show that my people trust me... and they trust my plan with the mythical world.

Jules’s mother is supposed to help me prepare for crowning; since my mother is no longer here with us. She gratefully took the job on... but I could tell that she feels guilty for everything that happened with Jules. She was averting her gaze with mine every time I looked at her...

″Mrs. Angelle, are you okay?″ I asked. She gazed over at me with a hint of guilt in her grey eyes, stopping in her tracks.

She took my hands in hers, gazing up at me with a weak smile on her lips.

″Oh, Seth... always putting others first. I’m okay, darling...″ She said to me. I furrowed my eyebrows at the uncertainty in her voice.

″Mrs. Angelle... I hope you know it’s not your fault. The three of you were-″

″I-I know darling... I just wish I could have protected the three of us. If I could... your mother might still be alive.″ She whispered. I wanted to tell her that I met with my mother, I wanted to tell her that I had a nice conversation with her. Though I shouldn’t tell her about where she is... it may have soothed her. But I decided against it. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

″Sometimes things happen for a reason, Mrs. Angelle... perhaps it was fate,″ I told her. She nodded her head slowly, slowly bringing her hand up to my cheek.

″I know I can’t replace your mother... but if you need anything I’m here. Don’t be afraid to ask...″ She said to me, leaving a smile lingering on my lips.

″Thank you.″

We said our goodbyes to each other as we arrived to my bedroom. She carried herself better after we had our discussion. Ever since Jaxon pulled them out of their possession, she’s been very timid and shy- she’d carry herself with no confidence. I could only hope that she no longer thinks it’s her fault.

I walked into my bedroom, my eyes landing on Jaxon. He sat on the bed with his spellbook in his hands. I watched as he slowly tilted his head up, a smile appearing on his lips at my presence.

″What are you reading?″ I asked Jaxon as I approached him, my fingers finding their way up to my head. I pulled the crown off of my head, setting it on the nightstand next to my bed.

″Ah... just my spell book. I was making sure that Alva’s spell is a one-time thing. Sometimes some spells must be applied recurringly...″ He said to me.

″Is it all set then?″ I asked him. I began to unbutton my shirt as I spoke to him- I couldn’t help but notice the faint blush on his olive skin.

″Yeah... can I talk to you about something?″ He suddenly asked me, taking me off guard. I pulled the shirt off of my torso, laying it on the floor beside the bed.

″Of course,″ I replied, climbing up on the bed beside him. He closed the spell book in his hands, placing it on the nightstand beside him.

″Well... I was just wondering...″ He started, the blush on his face getting worse. He opened his mouth multiple times to speak... but nothing came out.

″Spit it out, Jaxon.″

″...Are we together? I thought we were... ever since that night you came back... we have been official since then, right?″

Yet again... I was the one blushing. I didn’t think we were together yet... I suppose we were. I guess I was waiting for the proper ’Will you be my boyfriend?’... but I guess for him it’s different. We are soul mates... I guess coming to know that would make us official...

″I’m sorry, Jaxon... I didn’t know...″ I said. I couldn’t help but smile at his laughter- it was musical in my ears.

″It’s okay, Angel... how about we make it official now? To both of our knowledge?″ He said with a smile.

″I’d like that.″

″Seth Lenior, soon to be King of France, Prince of demons...″ He started, taking my hands in his. I couldn’t help but laugh at his words.

″Yes, Jaxon Di Angelo?″

″Would you do me the honor of being mine?″ He said with a smile. He was being awfully cheesy... but I liked it. It’s good to have fun once in a while... especially for us. We just went to hell and back in a day...

″Of course.″

He planted a soft kiss on my own lips. I couldn’t help but smile into the kiss. I trailed a hand up to his arm, resting my hand gently on the back of his throat.

I couldn’t help but notice the way his body was shaky slightly because of my touch. There was a continuous blush on his face no matter what- it has been like that since I teased him earlier. If I’m being honest... I wanted nothing more than to make him a moaning mess. Though I’m a virgin myself... I know what gets him going.

I pulled away from the kiss. His breath was heavier than usual... he couldn’t meet my eyes. Though he wasn’t glancing directly at me... his eyes were bright yellow.

Smut incoming! If you don’t like smut, scroll down to the bottom! Thank you! (Contains some hard kinks)

″What’s the matter, Jaxon?″ Seth asked him, trailing a finger down his jaw. Jaxon couldn’t help but let out a desperate whimper due to his touch; he had been like this since earlier. He didn’t just want to feel Seth’s hand around his neck- he had the craving of feeling him completely. He wanted to feel Seth clench around him, beg for him to take him deeper and deeper. Not only that... he wanted to take Seth too. He wanted to experience all of it.

Jaxon slammed his lips onto Seth’s, trailing a larger hand up to his chest, all the way to his neck. Seth let out a gasp of surprise against his mouth as Jaxon climbed on top of him, pinning both of his wrists down with his free hand. Seth’s hands clenched in his grip; attempting to pull himself out of his tight hold on his wrists.

″Mm, I don’t think so...″ Jaxon mumbled to him as he trailed hot kisses down his neck, all the way to his jaw. Seth’s breaths grew heavier as Jaxon placed his knee between Seth’s thighs, rubbing the growing bulge that was begging to be touched with it.

″Fuck...″ Seth moaned out as Jaxon trailed kisses down his chest, all the way down to his abs. He arched his back against Jaxon’s mouth, desperately trying to get as close to him as he could. He felt like his whole body was on fire... the mark on both of their wrists was burning. It wasn’t a bad burn... it enhanced the quality of how they felt. It sent pleasure waves through both of their bodies, making the need for each other even worse.

Jaxon took his mouth off of Seth’s body, causing a whimper to leave Seth’s throat. He fumbled with the belt on Seth’s waist needily- he wanted nothing more than to rip his pants off of him, shove himself deep inside of him and have Seth moaning his name for hours.

He pulled the belt off from around his waist, throwing it carelessly onto the floor. Seth watched in anticipation, biting his lip at the scene. The most attractive guy he’s ever seen ripping off his clothes piece by piece...

Jaxon wrapped his fingers around Seth’s pants, pulling them down with a groan leaving his throat. Seth looked absolutely divine- shirtless, his pale skin flushed in embarrassment, nothing in but his black boxers- his bulge pressing eagerly against Jaxon’s thigh.

Jaxon’s eyes were yellow. They were the brightest yellow that Seth’s ever seen. His mark was glowing proudly nonstop on his olive skin.

Jaxon snapped his fingers together, gazing at Seth with a smirk lingering on his lips. A condom appeared in his hands instantly... there’s plenty of amazing things that Jaxon could do, but that’s definitely one of the best.

Seth suddenly pulled himself off from the bed, wrapping a hand around Jaxon’s neck. He grasped onto Jaxon’s shoulder with his free hand, flipping them both over on the bed. Jaxon let out a gasp of surprise, gazing up into Seth’s neon green eyes.

″You’re going to fucking listen to me now... aren’t you, Jaxon?″ He suddenly said, his hand grasping tighter onto Jaxon’s neck. Jaxon couldn’t help but fall into submission under his touch...

″Yes...″ Jaxon finally whispered to him. Seth’s lips turned into a smirk at his words, bringing himself down closer to Jaxon’s mouth. He grazed his lips against Jaxon’s teasingly, a whimper leaving Jaxon’s throat.

″Good boy.″

Seth brought his hands down to Jaxon’s pants, pulling them off with ease. He threw his pants carelessly across the room- leaving them both in their boxers.

Seth immediately pulled down Jaxon’s boxers, his cock springing out eagerly. Seth couldn’t help but smirk down at him, wrapping his fingers around the shaft of his cock. Jaxon let out a desperate moan, arching his back against the touch. His fingers were cold... but they fit just right.

″Look at you... I barely touched you and you’re hard as a rock.″ Seth said seductively, slowly running his fingers up and down the shaft of his cock. All he could do is moan in response...

″Use your words, Jaxon. Tell me what you want... I might give it to you- if you’re good of course...″ Seth said, stroking his cock faster. All Jaxon could do is let out moans... he couldn’t form a word to speak. He hasn’t been touched like this in so long... the last time he’s been touched was when he was with Elena.

″I’ll just do what I want with you... you’d like that, right?″ Seth asked. Jaxon nodded his head eagerly, the thought of Seth inside of him was driving him insane...

Moments later, Seth was rubbing himself against Jaxon’s hole teasingly. He loomed over him, his hands on either side of Jaxon’s head.

″Tell me what you want. I want to hear you.″ Seth whispered to him, his neon green eyes growing brighter with every second.

″Fuck me...″ Jaxon stuttered out desperately, waiting in anticipation for Seth to enter him.

″Louder. Beg me.″ Seth said, pulling himself away from Jaxon’s hole. He let out a desperate cry, grinding himself against Seth.

″Fuck me... please, I-I need it...″ He yelled out louder. He couldn’t help but notice the way Seth’s eyes were flickering back and forth between black and neon green- was it a good thing? was it a bad thing?

Seth suddenly sunk himself into Jaxon, placing a hand over Jaxon’s mouth as he let out a loud moan. He had prepared Jaxon before this- but he was unbelievably tight. He forced himself through the tight rings, Jaxon’s loud moans ringing in his ears. He sunk into him completely with no mercy...

Seth began thrusting inside of him, a low growl leaving his throat. He grasped onto Jaxon’s chin, forcing him to meet his eyes. Seth’s eyes were completely black- but somehow he was in complete control.

″Seth...″ Jaxon moaned out as he thrust faster inside of him, his olive skin flushed red. Seth’s lips suddenly turned into a smirk at his voice.

″What do you want... Tell me.″

″Hit me... hurt me.″ He said immediately in response. Seth’s thrusts immediately sped up as he pounded into him with no mercy, a hand wrapping tightly around Jaxon’s neck. The grip on his neck was awfully tight... but Jaxon loved it.

Seth suddenly sent a slap across Jaxon’s face as he pounded deeper inside of him, a deep moan coming from the both of them. Seth was overcome with a sense of dominance- encouraging him to pound into Jaxon with absolutely no mercy. They both had a thing for pain... Jaxon receiving and Seth inflicting.


Another slap was sent across Jaxon’s face in response, a scream leaving Jaxon’s throat. He couldn’t help but scream... Seth was pounding into him with no mercy, his hand was wrapped tightly around his neck, he kept hitting him... he was in pure bliss.

″I-I’m going to cum-″

″Good, do it you fucking slut. Do it.″ Seth said viciously back, driving him overboard.

Jaxon came with a drawn-out scream... Seth still pounded into him while he came. Tears flooded out of his eyes from the overstimulation...

The hand around Jaxon’s neck grew tighter as Seth came, a deep growl coming out of his throat. He sunk himself into Jaxon as deep as he possibly could, his eyes rolling to the back of his head in pleasure.

The only sound in the room was the sound of their heavy breathing as they tried to gain their composure. Seth’s eyes slowly turned back to his usual neon green, his face was flushed bright red.

″Did- Did I hurt you? I’m sorry I got a little carried away-″

Jaxon suddenly pulled himself up, pushing Seth back onto the bed. He climbed on top of him, grinding his hips against Seth. He let out a deep moan, running his hands up to Jaxon’s hair...

″Your turn.″


Location: Unknown

She walked through the dead flowers, a faint smile lingering on her lips. The demons trailed behind her silently, watching her every move in awe. She had just awoken from her slumber... and broke through the chains that bound her. She’s been asleep since the beginning of time.

″A demon prince you say?″ She whispered to the demons at her feet. The demons have told her of what happened in her absence...

Her black eyes looked off in the distance. The castle was a few miles away from where she was chained down for centuries upon centuries...

″Mm... Interesting.″

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