February 22nd, 2077

Reese POV

"You ready Reese?" One of my boys says to me. "Hell yeah I'm ready. I've been ready for the past month." I said with confidence. I didn't do much training, because my power is already enough to beat that loser. I go to the designated spot we agreed to meet on a month ago. I looked around and said, "Wow". There are a lot more people here than expected. Word spreads fast I guess. I go to the middle of the field, where me and Zero are scheduled to fight. Everyone else surrounds it, but knowing my power they should probably move further back.

I see Henry and that Ryder guy coming towards me. "Hey fuck face, I hope you're ready to be pummeled by my apprentice." Henry says to me with a cocky smirk. "Ha! I hope your apprentice is ready to get pummeled by me." Reese yells back. He then tells the crowd to move back but they don't listen to him. "Move!" I could hear a familiar voice say. Everyone looks over to one specific part of the crowd. A guy comes emerging from it, he's tall, and he's pretty big. His abs can be seen through his black shirt. He's kinda good looking, and he has black hair that covers part of his eyes. "Hey Reese," He said to me while smiling. "Who the fuck are you?" I asked. "Aw, that makes me sad, you don't even recognize the guy you're fighting?" Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

What?! No way, no fucking way! That is not Zero!! It can't be!! I stood there shocked and speechless. "Cat got your tongue?" He said with a cocky smirk. Most of the girls started swooning over him. Meanwhile I didn't even know what to say. "Alright, shall we get started?!!" Ryder says yelling to the crowd and the crowd goes wild. "Go Zero!!" I turned around to see Mary Jane yelling. Of course this bitch roots for the hot guy. "Alright! Fight!!" Henry yells out. The crowd screams again. This is insane, there is no way Zero changed this much in a fucking month!! I stood there still trying to assess the situation. My boys started yelling at me to do something. I turned to look at them, and that's when I feel a punch to my face. I flew a couple feet back and landed on the ground.

Holy shit, what the fuck is this?...Blood? I'm bleeding?! Fuck! I was too distracted by his appearance. Who cares how strong he is now?! He's still the guy that will amount to nothin- All of a sudden I felt a kick to my stomach. I coughed up even more blood, and the crowd goes even crazier. "Oh come on, I know this isn't all you got. I haven't even used my power yet." Zero says mockingly. "I try to stand up, and I hold my stomach. Shit, both my legs are shaking. I throw a gush of magma at him, but he dodges it. I keep throwing them, but he keeps dodging, while doing backflips in the process. Who the hell is he trying to impress?!

"Come on Reese! Do something! At this rate I'll get bored." Zero said with a smile. I can hear all the girls screaming even louder. "Shut up!" I yelled at the girls, and they looked at me disgusted. Henry runs towards me at an incredible speed. He kicks my feet which causes me to fall backwards. Then he grabs my feet and starts swinging me around in a circle. Is this fucker playing with me?! Oh shit, I'm getting dizzy. I hold my mouth as if I'm going to puke and he swings me even faster. Then lets go which causes me to fly against a group of people. Fuck! I'm getting humiliated. I can still see that smirk of his from here!! I get up slowly and walk over towards him. I summon all the magma I can, and it flows down from my arms, melting the grass on the ground.

The whole crowd starts backing up, everyone except Zero and those two fuckers he hangs out with. Fuck this, I'm gonna go all out! I summon more magma, more than I was originally going to. "Hey dude! You're gonna kill someone!" I hear someone yell from the crowd. "Yeah stop!" "Admit you lost!" "Yeah!!" "Looseerr!!" The crowd starts shouting all kinds of things now. That's all I can hear, and it clouds my hearing. No! No! "SHUT UP!!" I yelled out with so much force that I started breathing heavily. Everyone shuts up, but Zero is still standing there unfazed. Did this fucker just yawn?! Ugh!! I throw all the magma I have at him. This time, I noticed he didn't dodge it!! Did I get him?

I throw more at him, trying to injure him as best as I could. At this point magma is everywhere. Near my feet, on the ground, and some even splattered towards the crowd. I kept throwing and throwing. I don't want to stop in the event that he catches a break. Wait, if I keep doing this, won't it kill him? I can't afford to kill someon- I can feel a fist to my face once more. I get startled, and it feels like I was punched in slow motion. It hurts...a lot. Probably more than Henry's. I fly so far back I eventually hit a wall. "Fuck...fu..ck" I can feel myself blacking out. I can't believe it was an overwhelming defeat. I thought I'd at least get one punch in.

When I opened my eyes I see that I'm in the infirmary. I can't move, and my whole body hurts. "You're awake," I look over to see the nurse. "Wait, I don't advise that you move. Our head nurse here will be here shortly to heal you." "Wmpf" I try to speak but nothing comes out. "Don't try to speak either, you'll only make it worse for yourself," She told me. When was the last time I lost this bad? It sure as hell doesn't feel good. After a few hours, the head nurse comes and she heals me.

I feel as good as new now. I get up and run out to go see my group. I have to tell them that we're going to go get Zero. How dare he humiliate me! I notice them all talking together and I yell out, "Guys!" They look at me as if I'm some sort of insect. 'W-What? Why are ya'll looking at me like that?" I asked them confused. "You're not apart of our group anymore. You think we're gonna let you in after that embarrassing fight? Hahaha!" They all laughed at me. I looked around to see everyone in school laughing and pointing at me. I can feel juice being poured on my head.

I get startled, then someone pulls my pants down and pushes me to the floor. I sit there on the ground not knowing what to do. I get embarrassed and pull my pants up and start running away. I go back to my dorm. Only to find my roommate having sex with some girl. I look at them disgusted and shut the door. I start running again, and I just kept running and running. I don't know where I'm going. I just keep going until I'm out of breath. I go to the park and go inside the large tube on the ground to be alone. I can feel the tears coming. As they come down my eyes, I try to wipe them away but more just keeps coming. "Hey, get your own tube dick face." It's a familiar voice. I look over to my left to see Zero eating a granola bar. I get startled and fall out of the tube. He gets out and looks at me. He offers me a hand to get up but I slap his hand away.

"You did this to me!" I yelled at him. "The fuck are you talking about? You're the one that didn't take the battle seriously. If you did, you would've trained everyday and night like I did. How the fuck do you think I got like this?!" He said, yelling back at me. "M-Magic! Yeah! That must be it, you used magic to make yourself stronger!" I yelled again. "What a sore loser," He says before walking away. I looked at the ground and wiped my tears away. I stood up and approach him. I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. "Y-You!" I struggle to finish my sentence and he says, "What?" Dammit! All of a sudden we hear a bunch of girls screaming. "Oh shit! Run!" He says before grabbing my arm and dragging me away. We ran away and kept running. Why are we running?! All of a sudden, the girls started multiplying and all of them were running after us. Where the fuck is he taking me?!

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