Disclaimer: I have used some ideas from the Percy Jackson series for this chapter- only for the way the underworld is set up. Thank you for reading!

Seth’s POV

″It’s lovely to meet you, Prince Seth. I’m Alva Amari.″

He flashed me a soft smile, deep dimples appearing on his honey skin. His violet eyes were looking elsewhere... I couldn’t help but frown.

″How did you become blind, if you don’t mind me asking...″ I asked, sitting down on the floor next to him. He turned his body towards me, which allowed me to inspect him further. He wore a gold choker around his neck, a long necklace dangling down his chest. He wore a silk purple button up, which was buttoned up partially.

″When I was younger... one of the demons took me from the castle without Lucifer’s knowledge. They brought me out in front of the rest of them... they went on about how I was too handsome to be one of them. So... they blinded me.″ He explained. He was rather handsome... his white hair laid messily in his face, his eyes were a soft violet. With every word he spoke, his dimples shown proudly on his honey skin.

″Well... Jaxon here could make you see again. When we return to the surface we will grant you your vision back, okay?″ I said to him. A smile lingered on his lips as he nodded his head. I couldn’t help but notice Jin sitting next to him- He was gazing at Alva with a faint blush on his face. I have to admit... Alva was pretty handsome... I can’t blame him.

″Are you guys leaving now?″ My father asked, sadness lingering in his voice. I mean... what else was there here? Hell isn’t particularly the best place to be... I knew he was lonely, so maybe we should stay for a bit longer...

That’s when I remembered... my mother is most likely here.

″Is... is mom down here?″ I asked my father. He seemed to freeze, gazing down at me with a blank expression. I knew that their relationship wasn’t the best... maybe I shouldn’t have asked.

″Would you like to go see her?″ He asked me. I didn’t really know what I wanted... I wanted answers maybe.

I gazed over at Jaxon. He had a soft smile lingering on his lips as he gazed at me... a look that said I should.

″Yeah... I think that’s for the best.″ I whispered to Lucifer. He nodded his head, extending his hand down to me. I took it gratefully, pulling myself off of the floor.

″We will return, everyone. Help yourself to tea and snacks.″ Lucifer said with a smile. I looked back at Jaxon. Before I could say a word, his deep voice rang in my ears.

″It’s okay, Angel. I’ll be here when you come back.″ He reassured me.


Lucifer and I walked down the castle stairs in silence... well, the silence between us. The demons were cheering my name relentlessly.

″Hm... they may be loud, but I’m glad they are doing it for a good purpose. Usually, they are fighting each other...″ Lucifer said to me.

Hell... or the underworld as you may say wasn’t that cheery. There were dead trees surrounding the whole castle, the natural lighting was a deep red. Demons gazed at us with fear in their eyes... and slight confusion.

I immediately heard the crunching of dead leaves as we ventured east of the castle. I didn’t particularly know how hell worked... was my mother really suffering in the hot fire? Because of my birth?

″Um... dad?″ I asked him. I watched as a faint blush came to his face, a soft smile lingering on his lips. I don’t really call him dad often I suppose...

″Yes, Seth?″

″...How does it all work?″

His smile grew wider, gazing off into the distance. I couldn’t help but cringe at the desperate screams that were coming from in front of us...

″There is three levels of hell. The Fields of Punishment, The Fields of Asphodel, and Elysium. The Fields of Punishment is for those who have done severe brutalities during their days. They deal with brutal torture for eternity. The Fields of Asphodel are for those who have not done good or bad in their lives. Elysium is for the people who had done well in their lives... but didn’t believe in God.″ He explained. The screams increased from in front of us... it made my stomach turn.

″Where is mom?″

″...The Fields of Punishment.″

I couldn’t help but frown. I know what she has done to me was wrong.... but I still don’t want her to hurt. I believe that regardless of what your parents have done to others or to you... a part of you still loves them. You may not want to care for them, you will want to leave them and never speak to them again... but they are your family.

″She may not even want to speak to me in the first place... She’s there because of me.″

He looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed, stopping in his tracks. I looked at him in confusion... he was looking at me with a frown on his lips. He put his hands on my shoulders, forcing me to meet his eyes.

″Seth Lenior... She is not there because of you. She’s not there because of me either. God was merciful on her when you were born. She is there because of the acts she has done against you. You hear me?″ He said, his voice shaking. I couldn’t help but frown... I didn’t know he was so sensitive about the subject.


″I’m sorry. I just... I don’t want you to think she’s in that place because of you. It’s because of her own wrongdoing. Don’t ever hold yourself responsible for other people’s decisions.″ He told me.

His neon green eyes were almost spilling with tears. His grip on my shoulders grew tighter as he gazed at me with a look I couldn’t completely understand... but I think I could easily figure it out.

He wasn’t there for my upbringing. But... he watched. He watched me grow into who I am today. He had to sit through what my mother was putting me through. He wanted to save me from what she’s done. Hearing me blame myself for what she’s done to me... it hurts him. He never intended to leave me. He physically couldn’t come to save me... he was forbidden from the earth. Valentin couldn’t bring me to him either... it was against everything.

″She’s going to talk to you. Whether she likes it or not... She’ll get a break from her punishments for a few moments.″ He said softly to me. He released me from his grip on my shoulders, bringing a hand up to his eyes. He whipped the tears from them, motioning for me to follow him further into the woods.

We finally stopped walking, my eyes were met with three small doors. One had a beautifully decorated door with flowers hanging from it. One was a simple grey door with no decorations at all...

The last door seemed to be in shreds. It had desperate screams of pain on the other side of it... there was pounding on it. They were desperately trying to escape the punishments that were inflicted on them. The door looked as if it was going to fall off its hinges...

Lucifer slowly walked over to the door, taking a long breath. He most likely hasn’t spoken to my mother ever since she came down here... knowing her she most likely cursed him out, demanded better treatment since she bared Lucifer’s only son...

He opened the door, the sounds of the forsaken ringing louder in my ears. I couldn’t help but cringe at the sound... I couldn’t comprehend it. They sounded so hurt, they were in complete agony...

He brought his hand to the door, black smoke leaking from it. It reminded me of when I wield my own abilities... we were basically the same. Of course, we don’t have all of the same powers... but we were similar.

He mumbled words in a language I couldn’t completely understand. His eyes were slowly changing to black... he was summoning my mother to the door. His fist clenched in anger... his voice growing louder. She must have been resisting. Why would she resist seeing my father? Isn’t she in pain?

The mumbling from my father stopped. He suddenly reached inside the door, a smirk lingering on his pale lips.

He grasped onto a paler hand. It struggled against his grip, desperately trying to release itself. My father pulled her out with an agitated grunt... she fell to our feet before us.

All she could do was scream. She screamed at the top of her lungs, curling up in a ball and pawing gently at her arms. All we could do was watch in silence as she slowly composed herself... I didn’t want to imagine the things she went through.

″Ella... you look wonderful. They must be going easy on you, huh?″ Lucifer said viciously. She slowly looked up at him, hatred her eyes.

″What the fuck do YOU want? I’d rather be in there than with you...″ She hissed. His eyes suddenly flashed a brighter neon green, his fists clenching at his sides.

Her hair that was once to her shoulders was completely gone. Her body was completely cut up, various burn marks implanted into her body. She had a huge black and blue mark on her left eye... she finally looked her age. For years she looked to be in her late 20s... but now she looks at least 40.

She slowly turned my way, the hatred in her eyes immediately ceasing. She slowly raised her hand out, grasping out for me. I slowly sunk to my knees, taking her hand in mine.

Her lips slowly formed into a soft smile, running her thumb over my hand comfortingly. She’d do this when I was smaller in a way to comfort me...

″Seth... How long has it been?″ She whispered. ″Since I’ve been alive...″

″About a month, mom.″ I replied. She nodded her head slowly, gazing into my eyes. She seemed distant... but content.

″Hows the kingdom?″ She asked me.

″It’s good... I’m in control again.″ I told her. A big smile ran across her face as she brought her hand up to my cheek, running her thumb against it. I heard my dad let out a sound of disgust... I knew why. He didn’t want her to hurt me. If my memories were right... she hasn’t tortured me since I was 13. She definitely wouldn’t do it now.

″Wow... they must really love you. Do you... do you have a Queen?″ She asked me. I couldn’t help but grow red in the face... no. Far from that.

″Does it matter?″ I asked her. She immediately shook her head no, managing a weak laugh.

″No, no... You don’t need a Queen to rule, my sweet boy. I was just wondering if you found anyone special...″ She asked me. I heard a light chuckle from my dad... I wondered if I should tell her about Jaxon. I’m probably not going to see her for a long, long time after this...

″I...I did meet someone special, mom.″ I admitted. Her blue eyes seemed to light up immediately, a huge smile on her lips.

″Tell me about her!″ She said to me. I looked up at my dad... he had a faint smile on his lips.

″...It’s a guy, actually.″ I said to her.

I brought my eyes back down to her. She was slowly nodding her head. I expected her to be confused... She doesn’t think the way Jaxon and I do. She must have never imagined me with someone like that before...

She suddenly took my hands, gazing at me with amusement in her eyes.

″Tell me all about him.″ She said to me. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

″Wow... Ella saying something nice for once? Very interesting...″ My dad muttered.

″Shut it, Lucy. My son is telling me about his boyfriend.″

″... I knew about my sons boyfriend first.″

″Good for you! Now let me hear about him!″

″We aren’t dating... yet!″ I whined. They both stopped arguing, laughter leaving both of their throats. I couldn’t help but smile... they were actually getting along.

I spent the next hour telling her about Jaxon. How he helped me learn how to use some of my abilities, how he taught me it’s okay to be me. How he’s gentle with me, regardless of what we both are. I told her how we were soul mates... we were connected forever. I told her how beautiful I thought it was.

She agreed with me.

She eventually had to go.

I sent her off with one final hug. She made me promise her that I would visit her one day... I promised. She wanted me to bring Jaxon to meet her.

I promised her I would too.

Once she went back through the door... I looked at my father with a soft smile. He was gazing at the door with a distraught look...

″I...I should go back to the others now.″

He broke his gaze from the door, his neon green eyes meeting mine. He placed a hand on my back, guiding me away from the door.

We walked back in silence.

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