She pushes back into me, her bare ass rubbing against my boxers and already hard dick. She does it again, and I think it’s not so much a coincidence that it happened the first time. Her shoulders tense in my arms, and I almost ask if she’s okay, but I can’t get a word out before she grinds her hips against mine, eliciting a deep groan from my lips.

“Laura,” I plead with her. “What are you doing?” Because if I’m going to sleep, I’m going to need her to stop that.“Doing what?” She teases, and I can hear her smile as she talks.

Her ass moves slightly, and I catch her hip in my hand, wrapping my fingers tightly around her side, freezing her in place.

Leaning toward her, I press my lips into her hair and kiss her. “If you keep that up, I’m going to get ideas that you’re trying to start something.” With her hip in my grip, I push her away from me and slam her back onto my dick. She gasps, and my cock twitches. “If you don’t want to do anything, that’s fine, Lu, but you need to stop teasing me. Because I am already struggling here, I don’t think I can get any harder.”

She turns her head slightly, and my lips graze her temple. She whispers, “Want to bet?”

Fuck. Me.

A growl vibrates through my body as she backs into me once more.

“What do you want right now, baby?” I beg her. “Fucking tell me.”

“Can I show you instead?” She says in a sultry voice that runs straight to my cock, making it twitch. Her hand slides between us and cups my hard-on.

“You can do whatever the fuck you want. My body is your goddamn playground, Lu.”

She squeezes softly, and I grind myself against her hand. As I start to love the feeling, her hand is gone, and my dick calls for her. She rolls over and pushes herself onto her knees at the end of the bed. A dangerous look in her eyes teases me as she crawls up my lower body, wear- ing only panties and my t-shirt.

“You are so fucking sexy, Laura.” I praise her.

Her lips press down onto my boxers. I moan and tuck my arms behind my head to enjoy the show. She hooks her fingers in my boxers and pulls them down. My erection springs free and brushes her moist lips. She takes my tip in her mouth and swirls her tongue in circles.

Jesus Christ.

Her wide eyes hold my stare as she takes me further into her mouth. “Fuck, baby. Just like that.” She soaks my cock as she takes my full length down my throat. Her hand cups my balls and squeezes them gently, making my eyes drift shut and my head rolls back onto the pillow. Sliding her suctioning mouth from base to tip, she repeats it over and over, and I think I’m mere seconds from coming.

“Slower,” I tell her, trying to hold off. She looks up at me with a challenging gleam in her eyes. But she obeys, nonetheless.

“Tell me how much you love that cock, baby,” I beg her, and she lifts her mouth slightly off me. My dick starts missing its place in her mouth.

I stop her with my hand on her head. “Uh-uh. Say it with my dick down your throat.” It comes out garbled and incoherent, but it is the hottest thing. The vibrations of her words tingle my shaft and balls. She immediately contin- ues to suck me, and I feel my orgasm closing in.

“Will you be a good girl and let me come in your mouth?” I groan as she works me faster, my senses kicking into overdrive.

She nods, and I let feelings take over, not holding back anymore. And they explode through my body, burst- ing like fireworks head to toe. I fill her mouth and she hap- pily takes every drop. I know I’ve said it before, but I am going to fucking marry this woman one day.

“You are fucking incredible,” I growl and pull her up into my arms.

She giggles and looks at me with pride. “Was it okay?”

Closing my eyes, I still feel the euphoria coursing through me. “Yes, fuck, it was perfect. I don’t know if you’re ever going to top it.”

“Really?” she questions me, and I see the doubt etched in furrowed brows.

Pressing my lips against her forehead, I answer honestly, “Really.”

She huffs. “I’m totally going to top it.”

Lu.” “By all means, practice on me as much as you’d like,

“Are you excited for the game tomorrow?” She changes the topic.

Smirking, “Yeah, but I’m happier that you and Jack will be there cheering me on.”

She smiles and pushes my face gently, “Oh, stop it.”

“I’m serious.” I tickle her side and absolutely swoon at the sounds that leave her. “You and Jack are everything to me, Laura. Everything.”

I needed some time to cool off, or I would have said things that I didn’t mean. My mom has tried calling and texting me repeatedly, begging me to call and check-in. I ignored every one of her attempts. My dad has even started messaging me. The anger I still feel is shared be- tween them. Even now, I am unsure what to say exactly. The feelings are almost impossible to put into words.

The line rings a couple of times before I hear my mom’s pained voice on the other end, “Hello? Finally, Alec, we have been so worried. Are you okay?”

“Hi, Mom,” I greet her cooly. “I’m calling for one reason. I need you and Dad to stop trying to get a hold of me.” She sighs with a shaky breath, and exhales, “Alec, please try to understand. You were so young, baby. You had this career ahead of you. A baby was a distraction you didn’t need. Who knows where you would have ended up or if you would have continued playing? I did what I thought was best for my son, my baby. You were just a baby.”

“So was Laura,” I add sharply.

“One day, I hope you understand. It may not have been the right decision, the most ethical decision. But as a parent, you would do absolutely anything to give your children the life they deserve. I did that, and I struggle to live with it every single day. But I live with the pain of what I did so that you could be where you are now. Your dad and I have only ever wanted the best for you. He understands my actions and reasonings. I’m sorry. I hope one day you do too.” She’s crying, but I feel no despair for her sadness, she did this to herself.

I have never felt such betrayal by someone in my entire life. She has been lying to my face for years, both of my parents.

“Do you want to know his name? Your grandson?” I don’t give her a chance to respond. “His name is Jack. He just started playing hockey, and he’s a fucking natural. He has my eyes, my lips, and my smile. He is pure sunshine and the best part of my life now. I was so proud watching him skate that it almost made me cry. Imagine how I feel knowing I wasn’t there for all of his firsts—first word, first steps, first everything, they’re just gone. I’ll never be a part of those memories because of the decision you both made for me. I am done, okay? Do not call me. Do not text me. Do not come to my games or show up at practices. Do not contact me. Do you understand?” My heart aches, giving these demands.

“Alec, please don’t do this. Let’s talk this out, please.” She begs me, and the pain in her voice would usually hurt me, but I don’t think my body can bear any more emotional agony today.

“Goodbye, Mom.” I end the call without another breath.

“Fuck!” I shout and chuck my phone onto the hotel bed. A knock sounds on the door, and I huff open and fling the door open, ready to fight anyone on the other side, my anger begging for release through clenched fists.

“Woah, chill out, dude. It’s just me,” Cam says with raised hands. He studies my face for a millisecond before saying. “Shit. What’s going on?”

Wiping my eyes, I let him in and shut the door behind him. “I just talked to my mom,” I tell him while I fall back onto the bed, my eyes tracing the little dots on the ceiling.

He sits on the chair by the desk, “I’m guessing it didn’t go well?”

“Probably about as bad as you would expect it to be.”

“That good, huh?” He tries to lighten the mood with his playful question, but there’s no point. “Sorry, man.”

“It’s alright. It’s done now, and it’s for the best, at least for the time being,” I sit up, and crack my neck on both sides. “I’ve got to run an errand and then I’ll be back for practice tonight.”

“Thank God. I was starting to think Coach would kick your ass for all your misses lately. You want some company wherever you’re going?” Cam offers.

“First of all, I talked to Coach about needing some time away. He said it was fine as long as I was ready for the game. He has always had a goddamn issue with us taking personal time. If he has an issue with me missing a few practices, he can say it to my fucking face.”

“Oh yeah, because that face looks so inviting.” Cam laughs, and a smile bursts free from my tight-lined lips.

“But for real. I’ll tell him that if says a damn word tonight. We have families and lives outside of this. Half the team is married with kids. And whenever any player has something come up, he is a complete asshole about it. It’s so fucking infuriating, and it’s about damn time someone holds him accountable for it. I hope he bitches tonight; I really do. Because I would love to show him how snugly a stick fits up his ass.”

Cam bursts into laughter. “Probably with ease. He walks around with one up there all day already.”

I join in laughing with him, and it immediately lightens my mood. I stand up, slip my shoes on, grab my wallet and keys, and walk to the door. “Alright, I’ll see you tonight.”

He gives me a quick hug. “Keep your head up, man. Everything will be okay.” I nod and turn down the hallway, walking toward the exit.

Nerves eat me alive as I run my hand through my hair and quickly leave the building. Sliding my leg over my bike, I slide my helmet on and shake my hands, airing out my sweaty palms. I haven’t given her a gift since we were kids, so I hope she likes my surprise. I want to get her a necklace and maybe a pair of matching earrings— something she can always wear and think of me.

Now I just have to not let it slip because I’m the fucking worst when it comes to surprises. The guys on the team usually leave me out of their plans because I have ruined so many of their surprise parties or pranks on each other. I don’t mean to do it, yet I fuck it up all the time. I just have to get through the game tomorrow. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

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