Alec doesn’t wait for the driver. He is already opening the door, ushering me inside, past the flashing lights.

The driver has the partition down. “Sir?”

“Take us to 115 Harlow Drive,” he announces. “And put the partition up.”

I gulp.

“Wait, what? That’s not my address.” I turn to him.

He just smiles and fishes something out of his pocket—a hotel key. “I know. I got us a suite for the night. And don’t worry; Charlotte already knows. Enough talking. Come here.”

And with that, his tongue finds mine once again. His hands grab my waist, and in one swift movement, he pulls me onto his lap, my hips straddling him.

I sink into the position and am shocked to feel the already-hard bulge beneath me. His hands race to my hips and bunch the fabric up, completely exposing me.

His hands explore, and when they trail closer to my center, Alec pulls back. “You’re not wearing any underwear.”

I bite my lip, unable to even find words from the blood pounding in my ears.

He takes a deep breath before saying, “I love you, Laura. I always have. You’re the only woman I’ve ever loved and the only one I ever will.”

He keeps his gaze locked on to mine as his fingers find my center and begin making small circles.

My eyes begin to drift shut, but he grabs my chin with his other hand and demands, “Look at me.”

I force my eyes open, and my head kicks back as a finger slips into my entrance. My eyes flutter shut again but he wiggles my chin, shaking my eyes open. After a few pumps, a second finger joins in the torturous rhythm. His thumb finds the pulsing bundle of nerves, and with the smallest pressure, whimpers begin falling from my lips.

Alec’s free hand finds the back of my neck, and he holds me up. Desire and raw, unbridled need burn in his eyes.

His pace quickens, and I can feel my core tightening, ready to release.

“Alec,” I moan. “Please.”

The limo pulls to a stop, and I’ve never been more annoyed and frustrated in my life.

“Soon,” Alec says as he leans in and kisses my forehead.

I hear footsteps outside, and I throw myself off of Alec’s lap and adjust my dress just as the door opens.

“Mr. Kostelecky,” the driver says.

Alec leads the way, and I follow closely behind. When I step outside, I realize we’re at the Sheraton Hotel. I’ve driven by this place a thousand times.

The driver shuts the door and offers his hand to Alec. “Text me in the morning, and I will be here.”

“Thanks, Tom,” Alec replies, shaking his hand.

The driver nods and heads back to his side.

Alec locks his hand with mine and leads us into the hotel. We bypass the desk and head straight for the elevator.

No words are exchanged as we ride up to the sixth floor. The ding of the elevator sounds worlds away. We step onto the floor, and Alec slides the key into the door closest to us.

It opens, and my heart is in my throat. As ready as I was to sleep with him in the limo, I’m nervous. This is real. We’re together, against all odds.

But I have to push my fears and insecurities aside. Because despite those odds, here we are. And I don’t want to waste a second.

I set my clutch on the table and turn to Alec, who’s already on the edge of the bed, unbuttoning his shirt. When his eyes find mine, any lingering fears dissipate. This is right where I am supposed to be.

I float over to the bed and stand between his legs. With one hand, I guide his chin up to look at me.

My breath catches. No uncontrolled desire lingers in his gaze, but raw love and hope sit in its place.

I throw my knees over his lap, straddling him. I open my mouth to speak, but he stops me. Again.

“Before you say anything, before we do anything else, I need you to know this.” He takes my cheeks in his hands. “Laura, I love you. I’ve always loved you. I never should have let you slip away in the first place. And I don’t care if you’ve been with a thousand guys since me. I don’t care if you slept with half my team.”

I laugh at his hypotheticals.

“But I am never walking away from you or Jack again. And I will spend the rest of our lives making up for the time I missed. You are my—” He cuts off, searching for the right words as his eyes well up, before continuing, “Everything. I’ve loved you since I was sixteen, and I’m never going to stop. A hole has been in my chest, a feeling of despair. I didn’t know it until I saw you at Fireflies. But the second I did, it was like I came back to life and that hole was filled again.”

My breaths are huffing in and out. And it isn’t until his thumb sweeps my cheek that I realize I’m crying. I’ve been waiting for what feels like forever to hear him say that.

I don’t have anything to say. He used up all the words. So, instead, I kiss him.

I kiss his lips, but it’s so much more than that. I give myself over to him, heart and soul. Although he might have had them this whole time.

He deepens the kiss, his tongue parting my lips. My hips involuntarily begin rocking against him, causing soft groans to pour into my mouth.

Alec’s rough, callous hands delicately sweep across my back, slowly guiding the zipper down. The straps fall off my shoulders, and I stand, the dress pooling at my feet.

Alec bites his lip and pulls his arms out of his shirt, tossing it next to my dress.

Holy shit …

Every inch of his torso and shoulders is defined, and I want to explore it all with my tongue.

He rises off the bed and undoes the belt of his pants, shimmying out of them.

He reaches for the band of his boxers, but I stop him, placing my hands over his. I slide my fingers into the band and gently pull them down, his large erection bouncing from the release.

Alec’s hands find their home on my jaw, and I relinquish the control I had.

“Come here,” he orders as he guides my mouth back to his.

His tongue dances with mine. He spins us around and places one hand around my back. With impressive strength, he lowers us down to the bed, bearing his weight on the hand by my head, our lips never separating.

When he pulls his hand out from behind my back, his fingers find that tortuous rhythm on my center. A second later, two fingers begin pumping in and out, and my eyes roll from the overwhelming sensations.

Alec’s forehead falls onto mine, his lips pulling away for the first time since we found the bed. “You’re so beautiful, Lu.” His fingers stop their rhythm, and my body instantly misses it. “Are you ready? You’re okay?”

His eyes find mine, and they are so vulnerable, so genuine, that a lump forms in my throat.

I nod my head.

He chuckles. “I need to hear you say it, Laura.”

He rolls a condom on and delicately lines himself up with me, his tip slightly pressing into my entrance.

My fingers dig into the sheets with anticipation. “Yes, yes, please yes.”

The largest smile graces his lips as he slowly fills me, inch by inch. I can feel him stretching me, feel him hitting spots deep inside that I didn’t know existed.

My head rolls back, my mouth falling open.

Alec moans, “Laura, look at me. Don’t stop.”

Lifting my head up, I find his stare.

“Can we make a deal?” His voice is husky.

I can feel his control slipping.

At this point, he could tell me he was going to kill me tonight, and I’d be like, Sounds good, babe. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Anything,” I whisper to him.

The most devilish smirk appears. “Next time, I will take my time with you, kiss every inch of your body.” He slows his thrust down, moving torturously slow. “But right now, I want to be rough with you, and fuck you hard, until you come screaming my name.”

I’ve never been more turned on in my life. “Okay. Then, fuck me.”

And holy shit, he does exactly that.

In one swift move, he grabs my legs, lifting them up and setting them on his shoulders. And if I thought he was filling me before, I was so wrong.

With every thrust, he finds new nerves, pulling moans and whimpers out of my mouth.

With my legs hooked over his shoulders, he picks up speed, thrusting faster and faster. I can feel the tingles in the bas of my spine coming, and I have never been more ready to plummet off the edge into pure fucking heaven.

He pulls out so far that I can feel the tip slip out. Then, he plunges back into me, finding that quick pace again. It’s so intense.

His name drags out of my mouth as my legs quiver, “Alec,” my voice is laced with need.

“Open your eyes. I want you watching me as you come.” he commands.

My eyes fly open. Beads of sweat run down his chest, and the way he’s looking at me, like watching me come undone by him is all he ever wants to see, is the final push.

“Come for me.” he demands.

And my body obeys.

The release rips through me, shaking my legs. The pleasure hits me over and over in waves. And with one last thrust, Alec joins me in our perfect bliss.

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