Seth’s POV

″Seth... wake up.″ I heard Jayce say in a panicked voice. He shook me awake, mumbling incoherent words. I had a pounding headache... my whole body hurt.

″Jayce... what’s wrong?″ Jaxon mumbled from beside me. I forced my eyes open, being met with the sight of Jaxon reaching for his glasses. He let out a deep yawn as he put his glasses on his face, gazing down at me with a soft smile.

″Don’t mind him, Jayce... he’s hung over. What’s wrong?″ Jaxon asked once more.

″I-I went to go wake Jin up for the day like I usually do... He wasn’t in bed. There was this note there... someone kidnapped my boy, I don’t know where-″

I pulled myself out of my bed, gazing at Jayce with wide eyes. His eyes were red and puffy from crying, tears rolling down his face. He clenched the note he spoke of in his hands to his chest. His body shook with sadness as he sobbed...

″Jayce... did you look for him around the kingdom?″ Jaxon asked him. He nodded his head rapidly... I couldn’t process what was happening. The headache I was having was awful.

″Jaxon... can you do something to take this hangover away?″ I mumbled. He nodded his head with a soft smile, clasping his hands together.

″Hold still.″

He thrust his hand forward, yellow smoke clouding my vision. The headache immediately left my head, the drowsy feeling also leaving me. I felt more aware of my surroundings... and the situation at hand. Jin was apparently missing.

″Let me see the note,″ I demanded. Jayce handed me the paper with shaky hands, a frown lingering on his lips. Usually, Jayce is the one who comforts us when things go wrong... he’s the leader. I have to find Jin... regardless if he’s in the kingdom or not. He may just be playing some sick trick on us...

I examined the note... it definitely wasn’t his hand writing. Jin’s handwriting is more neat and clear... this writing was scratchy and forced... it looked like it was written in a rush.

Before I could say anything, Magdalene ran into the room. She had tears streaming down her face, her pale skin flustered. Jayce adomatically held out his arms to her, holding her in a tight embrace.

″Darling... did you find him? Did you see anything last night?″ He asked her. She pulled away from his chest, wiping the tears from her eyes.

″We were sleeping last night in our bed... I woke up to him screaming. I-I don’t know how to describe how they looked like... their bodys were like black smoke. Their eyes were red... I tried to fight them off... but they were too strong. I wasn’t fast enough...″ She said, her voice shaking...

″...You descibed them well enough.″ Jaxon said, standing up from the bed. He made his way over to our dresser, throwing a shirt over his torso. Magdalene looked at him in confusion...

Their bodies... like black smoke. Blood red eyes...

″Those were demons. I knew something was going on in the demon world...″ Jaxon said. Jayce let out a low growl, clenching onto Magdalene tighter.

″What would demons want with my son? Are they AWARE who they are messing with? I-I am the HIGH WARLOCK-″

″Alright, alright. Calm down Jayce. You have a child in your arms.″ Jaxon snapped. Jayce slowly looked down at Magdalene in his arms, a sheepish smile lingering on his lips. He let go over her, reaching back and scratching his neck.

″Let’s sit down and think about this. Jaxon, you could sense when demons are around... am I correct?″ I asked him. He nodded his head, slinging his bow and arrow over his back.

″I will search around the kingdom first. If they aren’t in the kingdom...″ Jaxon trailed off.

″They... they can’t leave the kingdom right? demons who enter the kingdom are bound to it... so where would they go?″ I asked.

″...Hell. If the demons aren’t here... we have to venture to hell.″ He muttered. He motioned for me to join him as he walked out of the room... he didn’t seem to happy about the idea of venturing to hell... I knew why. His father is there... along with Jayce’s father.

My father too... but I’m not worried about that.

″I’m going to go tell the others. Come along, darling.″ Jayce said to Magdalene, holding out his hand. He no longer shed tears... he had a look of determination on his face. Magdalene looked scared... but I knew Jayce would take care of her.


Jaxon and I ventured out of the castle, an annoyed expression on his face. I knew he was worried about Jin... but the thought of seeing his father definitely made him angry. I didn’t have to ask him what was wrong... I just knew.

″Hey... if worst comes to worst, we will have to venture to hell... but you won’t be alone. Okay?″ I said to him. The sound of my people greeting me filled my ears... the smell of flowers filling my nose. I brought my attention over to the women at the end of the stairs... they were planting new flowers.

″Thank you, Angel... I just really don’t want to face him once more... you know? But I know we must do it for Jin... maybe I could ignore him.″ He mumbled to me as we came to the end of the staircase.

″Prince Seth! We decided to plant some flowers for you... I hope you like roses!″ One exclaimed. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

That’s when I realized... these were the homeless women I would visit every day. Celeste smiled brightly at me, a child in her arms...

″Well... I suppose I missed a lot.″ I exclaimed. The women broke into laughter as I approached Celeste, a big smile lingering on her lips.

″This is Clara... She’s a beauty, isn’t she?″ Celeste asked me. Jaxon followed me as I stood next to Celeste, gazing down at the child in amazement.

″I haven’t seen a child that small in ages... how old is she?″ Jaxon asked her. Celeste gazed up at him with a soft smile, holding Clara out to him.

″Would... would you like to hold her?″ She asked. His olive skin grew a pink tint at her words... I couldn’t help but smile. They were all aware that he was a warlock... they definitely trusted him.

″I.. I suppose, only for a few moments though... We are missing someone, unfortunately...″ He said to Celeste. Her lips turned into a frown as she placed Clara in his arms. He gazed down at Clara with a soft smile, bringing his finger up to her cheek and rubbing it gently.

″She’s beautiful.″ He stated. Celeste turned towards me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

″Who is missing?...″ She asked me.

″Jin... Jin Darkmore. He’s the smaller boy... about 5′11.″ I explained. She nodded her head, a soft smile coming to her lips.

″Yeah... I know who you’re talking about. He ran up to me with his girlfriend... started gushing about how cute Clara was. I hope you guys find him...″ She frowned.

″We will.″

Jaxon and I spent three hours searching the Kingdom. He used his portals to run more quickly around the Kingdom... I flew over it to search. He said there was no sign of demon activity... He didn’t really understand why they would take Jin to hell... that’s when I realized.

They are probably using Jin as a way to get me to venture to hell. They wanted me to go to hell to rule... and stay forever. They didn’t realize that I wouldn’t stay there I suppose... Jaxon is royalty in hell. He could go as he pleases... And I’m sure I could too. Jayce is somewhat popular in hell... but not as high up as Jaxon and I.

I flew back to the ground... I couldn’t help but notice my people staring at me in amazement. They weren’t looking at me in fear... they were looking at me with proud looks. Maybe they felt more safe... knowing that fact that I was more powerful then they grew up knowing.

Jaxon suddenly appeared, walking out of a yellow portal. He had a frown lingering on his lips...

″Nothing?″ I asked as I walked towards him. I felt my wings dragging against the ground, every step I took making a harsh sound against the ground.

″Nothing.″ He replied. I nodded my head, gazing up towards the castle. Jayce, Magdalene, Dakota, Elena, Estelle and Jules stood there with frowns lingering on their lips. I slowly shook my head no...

Jayce walked swiftly back into the castle... I knew what he was going to do. He was going to begin the portal to hell.


We all stood in my bedroom, gazing down at Jayce. He just finished making the sign for the portal to hell... he was adding candles around it. We all stood in silence... we had to get him back. He... he’s apart of our family. We would venture to hell and back for him.

″Estelle...″ I muttered, walking up to her. She had a scared expression on her face, gazing down at Jayce.

″Yes, Seth?″ She asked me. She slowly met my eyes... she was scared. Jules and her weren’t going... but I knew she was scared for us.

″Can... can you look over the Kingdom while I’m gone? I’m sure it will be only a day at most... I’m sorry for leaving so soon.″ I said to her. Jules smiled at me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

″Hey... you’re not just the prince of France. You have lots of other adventures to chase after. Don’t worry about it.″ He said reassuringly.

″Seth... we are ready to go.″ Jaxon said from behind me. I breathed in deeply, pulling Jules and Estelle in for a hug.

″Keep her safe.″ I said to Jules. He nodded his head, flashing me a soft smile.

I walked over to the rest of them. Everyones faces were twisted in a serious look... besides Magdalene. She looked terrified.

″Magdalene, darling... You’re gonna be okay. You’re venturing with the son of Lucifer and the son of Leviathan... Nobody could hurt you.″ Jayce reassured her.

″I just hope Jin is okay...″ She whispered.

″I’m ready to beat up some demons!″ Dakota declared, throwing his larger fists in the air. Elena let out a soft giggle, gazing up at him with love in her eyes.

″We have to get there first...″ She said softly. Dakota’s face grew a red tint, nodding his head slowly.

″Everyone stand around the circle.″ Jayce demanded. We all approached the circle, crowding around it in a perfect circle.

″Hold hands.″ Jayce declared.

I intertwined my fingers with Jaxon and Elena. I felt an overpowering force lock in on us once all of us held hands... it felt like it was dragging us downward. We stood in place... though it felt hard to hold on.

″Everyone hold on!″ Jayce screamed.

Once I looked around... I couldn’t help but notice everyone’s eyes. Jayce’s eyes were bright blue, Dakota’s flashed a deep purple, Elena and Magdalene’s eyes were dark red. Jaxon’s were his yellow color... I imagined mine were neon green. This circle... it was enhancing our abilities. It was a direct portal to hell... were we all more powerful in hell? I wonder how Jin was doing... He’s powerful himself... the thought reassured me.

Jayce started mumbling words in a language I couldn’t completely understand... the ground beginning to shake. His eyes were purely blue... no longer did they have their irises. With every word he spoke his voice grew higher... until he was screaming.

Red filled my vision.

″DON’T LET GO OF EACH OTHER!″ Jayce screamed at the top of his lungs. I gripped onto Jaxon’s hand tighter... along with Elena’s. They gripped harder in response, the red that clouded my vision grew darker...

That’s when I realized... we were sinking into hell.


The sound of demons chattering filled my ears. They were laughing demonically... saying that their plan ‘worked’. God... I wonder if my father was aware of them kidnapping Jin? I don’t think he would be... he’s too busy for this kind of nonsense.

I suddenly felt cold, cold ground... the sound of demons laughing increased. I couldn’t see anything at first... until the smoke finally ceased.

The first thing I saw was a castle... it was black and dark. It had to be twice the size of my castle... it looked very elegant.

″Let’s hurry. I don’t want to run into my father.″ Jaxon said, walking past me and walking towards the castle.

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