″My lord, it is your child’s birthday.″ The man said to the mysterious figure, the darkness covering his complexion. Deep laughter filled the room, a delighted sigh afterward.

″Isn’t it a strange concept, I having a child?″ The figure asking the man. The man nodded, throwing a warm smile his way.

″Before God cast me down, he told me I must not interfere in human affairs. Though I did with Adam and Eve... I thought I was finished. When I created destruction amongst his creation, I couldn’t help but look in envy among Adam... he had children.″ The figure said. He slowly walked out of the shadows... and he was the most beautiful being known. Many see Lucifer as an ugly being... but truly, he was an angel. He was a forsaken, beautiful dark angel.

He had raven black hair, it was curly on his head. He had almost neon green eyes, not one blemish on his face. He had not one blemish on his pale skin... you could truly see Seth takes after him.

″How is my boy doing, Valentin?″ He asked him. Valentin smiled brightly, his fangs baring without shame.

″He’s doing wonderful, he truly takes after you... he has your hair, your eyes... he doesn’t look anything like his mother,″ Valentin said. Lucifer frowned, glancing down at his hands.

″Oh Ella... I wish she would have handed him over to me. She can’t raise a being like that, he’s not just a boy...″ He shook his head. Valentin frowned, looking up at him.

″She keeps taking him to the warlock I spoke to you about, to erase his memories... not of just his powers,″ Valentin said nervously. Lucifer glanced at him, his neon green eyes looking at him with uncertainty.

″What do you mean, Valentin?″ He asked.

″I was getting them ready for a dinner they had to go to one night. I was polishing their crowns, and I figured I should go check on the boy. I heard screaming from his bedroom... and I walked in on the Queen beating him.″

Lucifer let out an angry growl, his neon green eyes glowing brighter. He’s known for only wanting one thing, and that was wanting what God had. But one thing he wanted more... was his son. He loved Seth.

″Is he okay?″ He asked, his voice cracking. The angels rumored about Lucifer, saying he would never be able to care for a child. Saying he wouldn’t love him... but God, they were wrong.

″She beat him ruthlessly... with her hands, with belts... he was bleeding, sobbing... I had to pull her off of him. But after that... she just took him to the warlock, she didn’t even explain to him why she wanted his memories erased that time, either.″ Valentin said.

Lucifer couldn’t help but shed a tear, it running down his face slowly. He didn’t blame the warlock for this; the warlock didn’t know better. And knowing Ella, she most likely threatened him.

He hasn’t cried since he was cast out by God.

″Make his return to me at eighteen, not twenty-one.″

″Yes, my Lord.″


Seth’s POV

My eyes snapped open, my mind still remembering the dream I had... I suppose it wasn’t a dream. It was a memory... or something that I was supposed to see.

I pulled myself up, and everything that happened last night flooded back to me. I lost my kingdom, I basically lost my mother... I lost my friends.

...Where am I?

The room was decorated beautifully, it seemed to be an Asian theme. There were pictures on the wall of various cherry trees, and the walls were decorated beautifully with tapestries. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I pulled myself up out of the bed, making my way over to the door. I didn’t bother being careful... I’ve lost everything, and It’s all my fault.

I walked out of the bedroom, and I was greeted by the sight of a beautiful living room.

The warlock from my dreams sat on the couch, a cup of tea in his hands. He smiled at my presence, motioning me over to the couch.

″Seth, how did you sleep?″ He asked me, his voice was sweet like honey. I slowly made my way over to the couch, sitting down next to him.

″How did I get here?″ I asked him, ignoring his question. He flashed me a smile, placing his teacup on the coffee table in front of him.

″You had a rough day yesterday, Seth. You almost blew the castle to pieces, actually...″ He said, leaving me in confusion.

″What do you mean? I remember what happened yesterday... But when I was talking to my mother... she said some things that angered me, but then everything went black...″

″Whatever your mother said to you sent you into overdrive. You don’t exactly know how to control your powers... like Jaxon and I do. So you were losing control, and you almost exerted all of your powers at once. You might have destroyed all of France, not just your castle...″ Jayce mumured, making me think of what my mother said to me.

″I wish I never had you.″

″What did your mother say to you, darling?″ Jayce asked me, making tears appear in my eyes. I quickly wiped them away, flashing him a warm smile.

″Don’t worry about it, I’m okay.″ I said to him. He had a look of uncertainty on his face before smiling once more at me, patting my shoulder.

″It’s lovely to finally have a conversation with you, Seth. Usually, your dreadful mother is nagging in my ear about nonsense...″ He said softly, standing up. He motioned for me to follow him, as I did.

We walked out of the living room, the sound of Jayce’s shoes clicking against the floor. I inspected him further, and he’s exactly what I saw in my dreams. He dressed more feminine than masculine, his nails were painted blue; he had various rings on his fingers. He wore a silk blue button down to match his nails and casual dress pants. He looked like an average man; well... a man with a different fashion taste, but I knew he was a warlock, the high warlock to be exact.

We walked into the kitchen, and I watched as Jayce twirled his fingers, and the refrigerator flew open. Various breakfast foods fell onto the counter, and I couldn’t help but notice the sly smirk on Jayce’s face.

″What would you like to eat, my boy? You have to eat protein, to maintain that muscular body of yours...″ He said, making me smile. It was strange; I felt comfortable around him. I was taught growing up to hate warlocks or any kind of mythical creature... I suppose I’m not totally human, but it’s still strange to me.

″Surprise me,″ I replied. With another movement of his fingers, he began preparing a meal... but with his magic. He cracked eggs into the pan, them being cooked in the matter of a second. He clasped his fingers together, and within a few moments, a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast appeared in front of me.

″Eat up, you have a big day ahead of you... well, physically no, but I have some things I must talk to you about...″ He said to me as I picked up my fork, my eyebrows furrowing.

″What do you mean?″

″Well... since you found out about your true heritage, we must train your powers so you know how to use them. We can’t have you blowing up the world by accident, you know?″ He murmured.

″No, I mean what do you need to tell me?″ I asked him, taking a bite of the toast. He smiled at me, taping his blue nails against the table.

″I’m going to be returning your memories to you.″

My heart stopped, dropping the toast from my hands.

″You can do that?″ I asked him, my voice full of astonishment. He nodded, holding out his hand. I took it, watching his growing smile.

″Seth, I apologize for taking them in the first place. Your mother was a vicious woman... I don’t know your memories, but I do have them. So if you need to take a day off from your training after this, I understand.″ He said to me.

″Can we do it now?″ I asked him excitedly. He let out a heavy sigh, pointing to my breakfast.

″Eat, my boy. Then we will do it.″


I sat in the living room with Jayce, the couches were pushed back along with the coffee table. He sat quietly, mumbling words in a language I couldn’t quite understand. He was preparing on giving them back to me, it was a long process. He told me that my mother ordered him to get rid of them. He lied to her and said he did, but he knew one day I would need them. He said I would need them to learn how to use my powers, and understand what I could do. He also said that I won’t be alone... he’s going to experience the memories too.

His eyes suddenly snapped wide open, and the sight terrified me. They were an electric blue, they reminded me of the dreams I’ve been having...

He gripped onto my shoulder, and I noticed his body shaking. He said that this was difficult, and he may hurt himself doing it... but he must do it for me he insisted.

″NOW!″ He exclaimed. I gripped onto his hand, feeling myself fall into a heavy daze.


″Darling, I must speak with you.″ The Queen murmured, patting her lap. The boy smiled brightly, climbing up on her lap. He loved her dearly, her and his grandfather were the only people who he really spoke to.

She traced her nail across the boy’s soft face and watched as he nuzzled against her touch. She admired how submissive and kind the boy was... how much he seemed to trust her. He shouldn’t... if he ever found out what she does to him, he’d never speak to her again. But good thing she has her trusty warlock, right?

She doesn’t want to hurt him, but sometimes she just can’t control herself. She hates what she’s given birth to... she’s going to go to hell for it. She was born into a heavy Catholics religion, and she loved the Lord. But because of her sins, she must pay.

″Would you like to hear of your father?″ She asked the boy. He snapped his head up, nodding quickly.

″Your father is an evil man... one who envies others. He took everything from me... and left me with a disgusting son. Your father is Lucifer himself... I wish I had known, I would have never had you...″ The Queen mumbled, wrapping her fingers around the black curls resting on Seth’s head. His eyes widened, looking up to his mother. The mother he had thought loved him no matter what was telling him she wished he never had him.

″You have many gifts your father says, I say otherwise. Raising the dead, killing things with just a touch... told me you have a beautiful black set of wings buried deep within you. I suppose he is an angel, but gosh... he caused destruction on this world. He’s far from those angels I’ve read in the bible... You’re more like a demon in my eyes.″ She said to him, her voice increasingly getting higher with every word.

He began to grow angry with her, his fears no longer crowding his judgment. He pulled away from her grip, his eyes flashing a neon green. He didn’t like the way his mother was talking to him, and not telling him who his father was. He wondered about the wings she has spoken of... Maybe he could escape this? Maybe if he tried hard enough, he could fly and get away?

Of course, a mother would joke about these things... to make his imagination grow wild. But she was being truthful. That’s what Lucifer told her his abilities were, along with countless other things.

He stood in place, concentrating as hard as he could. His small fists stood at his sides, his emerald greens eyes closed in determination. He wanted to make his wings come out, he wanted to fly away from her. Even if this seemed impossible, he wanted to try.

He thought of how angry his mother made him. He thought of how alone he felt in this big castle, how he felt never enough. He wanted to be enough... he wanted someone to love him.

″... Seth.″

He snapped open his eyes, the sight of his mother’s shocked expression boring into him. He looked to his sides and noticed the small pair of wings on him. They were purely black... matching his fathers.

″Just like your father.″ His mother said, seeming like she read his thoughts. He watched as she slowly got up, the angry expression on his mother’s face terrifying him.

″I’ll rip those wings straight out of your back, I’ll cut them up and feed them to the HORSES!″ She screamed at him. He let out a loud scream of fear, his wings sending up straight in the air. He didn’t know how to use them, he looked like a bird who had just flown carelessly into a window, he looked distraught and confused. She growled at him angrily, and begged for him to come down.

Valentin suddenly walked in, his eyes darting to the boy hiding in the corner of the room. The Queen was screaming at him angrily, her fists clenched. He shook his head, slowly approaching her.

″Take him to the warlock, darling. Let’s forget this happened...″ Valentin said to her. She took a deep, shaky breath.

″Okay... get him down for me, please.″

I saw my mother beating me.

I felt it.

I saw as she whipped me with ropes, she tore my skin apart. She tried to rip the wings out of my back.

I felt it.

I saw as I murdered the cat, and seeing Jayce.

I felt it.

She whipped me and told me since I’m Lucifer’s son, I can feel the pain Jesus had to go through because of his influence on Adam and Eve.

I felt it.

She locked me in a room for days with no food, she wanted to see if I was truly immortal.

I felt it.

I saw as my grandfather begged her to stop the experiments, but she told him I’m not a boy. I’m a demon. He refused and said I was an angel.

She said I deserve nothing.

I felt it.

I saw her strap me down to a bed and beat me for hours.

I felt it.

I saw my father sobbing because he heard what she was doing to me.

I felt it.

I heard what I truly could do.

I heard what I truly am.

I’m not just the prince of France.

I’m the prince of demons.

I felt all of it.

It hurts.


We broke out of the daze, both Jayce and I screaming in pain. I remembered once more that he felt and saw everything I experienced...

I couldn’t help but cry, cry out for my mother. Why did she do this to me? Is that the true reason why she kept getting my memories erased? She didn’t care about me knowing about my father...

She was beating me every day and treating me as if I was an experiment.

Jayce stood up abruptly, running to the door. I followed after him, and I noticed the streaming tears down his face.

″Jayce, it’s not worth it...″ I said to him, grabbing his arm. He shook his head, and that’s when I noticed he was shaking. I knew he wanted to go out and kill my mother, but I couldn’t let him do that.

″I can’t believe I trusted her...″ He sobbed out. I pulled him in a tight embrace, which he accepted eagerly.

″You’re like a son to me, Seth... I’ve watched over you all these years, I have no idea how I missed those things...″ He sobbed out. I shook my head, pulling him out of the embrace.

″I forgive you... I promise.″ I said to him. He nodded, pulling me into another hug.

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