“Jack! Alec! Hurry up!” I shout.

Jack has his first official practice today. They don’t do tryouts or cuts or anything. They don’t want to deter kids from playing, so they just have open sign-ups. Then, you pay the registration fee and all the equipment costs.

Jack is on the Rhinos team, and their colors are gray and black. We are supposed to be at the rink in ten minutes, which is no biggie, except that the rink is fifteen minutes from the house and Jack and Alec are still upstairs in Jack’s room, getting ready.

I hear Jack’s pitter-patter right before he screams, “Ready!”

Alec and Jack come zooming down the stairs. Jack’s eyes are dead set on the garage door, and Alec can’t take his eyes off of Jack. I grab my keys off the counter and follow them out, ready to speed a little to get there on time.

The drive there is fairly quick. Every light seems to magically turn green, and we make it there with a minute to spare.

We practically run inside, trying to get to his rink.

Alec yanks the door open to the building and we find a spot in the back just before one of the coaches begins speaking.

The coach is wearing a suit and has his hands clasped behind his back. “I want to welcome all of you to the very first practice. Make sure you always have a water bottle and all your gear before walking into this rink. Without them, you will be sent home for the day.”

I bump Alec’s shoulder. “He knows these kids are five and six, right?”

Alec stifles a laugh. “Yes, Lu, he knows. Hockey takes a lot of dedication and time. If this is really something Jack wants to do, he is going to have to work for it. But I’m hoping he got some of his dad’s skills.” He winks at me before turning back to the coach.

“All right, parents, we are going to be getting fitted for skates today.” He waves over a slew of people from the sidelines. “These guys are going to get your kids in the proper skates. My assistant will be running the rest of practice tonight. It will just be focusing on skating techniques. I will see you all tomorrow. Good night.”

With that, he waves his hand and starts walking in our direction near exit. When he’s about ten feet away, he looks up and stops walking, eyes locked on Alec.

A smile forms on his face. Hmm, I didn’t know he could do that.

He approaches us with his hand extended toward Alec. “Alec Kostelecky?”

Alec takes his hand, giving a firm shake. “Yes, sir.”

I swear the coach is totally fangirling over Alec right now.

“To what do I owe the honor?” he asks, completely flabbergasted.

Alec turns, smiling to me, and then lovingly looks down to Jack. “My son just joined your team.” Alec slides his arm around my shoulders. “This is my girlfriend, Laura, and our son, Jack.”

The coach’s eyes widen as he realizes the famous Alec Kostelecky’s son will be on his team.

The coach bends down to Jack’s level. “Well, we are so excited to have you here, Jack.” He stands back up and reaches his hand out to me. “Great to meet you, Laura.” He shakes my hand and then reaches for Alec’s once more before he walks off.

Jack spins around, looking at Alec, smile beaming ear to ear. “My dad’s famous?”

Alec chuckles and takes Jack’s hand. “Let’s go get those little feet some skates.”

Alec and Jack lead the way, and we get in line behind the other players and parents. When we finally reach the front of the line, I have a sense of excitement in me—for Jack, for Alec, and for myself. Our own little hockey fam.

But there is one thing I can’t get out of my mind. At some point, this is going to go public, and the coach recognizing him will just be the beginning of hundreds of thousands. And I’m naive to think that the craziness of Alec’s life will begin and end with him.

One of the workers waves us over. “Hey, guys, I’m Jared.” He squats down to Jack and lifts his foot up, mumbling to himself. “All right, let’s try these.”

Jack pushes his foot down into the skate, and Jared quickly laces it up. Satisfied with the fit, he slips the other skate onto Jack’s foot.

Suddenly, Jack takes off running past us in his skates. I guess Alec’s genes really did get passed down.

I turn just in time to see him and Erick slam together in a hug meant for long-lost friends. Although I know for a fact that they saw each other today at school.

My chest warms when I see the two boys wrapped in each other’s arms, and when they pull out of the hug, their hands stay connected.

Alec leans down to my ear. “Is-is that Jack’s friend or boyfriend?” he asks genuinely.

I lean into his touch. “To be honest, I don’t know, but I’m guessing boyfriend more than friend.”

Alec smiles against my ear. “All righty then. I can’t wait to meet him.”

My mom tingles kick in, and I quickly scan the crowd, searching for the reason my hair is standing up.

And I soon spot it.

A couple is standing there, scowling at Jack and Erick. A look of pure disgust twists into the ugly death stare that is shooting toward my five-year-old, who is lost in conversation.

The couple has to be in their low- to mid-twenties. The man leans down to his wife, and as he finishes speaking what I imagine is nothing short of absolute idiocy, his eyes meet mine.

And I let my fury shine through them.

Holding nothing back in my burning gaze, I stand a little taller. One word out of his mouth, and I will become unglued.

Alec must sense my stare, and he reaches out and places a strong, supportive hand on my back.

I feel his lips brush my ear before he says, “What’s going on?”

He doesn’t ask if something’s wrong or if I am okay. Alec knows me. He’s known me almost my whole life. He doesn’t have to ask if something is wrong—he just knows.

“This bigoted man is clearly not okay with Jack and Erick being, well, whatever they are. And I am currently locked in a staredown with him, waiting for him to back off.”

I blink, and the next thing I see, Alec is already five feet ahead of me, walking toward the couple.

My body reacts before I realize it, stepping out toward him. I whisper, “Alec! Get back here!”

He ignores me and treks on.

I take long steps in hopes of grabbing him before he goes off on this couple. Not that they don’t deserve it, but I’ve never been one to start a confrontation. But I’m too late.

When Alec walks up to them, a look of instant recognition sets into their features. I’m not surprised. Anyone in and around the hockey world knows who Alec is—the star center in the league right now.

The man, who five seconds ago clearly didn’t approve of our son’s relationship, is now stretching his hand out. “Holy shit. You’re Alec Kostelecky of the Nighthawks.”

Alec takes his hand and shakes it but doesn’t let go. I take a step toward Alec and rest my hand on his shoulder, which is rippling with anger.

I might not be a fan of confrontation, but there’s a reason Alec sees the penalty box far too often. He doesn’t start fights for no reason. But the second there’s any kind of threat on a person he cares about, all bets are off.

Alec’s steel grip is holding the man’s hand in place as he tugs him forward, bringing him inches from Alec’s face. Alec towers over the man’s much smaller stature.

Alec’s voice is clear and calculated when he says, “Damn straight I’m Alec Kostelecky, and that right there”—Alec turns and points at our son, who’s still in la-la land over there with Erick—“is my son. And I don’t give a shit what your views are. But if you keep looking at my son like that, I’ll get you banned from this league. One text, and you and your son are done here.”

Alec pushes the man back, and he willingly goes, his face ghost white. I bet he wasn’t expecting that.

The man shakes his head, and his next words are uncertain, hesitant. “I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

He grabs his wife’s hand and hustles over to where his son is getting fitted for skates.

I feel on edge, and my chest is getting tight. I don’t know if Alec should’ve threatened to get him kicked off the league. That seems like an abuse of power. Still hot, but just going a bit too far.

Alec finally turns to me, and I watch the anger in his face deplete as he takes a quick breath.

I cock my head to the side, ready to give him a little piece of my mind. But he opens his mouth and puts a finger over my lips and shushes me.

“Look, before you say whatever is brewing in that mind, hear me out. If you’d met the owner of this league and his husband, you would know that was not an empty threat.”

Alec starts to pull his finger away, but then a twinkle shimmers in his eyes, and a smirk tugs on his lips.

He slides his finger across my cheek, cradling my head in his hand. The smirk is full-on claiming his lips as he slowly leans down. His lips graze mine, and shivers shimmy down my back.

Oh, for fuck’s sake, I’m not in the mood for teasing right now.

I reach up and lock my fingers around his neck and tug him, smashing his lips into mine. He runs the tip of his tongue across the crease of my lips, and I really wish we weren’t at the rink right now.

He’s the first to pull away, and I’m so grateful he did because I think I would’ve had sex right here on the floor. He’s addictive. Once his lips touch mine, I’m unable to stop myself.

Alec takes both my hands in his and swings them back and forth. “Don’t make plans tonight.” A pure look of mischief flickers in his eyes.

I furrow my brows, and my mind flashes a thousand ideas of what he could possibly have planned.

But who am I to say no to the Alec Kostelecky? I laugh to myself.

“Okay, but what about Jack?” I drop one of my hands out of his, and we walk over to the edge of the ice, where Jack and Erick are now skating.

He strokes his thumb across the back of my hand. “Already took care of it.” He spins me toward him and takes my chin in his free hand. “Just trust me, Laura.”

Now, my chest is tight for so many other reasons. But mostly, the love I have for this man, for the love that I have always had for him.

“Okay, no more questions.” I turn back to the ice, but my brain instantly smacks me with a thousand questions, and I can’t help but let one slip.

I turn back to him, and he already has a laugh teasing his lips.

“One question—last one, I swear. What should I wear?”

The laugh on his lips falls. “Something tight and maybe a little short.” His eyes seductively drop, quickly scanning my body, causing a wave of heat to settle over my skin.

His answer only makes me want to ask a million more questions. But I keep them at bay. I now have to figure out what the hell to wear.

We walk over to Erick’s parents, who welcome us with hugs and warm smiles. We end up spending the next hour or so talking with them while the boys skate around. His mom says that she is so happy that Erick has Jack, no matter what they are. Which makes any tension between us fizzle out.

At one point, Alec can’t help himself and gets on the ice with them, teaching them proper form.

During the ride home, I have to physically push my lips together to stop the questions brimming on the edge of my lips. Alec tells me to be ready by nine, which means I have a little over an hour to figure out what I’m going to wear, how to do my makeup and my hair.

I should not be as nervous as I am, but dear God, it feels like the butterflies are flying so fast that they might bust through my skin.

Once we get back to the house, Jack and Alec settle into the couch, watching a movie. And I hustle upstairs and bust into Charlotte’s room.

What I expected to see was Charlotte sitting on her bed. What I didn’t expect? Seeing Reed and Char mid-sex.

Oh my God!” I slam the door shut and cover my eyes at the same time. “Lock the fucking door!” I shout at them and book it to my room as fast as possible.

I can hear Char’s giggles as I enter my room, shutting the door behind me. There are so many things I could go through life without seeing. Charlotte bent over with Reed behind her is one of them.

But I will give Charlotte a congrats because Reed is … well, he fits the hockey stereotype when it comes to dick size. But again, something I could have gone my whole life without actually seeing.

Trying my best to erase the burning image in my mind, I head into my closet to find something that I think will impress Alec tonight. Although I’m sure I could show up in a cinched garbage bag, and he would be happy.

“Let’s start with these,” I whisper to myself as I pull five of my club work dresses off the rack and head to my mirror.

I strip out of my clothes and grab the first dress, slipping it over my head.

When I get it zipped up, Charlotte comes into the room with the biggest smile on her face. “Enjoy the show?” She laughs.

I grab one of my pillows off my bed and chuck it at her. “Shut it!” It takes me a second to realize that she’s just now coming into my room. “Hold the fuck up. Did you guys finish after I came in?”

Charlotte belly-flops onto my bed. “Well, we weren’t about to let you ruin the mood.”

“I can’t believe you.” I laugh and turn to my mirror. “What do you think about this one?”

I examine the dress. Its tight deep red fabric hits right at my fingertips. It has delicate straps that crisscross in the back. It’s really pretty, but I don’t know if it’s the one for tonight.

It would probably be a hell of a lot easier to pick a dress if I knew exactly what we were doing.

Char army-crawls across my bed to my pile of dresses. One by one, she tosses them onto the ground until only one remains.

“This one.” She holds the dress up above her head.

I yank the shimmery gold fabric out of her hand and unzip the red dress in one move. I haven’t worn the gold one yet, so it would still have the feeling of wearing something new.

It’s probably the least modest thing I own. The front of the dress cuts into a deep V about three inches above my belly button. Two thin straps keep it on my shoulders, crossing each other on my shoulder blades, and then it drops into a very low-cut back. The length is not forgiving if I need to bend in the slightest.

He wanted tight and showy. Well, he’s gonna get it.

“All right, now, help me figure out my hair.” I give her a quick twirl as she stands up.

“Thank God. It needs some work.” She boops my nose and drags me into the bathroom.

After forty or so minutes, we leave the bathroom, and I feel a little like a stripper—in the best way. I laugh to myself.

While I did my makeup, Char straightened my hair and pulled it up into a tight, high ponytail, wrapping a strand of my mousy-brown hair to hide the band.

I also went all out with my makeup—smoky eyes and a bright red lip.

Char heads to the bedroom door. “I’m going to put Jack in bed, so he doesn’t have to see his mom dressed like a prostitute.”

“Ha! Funny! An expensive escort, if anything.” I step into my closet to find some shoes.

Opting to be a little dangerous tonight, I slip my thong off, kicking it onto the floor.

I choose a matching strappy gold heel and slip them on just as I hear the door close.

Adjusting my earring, I head out of the closet. “Wow, he must’ve gone down quick.”

My next step is cut short. Charlotte is nowhere in sight. In her place is Alec with his jaw dropped.

His shoulders are rising and falling rapidly as he finds his words. “I think we should just skip the whole thing tonight”—he takes a step forward, and his fingers trail up my arm, fireworks bursting in his path—“and just stay right”—his burning touch grazes up my shoulder and finds the sensitive spot on the side of my neck—“here.”

My eyes drift shut from his touch, and when I open them again, I swear I can see flames in his gaze. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Leaning in to my addiction to this man, I say, “O-okay.”

“Tsk-tsk, Laura. I have way too many plans, and it would be too easy if I gave in right now. On top of that”—his fingers find their path again, and when they reach the bottom of my jaw, his thumb grabs the other side, and he takes full control of my being, squeezing the perfect amount—“if I remember right, you liked this.” The pressure of his grip tightens, and I swear this dress is fighting to get off my body. “I have a few new tricks up my sleeve now. I’m not sixteen anymore, Lu. And I want to hear my damn name on those lips again.”

The tightness building in my core is begging to be set free. And as his fingers release my jaw, a whimper slips past my lips. I should be embarrassed, but I’m not. I’m hoping it’s enough to make him give in.

I should have known better though. That damn stubbornness of his has not changed.

I flick his chest and dart past him. “Hurry up! Let’s get this over with, so we can get back here.”

I don’t wait for him and head downstairs, grabbing my clutch and heading out the front door. Just in time to see a stretch limo pull into the driveway. Well, this boy has way too much money on his hands. For God’s sake, just get an Uber.

I can’t even convince this stupid smile to get off my face. And I’m not upset in the slightest. Sometimes, I forget that the Alec I knew and the Alec I now know is not the same one that the Nighthawks fans know. I forget that he isn’t just another hockey player in some league. He is the damn hockey player in the NHL.

Hearing the door close behind me, I turn to see Alec heading toward me with red roses in his hand.

He might be Alec Kostelecky, best center in the NHL, to the rest of the world. But to me, he will always be the first and only boy I’ve ever loved.

I take the roses from his outstretched arm. “Thank you. When did you even have time to get these?”

He waves the driver away and opens the door for me. “I can’t give away my tricks, or it will ruin the magic, Lu. Duh.”

I step into the limo and feel his fingers graze the back of my thigh, reigniting the fire that was burning in my bedroom. Fully getting into the limo, I sit down, and Alec finds a seat right at my side, his hand settling down on my knee.

Curiosity getting the better of me, I ask, “Are you going to tell me where we are going?”

He runs his tongue over his bottom lip, humor dancing in his smirk. “No, I don’t think I will. I like watching you squirm.”

I huff out a breath of defeat and place my hand under my chin. Alec’s fingers begin moving on my knee, eliciting shivers on my skin.

“We’re almost there,” Alec says.

Soon after, the limo pulls to a stop. After a moment, the limo driver opens the door for us. And out of all the places he could’ve picked, I was not expecting him to pick Fireflies.

As we clamber out of the limo, I can see how packed the place is tonight. Part of me wants to clock in and help out. I imagine they are swamped inside. But I can’t. I’m here for me tonight, for us.

A bright flash pulls my attention away from the entrance. A second flash goes off, and my vision finally homes in on its source.

“Over here!” someone shouts, flashes continuing to attack my eyes.

Alec’s hand finds my back, and he pushes, “I’m sorry, Lu. I have no idea how they found out.”

We race into the building, and I finally realize that paparazzi were the ones taking photos of us. Actual paparazzi.

Once we’re safely inside and security blocks them from coming in, I turn to Alec. “Is that a normal occurrence for you?”

The look of seriousness washes off his face as he drags his hand across his stubbly jaw. “Yeah, unfortunately, it comes with the territory. I’m sorry, babe. They weren’t supposed to ruin tonight.”

My heart skips a beat when I hear him call me babe. I feel like we’re sitting in Al’s Barbeque.

“You just called me babe,” I say, a little dumbfounded.

His brows furrow. “Is that okay?”

I take a step toward him. “Of course. It just caught me by surprise—that’s all.”

He takes my hand and begins pulling me toward the main room. “Good.”

When the doors open, I’m stunned and a little jealous that I’m not working tonight. The place is packed! I mean, I could easily walk out of here tonight with close to a thousand dollars.

Alec leads me all the way to the bar, where Mark takes our order. I offer a small smile.

We don’t talk much while we consume our first drink. We just sit at the bar, taking in the chaos on the dance floor. I get why he wanted me to wear something tight and short now.

Alec finishes his first drink and then leans down to me. “Want to know why I brought you here?”

I nod, feeling the stubble of his cheek scratch mine. That shouldn’t make a wave of heat travel from my neck to my core. But here we are.

His hands find my back, and he pulls me around the stool and flush against his chest, our hips lined up indecently. “This is where we finally reunited. And I know you were here with Cam that night because he told us all about it. I almost killed him.” He shrugs. “I thought it would only be fair if I got the same treatment. Before I ran into you, he texted all of us that night, saying that he had found this amazing girl who was dynamite on the dance floor. The only time you and I’d ever danced was the winter formal. And I can’t imagine those were the same moves you showed him.”

His hand moves from my back to my collarbone, wrapping around the base of my neck and I all but drag him to the floor to show him what he’s been missing.

He laughs as we find our own spot in the mayhem. I fully open my senses, feeling the music take hold of me.

And then I let go.

Alec’s hands dance on my hips, occasionally digging in, causing me to grind harder against him. We sway, the music singing in our ears and our hearts. We are free, flowing, grinding, getting lost in the high of our touch.

Finding Alec’s left hand on my hip, I lace my fingers with his. Taking my right hand, I hook it up around the back of his neck, crushing us together even more.

An explosion of pleasure erupts on the crook of my neck as his tongue and lips lavish me. My fingers dig into the back of his neck, and a deep groan from his lips works its way through my body.

He bites my earlobe. “Laura, we aren’t going to last all night if you keep this up.”

I spin in his grip, facing him with a smirk on my lips.

Challenging him, I say, “You wanted what Cam got, right?”

Jealousy and a hint of fury erupt in his eyes. He hisses out, “Yes.”

“Well then, we’re just getting started.” I grab his face in my hands and bring his lips to mine.

Within seconds, his lips part, and I slide my tongue between them. He moans into my mouth.

His kiss claims me, scorching my soul.

His hands begin to join in on the fun. One of his hands grabs my jaw, his fingers under one side and his thumb on the other. And then I lose control—Alec takes it all.

He tightens his grip, and pulsing aches throb between my legs. Tilting my head, he runs his lips and teeth down my jaw, latching on to that sweet spot on my collarbone.

A gasp slips past my lips, and honestly, I couldn’t care less that we’re in the middle of the dance floor right now. I want him. I need him.

“Alec,” I whimper.

“What?” His voice is animalistic when he comes up for air.

“Let’s go,” I beg him. I don’t know how much longer I can wait before spontaneously combusting.

He hesitates. I can see he’s fighting it. He probably had a whole night of plans that I am totally vetoing.

“Please.” I graze my finger on the edge of his pants, slipping in into his waistband.

His eyes flutter closed, and his lips part. “Fuck.”

Without another word, he is practically running towards the exist with my hand in his. He shoots a quick message on his phone, and when we get outside, the limo is pulling up.

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