Everyone broke into laughter, looking over to his tear-stained face. Jaxon was looking over to me in fear, his hazel eyes wide.

″My boy, it looks like you need some sleep...″ One of our servants said, placing a hand on Jules shoulder. He quickly shoved it off, his face full of determination.

″I CAN PROVE IT!″ He exclaimed, more tears running down his cheeks. ″You could simply tell by his appearance, there is not ONE BLEMISH. But don’t get me started on those eyes of his... they are the eyes of the DEVIL!″ He screamed in my direction. Everyone glanced over to me, the smirks resting on their lips fading away.

″Someone here showed me visions of everything. I saw EVERYTHING! I saw him being born, I saw OUR QUEEN BRINGING HIM TO SOME DISGUSTING WARLOCK TO HIDE WHAT HE REALLY IS!″ He screamed, making my heart stop.

Valentin soon walked up behind him, his arms resting behind his back. He had a twisted smirk on his face, glancing proudly at the crowd.

″WARLOCKS, DEMONS, OR ANYTHING BY THOSE LINES AREN’T ALLOWED IN OUR TERRITORY! YOU’RE A LIAR!″ A man screamed from the crowd, throwing his fist up in the air. Everyone broke into a fit of arguing, the sound of women and men screaming filled the room.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my mother running up to me. She had a terrified expression on her face as she grabbed onto my shoulder, her blue eyes filled with tears.

″Mom... what’s going on?″ I asked her. She couldn’t speak, all she could do is apologize to me repeatedly...

″YOU THERE!″ Jules screamed, pointing at the man who started the fight. He snapped his head up, his teeth grinding.

The ballroom grew quiet once more as Jules turned to Valentin, whispering in his ear. Valentin nodded his head, motioning for the man to come up the large flight of stairs. At first, he hesitated, but he eventually broke away from the crowd of men and maidens.

He finally made his way the stairs, standing in front of Valentin. He placed his hand onto the man’s forehead, his eyes twisting with fear.

Jaxon then ran over to my mother and I, his hazel eyes wide. He grabbed onto my shoulder, and my mother noticed him. I figured he took the spell off of himself.

″Seth, we need to go.″ Jaxon said to me, my mother looking at him in anger.

″Who are you, warlock?″ She snapped, grinding her teeth. He flashed her a smirk, making my mother grow angrier.

″Jaxon Di Angelo, a friend of Jayce Darkmore. I’ve heard so many stories of you, my Queen. I’d love to stay and chat, but because of YOUR mistakes your son is about to be RIPPED TO SHREDS!″ He screamed at her, making everyone look in our direction. Her eyes watered once more, looking down at the ground. What is he talking about?...

There was a loud scream from the top of the staircase, everyone’s attention falling on the man. Valentin smirked at him, taking his hand from the man’s forehead. The man turned towards the crowd, his eyes full of tears.

″THE BOY IS RIGHT! HE IS THE SON OF LUCIFER, THE MOST POWERFUL PRINCE OF HELL!″ He screamed, sending everyone into a fit of rage. I looked down at my mother, and I couldn’t help but be angry with her. Everything was falling into place... She lied to me. This is why she didn’t want to tell me who my father was.

″Seth, I’m so sorry...″ She sobbed. I pulled away from her grasp, starling her. Jaxon placed a hand on my shoulder, squeezing tightly.

″Seth, don’t grow angry...″

″YOU LIED TO ME ALL OF MY FUCKING LIFE!″ I screamed, my fists clenching at my sides. Her eyes widened, looking to me in fear.

″The boy was right... his eyes...″ The man at the top of the staircase said.

I was shaking. I was angry. I couldn’t believe she’s done this to me. I’ve done so much for her... all of those visions were true. She’s erased my memories. That’s why I can’t remember my childhood. I can’t remember past fifteen years old.

Everyone slowly started inching towards me, their faces full of anger, grinding their teeth. I watched as Jaxon’s face slowly turned serious, reaching back and pulling an arrow from his pack. He placed it into his bow, aiming at Valentin. My eyes widened, looking to Jaxon.


He shot the arrow, it going straight through his chest. Valentin let out a high pitched scream, disintegrating before all of us.

Jaxon quickly placed his bow in the bag slung on his back, listening to the threats of the crowd.





I watched as Jaxon clasped his hands together, his eyes flashing a yellow, demonic color. He created a portal in front of us, grabbing onto my shirt.

″I’LL DEAL WITH THE OTHER DEMONS LATER, LET’S GO!″ He screamed to me, pulling me in the portal with him.


We appeared in the highest level of the castle, it was a storage room. Various pieces of furniture or art we didn’t want to use was stored in here, we would give it to the poor.

I heard the screaming of men and women outside, screaming how they want me dead, and that they will murder me. It hurt my heart, it tore me apart...

″Seth, I’m so sorry...″ Jaxon said behind me. I was standing at the window, glaring mindlessly out the window.

″Did you know?″ I asked him. He grew silent... I didn’t get a response.

There was a knock at the door, and I heard a long, drawn-out sigh from Jaxon. He aproached the door, crossing his arms.

″Who is it, if you’re some idiot who’s trying to murder the prince, I can murder you in the blink of an eye-″

″We would never, we just want to speak to him...″ A woman’s voice said, and I knew it was Valeria’s. My eyes widened as Jaxon opened the door, letting them in.

″Jaxon, they are demons, remember?-″

″They can’t hurt you. They legally can’t.″ He replied to me as they walked in. Their makeup was running down their face, and they looked absolutely distraught. It still amazed me that they were demons; well... apparently I’m one, so I guess I shouldn’t speak.

They fell to their knees before me, heavy sobs abrupting out of their throats. I’ve always hated it when people in the kingdom bowed before me, I didn’t want them to think I was better than them; but at times like this, I didn’t really care.

″Seth, we are so sorry... we didn’t mean to cause this, we just wanted to see you... everyone has been talking about how kind and wonderful you are...″ Valeria said, making me furrow my eyebrows.

″What do you mean everyone?″

She looked up at me, her hazel eyes full of tears.

″Your kingdom.″

Within a blink of an eye, an arrow was shot through Valeria’s head. She let out a horrid scream, dying with the sight of black smoke intoxicating her. He did the same to Anastasiya, the arrow sunk deep into her stomach. I looked up at Jaxon, and a twisted expression was on his face. He looked distraught, angry, and another emotion I couldn’t really put my finger on.

″Why did you do that?″ I asked him. He gave me a playful smirk, pushing his bow and arrow back into the bag on his back.

″They were going to disclose something you aren’t ready for.″

″I’m SICK of people NOT TELLING ME SHIT!″ I screamed, his purple eyes widening.

I felt a feeling overcome my body, I couldn’t particularly put my finger on it. A force pushed Jaxon back against the door as I screamed, his body smashing into the door. I let out a loud gasp, running over to him.

″Jaxon, I’m so sorry... I don’t know what that was...″ I said. He grabbed my shirt, pulling me down to him.

″You need to calm down before you hurt somebody, you hear me? You have no idea what you’re capable of. You aren’t just a demon, Seth.″ He said to me sternly.

″What do you mean?″ I asked him.

″Do you really think the son of Lucifer would just be some silly warlock like me?″ He asked me, laughing afterward. I knew that warlocks were the offspring of a demon and a human... but Lucifer isn’t a demon.

I stood up, holding my hand out for him to take it. He wrapped his larger hand around mine, pulling himself up. He patted my shoulder, flashing me a smile.

″No hard feelings, it’s okay. You don’t know your limits.″ He said to me.

There was a heavy knock on the door, and the sound of my mother sobbing. Jaxon let out a loud sigh, opening the door.

Her hair was a mess, and she had various cuts and bruises on her body. She had tear stains running down her face, and her eyes were puffy red.

″Mommy, what did they do to you?″ I cracked, feeling my eyes tear up. She shook her head, placing her hands on either side of my face.

″We could fix this. We can get some vampire to encanto the kingdom, and we can bring you to Jayce so we can erase your memories of tonight, okay?″ She said to me. I couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. She doesn’t care about my feelings... she only wants what she wants.


Her eyes widened, stepping away from me. Her eyes widened, and anger was painted on her face. She looked absolutely disgusted in me.

″I should have NEVER had you. I wouldn’t be at war with my kingdom, I wouldn’t have to live in fear every day of my life... I WISH I NEVER HAD YOU!″ She screamed, pointing her finger in my face. Jaxon let out a loud gasp, his facial expression shocked.

I would of cried, but I couldn’t. I felt an overwhelming feeling of anger come over me, I couldn’t come up with words. My mother doesn’t love me, she wishes she never had me. Who do I have left? I don’t have my mother, I don’t have my best friend, Estelle probably wants nothing to do with me... and my kingdom. It’s gone.

″Ella, step away from him...″ Jaxon threatened. She began screaming at him, calling him a filthy warlock. I couldn’t follow everything she was saying, I could feel nothing, and see nothing but anger.

I heard the pounding of men at the door, screaming how they were going to rip me apart limb by limb. These men were the people who looked up to me, and loved me. They have been my people since I was a young boy. Now because of what I truly am... I lost them. It’s all because of my mother.

She is not my mother.


Jayce Darkmore’s POV

″I will be back, Elena. Please prepare the guest bedroom’s for Seth and Jaxon.″ I said to her. She nodded her head, her eyes widened. I clasped my hands together, the electric blue smoke appearing at my hands. I created a portal before me, sensing the overwhelming power from Seth. I needed to get to him before he releases any amount of his power, the smallest amount could blow that castle and anyone in it to pieces, besides Seth and Jaxon; they are immortal, as am i.

I stepped into the portal, and once I saw the sight of Seth... I couldn’t help but feel sorry for the boy.

Jaxon was standing in front of him, trying everything in his power to calm him down. I could feel it; Seth was about to burst at any second. His emerald green eyes were no more; they were a pitch black. He was shaking, and there was black smoke clouding around him.

Ella was staring at him in fear, her blue eyes clouded with tears. She finally looked over to me, running over to me with her face twisted in a terrifying expression.

″Jayce, please... you must erase his memories once more, we need a vampire to-″

″Queen Ella, I’m afraid I cannot do that for you,″ I said sternly, watching as her face twisted with anger.

″He is MY son. I am a QUEEN, YOU WILL LISTEN TO ME!″ She screamed at me, pointing her finger at me. I felt the smirk lingering on my lips, looking down into her eyes.

″You are a Queen, but you sure as hell aren’t my Queen.″

A frown spread across her lips, her youthful appearance almost making me want to apologize. But I knew she was an evil woman.

″You truly expect me to wipe his memories every time something happens to him? Every time you want to hide the fact that he’s something much bigger than you can handle?″ I asked her. She slowly backed away from me, but I followed her.

″I should have never helped you. I should have seen you for what you really were. I helped you for the sake of your son, I didn’t want your kingdom to hurt him because of what he is. But now, I truly know the amount of power he has. Any second he could blow your castle to pieces, do you think some man will hurt him?″ I snapped. She backed into the wall, and she couldn’t speak a word. She knew she was wrong.

″Jayce, do something...″ Jaxon murmured from behind me, his voice full of fear.

I turned my body to them, and the sight was terrifying. There were two balls of black smoke resting at Seth’s fingertips... the vases of flowers in the room were curling up and wilting.

Only Lucifer could do things like that.

″Je te verrai en enfer, maman.″ Seth murmured, raising his hand up. My eyes widened, placing my arm in front of Ella.

I mumbled a spell to myself, clasping my hands together quickly. It was a sleeping spell; if Seth knew how to use his powers and dodge these kinds of things, this castle would be blown into pieces. This is all I could do.

I thrusted my hand forward, a blue ball of power hitting Seth in the face. His angry expression instantly fell from his face, his eyes closing. He began to lose balance, but Jaxon caught him in his arms.

″I got you, It’s going to be okay...″ Jaxon murmured to him, holding him tightly to his chest. Ella let out a scream of anger, hitting me in the chest.


″THIS BOY IS NO LONGER YOUR FUCKING SON, I WILL TAKE CARE OF HIM THE CORRECT WAY! THE WAY HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN CARED FOR!″ I screamed in her face, grinding my teeth. She glared back at me, no words leaving her lips.


The people of the kingdom finally found us, and were attempting to break down the door. I clasped my hands together, creating a portal. Ella let out a growl of anger, looking over to Seth.

″WHERE ARE YOU TAKING HIM?″ She screamed. I motioned for Jaxon to take him through the portal, which he obeyed.

″Somewhere safe, Ella. Somewhere he could fully learn how to be himself, and not some pampered prince.″ I snapped.

″You’re not going to get away with this.″

I turned in her direction before stepping into the portal, frowning.

″You were no mother to that boy.″

I stepped through the portal, and the last sound I heard was the door being broken down.

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