Will include one mention of r*pe, nothing too severe, thank you for reading!

Seth’s POV

It’s been about two days since Jayce returned my memories to me. We have both been resting, it was a really rough process. In order to return my memories to me, we had to fully experience everything. We had to feel everything together... he said to me before we did it if I need time before I started training I may.

After returning them, he doesn’t want to get out of bed himself. He keeps crying and blaming himself. I keep assuring him that he didn’t know and that I don’t blame him. It’s nobody’s fault besides my mother’s... I want to blame Valentin, but he couldn’t interfere himself. It would also be rude of me to shame him... he’s dead.

I heard a knock on the door, my eyes darting over to it. Jaxon stood there, a soft smile on his lips. He wore a simple pair of black skinny jeans, and a button-down shirt. He also had a pair of glasses on his face, which confused me.

″You wear glasses?″ I asked him. He walked over to the bed, sitting down on the end. I didn’t bother to sit up, my back hurt a lot. I’m guessing it was because of my memories... She tried to rip the... wings out of my back. I wonder if I still have them... I still sort of don’t believe I have wings.

″The one thing my mother left me with was terrible eyesight.″ He replied carelessly, playing with the rings on his long fingers.

″Left you?″ I asked, and I watched the frown linger on his lips.

″I’m sorry, I don’t mean to pry... these past two days I seem to be out of it...″ I mumbled. He flashed me a smile, taking his hand and patting my leg.

″I understand, you’ve been through a lot. I don’t mind talking about it if it will amuse you...″ He replied. I motioned for him to continue talking, I was pretty curious...

″Warlocks are the offspring of a demon and a human, and often it’s because of rape.″ He said.

″My mother didn’t know that her rapist was a demon, he disguised himself. He’s one of the greater demons of hell.″ He continued.

″Do you know who your father is?″ I asked. He cringed at the word ‘father,’ his purple eyes almost glaring at me.

″You don’t have to reply, I’m sorry-″

″Leviathan is my father, one of the princes of hell.″ He said to me. My eyes widened, watching the small smile on his lips. I learned about the princes of hell in the books my mother made me read, and from church...

″When she found out she bared a demon’s child, she decided to commit suicide by swallowing fire. That’s what I meant by her leaving me.″ He said softly, not daring to meet my eyes. I pulled myself up out of the bed, reaching over and taking his hand. He looked over in my direction, his eyes widened.

″You do know it’s not your fault, right?″ I asked him. He slowly nodded, his gaze seeming distant. He was looking right into my eyes, his hazel eyes seeming glossed over.

″...Jaxon?″ I asked. He blinked his eyes, his face growing a light pink color.

″I’m sorry... it’s just-″


″You’re extremely handsome, no doubt that you’re Lucifer’s child...″ He mumbled, taking me by surprise. I felt the smile lingering on my lips, looking down at our hands. I’d taken his hand in a way to comfort him, but now our fingers were intertwined. My pale skin looked almost like snow compared to his darker complexion; he was still pale, but somewhat of a tan.

″Thank you, Jaxon. I guess I could understand why I look nothing like my mother now...″ I said to him, pulling my fingers from his. The smile on his face faded quickly, he turned his face from mine quickly; to perhaps hide it.

″If you want to hold my hand, you can just say it you know...″ I said playfully. He rolled his eyes, looking over to me with mischief in them.

″Don’t flatter yourself, Seth Lenior.″ He said with a smile on his face, standing up. His hazel eyes looked down at me, crossing his arms.

″I came in to talk to you because Jayce mentioned to me you may be ready to start training.″ He said to me. I suppose that I was ready... there’s nothing I could do about my mother. I shouldn’t sit here and dwell on my past, I should look towards the future. I should probably learn how to use my abilities... because I think there will be another war between the humans and mythical creatures.

Why do I think that? It’s obvious. They now know that demons or other beings have been lurking on their territory, and their own Queen was messing with Lucifer himself. They know now that they haven’t been alone all along, and they could mask themselves to look like them.

″Yeah, I think I’m ready. I’m just having problems with my back...″ I mumbled to him. He nodded slowly, a frown lingering on his lips.

″Jayce told me his back had been hurting too. He told me why... I hope you don’t mind, Jayce and I have been close friends for centuries.″ He told me. I smiled at him softly, nodding.

″I don’t mind, I think I could trust you,″ I mumbled. I stood up next to him, and I couldn’t help but notice the smirk on Jaxon’s lips.

″You’re short.″ He said casually, pulling his bow and arrow on his back. I rolled my eyes, pulling a shirt onto my torso.

″You’re what, four inches taller than me? Don’t flatter yourself.″ I snapped, hearing the laughter leave his throat. He left the room, and I followed him. Jayce’s house was pretty big, and it was decorated with plenty of old things. Jayce told me that it’s protected by magic, that if any human walked up to it, it would simply look like an abandoned shack. But since I’m... whatever I am, I can see it for what It truly is.

We walked out into the back of the house, and I couldn’t help but look in amazement. It had a beautiful big garden and a pool.

″You look surprised,″ Jayce said to me, amusement in your voice. ″Your kingdom is much bigger.″

″No longer my kingdom, Jaxon,″ I said to him. The smirk fell from his lips, and we continued walking. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Past the large garden, there was a stage with various equipment surrounding it. There were swords, chest armor, all sorts of different things.

We approached the stage, and I watched as Jaxon took off the bow and arrow from his back, throwing it to the ground. He walked up onto the stage, smiling down at me.

″I suppose I’m not dressed for the occasion...″ He mumbled, clasping his hands together. Within a blink of an eye, his outfit changed. His button-down shirt was changed into a regular tank top, his black skinny jeans were sweatpants.

I walked up onto the stage slowly, the sound of my shoes making a satisfying sound against the wood. I watched as Jaxon clasped his hands together once more making an upwards motion with his fingers. A yellow colored barrier appeared around us.

″Why do you use a bow and arrow if you have your magic?″ I asked him. He flashed me a playful smirk, and I noticed that his eyes were no longer the brilliant hazel; they were yellow.

″I don’t like to rely all of my battle strategies on simply my powers as Jayce does.″ He replied. He slowly approached me, his boots making the stage creek under us.

″What is the barrier for?″ I asked.

″This barrier helps us in a way. It makes our powers come out more perhaps, for you it’s going to be more difficult to pull them out of you since you’ve been suppressing them. And if something does happen and you get out of hand, the barrier should keep everything inside.″ He replied.

″So is that why your eyes are yellow?″ I asked him. He nodded his head, a playful smirk on his lips.

″You should see your eyes right now, they are a very bright green... perhaps neon.″ He murmured. I felt my face heat up, looking down at the stage.

″Do they look weird?″

″They are beautiful, Seth. Don’t be embarrassed by who you are, you’re safe here.″ He said to me, bringing my attention to him once more. I nodded, and I couldn’t help but smile because of the look he was giving me. He was looking at me as if I was a million dollars, he didn’t look at me like I was nothing like my mother did. He truly didn’t mind what I was... and I didn’t mind what he was either.

″Are you ready?″ He asked me.

″What are we going to do?″ I asked. He slowly raised his hands, and two balls of yellow energy were at his hands.

″We need to provoke your abilities, see what you could do. We need to learn to control them, and not have another incident like at the castle. From what Jayce told me, all your mother said in your memories is that you could raise the dead, killing things with a touch... we don’t have to worry about that since I’m immortal.″ He went on. ″She also said you have wings, but we shouldn’t have to worry about that today.″

″What if that’s all I could do?″ I asked. He smiled at me, playing with the yellow ball of energy in his hands.

″You’re the son of Lucifer, you could do so much more...″ He said softly.

″I need you to try to dodge these. I’d imagine with your powers you could create a protective shield with that.″


I laid on the ground of the stage, my body aching. I wasn’t able to dodge one of them, I don’t know what’s wrong with me...

″Maybe my abilities are gone for good...″ I mumbled. I heard a sigh come from Jaxon’s throat, kneeling down next to me. He wrapped his fingers around my black hair, pulling me up to meet his eyes.

″We need to keep trying. Get up, Seth.″ He said demandingly, letting go of my head. I pulled myself up off the stage, and I couldn’t help but glare at him. I’m in pain...

He suddenly walked up to me, taking me by the shoulders. He had a frown lingering on his lips, looking into my eyes. His eyes were still the same electric yellow color due to the barrier.

″I’m so sorry I have to do this Seth, but this is the only way it seems right now your powers could come out...″ He started. I furrowed my eyebrows, looking up at him.

″What do you mean?-″

″Your mother never loved you. She hated you, she hated that she bared Lucifer’s only child. She wanted to murder you, she wanted nothing to do with you...″ His voice cracked, his hands on my shoulders growing tighter. My mouth dropped open, absolutely shocked with what he was saying to me. I felt the tears well up in my eyes... I knew he was right, but it hurt...

″Jaxon, stop-″

″You’re never going to have a relationship with your mother. She absolutely hates you, she hated you for who you are. She didn’t see you as her son, she saw you as the devil. She sees you as the person who caused destruction on the world, she sees you as her mistakes.″

He’s right. My mother’s never going to love me, she’s always hated me. My grandpa probably hates me too, all of them hate me. My kingdom hates me, I failed all of them. I hate who I am, I hate what I’ve become... I hate all of them. My mother should have known before having me, it’s all her fault. She caused so much pain on me, she made me feel so useless... she tried to rip the wings out of my back, she beat the living hell out of me... maybe I should return the favor. I’ve done everything for my kingdom, I’ve loved them no matter what...

They deserve nothing.

″Seth, it’s working... it’s-″ He stopped, and a loud gasp came out his throat. The stage began to shake, and I snapped my eyes open. I felt something at my back, it was a sharp and painful feeling. It didn’t compare to what my mother did to me... but it hurt.

I looked on the outside of the stage.

The grass was dying, it was black. It was tracing up to the trees, the trees were curling up and dying. Jayce’s garden was slowly dying.

″Seth, please you need to calm down-″

The barrier broke with a loud shattering sound, glass shattered all over the grass. I felt myself being overcome with a sense of power... I couldn’t help it, I wanted it to stop but I don’t know how...

″Oh my god, I’m so stupid... why would that barrier contain the offspring of Lucifer, oh god...″ He went on, I could barely hear him. I looked to my right, and I saw a pair of black wings spreading behind me.

They were obsidian black, maybe even darker. They were far bigger than the set of wings in my memories. It kind of scared me... what was I? was I an angel? am I a fallen angel? and I damned forever?

Jaxon ran up to me, grabbing me by the shoulders. I was scared for a split second- what if I killed him too? I’m killing all the life around me as we speak... and I killed that cat in my dreams. I flinched, trying to get away from his grip. He pressed himself closer to me, tears welling up in his eyes.

″Angel, listen to me...″ He said softly, holding me close to him.

″You’re no monster. You’re so beautiful, you don’t even know... your mother is missing out on something so magnificent. Look at those wings of yours... they are a beautiful sight to look at. You’re going to be okay, there’s nothing to be afraid of... we are going to figure this out together, don’t be afraid... I know you’re afraid, and it’s going to be okay. I’m okay, and you’re okay. It’s time to calm down, angel... just breathe.″

I felt myself slowly calm down, and I felt my wings slowly retract back. I felt tired... but calm.

Jaxon’s gaze broke from mine, and over to the garden. Everything was slowly coming back to life... I have no idea why. The roses were coming back to life, and the grass was back to its beautiful green. The trees came back to life, no more were they a black color. Everything was back to the way it was. I was okay, and Jaxon was okay. Just like he said.

My gaze was back to him, and he was already looking at me. He pulled me in a tight embrace, hugging me tightly.

″I’m proud of you, Seth. We made some progress today.″ He said softly.

″Thank you...″

″You’re welcome, Angel. You’re going to be okay.″


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