Forbidden: Part Two (Luna & Sol Omegaverse Book 2)
Forbidden: Part Two – Chapter 20

I gripped Josie around the thighs and lifted her so she straddled me.

If talking about my feelings led to this, maybe it wasn’t so bad.

“You’re not sure about my skills?” I teased, reaching underneath her sweatshirt to tweak her nipples.

She shrugged, trying to look unaffected even as she perfumed for me. “I don’t know. It’s been so long.”

“Have I been neglecting you, angel?”

“Yes,” she said, jutting her lip out in a pout. “Sooo neglected.” She pressed her pussy against my crotch, and I groaned as my cock jumped to attention.

“Well then, sounds like I need to prove myself.”

I gripped her hair firmly and licked a long line up her neck. Fuck, she tasted so good. Her scent flooded my senses and I wanted to be drenched in her.

“I have to taste you,” I said, trailing kisses down the side of her face.

Josie whimpered, pulling me in for a kiss. I deepened it, thrusting my tongue in her mouth as I gripped her ass and stood. I walked over to the desk and was fucking trembling as I prepared to live out one of my greatest fantasies. I set her down on the edge of the desk and pulled off her sweatshirt. She was bare underneath, her pink nipples hard and tempting.

“You want that, love? You want my face between your thighs, eating you out on my desk?”

“Please,” she gasped.

I shoved my office things aside, for once not giving a fuck about organization, and laid her down on the wood surface, rolling up the sweatshirt underneath her head so she’d be more comfortable. I placed hot, open-mouthed kisses down her stomach and up her thighs, breathing her fragrance but refusing to place my mouth where she really wanted it. I wanted her to be a begging, writhing mess.

Josie moaned and threaded her fingers in my hair. I moved my hands down her waist, pleased when she didn’t shrink away or try to hide herself.

“Can’t believe how beautiful you are, how fucking lucky I am to touch you. Your soft skin, your pretty little nipples. Are you wet for me?”

“Yes,” she whimpered, her hips moving as if trying to find friction.

“Don’t worry, love, I’m going to take care of you. I’m going to make you come on my tongue until you think you can’t anymore.”

I quickly pulled her sweatpants and underwear off, placing her soaked panties in the pocket of my dress pants.

“Please, Theo. Please,” she cried, her voice bordering on a sob. “Stop being so mean.”

I chuckled at her dramatics. “My omega, so impatient,” I said, breathing on her mound. My mouth was fucking watering and my resolve almost broke, but I wanted to tease her a bit longer, wanted her to be desperate for me.

“Theo,” she whined, thrusting her hips to get my mouth on her sweetness. “If you don’t do something soon, no blow jobs for you,” she bit out.

“Let’s not get too hasty,” I said, giving her a playful nip on the thighs. “Look at that pretty pink pussy, so wet and ready for me. You want my tongue on your clit? Want me to taste you?”

“Yes, yes,” she cried.

I gripped her thighs, placing each foot flat on the desk on either side of her.

“Don’t move, angel. Let your alpha devour your sweetness.” I licked a long line from her entrance to her clit, savoring the burst of flavor on my tongue.

Absolute heaven.

“You taste so good, angel. So sweet,” I moaned before fucking consuming her.

I tongued her entrance and circled her clit and was rewarded with fresh bursts of slick as she shouted my name. I thrust a finger into her tight passage and she shrieked, her hips lifting off the table. When she begged for more, I was more than happy to oblige, adding another finger and curving it so I hit her pleasure spot.

She came with a moan, her core pulsing around my fingers. My cock pressed against my pants and I was desperate to be inside her. But I resisted, wanting the focus today to be on her pleasure. I was in awe that she would trust me to touch her, that she would beg for my touch after everything she’d been through.

I paused, overcome by emotion as the reality hit me: her love and trust were a gift. I didn’t have to earn it. All I had to do was love her in return, and that was the easiest fucking thing I could ever be asked to do.

I licked her through another orgasm, stopping only when she pushed my head away. She lay back on the desk, her arm thrown across her face and her skin a rosy, glowing pink. I couldn’t stop myself from pressing one last kiss on top of her cute little clit.

“I need to write a book review,” she whispered, holding her hands out to me. I helped her up into a seated position and she slumped against me, her arms circling my torso.

I chuckled. “A good review, I hope?”

“The best,” she said.

“There’s nothing better than seeing you come,” I murmured, playing with her hair.

After a few quiet moments, she let out a distressed cry. I jolted, looking around the room for a threat. When I couldn’t find anything, I followed her gaze and saw the puddle of slick that had pooled underneath her on my desk.

“Sorry,” she said, her shining eyes meeting mine.

I snorted. “I’m fucking not. I want your scent on every surface in here.”

Her face flamed red and she huffed out an exasperated sigh, but I saw the flash of pleasure in her eyes.

“What do you want now, omega?” I asked. “I’m at your disposal.” sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Her mouth twisted into a wicked smile. “Now it’s my turn,” she said. She slid off the desk and the bounce of her breasts momentarily distracted me. She pushed me down into my office chair and slid onto her knees in front of me. My heart was racing so fast I was mildly concerned I was having a heart attack. But if this was how I died, with my omega on her knees in front of me, it would be bloody worth it.

“You don’t have to…” I choked out, even though everything inside me was screaming at me to shut the fuck up.

“I want to,” Josie responded, reaching up to unzip my pants, which already had a damp spot from my pre-cum and her slick. “I can’t believe you’re wearing dress pants at home,” she said with a smile, shaking her head. “And a button-down shirt.”

“What should I be wearing?” I asked, trying to distract myself from blowing my load as her fingers grazed my cock through my boxers.

“Preferably nothing,” she said teasingly. “But if clothing is a must, gray sweatpants are always a hit.”

My cheeks flushed and I bit my lip, holding back a groan as she freed my cock. I made a mental note to buy some gray sweatpants immediately to please my mate. I lifted my hips so she could pull off my clothes. Josie ran her hands up my thighs before running her tongue up my length.

Fucking hell. My brain couldn’t compute that this was happening.

She drew the tip into her mouth, her tongue toying with my piercing. Warmth suffused my entire body.

“This is one of my top fantasies,” I groaned.

“Which part?” she asked, licking and kissing down my length. “Me on my knees in front of you? Or being in your office?”

I gasped, unable to give her a coherent response as she took me deeper. I couldn’t stop myself from threading my hand through her thick, wavy hair. My hips jerked as I thrust into her mouth. I froze, waiting to see if she would tell me to stop, but she just moaned in pleasure. The vibration went straight through me and I almost came right then, but I gritted my teeth and held off, refusing to let this fantasy end quickly.

“All of it,” I said, panting.

She moved her mouth off my cock, gripping the base as she started working me with her hand.

“Have you imagined me like this, under your desk while you have a meeting?” she asked, her eyes locked with mine.

I inhaled sharply, consumed by the image she painted. I imagined pinning her between my legs as she sucked me off in secret. Even after I came in her mouth, I would keep her on my softening cock, sucking me until I grew hard again.

“Fuck. I’m never going to be able to sit at my desk without thinking of you, your pouty lips around my cock, the taste of your slick. Is that what you want? Me to sit in meetings with a fucking hard-on?”

She smiled, her lips stretched around me. I took a chance and thrust harder into her mouth. I hit the back of her throat and she gagged, but when I went to move away, she gripped my legs harder and took me deep again.

That fucking did it.

I erupted, my mouth open in silent ecstasy as Josie swallowed every drop of my cum and then gave my cock a final lick.

She looked up at me, eyes wide and bright, as if seeking my approval.

I leaned down, gripping her face with my hands and pulling her into a hard kiss, uncaring that she still had my taste in her mouth. When we finally broke apart for air, Josie had the sweetest smile on her face.

“Did it live up to your fantasy?”

“Fuck no,” I said, running my hand through my wreck of a hair. “Exceeded it in every way.”

She grinned up at me, and I pulled her onto my lap, cuddling her to my chest.

“Love you, angel. I think I have since the moment I stalked you through the store.”

“You sweet-talker,” she said, rubbing her face along my throat, scent marking me.

All the tension drained from my body as I held her and took a deep inhale of her bright scent. Her mood was infectious and I couldn’t wait to have a straight line to her emotions once we were bonded.

Josie’s chest rose and fell with her breaths. She was absolute perfection. And she was mine.

She wasn’t leaving. Would not abandon me.

I wasn’t sure why the realization was hitting me so hard all of a sudden, but it was as if the last protective barrier I had erected to protect myself from rejection crumbled under the weight of her sweet smile.

Everything felt perfect except… her statement from earlier floated back to me. Had I not made it clear that I wanted to bond her?

“I can’t decide where I want you to mark me,” I said, trying to keep my voice calm but freaking the fuck out inside.

She pulled back, meeting my eyes. “Oh, yeah?” she asked, a smile slowly spreading across her face.

“Definitely somewhere visible,” I said, breathing deeply as she emitted a strong vanilla scent. “But I already know where I want my mark on you.”

“Where?” she asked breathlessly.

“Right here,” I said, running my fingers along the palm of her hand.

Her breath hitched and I panicked, not wanting her to cry again.

“Unless you don’t want that,” I said quickly.

“No, I love it,” she sniffled, throwing her arms around my neck.

“You’re not crying, are you?” I asked, running my hand up and down her back.

“No,” she said as tears trickled down her face.

I raised a single eyebrow and she snorted out a laugh.

“Okay, fine. I am, but it’s your fault for being so sweet.”

“I have a lot of sweetness to give you to make up for the past week.”

A hard tug through the bond startled me.

“What’s wrong?” Josie asked.

I rolled my eyes. “Just Ben being fucking impatient and trying to get my attention.” I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. If I had to share her with the others, at least she was fucking drenched in my scent.

“I guess he’s awake then?” she asked with a smile.

“Seems like it,” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Well then, we better join him before he gets too cranky.”

We both got dressed and I couldn’t help but scowl as she pulled her clothes back on. I didn’t see why she needed to cover her perfect, soft curves.

She giggled when she saw my expression and pulled me in for a kiss before grabbing my hand and tugging me out of the office. She looked back at me over her shoulder and squeezed my hand. After a lifetime of having to earn my worthiness, she accepted me the way I was. I couldn’t help but pull her in for one more kiss, savoring the taste of her and knowing I would never get enough.

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