January 22nd, 2077

Me, Henry, and Zero skipped class today to exercise some more. I think Zero is getting better and better by the day. It kinda looks like he’s enjoying it now. Every now and then I see a small smile form on his face. I think Henry really is changing him little by little. “Haha! Yes Zero!!” Henry yells out high fiving Zero who finally completed all 30 sets of each exercise. “Let’s bring it back to 50.” Zero said to Henry breathing slightly hard. “Woah, you sure you ready? You passed out last time.” “That was last time, this is this time.” “Haha, alright Zero, see if you can keep up.” “I didn’t mean today, shit I’m tired.” “Haha! You're funny, you remind me of my best friend Zayne...” Henry’s smile slowly fades.

“Um, how about we get ice cream? Henry, can you go buy us some?” I said before handing him some money. “Why me-” “Go.” I said with a stern face. He sighs and goes to find an ice cream stand. “What was that about?” Zero asks me concerned. “Our really good friend Zayne was killed by Lucas during the tournament. Henry really hasn’t gotten over it, and sometimes he has nightmares. He would wake up screaming or crying, and it really breaks my heart.” I said with a sad expression. “Oh...I’m sorry..” Zero says looking down. “It’s okay, we live life everyday for Zayne's sake. Our family will always have a spot for Zayne.” I said while looking up at the sky with a smile.

“Family?” Zero asks with a confused expression. “Me, Henry, Zayne, Lye, Cherry, and Peach. Our close friends from our other school. We both miss them everyday." "Can I...be apart of..your family?" Zero says softly. "Of course!! Let's see, Cherry and Lye are the mom and dad, Peach is the daughter, and Me and Henry are the grandma and grandpa. You can be the uncle!" I told him enthusiastically. "I'm an uncle," Zero says with a soft smile. "Hehe," I smiled at him and we hear Henry coming back. "Oh my God," I said aloud. He's covered in red paint and feathers.

"It's a long story," He said. I can hear a faint cackle come from Zero. "Hahaha! Look at you!" Zero holds his stomach while laughing. I look at him in awe. That's the first time I've ever heard him laugh. I laughed along with him but Henry doesn't look amused at all. He gives me my money back and says "They ran out of ice cream apparently." Henry says before coughing up a feather. "Hahaha! Oh stop! This is too good!!" Zero says still laughing. "I hate you both," Henry says walking off. I laughed too and told Zero that we'd see him later. He waves goodbye to us and we take our leave.

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Zero stops laughing and smiles. "School isn't so bad after all." He says to himself. "Well if it isn't the douchebag that almost got me expelled." Henry turns around to see Reese standing behind him with his group. They surrounded him. "I saw you hanging out with those snowflakes, does that mean you're one too?" "I don't care what you say anymore, your constant bullshit doesn't faze me." Zero responds back. "Hmph, whatever, I'm not here to talk, I'm here to beat the shit out of you. You know, my parents were called because of the locker room incident. They took my car, now I can't go anywhere for a whole month! I should be glad they solved this matter with money. I told you, money talks." Reese said with a cocky smile.

"So? You wanna beat me up because daddy and mommy took away your car? Aww poor thing. Fuck you." Zero says sticking up the middle finger. Reese grabs Zero's collar and says, "You little shit" "If you're gonna pull someone's collar, at least make sure you're their height, shorty." Zero said before standing up straight. He towered over Reese. "I swear to God I'll-" "What? You can't do anything without this group of yours." Zero said pointing at Reese's group. "Wanna bet?" Reese said. "Actually yeah," Zero says slapping Reese's hand away. "Let's have a battle, in a month's time. We'll see who's stronger then." he added. "HA! You think you can beat me in a battle? You must be shittin me." Reese says crossing his arms.

"No, I'm not, I'll be strong enough to beat you in a month." "Alright then you cocky fuck, a month then." "You have to promise me something though." Zero says getting closer to Reese. "The fuck do you want?" Reese asked. "You can't touch me during that time, and I can't touch you either. Meaning, no bullying and no trash talking." "You-" "Promise me, or no battle, oh, and your goons too." He said while looking at Reese's goons. Reese runs his hands through his hair in a frustrated manner. "Fine, but you better entertain me when during the battle. Otherwise.."

Reese pulls Zero down to his level and whispers in his ear. "I'll make your life a living hell." Zero smiles and whispers something too. "Dido," "Tch, get out of my face string bean." Zero then walks off as confident as ever. He then goes to Henry and Ryder's room to tell them the news. "Ah- w-wait! Zero!!" Momo yells out to him. "They're having sex; don't bother them till it's over." She added. "Jesus, when don't they fuck?" Zero asks, shaking his head in disbelief. "To be honest, I don't know. Their libido is off the charts." She says while shrugging. Zero sighs and waits for them to finish.

After an hour, Ryder comes out. "Holy shit! Dammit Zero, you scared me." He says to a sleeping Zero who is laying down outside the dorm room. "Awww, how cute, Henry! Come look!" Henry comes out with no shirt on and he looks down at Zero and smiles. He grabs him and carries him inside. After 30 minutes Zero wakes up in their other bed. "W-Where am I?!?" "Chill out Z, you're in our room." Ryder tells him. "Z?" "Yeah, I told Henry you wanted to be apart of our family and he insisted we give you a nickname. So we're calling you Z." "Oh.." Zero looks down and smiles. "Now you gonna tell us why you were outside sleeping?" Henry asks drying off his own hair with a towel. "First of all, Momo told me you were having sex." Ryder and Henry look at each other in embarrassment. "Second of all, I challenged Reese to a battle." "Woah!! Really?! Atta boy!" Henry says rubbing Zero's hair in excitement.

Zero gets flustered and looks away. "Aww someone's shy," Ryder says cutely. "Am not!" Zero responds quickly. "Well, when is the battle?" Henry asked him. "In a month," he replied. "We have a lot of work to do then." Henry says before putting a shirt on. "Starting tomorrow, we train like never before. We're gonna do that every day until your as big and strong as me." "Yeah, you definitely want me to die." Zero said with a scared expression. "Haha, no Zero, I want you to live!" Henry says while making a superhero pose. "Gross," Zero says with a disgusted face. "Hahaha!" Ryder laughs at him and Henry looks embarrassed. He sticks up the middle finger to them both. Which makes Ryder laugh harder.

A couple of hours later they train and exercise. Zero seems to have improved, but he still has a long way to go. Each and everyday they train. They train until they can't anymore. Their bonds get stronger with every session and they grow closer, close enough to be called an actual family. As the days pass, Zero starts to change. He starts to become more like Henry in more ways than one. You could say Henry has been somewhat of an influence to him. Whether that's good or bad, no one knows. Next thing they know, the month is finally over and the day of the battle is here. Zero is more ready than ever. The world will be shocked once they see the new and very much improved, Zero.

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