Fate Stained - Part Two
Chapter 45 - I’ll Always Love You

Quinn POV

Stepping through the back exit of the throne room, I hesitantly walked into the seemingly empty hall that stretched out before me. The space was a stark contrast from the room I’d just been in, the music and laughter replaced with nothing but the sounds trickling water from a beautiful fountain that took up one of the hall walls.

“Over here Quinn”

Kyanite’s smooth voice caught me off guard and I jumped as the King stepped out from behind a large marble pillar. He chuckled, placing his hands in his pockets as he strode slowly towards me.


“You scared the shit out of me. Someone should really put a bell on you”

We both laughed, if not a little bit uncomfortably and I extended my hand to Kyan. Expecting him to shake it - which would also have been awkward, considering our history - Kyanite instead took my hand and turned it, placing a soft kiss on my knuckles.

“What’s this?” He asked, still holding on to my hand and rubbing his thumb over the white gold band encrusted with small sapphires on my ring finger.

I pulled my hand gently from his grasp and placed it behind my back.

“So you two got married? That’s wonderful Quinn, I’m happy for you”

He sounded happy for me, he looked happy, his eyes held no animosity towards me what so ever…so why did this all feel so uncomfortable?

“Congratulations on tonight” I answered after a few seconds, “the crown suits you. All of this suits you”

It was true. Kyanite was made for this life. Everything about him, from his take-no-shit personality to his swagger and charisma, screamed royalty. Fern Creek hadn’t been the place for him and I had been the wrong choice in mate for him, Kyanite deserved better - he always had.

“Thank you - and congratulations to you and Jayce on the baby. Onyx told me she is as beautiful as you. Trust me when I say I’m genuinely happy for the both of you”

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“That means a lot Kyan, it really does - and the invite for tonight means a lot too. I’m glad after everything we can still be amicable”

Kyanite laughed and shifted his weight from one foot to the other. When a soft shade of pink flushed his cheeks I looked around, wondering what I could have possibly said to make the man blush.


The King cleared his throat and shook his head as he looked back at me.

“No, it’s not you” he sighed, “It’s— There’s someone that wants to meet you and she’s given me five seconds to invite her back here before she barges through the door herself—”

Just as Kyan finished his sentence, the door that I’d entered earlier opened and the stunning blonde in the green dress walked through, closing the door behind her. As the woman walked passed me to Kyanite, I couldn’t take my eyes off him. The way he stared at her, the way his emerald eyes lit up the second she entered the hall…the man was smitten.

“Quinn” he breathed, as the blonde stopped by his side, linking her slender arm through his, “I’d like to introduce you to Anna…my mate”

Anna - so the woman had a name. She smiled at me warmly, so warmly. We extended our hands towards each other at the same time and as I gripped her’s in a friendly shake, something about her touch jolted me, my animals stirring slightly within.

“It’s such an honour to meet you Luna Quinn” she purred, “I’ve been absolutely dying to meet you all night and I told Kyan that if he didn’t introduce me soon, I’d walk right over there and do it myself”

I looked to Kyanite and raised my brow, it seemed if it wasn’t for Anna then maybe the King would have avoided me all night.

“Well it’s lovely to meet you too” I returned, “You look absolutely gorgeous. That dress is stunning”

It seemed my compliment on Anna’s attire was the perfect lead in to the blonde excitedly starting a conversation about her gown and shoes, then complimenting mine which in turn sparked a chat about how we were both more comfortable in casual jeans and a T-shift. Every now and the Kyan would laugh or roll his eyes and add his own two cents if he felt it was needed - but clearly this conversation was mainly between Anna and myself.

I took in the body language between the couple during our brief chat. The way, within seconds of Anna joining Kyan’s side, their breathing and heart rates fell in sync. The way Kyan’s pupils dilated when he looked at her. The way Anna licked her lips when Kyan moved or spoke. The way when Anna laughed, Kyan would smile, her cheerfulness clearly rubbing off on him. And it was all so bloody obvious to me - these two weren’t just mates.

“You’re fated mates” I blurted out, probably cutting one of them off mid sentence after I’d stopped listening and faded into my own little world.

A mega-watt smile plastered itself over Anna’s face and her eyes darted to Kyan before locking back on me.

“How did you know?”

“Look at you two. You’re so in tune with one another, so receptive…so in love. That kind of intensity so early on in a relationship is something I’ve only ever seen with fated mates…but—”

My face scrunched unintentionally and as I watched both Kyan and Anna’s expression change too, I knew adding ‘but’ to the end of that sentence hadn’t been a good idea.

“But what?” Kyanite asked.

There was something else about the two…something about Anna that spoke to me - well, not so much to me but to Rogue. I’d felt it from the moment she shook my hand and at first I wasn't sure exactly what it was but as I spent more time in her company…I was pretty confident I knew what my animals had sensed.

“How far along are you?”

Both the King and his mate stared at me, blinking their eyes in silent unison.

Oh shit! They don’t know!

“Two weeks” Anna replied.

Oh good!

“Wait. What?” Kyanite turned around to face Anna, placing a hand on each of her shoulders and staring her in the eyes, “You’re— you’re pregnant?”


“I am”

“How— how could I not know?”

Anna sighed, her hand gently lifting and stroking the side of Kyan’s face.

“I hade one of our mage’s cloak it…just for now. I wanted to make sure the pregnancy was viable before you found out. I knew how upset you were about loosing— about last time you thought you were going to be a dad—”

Anna’s eyes moved to mine, a look of sorrow mixed with a slight hint of pity within them. In that moment I wanted to disappear. I prayed to the Goddess that the ground would just open up beneath me and swallow me whole, or that I could open portals myself and just vanish right back to Fern Creek to never show my face here again. This was such a private moment between Anna and Kyan…and I’d completely fucked it up.

“Anna. Viable or not…this is something we do and experience together. You need to stop protecting me and my feelings, we are passed that. OK?”

Anna nodded her head, a tear running down her cheek. Kyanite sighed, wiping the tear away and replacing it with a gentle kiss.

“We’re having a baby?”

Anna sobbed, answering her mate with another nod of her head, “We’re having a baby”

Jayce POV

After checking on Claudia, for the hundredth time before going to bed, I padded into the ensuite where Quinn stood before the sink, wiping off her makeup with a pack of baby wipes. I smiled as I watched her, scrubbing off every last bit of blush and eyeshadow until the woman that looked back at her in the mirror was the natural carefree one I’d fallen in love with.

I’d been so proud of her tonight - well I was every night - but the way she’d held herself, the way she’d answered question after question about her role as Shifter Queen, the way she’d shrugged off Astrid and Magnus’s coolness, the way she’d spoken to Kyanite and his mate - I was fucking proud of it all.


I laughed as Quinn glared at me through the reflection in the mirror, clearly catching me staring at her.

“Just admiring my wife”

Quinn hummed, dropping the make-up soiled wipes in the bin and turning around to face me. She still wore the stunning dress that she’d attended the coronation in, the plunging neckline now doing absolutely nothing to cover up her swollen milk engorged breasts.

I couldn’t help but stare, the woman was fucking mouthwatering. I’d found her irresistibly attractive when she was pregnant, the way her hips and breasts swelled and the way her body changed to accomodate new life; but now, seeing her be a mother, watching her body adjust for our child’s needs - it quite literally sent me wild. My wolf frothed over it. Our mate was nurturing our young, providing food, warmth, love and safety - there was nothing more attractive than that.

“See something you like?” Quinn drawled, unhooking the clasp of her dress at the back to allow the silky material to flow off her body like liquid.

I swallowed dryly, my nakedness doing absolutely nothing the hide the rapid swell between my legs.

“Yes” I answered bluntly.

Sauntering over to me as she slid her panties down over her thighs, my wife smiled coyly.

“That makes two of us”

“Is that right?”


The feeling of her warm skin pressing up against my body was enough to draw a low, rumbling growl from my chest, and the sound - as it always did - had Quinn’s nipples hardening immediately. With all we’d been through, all our ups and downs, all our challenges - we were more responsive to each other now more than ever. My wolf was so in tune with Quinn’s that I knew what she was feeling before she even felt it herself.

“You ready for bed?” I asked, leaning down, my lips pressing softly against our mating mark and working their way along her clavicle.

Quinn groaned, rolling her head to the side to allow me better access.


With one arm I lifted Quinn up and she wrapped her legs possessively around my waist. I nearly entered her then and there, my hard cock pressed deep into her thigh, only inches from her slick opening. Then, clearly knowing how close we were to penetration, Quinn adjusted her hips, rolling her pelvis around slowly until all it took was a slight thrust from me and I was inside.

“Ohhhh, fuck Jayce”

Her moan clawed at the deepest places within my soul, my name rolling off her tongue in a pained cry. I rolled my up hips up again, holding Quinn firmly so she couldn’t lift off me.

“Is that good?” I groaned.

I bit down on Quinn’s neck as she nodded weakly against me, moaning loudly, tilting her hips back and forth over and over.

“Do you want more?”

Another nod of her head.

With my free hand I grabbed the back of Quinn’s hair, wrapping it firmly around my fist and gave it a little tug. The cry that fell from her mouth only spurred me on, I knew she loved this and it made me so fucking hard giving her what she loved.



I drove harder into her, slamming my hips up while I held her’s down. Quinn was powerless, unable to do anything apart from scream my name and take my cock as I rammed her harder and faster.

Then she made her noise - that noise - that fucking noise that made me lose my fucking mind. The sound she made just before her body would give into me, before she would completely lose all control and let her orgasm rip through her whole body. It was like a sharp inhale and a moan all in one and it would coincide with her pussy clenching expertly around my shaft.

“That’s. It. Baby” I grunted, pummelling Quinn harder as her eyes rolled back and I tugged again on her hair, “cum. Baby. Cum. For. Me. Come. On. Me. Ahhhh!”

Scream after scream tore from Quinn’s mouth, which only made me fuck her harder. Her whole body seized, her hips spasming, her pussy pulsating, her nails digging so deep into my back that I knew she’d drawn blood. But I kept going, kept going until I violently met my own release and roared wildly as I came inside her, filling her entirely until the wetness dripped warmly down my thighs.

“You’re a fucking amazing husband. Have I ever told you that?” Quinn panted, gasping softly as I lay her down on the bed and withdrew myself from her.

I flopped down beside her, letting my arm drape lazily over her body that still shuddered slightly with after shocks.

“About a hundred times…but I don’t think I’ll ever tire of hearing it”

“Well” she laughed, linking her fingers in mine, “You’re a fucking amazing husband and I love you more than you’ll ever know. It’s you and me babe, we’re in this for the long haul”

My heart swelled. Quinn didn't have to say it, I knew it. I knew it was her and I against the world and now that we had Claudia, we were more of a team than ever. But it was nice to hear her say it, nice to have it reaffirmed that my wife felt the exact same way as I did.

“And I’ll choose to do life with you a million times over if the Goddess lets me. I love you Quinn, in this life and the next. I’ll always love you”

**** So that’s it!!!! That’s the end of Jayce and Quinn’s story. Thank you so so much for joining me on this journey and I hope you feel I’ve done the characters justice.

There will be a short Epilogue added soon. I guess it’s a lead in to Claudia’s story that will possibly happen down the track. I know what is planned for her so I should probably let you guys know too!!!

Thank you again!!!!

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