Seth’s POV

I walked into my bedroom, my eyes immediately being fixed on Jaxon. He laid on my bed shirtless, gazing down at the book in his hands.

I finished my speech a few hours ago. It felt good to be with my people again... out of the countless speeches I’ve given to them, that was most definitely the best. It feels good to issue a change around my kingdom. When I developed my memories back... I realized that ever since I was little I wanted a change. I wanted us all to come together as one.

I made my way over to the bed. I felt a burning sensation on my wrist... It was the mark we shared growing bright. If I’m being honest... It’s been glowing since Jaxon sent those two demons back to hell.

″How was your shower?″ Jaxon asked me as I climbed onto the bed, pulling me out of my thoughts. He closed the book in his hands, flashing me a soft smile.

″It was good,″ I replied, laying next to him. I could tell something was wrong... he wasn’t as energetic or lovable as he usually is.

″Can we talk about what is bothering you now?″ I asked him. His olive skin grew a pink tint as he avoided my gaze.

″Nothing is bothering me.″ He replied. I furrowed my eyebrows, crossing my arms across my chest.

″Look... we don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. But I know something is wrong, Jaxon. That mark on my wrist... it’s been glowing ever since you went to Jules’s parents. You told me it’s a sign that you may need me... I don’t really understand it fully yet- I just want to help.″ I said to him. He let out a deep sigh, turning his body back towards me. He had a soft smile lingering on his face as he brought his hand up to my cheek, running his thumb over it in a comforting motion.

″I can’t get anything past you, can I?″


He brought his lips to my forehead, planting a gentle kiss on it. Once he pulled away, his eyes were a light yellow color. I always loved that color... yellow. Maybe yellow was my favorite color because of Jaxon? Who knows...

″The demons said some things to me that just... cut deep I suppose.″ He said to me. I furrowed my eyebrows at the words he spoke. The demons are supposed to obey us no matter what... why would they hurt him intentionally?

″What did they say?″ I asked. A frown lingered on his lips, his blush growing deeper.

″I shouldn’t be upset because of two lower class demons... They were just desperate to stay on earth.″ He replied, avoiding my question.

″Jaxon... what did they say?″ I repeated myself.

″They just... went on about Elena... you too. My mother...″ He said, his voice cracking at the thought of his mother. His gaze left my eyes once more...

″Tell me about your mother.″ I suddenly said. His frown suddenly turned into a soft smile... but his gaze still didn’t return to mine. Instead, he took my hand, flipping it over so my palm was exposed. He traced the lines in my palm with a soft smile.

″She was a beautiful Italian woman. Dark brown hair to her waist, her olive skin always smelled warm and welcoming... her eyes were the prettiest brown. When she brought me for walks to see my uncle at his bakery... I remember that gold tint the sun would give them.″ He said. His eyes grew brighter with every word he spoke.

″She had a really heavy Italian accent... Sometimes it was hard to understand her. She didn’t know English that well... When we ventured to different places I would have to translate for her. She was very big on keeping our culture alive... Italian music always played throughout our house. She was a good mother.″ He said to me. I felt a frown lingering on my lips... then why does he say she decided to commit suicide because of him?

″Was she happy?″ I asked him.

″I... I thought she was. When she found out Leviathan was my father, she treated me the same... she told me she loves me no matter what... but then a few days later I found her...″ He said to me. ″My uncle told me it was because I was a warlock...″

I shook my head, running my fingers up to his hair. He sighed against my touch, not daring to meet my eyes. I knew he was trying to hold back tears.

″Darling... I don’t think she did it because of that.″ I whispered to him. His eyes met mine... they were full of tears.

″But... but why else-″

″Jaxon... did she ever go to therapy for what happened to her? Did... did she heal from what your father did?″ I whispered.

″... No, she didn’t... my uncle didn’t believe her actually...″ He said. He looked distraught... confused.

″How about we speak about something else the demons said,″ I suggested. He nodded his head, gazing back up into my eyes with a smile.

″Thank you for being here for me.″ He said softly.

″Anything for you.″

He began telling me what the demons said to him. That he was half demon... that he was worthless just like them. That nature pitied him because of Elena... so they paired me up with him. That I’m too good for him... that I could have someone better than him.

″Those are some opinionated demons, huh?″ I said to him. He let out a laugh at my words, shaking his head.

″I can’t help but think they are right... I’ve always hated what I was.″ He admitted.

″Well... I think you’re pretty fucking hot the way you are.″

His face flushed bright red at my words... I felt a smirk lingering on my lips. It was the truth... he was awfully powerful. He’s an amazing leader... he’s not only attractive, but he’s also an amazing person.

″I wouldn’t want you any other way, Jaxon... I love that you’re a warlock. I love your looks, I love your personality... you’re fine the way you are. You’re my mate Jaxon... You were made for me and I was made for you, remember?″ I said.

He leaned forward, placing his lips on mine. I couldn’t help but let out a delighted sigh as he kissed me. I felt his hand snake up my chest, all the way to my hair.

″Thank you, Angel. You helped me a lot.″ He said, pulling away from the kiss.

″You’re welcome, Jaxon.″


The next day, 7:25 PM

Jaxon and I walked through my Kingdom hand in hand. He had a smile lingering on his lips as we walked, gazing at the decorations and lights my people hung up for me. We were told to meet Jayce, Elena, Jin and Magdalene at the one bar my Kingdom had.

″Who’s idea was this?″ Jaxon asked me as we walked further down the street. Children and women waved at us with big smiles on their faces... some were giggling at the fact Jaxon and I were holding hands.

″I think Estelle did. We do deserve a break, you know...″ I muttered. It seemed we never get a break anymore... It seems too good to be true to be here. It seemed so calm...

″Hm... Is the bar nice? I don’t think anything will beat the bar I have back home...″ He said with a smirk.

″Well... I’ve actually never been in the bar...″ I admitted.

″I remember when I was younger... about fourteen or fifteen. Estelle, Jules and I thought it was a good idea for us to venture to the bar... without our parent’s knowledge. I put on my best outfit, wore my crown... walked into the bar like I owned the place. I demanded that the owner would give me and my friends free drinks... I am in fact the future King I declared!″ I exclaimed, waving my free hand as I told Jaxon the story.

″Ah... did you end up getting your drinks?″ Jaxon asked me with a laugh.

″... No. The owner told our parents and we got grounded.″

We finally arrived at the bar, the sound of music playing filled my ears. Two women stood by the doors with a smile, bowing before me as I approached them.

″Hello Prince Seth! It’s lovely to see you. We hope you have a wonderful night, we have prepared for you and your friends!″ One exclaimed.

″Thank you, darling. I hope you two have a wonderful night!″ I said to them. They smiled happily at me as they walked away, speaking in hushed tones to each other.

″Did you see that?″

″Yeah! they were holding hands... What a cute couple! They are both so handsome...″

We walked into the bar, the sound of cheering filling my ears. Jayce, Elena, and Dakota sat at the bar with drinks in their hands. Jin, Magdalene, Estelle, and Jules sat together in seats behind them... they probably weren’t letting Magdalene and Jin drink. Estelle and Jules had drinks in their hands... it was a sight that made me laugh. We really weren’t kids anymore I suppose...

″Look who decided to show up!″ Jules said with a smirk. His blonde curls bounced with every step as he made his way towards me. I couldn’t help but smile at him... He looked brand new.

″Come here, you little shit.″ I said to him, pulling him in a tight hug. He let out a delighted laugh, wrapping his arms around my waist. Words couldn’t explain how happy I was... he was back to normal. I wasn’t angry at him for what the demon did... it wasn’t Jules’s doing. I’m here to keep him safe now... along with Estelle.

″So... this is him huh?″ He asked me. I pulled away from Jules’s embrace, gazing back at Jaxon. He had a playful smirk on his lips as he extended a hand.

″Nice to meet you, Jules.″ He said casually. Jules’s shook his hand, an evil smile lingering on his lips. God...

″So tell me... how’s my boy Seth? Ya know...″ He said with a wink.

″What the fuck is wrong with you-″ S~ᴇaʀᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

″Haven’t got that far yet... but I’m sure he’s wonderful,″ Jaxon said.

I walked away immediately as they spoke, making my way over to Jayce, Dakota, and Elena. They greeted me with soft smiles.

″Good evening, Seth. Care for a drink? They really hit the spot...″ Jayce said. I looked over at the bartender nervously... it was the bar owner from all those years ago.

″This time around... it’s different. Plus you’re older and wiser... go ahead.″ He said casually. I took the drink from Jayce’s hand, bringing it to my lips.

″Oh fuck... that’s strong.″


Jaxon’s POV

″Hey there... hot stuff.″ Seth said as he walked up to me, a smirk on his lips. His words were slurred... and his posture was off.

″Angel... how much did you drink?″ I asked him. He let out a laugh, leaning himself on my shoulder.

″I had... UH... FOUR.″ He said, holding out six fingers to me. I sighed deeply, gazing over at the bar. Jayce, Elena, and Dakota were looking at us, trying to contain their laughter.

″You’re drunk,″ I stated. He started laughing heavily, his body shaking with every laugh he let out.

″Come on... let’s DANCE BABY!″ He said, shaking his hips rapidly. His crown fell off of his head as he started dancing... but he didn’t notice. Estelle walked over to us with a sigh, picking his crown up off the floor.

″Good thing he didn’t let us drink all those years ago... He’s such a lightweight.″

″Dance with me!″ Seth whined, tugging on my shirt as he pulled me away from Estelle. He fell into chairs as he pulled me through the bar, laughter leaving his throat...

″Angel, I really think you should sit down... you’re drunk-″

″You know what I think? I think you should sit on this DIC-″

I covered his mouth, feeling the blush lingering on my lips. He winked suggestively at me, pulling my hand off of his mouth.

″OHOH, feeling dominant today huh? I could sit on your di-″


The night finished off well. I had to carry Seth back to his room... but I didn’t mind. I loved spending time with my friends... I think everything will be calm for a while.

At least I hope so.

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