Faith with Wolves
18. A Meeting


"What do you mean my dad is here?" Faith asks as if she doesn't believe me. I hardly believe it either but it's true. I could sense his strong aura as soon as soon as he crossed my border. Dallas mind linking me just confirmed it.

"I think you're dad found out about us babe. We're going to have to go down and talk to him. Are you ready?" I hold out my hand for her to hold but she just stares at it.

"Am I ready? Hell no I'm not ready Caleb!" she shouts. "My dad is here. My overprotective strict dad found out we're mates and I've been lying to him. He calls me daily and I've lied every time he asked me if there was anything new happening. He's going to kill me."

I chuckle. "I'm sure he won't kill you Faith, he loves you. You're his only child."

She scoffs. "You're right. He's going to kill you."

Frozen by her words I don't respond when she grabs my hand and drags me out of the room. My feet are moving but my brain is barely functioning. Is he going to kill me? I deflowered his daughter and I would be doing it right now if he hadn't shown up.

When we reach the conference room, Dallas is standing outside the door. He shakes his head at me and I know he doesn't like the fact that another vampire is here, especially the vampire king. I can feel how restless the pack is. They're nervous and for a good reason. I walk in with my mate right beside me.

"Daddy!" Faith releases my hand and runs up to Zane. They hug and she stands beside him. He wraps his arm around her shoulders and glares at me.

"Tell me young alpha. Why did I have to hear from my wife that you are mated to my daughter!" he growls and Faith tugs on his shirt.

"Dad chill out. We were going to tell you. But things came up, right Caleb?" Faith says in a tone telling me to play along.

"Umm." My throat suddenly dries up. I'm not usually nervous but the deadly glare Zane is still giving me and the anger rolling off him in waves is intimidating even for an alpha. I almost want to submit to it but don't.

The door behind me opens and I can sense it's my father. He strolls in and shakes Zane's hand. "I'm so glad you could make it Zane. Though I thought a family dinner would have been better."

Zane's whole demeanor changes when he talks to my dad. His face softens and he smiles. "Well, I'm here on business, not pleasure. I need to talk to my daughter's mate about his involvement with Malachi."


The mention of his name has all heads turning to face me. My dad speaks up first. I know he's going to be disappointed in me. "Caleb tell me Zane is wrong and you didn't get involved with Malachi and his crazy quest for power?" I look down at my feet and Dad sighs. "I expected better from you son. Malachi is a psychopath. Why would you join him?"

Swallowing hard I look at Faith. She looks nervous for my answer and I hope she doesn't hold what I'm going to say against me. I was wrong before but it doesn't change my terrible mindset back then.

"Because I understood Malachi. He didn't want change. He didn't believe in peace among the supernatural and neither did I. I liked how things were before. Everyone sticking to their own kind." I glance at Faith who is saddened by my words as she clings to her dad. Sighing I continue. "I didn't want anything to do with vampires, witches, or anybody else. So I told him I would support him and send my best warriors to fight alongside him. But I was wrong."

"You're an idiot." Zane retorts. "I created a new Royal Council that I've worked alongside for years trying to sustain peace so fewer innocent lives are lost. Everyone should be able to live without looking over their shoulder. It's ignorant people like you who stop progress."

"I know. I was an idiot and an asshole then, but I've changed. Faith has changed me. I would never want to hurt her or anyone else who didn't deserve it. I'm sorry Faith." I apologize and she leaves her dad to come hug me. I kiss the top of her head.

"Ugh stupid mate bond." Zane groans. "I'm still not happy about you two. I want to talk to you Caleb, alone."

"I'll stay." My dad says and Zane nods.

"I'll be right outside the door. Don't let my dad kill you." Faith whispers and gently presses a kiss to my lips. Zane growls and she slips out of the door leaving me alone with her beast of a father.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I ask but suddenly I'm pushed into the wall. A hand is wrapped around my throat choking me. I struggle to breathe as Zane growls in my face.

"Listen here you little mutt. I don't know why the moon goddess blessed you with a wonderful mate like my daughter but you better treat her right. If she even sheds a single tear I'll come back here and rip you in half! I'll hang you upside down and drain the blood from your body. You got it?"

His grip loosens slightly so I can nod. "I got it. Treat your daughter right or die."

Zane's hot breath fans my ear as he leans closer. "And don't even think about putting your pups in her any time soon. My daughter will stay a virgin until she turns thirty or I die first and I don't plan on dying anytime soon."

"I think he understands." My dad puts his hand on Zane's shoulder. He lets me go and I rub my now sore throat. Damn, he's strong. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Rubbing his hands together Zane takes a seat at the head of the conference table. He even kicks his feet up getting comfortable. "Alright, wolves let's make a plan. My intel tells me Malachi will be striking in three days."

My dad sits down beside him. "I'll fight and also send my best warriors if that helps. I don't want to see Malachi take over. He was a selfish cruel leader."

Zane nods. "I agree. He was terrible even when Vlad was compelling him but once he died I think his brain was so fried he went mad. He needs to be taken down. Now I have a plan already but I need one favor first. Keep Faith safe, she's stubborn like her Mom. She'll want to fight and I don't want her to get hurt."

That I can agree on. "I won't let anything happen to her. I'll tie her down to my bed if I have to." I say and both the dads give me a weird look. My face heats up realising what I said. "Not sexually! I meant to keep her from running away. Like a leash- Oh wow that sounds bad too. I'll shut up."

I sit down feeling like an idiot as we go over the plan. It's pretty easy. Zane has the woods around the royal palace full of traps and guards surrounding the place. All the servants will be hidden in the basement for safety.

After an hour of discussing the plan, I feel an overwhelming feeling of anxiousness. Then fear and worry. I'm confused because I just felt okay.

I look back at the hallway and I no longer sense Faith. Maybe she went to get food or a drink. I'm sure she was bored waiting in the hallway for our meeting to be over.

Zane's phone rings and he answers it. His face pales and I know I'm not going to like what he says. He slams his phone down and stands up.

"We have to go. Malachi is at the royal palace with an army. Faith is there." he growls.

A loud growl erupts from my body and I can feel my bones starting to shift. I'm supposed to keep Faith safe. If she gets hurt it's all my fault. I have to save her.

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