Faith with Wolves
5. The Nightclub


I can’t believe it tonight I’m going to a nightclub. A human club where everyone will be drinking and dancing. It’s so exciting. The closest thing to a party I've been to is the extravagant balls we have back at the castle. But even then I wasn’t allowed to get drunk and I barely danced with any boys. My overprotective dad has always been against me and the male population.

As I look in the small vanity mirror I can’t stop smiling. Ruby continues to put makeup on me while Iris does my hair. I glance at my friends and admire their beauty. Ruby has on a short black dress and Iris has on a short red dress that matches her fire-red hair.

“You guys look amazing.” I compliment my friends and they both smile at me and take a step back.

“You look amazing also look in the mirror Faith,” Ruby tells me and I walk over to the floor-length mirror and look myself up and down.

My long blonde hair is in loose wavy curls. My makeup is perfect highlighting my gray eyes and my dress is a sleeveless royal blue dress that stops mid-thigh. I twirl around giggling.

“I love it! I look fabulous thank you, ladies!” I hug Ruby who looks surprised but hugs me back.

“You're welcome now let’s go. My cousin Brady is working security so we don’t have to wait in line.” Ruby tells me and Iris and we both nod.

As we get into Ruby’s car she explains the rules for the night. No, going to the bathroom alone, never take your eyes off your drink, and avoid revealing my true nature to humans. Not everyone knows about our world and might be freaked out. Of course, I already knew this.

The drive takes about thirty minutes and when we park I can’t help but stare at the large triangle-shaped building. It has three floors and the whole building looks like it’s made of glass. I can see people dancing on the first two floors but the third-floor windows have a darker tint making it impossible to look in.

“The top floor is for VIP's we won’t be up there unless invited,” Ruby announces like she can read my mind.

“How important do you have to be to go on the third floor?” Iris asks looking at me. Maybe she thinks because I’m the vampire princess I could get us up there.

“It’s usually rich guys like the owner's friends I think. If the owner is a supernatural I’m sure you could get us up there being the vampire king's daughter.” Ruby suggests and I shake my head. I hate special treatment. I moved away so I could have my own separate life. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Yeah, I think I’ll keep my identity a secret for now,” I mutter but the look Ruby and Iris give me tells me they heard it.

Thanks to Ruby’s cousin we get to go straight into the club. I hear a few humans protest but I’m too excited to feel sorry for them. Hopefully, their wait isn’t too long. After we make it through a long hallway two double glass doors open revealing the first floor of the club.

Pink, purple, and yellow strobe lights bounce around. The music is loud as people dance against each other. Women walk by in black spandex shirts and shorts serving drinks. Guys smile as we pass them and I can tell they're checking us out.

“This is awesome! Let’s get some drinks!” I squeal and lead us over to a circle table.

Iris and I sit and look around while Ruby goes to get drinks. I’m so excited to be here I still can’t believe I’m in a nightclub. Iris sits beside me and I can tell she's nervous. Iris tends to be very shy but I hope leaving the castle will help pull her out of her shell. I throw my arm around her shoulder. “Are you ready for some fun?” I ask her and she lets out a small smile.

“There are so many people.... and the guys they won’t stop staring.” She blushes. Like me, Iris isn't used to male attention.

Before I can answer Ruby walks up with three drinks for us. They are blue and very icy. I taste mine and it’s delicious I drink it as fast as possible and I can feel my friends staring at me.

“Whoa, girl slow down. We have all night to drink, pace yourself.” Ruby warns me and I blush. I might have been too excited to drink.

“Oops sorry. I promise next drink I’ll take it slow.”

Ruby and Iris both look at me like they don’t believe me. I see a bartender and wave her over and she brings me some shots of tequila. I take six and then beg the girls to go dance. Luckily they say yes and we make our way to the dance floor.

A new song starts up and I start dancing. Ruby dances by me and so does Iris. After a few more songs, some human guys come up and dance with us. Ruby grinds on the guy dancing with her while Iris barely touches the guy next to her.

A guy who has short auburn hair and a beard wraps his arm around my waist and puts his lips up next to my ear. “You are beautiful. What’s your name sweetheart?” He asks.

“Faith. What's yours?”

“Chad. You want to hook up after this?” He asks and I feel him kiss my neck. Out of instinct, I elbow him in the stomach and he backs away clutching his body.

“Oww, a simple no would have worked.” He groans and Ruby stands next to me now glaring at the human..

“She isn’t interested. Go away loser.” She glares and he gestures to his friends and they all leave.

Ruby, Iris, and I continue to drink and dance for a few more songs when I smell something odd. Well maybe not odd but something familiar.

“Werewolves,” I whisper and Ruby stops dancing.

Three werewolves walk up. It's the same ones from the diner, the Blue Moon Pack. The asshole Dallas walks up smirking. He looks at Ruby and whistles.

“You look amazing Ruby. Haven’t seen you hear in a while. Wanna dance?” He asks and Ruby scoffs.

“Definitely not. Go find another poor girl to torture.” Ruby scoffs and I chuckle.

Dallas's eyes go from Ruby to me. “Shut up vampire! Nobody here would dance with you anyway!” He replies and I hear a low growl come from behind him.

I look past Dallas and see the most handsome guy. It's the same one from earlier at O'dells. He's dressed in jeans and a gray button-up shirt that matches my eyes. He refuses to make eye contact with me and looks everywhere else.

“Let’s go.” The werewolf tells Dallas but he rolls his shoulders ready to fight instead.

“What’s your name vampire?” Dallas asks and I roll my eyes. I can tell he's looking for a fight but I'm not in the mood. Tonight was about having fun with my friends not fighting. But still, I can't stop myself from mouthing off to him.

“Why do you care? Not me or my friends are interested in you.” I tell him and Dallas growls again and the werewolf behind him grabs his shoulder to hold him back.

“Screw you vampire I'll-” He growls and I cut him off and step closer to him.

“You will what?” I challenge him with a smirk on my face. I'm not like most vampires, I'm faster and stronger. Both of my parents have trained me in self-defense. I guarantee if we fight I'll win.

Dallas growls and I feel my fangs come out. Unlike other vampires my eyes don’t turn red they glow gold. It must be the fairy blood in me. Dallas and the other werewolves gasp.

“Oh shit, you're her!” Dallas shouts and I grab Ruby’s hand dragging her away with me. I promised my parents I wouldn’t expose myself. It’s been a week and I’ve already screwed up. No one is supposed to know who I am. This is why I've trained so hard to control my temper.

When we get in the car and drive home the ride is completely silent. I just stare out the window hoping I didn’t make a huge mistake. I should have worn contacts. I'm sure the wolves are confused about why I didn't stay and fight. I just hope they don't know who I am.

Werewolves and vampires have never gotten along but with my father as king relations have slowly gotten better. I can only hope The Blue Moon Pack would rather be a friend than a foe. Because being the vampire princess puts a huge target on my back and if they find out I'm part fae it will be even worse.

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