Seth’s POV

″You have a lot of stuff, Alva...″ Magdalene mumbled, carrying a suitcase into the living room. He had a playful smile on his lips as he gazed down at the ground- he looked as if he was concentrating on where Magdalene’s voice was coming from.

We are currently packing Alva’s stuff for him- He tried to do it himself but... we noticed he was struggling with it. He’d walk slowly around his room, grasping aimlessly at his bed and dresser. I couldn’t help but wonder how Lucifer and Leviathan trained him... Jaxon said that he’s extremely powerful- that he could feel the power radiating off of him from a mile away. He told me that it doesn’t really matter who your demonic parent is, (Besides him of course, he’s the son of Leviathan) if you train yourself well, you could be one of the most powerful warlocks alive.

″I value fashion. Though I may not be able to see myself... It’s one of my favorite things.″ He said to Magdalene. Jayce’s lips slowly turned into a smile, gazing over at Alva.

″A man of culture.″ Jayce simply said.

There had to be at least seven suitcases full of clothes. Five other bags were full of his jewelry, bags full of his skincare serums... He might even be worse than Jayce. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

″It was nice to see you guys... I hope you all visit again someday.″ Jayce’s father said to us.

″We will... It was nice to meet you, Grandpa!″ Jin exclaimed. Jayce’s father let out a deep laugh, holding out his arms to Jin. He pulled him into a tight hug. Jayce gazed over at the two with a soft smile on his lips...

The adventure to hell didn’t particularly go as I planned. I expected Jin to be hurt... I expected us to engage in another fight. But rather than that... it turned into a family visit.

″Would you like to prepare the portal, Jaxon?″ Jayce asked him. Jaxon slowly walked to the front of the room, clasping his hands together. His eyes flashed the brilliant yellow as he created the portal in his hands, thrusting his hand forward. I couldn’t help but notice the smile on Leviathan’s face as he looked at him proudly.

″Don’t we need to do that big scary portal?″ Dakota asked, confusion lingering in his voice. I couldn’t help but laugh at his words...

″No, my boy... we could use a regular portal just fine with returning to Seth’s kingdom. Getting down here is the hard part...″ Jayce said to him. Dakota nodded his head as he grasped onto some of Alva’s suitcases, carrying them towards the portal.

″...Seth?″ Lucifer said as he approached me. I slowly turned towards him, my eyes were met with his. He had a look of concern on his face.


″Take good care of Alva for me... he’s a good kid. He’s gone through too much in his life... I hope taking him isn’t too much trouble-″

″It’s okay, dad. We all stick together no matter what. Another addition won’t be too much trouble... plus we all already love him already.″ I reassured him. He placed a hand on my shoulder, looking down at me with a smile.

″Alright... make sure to visit. Stay safe.″ He told me.

″I will, don’t worry.″

Alva, Jaxon and I stood near the portal. The rest of them had already gone through the portal- the last three were us. Alva was clenching tightly onto my hand, his violet eyes widened in fear. He never went through a portal before- or left hell in his life... plus he was blind. I would be afraid too.

″Alva... I know you’re afraid. It’s okay to be afraid... I was raised here too. When I came to the surface I was terrified... until I met Jayce. He took me under his wing and cared for me... We are going to take care of you. We will get your eyes fixed up brand new... and you’ll be able to begin living your life. You’re going to be okay, I promise.″ Jaxon said comfortingly. Alva nodded his head slowly, his grip loosening on my hand.

We walked into the portal together hand and hand with him. I couldn’t help but notice the frown lingering on his lips- I knew he was scared. He was leaving the people that raised him... but it had to be done.


We appeared in my room- right where we left. The rest were standing there with Alva’s belongings in their hands- They weren’t lying when they said Alva has a lot of things.

″We are here, Alva. You could let go of us now.″ Jaxon said to him. A faint blush appeared on his honey skin as he let go of our hands, laughter filling the room. Jaxon immediately clasped his hands together, a book appearing in his hands. His yellow eyes scanned the pages- I imagined he was looking for the spell he must perform on Alva.

″Ah... you’re going to do it now, Jaxon?″ Jayce asked him. Jaxon slowly nodded his head, his eyes not averting from the spell book.

″The boy has been blind for... how long?″

″Thirteen years,″ Alva replied.

″Basically all of his life... I’m sure he’s anxious to gain his sight.″ Jaxon said, closing the book in his hands. He raised his right hand, snapping his fingers together. A single paper appeared in his hands.

He handed the paper to Jayce with a soft smile, a mischievous look in his eyes.

″Can you go to the house and get these ingredients for me, please?″ Jaxon asked softly. Jayce looked down at the paper, sighing deeply.

″Of course. Jin, would you like to come with me?″ He asked him.

Jin didn’t reply. He was gazing at Alva with a faint blush on his face, his blue eyes seeming elsewhere. Yet again, I don’t blame him...

″...Nevermind. I will return everyone, give me a few minutes.″

He clasped his hands together, blue smoke appearing at his fingertips. He thrust his hand forward, a blue portal appearing in front of him. He ventured into the portal without another word, leaving just Dakota, Elena, Magdalene, Jin, Alva, Jaxon, and I.

″Angel... I’m sorry we haven’t spent much time together lately.″ Jaxon suddenly said, making his way over to me.

I felt a smile lingering on my lips. He always seems to take my breath away by the simplest things. He looked awfully handsome today- his dark brown wavy hair seemed to lay perfectly, his yellow eyes were still present. I assumed it was because he’s been actively using his powers more... not that I’m complaining. I think his yellow eyes are fucking hot.

″It’s okay, Jaxon. We could spend some time together tonight...″ I said to him. I watched as his olive skin shined a light red. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip, a playful smirk lingering on his lips.


″I-I didn’t mean it like that!″ I stuttered out, feeling a blush on my face. He began laughing at my embarrassment... I didn’t like it. He often was making me blush... when do I ever make him flustered? besides the time I had him begging me to choke him...

I felt a smirk lingering on my lips as I slowly walked closer to him, placing my hands on his shoulders. He had a look of confusion on his face as I brought myself to his ear, whispering gently.

″I mean... if you do prefer it to be like that... I don’t mind. My hand would look awfully pretty around your neck again, don’t you think?″ I whispered in his ear. He let out a gasp, a faint blush coming to his face.

″We are around people!″ He whispered/yelled at me. I couldn’t help but laugh the desperation lingering in his voice...

Before I could say anything, Jayce came back through the portal. He had a basket of ingredients in his hands- for Alva’s spell most likely.

″I’d go do your thing now... Don’t let me distract you.″ I said to him. He nodded his head, walking away with the blush still present on his face.


Jin’s POV

He’s hot. Oh god, he’s the most attractive person I’ve ever seen.

I know I shouldn’t be saying things like that, considering I might have something with Magdalene... but I can’t help it. He isn’t just cute. Calling someone cute is like saying I want to pet them. Magdalene is cute.

But Alva... he’s hot. He’s delicious. He’s tall, he has that honey skin... the white hair, violet eyes? How did he even get violet eyes? It doesn’t matter... he’s hot.

″Thank you for getting the ingredients, Jayce,″ Jaxon said as he made his way over to my father. I couldn’t help but notice the deep blush setting in on his face... It had to be because of Seth. I looked over to him.

His pale lips were twisted in a smirk, his arms pressed against his chest as he gazed over at Jaxon. His green eyes were brighter than usual... oh Seth. What did you do...

″...Jin, can I talk to you?″ Magdalene suddenly asked me, her pale lips turned in a frown.

″Of course we can,″ I replied. She took her hand in mine, guiding me out of the room. She looked rather upset... I hope I wasn’t in trouble.

We stood outside of the room. She crossed her arms, staring down at the ground with a frown on her face. She looked as if she wanted to say something- but she couldn’t gain the courage to say it.

″Hey... you could tell me anything. I promise.″ I told her, taking her hands in mine. Her hands were awfully small compared to mine... It’s one of the things I loved about her. She was tiny.

″I...I’m really sorry. But... I don’t think I could keep doing this...″ She whispered. I felt the frown lingering on my lips... oh no.

″Did I do something wrong?...″ I asked her. She immediately shook her head no, bringing her hand up to my cheek.

″You didn’t do anything wrong, I promise... I think it was just the rush of joining this new world together, you were all I had... I’m really sorry, Jin. I hope you could forgive me...″ She said, tears welling up in her eyes. I wasn’t angry with her... I was disappointed. I had liked Magdalene since we were in ninth grade...

She’s still my best friend. I’d rather have her as a friend then nothing.

″Maggie... I promise it’s okay. You’re still my best friend. Don’t ever think that you’re not... I’m always going to be here by your side, romantically or not.″ I said.

She immediately threw her arms around my neck, pulling me in for a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around her waist, accepting the hug.

″Best friends forever?″

″Best friends forever.″

Before I could say anything else, I heard Alva’s voice from inside the room.

″...Thank you, Jaxon. Thank you.″

I walked back into the room with Jaxon, my eyes immediately being met with Alva. He was looking down at his hands with shock...

″Don’t thank me, Alva... I’m glad to help.″ Jaxon replied with a smile on his lips. We all watched in silence as Alva inspected his clothing, running his fingers across the silk. He was pointing out every color that he wore in amazement.

″I’m sorry to ruin the moment... but I have to go back to my pack. They are all probably wondering where I am...″ Dakota said.

″Of course. I should go check with Estelle and Jules also...″ Seth said.

″Can I come?″ Magdalene asked suddenly. Seth nodded his head, extending his hand to her. They walked out of the room together with Jaxon, along with Dakota and Elena. I figured she wanted some space from me... which I understand.

″You could see everything well? No pain?″ Jayce asked Alva. He nodded his head rapidly, His white hair bouncing with every movement.

″Well... I’ll leave you to it, then. Jin, would you mind giving Alva a tour of the castle?″ My father asked me.

Alva suddenly met my eyes. His eyes widened, a faint blush coming over his honey skin. He couldn’t be blushing because of me... I’m way out of his league.

″Of course,″ I replied to my father. My father furrowed his eyebrows, slowly walking up to me.

″Jin... are you okay? You look sad...″ My dad asked me. I nodded my head slowly, giving him the best smile that I could.

″Yeah... I’m okay. Thank you.″

My dad walked out of the room, leaving Alva and I. He slowly walked up to me with a look of concern on his face.

″Hm, so you’re the one with the nice voice. I was wondering who it was...″ He said sheepishly, gazing down at me with his violet eyes. I felt a faint blush arise onto my face... oh god. Compliments from cute boys...

″Yeah... I’m Jin.″ I said.

″So... Jin. Are you sure you’re okay?″ He asked me. If I’m being honest... I feel like shit. I’ve liked Magdalene since we were both young... I got a taste of what it would be like with her... and now she suddenly didn’t like me.

″...If I’m being honest, no.″ I whispered. I felt embarrassed... self-conscious even. Maybe it was because I wasn’t muscular like everyone else? I didn’t have the daring, masculine personality like the others...

I suddenly felt two strong arms wrap around me, pulling me into a tight embrace. I felt the blush on my face getting worse... He smelled divine. I couldn’t particularly put a finger on what he smelled like... a fresh smell.

I went to speak until I felt a burning sensation on my wrist. I immediately pulled away from him- Alva doing the same.

I pulled down my jacket... my eyes were met with a mark on my wrist. I never saw it before... it was glowing. Maybe it was a warlock thing?

I looked over to Alva. He was gazing down at his wrist also... He also had the mark on his wrist. He was gazing back and forth between our wrists with a look of confusion on his face.

His rather hot face.

″Do you know what this is?″ Alva asked me. I immediately shook my head no...

″I’ll ask my father later... I’m sure it’s nothing. Another dumb warlock thing...″ I said, making him laugh. His laugh... god. It was so hot.

″You’re right. Let’s go, shall we?″ He asked me, holding out his arm. I felt a blush as I locked my arm with his, walking out of the bedroom.

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