Fate Stained - Part Two
Chapter 44 - The Coronation

Quinn POV

Thanks to Flynn, the journey to Panthera was effortless. Now that my brother was mated and to a very powerful, very strong Alpha female, his strengths as a tribrid and a Warlock had exceeded all our expectations.

Creating a portal and sending the four of us through it was nothing to him. It also eased my mind in the sense that I could easily travel back to Fern Creek if needed but Moira assured me that she had it all under control with Claudia - plus, Dominic and my father were also staying in the pack house, ready to eviscerate anyone that posed a threat to their granddaughter.

“You good?” Jayce asked beside me.

I sighed, straightening my shoulders and smiling up at him as we waited in the palace gardens for our welcoming party. Flynn had organised with Onyx for our portal to open up here so not to draw unwanted or unnecessary attention away from tonight’s proceedings. There were only a select few that knew I was going to be here tonight and we wanted to keep it that way.

“I’m good. I just don’t want my being here to take the shine and attention away from Kyan”

Jayce laughed and wrapped his large arm around me.

“Don’t worry, my wife. There isn’t a thing in this world that could take the shine and attention away from that sparkly little prick”

Jayce” I scolded.

“What? He’s named after a fucking precious stone. I’m sorry, but he’s asking for it”

“That better not be the future King you’re talking about”

The four of us turned to the familiar voice that echoed through the vines and I smiled as Onyx came into view. She looked gorgeous, as always. Jet black hair framed her face in her signature bob with blunt fringe and she wore a long sable gown that sat perfectly in a love heart neckline, showing off the impressive emerald jewels that adorned her throat.

Your future King” Jayce corrected, “Let’s get that straight”

The petite panther smiled widely at all of us and even though it felt quite odd to be here again, Onyx’s presence somehow took some of that uncomfortableness away.

“You look beautiful Nyx” I greeted, walking towards her and embracing her in a hug.

Onyx gave me a tight squeeze before holding me back again at arms length, her black eyes scanning my body up and down.

“I still can’t believe you had a baby only a few months ago Q! Look at you! Jayce is a lucky boy to have himself such a MILF”

We all laughed, the ice well and truly broken and the tension fading away.

“What’s a MILF?” Flynn asked.

Fern smirked then patted her mate on the shoulder and whispered in his ear. I knew the message had been received when my brother cleared his throat and his cheeks turned a deep shade of red.

“Got it”

“Anyway!” Onyx trilled, clapping her hands together, “Now that you’re here, we can get tonight underway! Please, would you all kindly follow me”

The panther turned around, swanning through the gardens and towards the palace entry and I linked my arm through Jayce’s as we followed her lead.

“Have I told you yet how absolutely stunning you look tonight?”

My skin erupted in goose bumps as Jayce’s deep gravely voice sounded in my ear.

“Only about a hundred times”

“Is that all?”

It had been a mission just to get me into this dress and out of the pack house this evening. Since our nuptials Jayce couldn’t keep his hands off me and quite honestly, the feeling was mutual. At one point, as my husband had me spread open on the bed, his head bobbing expertly between my legs, I’d even considered making up some lame excuse and not showing up here at all - instead staying sinfully wrapped in my bedsheets with the glorious man that stood beside me now.

But here we were.

“Goddess! Would you look at that!”

Fern’s gasp and comment drew my attention forward as we stepped inside the palace throne room. I’d been here before, a few times actually - it was the room that I’d first been introduced properly to Kyanite. I’d stood there, my heart racing as the confusing feelings I had for him invaded my mind and senses. I remembered the feeling clearly - the hate, the anger…the lust.

But standing here tonight, the feelings were so different. I was nervous to see him again, sure, but that was only because I didn’t know what to expect from him. I felt nothing for the Prince anymore. No love, no lust, no excitement. Nothing. It was obvious that the feelings I had for him in the past were only because of the fated bond we shared - and now that it was gone, so were they.

“Fancy” Flynn commented, looking around the room.

“It is. Now, if you all wanted to take seats here at the front. My mother and father will be seated on the other side, along with me. Then the guards will open the palace doors for the remaining guests”

We did as Onyx said, taking our seats on a long pew that sat only feet in front of the thrones. I noted there were only two thrones now, where last time I had been here there had been four. One, of course, would be Kyanite’s and the other for whenever he took a Queen.

“Here come Astrid and Magnus” Jayce muttered next to me.

The previous King and Queen of Panthera walked glamorously down the isle of the throne room, their heads held high and looking like they’d just stepped off a fashion runway in Milan. The two panthers made no attempt to look at us or acknowledge me in any way but I wouldn’t have expected anything less. I’d broken their son’s heart after all. The fact that I was even here probably pissed them off more than anything. They took their seat next to their daughter and within seconds the main entrance to the throne room opened, allowing the other guests to fill the remaining pews. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

One guest, an elderly looking gentlemen, did not take a seat, but instead made his way up the steps where the thrones sat and looked around the room. Another man approached him from behind the thrones with a golden trolley, on top of which was a spectacular looking crown, encrusted with more gems and stones than anything I’d seen, and a gold sceptre.

As everyone finally took their seats and the whispering died down around us, the doors to the throne room opened again. Without a word of command, everyone stood, turning their attention to the man that entered the space.

There he was, looking as handsome as ever and as regal as all get out. My gaze followed the panther Prince as he walked down the isle. The ceremonial robe that cloaked his shoulders was so extravagant and made him look every inch the King he was about to be. The emerald embellishments around the collar only made his haunting green eyes stand out more and it was very easy to see why every female in the room seemed to fawn over him, some even gasping as he walked passed.

There was one set of eyes though that watched the Prince intently and from the second Kyanite had walked into the room, to now where he stood in front of the elderly gentleman at the thrones, I didn’t think the owner of those eyes had even taken a breath. The woman sat next to Onyx, in the front row along with the rest of the royal family.

She was breathtakingly beautiful. Long blonde hair tied back in an emerald clasp, gorgeous tanned skin that contrasted perfectly against the green Grecian style gown that flowed flawlessly over her body.

“Who’s that?” Jayce whispered, clearly seeing where my attention lay.

“I don’t know, I’ve never seen her before”

The woman continued staring at Kyanite and every now and then, as the coronation progressed and the elderly man spoke in his native tongue about Goddess knows what, Kyan’s eyes would seek her out and once, I believe, I even saw him smile.

“Interesting” Flynn muttered.


“Well, I’ve only ever seen Kyanite look at one other person like that before - you. I’d say our panther friend has finally found himself a mate”

The coronation was complete. The Panthera Kingdom finally had themselves their rightful King and the celebrations were well and truly underway.

The dining hall was decked out with spectacular decorations and delicious looking and smelling foods that Panthera was famous for. There was a band that played fun and catchy music and the doors to the gardens were open, allowing people to spread out in the space and enjoy the perfect weather that the Kingdom always had to offer.

Flynn and Fern made the most of the occasion. I laughed as I watched my brother twirl his mate around the dance floor. They were so happy, so in love. Point Invictus had welcomed both of them into their leadership roles with open arms and the pack was now one of our strongest allies, along with Eastern Ridge.

But even though Jayce and I had indulged in the mouthwatering foods and spent our fair share of time whirling on the dance floor, I knew that before the night came to an end - there would be one more person I would need to speak to.

My eyes scanned the room for the millionth time and landed on the Panthera King. He stood talking to some of his loyal subjects, with his arm wrapped loosely around the back of the woman in the green dress. Flynn had been right. As soon as the celebrations kicked off, the blonde and Kyanite hadn’t left each other’s sides once and it was obvious that they were a mated couple. It made me happy, of course it did. I wanted to see Kyan happy, I wanted him to have everything that Jayce and I had - Heaven knew the man deserved it.

As I stared across the room at Kyan, his head suddenly turned, and for the first time tonight, his eyes locked with mine.


I’d been sprung, how embarrassing. But instead of turning away or shrugging me off, the King nodded his head towards the back door of the throne room, gesturing for me to meet him there. Then he released his grip on the blonde, whispered something in her ear and walked off in the direction of the door.

“Go” Jayce sighed.


“He clearly wants to talk to you alone. So, go”

Searching Jayce’s face for a sign that he was pissed off, I found nothing but love and support. He smiled at me warmly, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear before leaning forward to kiss my cheek. Then, before he sat back, his lips lingered at my ear, his breath hot on my neck.

“Quinn. There is no ounce of jealousy between myself and Kyanite. You are mine. You are my mate, Luna and wife…and when we get home I fully intend on reminding you of that”

My wolf rolled shamelessly on to her back, basking in her Alpha’s dominance and suggestive promise.

“I’ll hold you to that” I breathed.

“I don’t doubt it. Now, go get some closure and then get your fine arse back here for one more dance before we go home”

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