Seth’s POV

″Just follow behind me... I know the way.″ Jaxon muttered to all of us as we made our way through the castle. He had a serious expression twisted on his face... he told us on the way that he grew up in this castle starting at 7. When his mother committed suicide... he was homeless. He would have to steal food from bakeries.. he would always worry where he would sleep the following night. Leviathan heard the news of how he was barely surviving... so he took Jaxon down to hell with him.

″Lucifer usually spends time in the main room. We will ask him if he’s seen Jin around... he could usually sense if the demons have brought something... heavier than they are.″ He explained.

″You grew up around my father?″ I asked, walking up beside him. He flashed me a soft smile, nodding his head.

″Yeah... I’d call him Lucy. He’d help Leviathan raise me... along with Jayce’s father.″ He said to me. He had a soft smile lingering on his lips... but I knew he was still nervous.

″Hey... you’ll be okay. You’re not alone this time... you have us.″ I reassured him. He nodded his head slowly as we stopped in front of a large set of doors. I couldn’t help but notice how dark the whole castle was... but it was magnificently elegant.

I suddenly heard laughter from the other side of the door... I was pretty sure Jin’s laughter was mixed in with the rest. I slowly looked back towards the rest of my friends... they heard it too. Jayce suddenly pushed past Jaxon and I, his hand still grasped tightly around Magdalene’s hand protectively.

He forcefully pushed open the door, their laughter ceasing. He pointed his free hand forward, his eyebrows furrowed.


They were sitting together on the couches... having tea. My father was sitting next to Jin, alongside Jin must have been Jayce’s father... making him his grandfather. On the loveseat next to them sat a man I didn’t quite know... but he looked awfully a lot like Jaxon. His eyes were bright yellow, dark brown wavy hair to his shoulders. He had a mischievous grin on his lips as he turned towards Jayce, holding his teacup firmly in his hands.

There was another boy who I didn’t quite recognize... he was definitely not one of our parents. He had a golden skin color, his eyes were a soft violet. He wore the finest silk... he dressed like a magician almost. He had a choker around his neck, his white hair laid messily on his head. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

″It’s about time you joined us... right in time for tea.″ My father exclaimed. I felt the tension leave my body once Jin began waving rapidly at us, a huge smile on his lips.

We slowly piled into the room... Jaxon’s eyes not leaving his father’s. I felt like I could cut the tension with a knife.

″Oh... Jin! I thought something awful happened to you!″ He exclaimed, walking over to Jin and his father, his hand still wrapped tightly around Magdalene’s hand. He really acted like a father to Magdalene and Jin... I thought it was sweet.

″No... I’m okay! I mean... those demons were kind of stupid... but as soon as I got here, grandpa came and saved me!″ He said, demonstrating how Jayce’s father came to save him with his hands. Jayce looked down at his father with a sheepish smile, letting go of Magdalene’s hand and opening his arms to his father for a hug.

″Grandpa, huh?″ Jayce asked him. His father rolled his eyes as he pulled him in for a hug.

″Those demons... such a nuisance. I had to get the broom you know... to usher them off of my grandson!″ He said.

″Don’t hurt yourself, Grandpa... you might break a hip.″

″Shut it, Levi.″

Jaxon’s father and Jayce’s father broke into laughter... Lucifer let out a deep sigh as he looked over to me. He stood up from the couch, walking over to me with the biggest smile on his lips.

″Seth... you came to visit. I mean... it wasn’t to visit me directly... but you’re here.″ He said awkwardly, reaching back and scratching his neck. I couldn’t help but cringe at his words... he’s awfully awkward for Lucifer.

″Yes... I’m sorry if Jin was too much. He could get pretty rowdy...″ I mumbled. He let out a deep laugh, gazing over at Jin. He was smiling brightly at his grandfather and Jayce as they spoke.

″Don’t apologize... If you don’t mind, I must speak to you. Jaxon and Leviathan should follow along...″ He said to me, his neon green eyes gazing back at the two of them. They were speaking in hushed tones... Jaxon obviously didn’t want to speak to him. Leviathan had a huge smirk on his face as he spoke... he must know he was getting under his skin.

″Levi!″ Lucifer yelled to him. Leviathan instantly snapped his head up, standing up abruptly.


″We have to talk to Jaxon and Seth about... you know. Come on.″ He motioned for him to follow us as we walked out of the living room.

″Jayce and his father... look after the children and the others while we are gone,″ Jaxon said to them as we left.

″I will!″ Jayce exclaimed.


I gazed over the banister in horror... the demons were running around frantically like dogs. They were screaming and laughing demonically about nonsense...

″Do they usually act like this?″ I asked my dad, gazing up at him. He shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest.

″Ever since I told them you weren’t coming down here to rule them... they are having a fit like children. They won’t listen to me... since you’re their ruler basically.″ He muttered.

″I knew something was wrong. They wouldn’t listen to me on the surface... one even defied Seth.″ Jaxon explained. Leviathans eyes widened, gazing over at Jaxon.

″If you bring out the broom and swat them a bit they listen... maybe you should try that,″ Leviathan said to me.

″No, no... he needs to give a stern speech to them. Since all of the children are down here, their enforcement will be more powerful...″ My father muttered.

″Oh... yeah! Puff out your chest big guy! Show them demon puppies whos boss!″ Leviathan exclaimed. Jaxon let out a deep sigh, hiding his face in his hands.

″...Demon puppies?″ I asked him. He nodded his head, his yellow eyes flashing brighter.

″Yeah... they act like little puppies! They dragged Jin in like he was some rat they found for dinner! They fight each other and make this growling noise... Here, I’ll demonstrate it!″

″Levi, don’t-″

He let out a horrid sound... it did, in fact, sound like a demonic puppy. His face twisted oddly as he attempted to make the sound... Jaxon obviously didn’t find it funny.

″...Let me just try to do a speech.″ I muttered. Leviathan nodded his head, the sound he was trying to copy ceased. He gained his composure, gesturing towards the crowd of demons.

I walked closer to the banister. The demons slowly looked up towards me, the crowd immediately cheering for me.

Ah yes... our plan worked!

Our prince is here!

I rolled my eyes, clearing my throat.

″Demons... You are all aware that I’m here. You kidnapped my friend, Jin Darkmore. You thought you were all so clever... you were wrong.″ I yelled. Frowns lingered on their faces at my words, the laughter ceasing.

″I and other people have told you all RELENTLESS times I would not be coming down to rule you. I think it is ABSURD what all of you have done. Do you all really love me? Do you all really wish I was here... I would be miserable! Do you want that for me?″ I yelled. They all slowly shook their heads no... until one spoke.

″We just want a change around here! Your father doesn’t listen to our demands... or that Leviathan guy! What gives?″

The demons shouted in agreement, throwing their fists up in the air. Lucifer let out a frustrated growl, walking closer to the banister where I stood.

″HEY! HAS ANYONE TOLD ALL OF YOU, YOU’RE ALL FUCKING ANNOYING!″ He screamed, his neon green eyes growing brighter. The demons immediately stopped, letting out whimpers of fear.

″NOW... LISTEN TO MY SON! NOW!″ He screamed louder. They all nodded their heads rapidly, looking back to me as I breathed in deeply.

″Look... I have a kingdom on the surface. I have a life I must live. I have served those people all of my life... if you all truly love me you will be obedient. You will stay here and respect my decision... I promise when I need you I will call you.″ I reassured them.

″...That battle was pretty fun, you know... We felt needed for once.″ One demon said from the crowd.

″You are needed... you all are. You could help me fight battles... I just can’t be here to watch your every move. Things will change around here... I promise.″ I reassured them. All of them let out cheers, pumping their fists up in the air.

″Wow... that’s new. Good job.″ My father said to me, patting my back.

″The demon puppies aren’t mad anymore,″ Leviathan muttered as we walked off of the balcony, returning back into the castle.

″Is that all you needed us for?″ Jaxon asked Lucifer. He shook his head, a soft smile on his lips.

″No... one more thing.″ Lucifer said, stopping us in our tracks. He gazed over at the door to the living room before gazing down at Jaxon and I.

″That boy in there... his name is Alva Amari. He’s been down here ever since he was born... he’s a warlock, just like you.″ He said to Jaxon. He nodded his head, gazing over at the door.

″Yes... I felt the power radiating off of him. I saw it, too...″ Jaxon muttered.

″His mother was kidnapped from Syria about 18 years ago... We didn’t know something passed through the realms. She was a peasant girl I believe... I’m sure she was lovely.″ He explained to us.

″They... killed her after he was born. The demons who were involved were punished definitely... but we had to raise him ourselves. We were wondering... if you guys could take him to the surface.″ Leviathan chimed in. Jaxon instantly nodded his head, a soft smile lingering on his lips.

″Of course. Have you told him your plans?″ Jaxon asked his father.

″Yes... he’s aware. He’s rather nervous to go... but I’m sure you guys could take care of him.″ Leviathan said to him.

″One more thing...″ Lucifer started, directing our attention to him. A frown lingered on his lips, playing with the rings on his fingers.

″He... he could only see inside the room of the blind, unfortunately.″

Jaxon furrowed his eyebrows, gazing over at his father.

″You do realize there’s a spell to cure him, right?″ He said nonchantly. Leviathan nodded his head, his yellow eyes flashing.

″Yes! But we aren’t warlocks!″ He exclaimed, waving his hands in the air.

″Well why didn’t you summon one?!″

″We forgot how!″

″You could of taught him how to do it himself!″

″...We don’t have a spell book with that in it.″

Lucifer and I looked at them as they bickered... holding back our laughter. It was hillarious how they were bickering...

″We will fix his eyes when we return to the surface, father... Thank you for taking care of him. I’m sure he’s wonderful.″ Jaxon said suddenly. Leviathan’s skin suddenly had a pink tint, his mouth wide in shock.

″That has to be the nicest thing you’ve said to me in over 100 years.″

″Yeah, yeah... don’t get used to it.″

We walked back into the living room, the sight leaving a smile on my lips.

Everyone sat in a circle, including Alva. They were talking to him about how wonderful the surface was... He had a huge smile on his lips, listening to the sound of Magdalene. I can’t imagine how lonely he must have been... he was with a bunch of old dudes all of his life.

I slowly walked up to him, leaning down next to him. He must have sensed my presence. He slowly turned towards me, extending a hand out. I couldn’t help but notice his black painted nails... he also had different rings and rubies on his fingers.

″It’s lovely to meet you, Prince Seth. I’m Alva Amari.″

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