Faith with Wolves
19. Fight with Me


I hate that I'm stuck waiting in the hall while the 'men" talk. I know my dad just wants to threaten Caleb with me not around. He still thinks of me as a child and not an adult. But he can't keep making decisions for my life. I have a mate and a pack now to think about. I'm going to be a Luna.

I stay in the hallway as Dad threatens my mate. I knew he would. I'm not surprised at all until I hear my dad say he doesn't want me to fight. He's worried about me getting hurt, he thinks I'm weak but he's wrong. He and Mom have trained me all my life for moments like this. I'm strong. I should be allowed to defend my home against enemies.

I think my mate is going to defend me and say I should be able to fight but to my surprise, he agrees with my dad. He even threatens to tie me to his bed so I won't leave. A growl leaves my throat as I take off down the hallway.

There's no way I'm going to sit by and do nothing. Malachi and his rogues are dangerous. I'm not useless I can help. Mom was fighting rogues and other supernatural creatures at my age so why can't I? I protected the pack from rogues earlier I can surely do it again.

I leave the packhouse and head into the woods. Luckily no wolves stopped me. I run home using my vamp speed and rush inside. Iris is sitting and watching TV in the living room. She sets her bowl of popcorn down and smiles at me.

"You're home? I'm watching Beauty and the Beast want to watch it with me?" She asks and I close my eyes trying to suppress my anger. I'll show them. I'm stronger than they think.

"Sorry, I have to go do something."

Iris eyes me warily. "Did something happen? I thought you were spending the day with Caleb. Did meeting his pack go badly?"

I sigh and look at the closet door which is a portal to the Royal Palace. It magically appeared a day after moving in and I know my parents had it put in so they can check on me. Right now it's about to be my quick escape back home.

"It went fine better than expected actually. But my mom called me back home so I'm going to use this stupid portal finally they put in."

"I still can't believe they did that. Actually, I can your dad is pretty overprotective."

I walk up to Iris and hug her. She flinches at first but then hugs me back. I pull away and smile at my best friend. "I love you, Iris. You are my first friend and I would have been super lonely without you."

"Are you okay? You're scaring me." She's worried so for once I lie to my best friend. If she knows of my plan she'll want to join me. I can't let her get hurt. I know I sound like a hypocrite but this is something I need to do.

"Like I said I'm fine. But things are about to change. I'll be a Luna over a wolf pack and I'm sure I'll be moving in with Caleb. I'm not sure when I'll see you again."

She smiles softly. "Oh Faith I'll always be here for you."

"You're the best. Now if my dad comes by you never saw me." I let her go and walk quickly towards the door. Iris follows right behind me watching me suspiciously as I open the closet door. Instead of a closet, I see a pixelated version of my living room. I take a deep breath and step in.

As soon as I step into the living room it's like I can breathe again. I enjoy living at Greta's but the royal palace will always be my home. That's why I have to save it.

I follow Mom's scent upstairs and into her bedroom. Mom is in her second closet which is pretty much a small armory. She has hundreds of weapons stashed in there. A crossbow, throwing knives, and even a katana sword.

"Mom," I say making her jump in surprise. She must have been really focused because my mom isn't an easy woman to sneak up on.

"Faith you scared me. What are you doing back? Zane went to see you. He knows Caleb is your mate, I'm sorry. He didn't kill him did he?" She stands up and hugs me.

"No, but I want to kill them both. I know Malachi is planning to attack. Dad and Caleb both want me to stay behind and hide. I'm not doing that. I'm going to fight!"

She sighs. "I don't think that's a good idea sweetie. Malachi is dangerous. He's bigger and faster than other werewolves. Let me and your dad handle it."

"No! I've trained for this my whole life Mom! I'm strong. This is my home and I won't let it be destroyed!" I growl loudly and the pictures on the walls start to shake. Mom looks around smiling while I stare at the walls confused.

Did I do that?

"You're right Faith you are strong. That's exactly why you can't fight. If something happens to me or your dad then the vampire kingdom will look for you to rule. You also have a wolf pack now they need you."

I know mom is trying to make me feel better but if I'm so strong and a future leader then I should be able to make my own decisions. Killing Malachi and his followers will help everyone. She acts like I'll be fighting alone. Her, dad, and even Caleb will be there. I've always wanted to fight alongside my mom and this is my chance.

I grab her hands and force Mom to look into my pleading eyes. "Please Mom let me do this. I'm ready. I've always wanted to fight alongside you. I want to fight for something. I want to fight for my home.

"Faith I'm sorry it's to-" Mom starts to say but she's cut off by an elderly maid named Jeanie bursting into the room.

"Sasha we have a problem. Rogues were spotted a few miles away. Hundreds of them." She says full of panic.

Mom walks over to her closet and grabs a crossbow. She throws it at me and I catch it. "Well, you're getting what you want Faith. Are you ready to fight alongside me?"

"Hell yeah! Let's do this!"

After grabbing several weapons Mom and I head outside the royal palace. I can smell the rogues from here. They'll be coming over the large hill any moment.

Hundreds of vampires stand beside us ready to fight. Mom told me Dad, Caleb and more of our friends are on their way. We just have to hold off the rogues until they arrive.

"Are you ready?" Mom asks beside me with her favorite gun in her hand. It's full of silver bullets coated with wolfsbane to kill the rogues.

The first row of rogues run over the hill and head towards us. The ground vibrates as my fangs come out and my eyes glow gold. I smirk at my mom. "I was born ready."

Mom runs towards some wolves and starts shooting. They all fall to the ground dead. Using my crossbow I shoot several rogues in the head and heart. Once I'm out of arrows I drop the crossbow.

Next, I rush towards a rogue and jump over him. He turns around snarling at me and I jump on his back and break his neck then rip his head off and throw it. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Another rogue then tries to jump on me from behind but I pull the knife out of my pocket and stab it in the heart. It whimpers as it dies and I yank my knife out of his rotting corpse and clean it on my jeans. That's only the first of a lot.

I continue killing rogue after rogue. None got even close to landing a hit on me. Their all sloppy fighters with no training whatsoever. A few even got mad about who would kill me first and turned on each other. Rogues are so stupid.

Looking around I see many dead rogues and all of our people safe with many still fighting. Dad's not here yet and I fear he's going to miss the whole fight. I laugh at how wrong he was. I'm strong and I can handle fighting in battle.

A deep menacing growl interrupts my thoughts. I turn around ready to kill another rogue when I gasp. It's not just any rogue I'm facing but Malachi. His mangy black wolf is covered in blood and scratches. Drool drips from his mouth as he takes a menacing step toward me.

I take a step back while Malachi's bone start to crack and stretch and he turns back into his human form. He stands before me naked and still covered in blood.

"Zane's little offspring," he smirks. "Now I know why he kept you hidden. You're cute even for a vampire. I was going to take you as a prisoner but after seeing you fight I know I'll have to kill you. I've always wanted to taste fairy blood."

A deep growl emits from my throat. "I'm not afraid of you."

"You should be!"

Malachi lunges for me but I block his hit. I swing my right fist to punch him but he also dodges and punches me in the ribs. I groan in pain as he chuckles.

"I know every move you're going to make little vampire. Who do you think helped train your dad? He was just a meek human then and I would sick my wolves on him. Zane was so weak. He almost died several times." he laughs and I growl and kick at him. I miss and he laughs more.

"Don't talk about my dad!"

He smirks. "Why? Is it a sensitive topic for you? I see he left you here to fight his battle for him. Still, I'll kill him after I'm done with you and your mother."

He jumps and I back up. We both punch and kick one another. Malachi's faster than I thought and I struggle to keep up. I pull out a knife to stab him but he knocks it away. I try to use my vamp speed to get behind him but he grabs me by my neck and slams me down onto the ground.

My whole body aches in pain. I try to sit up but I'm pushed back down by his foot. I'm pretty sure I have internal damage. I can feel my ribs cracking as he steps on me harder. He stands over me with that same menacing smile.

"You put up a good fight. But I'm stronger and faster. Did you really think you had a chance? You should have stayed hidden inside."

"Fuck you!" I cough up blood and he presses harder into my stomach with his foot.

"Goodbye, little vampire." He growls and opens his mouth ready to bite my head off.

A loud growl vibrates the air around me. Malachi turns around and smirks. Behind him in wolf form is Caleb. He's covered in blood but I don't think it's his.

"Caleb is that you? Have you come to your senses and come to help me kill this bloodsucker?"

Caleb growls again and takes a step toward Malachi. Then his blue eyes linger on me and I can see the worry in them. Malachi notices and laughs.

"Ohh I see. You're here to help the vampires? What did Zane promise you? Wealth, power, or maybe his daughter?" He asks and Caleb growls again. "So it is the daughter? Don't tell me you like her?" he asks and then sniffs the air. "Wait am I smelling this right? You smell just like her Caleb."

I growl underneath him as he and Caleb stare each other down. Then they suddenly both lunge for each other. Caleb bites Malachi's right shoulder who pushes him off with his back paws.

Caleb rolls off him and Malachi tries to jump on him but I push myself to sit up and try to imagine a shield around Caleb. I have no idea how I did it earlier at the pack house but I have to try.

It must have worked because Caleb suddenly gets surrounded by a light blue ball. Malachi bounces back from Caleb and my mate uses it as a distraction to pounce on Malachi again. This time he goes for his throat ripping it open. Blood spews everywhere as I see his dead body slump over.

I lay back down because I'm still in pain. The sound of bones breaking tells me Caleb is shifting back to his human form. He swoops me up in his arms and starts carrying me away.

"Faith why did you run away? I was so worried." he patronizes me and I chuckle.

"I wanted to fight. This my home I had to save it." I whisper as my eyes start to flutter closed.

Caleb lays his forehead on mine and I can't help but sniff him. He still smells like roasted marshmallows over a campfire, my favorite.

"Don't ever scare me like that again. I love you I can't lose you. Next time you want to fight we do it together."

"Really? You don't think I'm weak?" I ask as I hear a door open. Caleb walks up some stairs and lays me down. It's soft as my head hits the pillow. I'm back on my bed at Greta's.

Caleb lays above me propped up by one arm. He looks down at me and caresses my face. "You're the strongest person I know Faith. That's why I'm going to mark you. I can't control my wolf any longer. Are you ready?"

I can feel my ribs healing. Being with my mate must be helping. "Yes, mark me."

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