Seth’s POV

″What fruits should we get, Angel? Anything you want in specific?″ Jaxon asked me as we approached the market, the scent of all kinds of different foods filling my nose.

″Mm... maybe I should get the fruits. You broke out in hives when you picked up the Kiwis’, remember?″ I said playfully. His lips twisted into a sheepish smile at my words, gazing off into the crowds of people. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

″I didn’t know I was allergic to them, darling... don’t tease me.″ He said softly as we walked up to the vegetable stand. The person running the stand flashed me the biggest smile as I approached.

″Prince Seth... It’s lovely to see you. How are you doing?″ He asked me.

Even though I’m technically not royalty anymore... they still call me Prince Seth. I’ve been their Prince for so many years now... they don’ t want to forget the things I’ve done for them. They even let me keep the crown I wore all these years. Though I don’t wear it anymore... I’m glad they did. It’s not a remembrance of the battle of Lilith... I was King when that happened. That crown signifies what I truly have done for my people.

″I’m doing well, sir,″ I replied as I took a few carrots in my hands, placing them into the brown bag that Jaxon held in his hands. I gathered together a collection of lettuce, tomatoes, (Though, some argue that they are fruits...) cucumbers, onions, garlic... and the list goes on.

″I’m glad, Prince Seth... I was worried about you and your love here... We all are.″ The man said to us. I couldn’t help but frown at his words as I reached in my pocket, pulling out the bag of coins I brought with Jaxon and I.

″The battle of Lilith is far behind us. We don’t like to dwell in the past... we go forward.″ I murmured to him as I placed the coins in his hand. He nodded his head slowly, a soft smile lingering on his lips.

″You have a good day, boys.″ He said with a final word.

We made our way over to the fruit stand, the sight bringing a smile to my lips. Alva and Jin stood there picking out fruits peacefully, their hands intertwined. They have been together for quite a long time now... about seven months. They didn’t waste much time getting together officially- though it really isn’t a big deal with you’re soulmates.

Their appearance changed a lot in the past nine months. Jin’s hair was now laying freely at his shoulders, rather than the short haircut he had. He wore more revealing clothing lately... rather than his jackets that covered up his body. Alva had given him the confidence to show himself off. He reminds him each day that beauty isn’t about being muscular and masculine... Jin was handsome in his own way. I thank Alva every day for giving him that confidence.

Alva still had his shaggy, white curls resting on the top of his head. He usually wore expensive outfits that he had gotten from hell- silk outfits that reminded me of a magician... but lately, he’s been wearing simple outfits like a jacket and jeans.

″Well, look who it is...″ Jaxon said to Alva as we approached the fruit stand. Alva turned away from the stand, flashing us his signature white beautiful smile. His violet eyes were looking at us happily- another thing I’m thankful for every day. His sight.

We thought that Alva was permanently blind again because of Lilith. She had sunk her nails into his eyes, blinding him temporarily. If he wasn’t immortal... he wouldn’t have been able to anymore. Jaxon doesn’t have a spell that fixes damaged eyes on humans... neither do I.

But since his eyes were damaged, he was able to heal in a matter of hours. Immortality does come with a lot of good things, to say the least...

″Magdalene and Xavier are here somewhere... It seems like we all ran out of food.″ Alva said softly, picking up an orange in his hand, placing it into his bag.

Magdalene has found love herself. She’s dating a lycan named Xavier Cohen- a member of Dakota’s pack. He’s rather shy and sweet like Dakota... though he has his moments.

″Would you two like to join us for dinner tonight? We haven’t done that in quite a while...″ Jaxon said to Alva as he placed a few fruits into our bag- staying clear of the kiwis’.

″We would love to, but we promised Elena that we would babysit Aelia... It’s date night for Dakota and Elena.″ Jin mumbled. Alva let out a laugh, leaning over and placing a kiss onto his forehead.

Over the course of nine months... Dakota and Elena had a child, Aelia Moore. She’s known to be one of the most powerful lycans in all of the dimensions now... including Xavier. She’s the cutest thing... She has black hair like Elena, dark purple eyes like Dakota.

″Ah... that’s okay. You two are still going to Remington’s performance tomorrow, right?″ I asked them, placing the coins into the fruit vendor’s hand. He thanked me with a smile as we walked away with Alva and Jin.

″Wouldn’t miss it... everyone’s going. I’m sure my dad is bringing that girl he fancies with him...″ Jin said excitedly, a big smile lingering on his lips.

″We will be there. See you two tomorrow!″ Jaxon said with a smile as they walked away, Alva’s hand on Jin’s back as he guided him through the market.

We spent the next hour in the market, gathering food for the next few weeks. A few greeted me with big smiles- humans, warlocks, and anything in between. There was no discrimination between the races anymore... it had to be my biggest accomplishment.

We left the market with a few goodbyes. It was pouring now... but we didn’t mind. Of course, we could have used Jaxon’s portal or my shadow traveling... but we enjoyed walking together, as I said before. We placed the bags of foods over our head as protection as we walked, the sound of our laughter filling the woods.

″We could make a vegetable soup for dinner... I also got some chicken from the market. What would you prefer?″ Jaxon asked me.

I looked off in the distance. I saw a small ball of fur curled up near the tree- it was shaking against the cold rain. Jaxon followed my gaze once I didn’t reply- his eyes widening at the sight.

″Hm... is that a dog?″ Jaxon said to me. I shrugged my shoulders as we approached the tree- the small ball of fur coming more clear to me.

It was a baby werewolf. He slowly pulled himself out of the ball he was in, letting out whimpers of fear. He backed himself into the tree... I felt the frown lingering on his lips. Why was he here by himself?

I kneeled down to his height, extending a hand.

″There’s no need to be afraid, child. We are peaceful people...″ I whispered to the werewolf. He hesitantly looked at my hand before gazing up at Jaxon’s warm smile, then back to me.

I watched as he changed his form on command. He wasn’t just a werewolf... he was a lycan. He had curly, dark brown hair, his eyes were a light green. He looked to be at least six years old...

″Why are you here by yourself, darling?″ I asked him. I watched as his light green eyes teared up, gazing at me with a frown.

″M-my mommy left me here a few days ago... she told me that she didn’t want me since I was half werewolf...″ He said in fits of tears, holding himself as he shivered against the cold rain. I gazed up at Jaxon... he had to be thinking the same thing too. We cannot leave him here...

″What’s your name?″ Jaxon asked as he kneeled down next to me. The boy let out a sniffle, bringing up a small hand up to his eyes.

″I-I’m Nebi... It’s nice to meet you...″ He said in stutters... he was freezing.

″Why don’t you come with us, Nebi... there’s no reason for a child to stay in the rain alone like this,″ Jaxon whispered to him. His light green eyes widened at his words- he hesitated at first... but soon accepted the offer.

I pulled myself off of the ground, extending my hands to Nebi.

I carried Nebi the whole way home as Jaxon carried the groceries... Nebi was freezing. I tried to warm him up in my arms, but I was rather cold myself. Nebi fell asleep in my arms somehow... I felt his soft breath against my neck, his dark brown curls tickling my neck.

We finally found our way home. Jaxon put the groceries away as I gave Nebi a bath... The sight made me frown. He had tons of scars and black and blue marks on his body... I hear of this too often. Some vampires aren’t too fond of werewolves... so they abuse the lycans, even if they are their own.

I gave him one of my shirts... though it was way too big on him. Jaxon and I agreed that we would go back to the kingdom tomorrow and buy him some of his own clothes.

We figured out that he was, in fact, six years old. He had no idea where his mother went... nor does he want to know. His mother was ‘a meanie’ as he quoted. She always went on about how she doesn’t want him... she rarely fed him or paid attention to him. She was all he had... his father wasn’t in the picture.

We all sat on the couch together in front of the fire. Nebi laid against me- he was fast asleep. Jaxon gazed over to me with a faint smile before his gaze landed on Nebi.

″He seemed to warm up to us fast... especially you.″ He said in a whisper. He was right...

″It’s probably the first time someone has shown him kindness... I’m glad we found him before someone else did. You don’t know who’s out there...″ I whispered. I looked down at Nebi... he had a faint smile on his lips as he nuzzled his head against my arm, his arms wrapped tightly around me.

″We should put him to bed... It’s getting late.″ Jaxon said as he rose off the couch. He slowly picked Nebi up in his hands- he instantly wrapped his arms around Jaxon’s neck tightly, his eyes still closed.

That night was full of surprises. At least three times Nebi woke up in his sleep screaming- Jaxon and I would rush to his side. He kept having nightmares of his mother hurting him each time. I sang him to sleep each time... but he’d only wake up once we left in a fit of tears.

Finally, Jaxon and I decided to let him sleep in our bed with us for the night. He slept curled up to my side, his curls laid messily on the bed. I reminded myself to take him for a haircut- only if he wanted one, of course.

He didn’t have trouble sleeping after that.

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