Forbidden: Part Two (Luna & Sol Omegaverse Book 2)
Forbidden: Part Two – Chapter 21


That item we discussed is ready. Come to the shop to pick it up.

My heart rate quickened. I had pushed my conversation with Jewel out of my mind so I didn’t get my hopes up, but now I couldn’t stop the tiniest bit of hope from sparking in my chest. I wanted the device out, hated feeling the bump in my arm. But if I couldn’t get it out, this was the next best thing. Maybe even better in some ways because it would mean protection from alpha barks going forward… if it worked.




1 pm

I put down my latest romance book—a Theo recommendation—and sat up on the couch. I was in the library with Ben. There was a crackling fire going and soft music on the record player. It was a scene straight out of a movie, except that Ben was sitting across from me, wearing an intense expression of focus as he hunched over his laptop. He and Charlie were hacking into government records and had a competition to see who could do it the fastest.

I bit my lip as I looked at the time. Eleven o’clock. I had less than two hours to tell my alphas about the serum, convince them it was a good idea, and get to Jewel’s. Maybe I should start with Ben since he was usually the most chill.

I glanced over at him. His dark curls fell in his face and his lips looked soft and kissable. I had the urge to shove his laptop to the side, straddle him, and run my fingers through his hair.

I held in a groan. Being a horny omega was exhausting sometimes. I took a breath and opened my mouth before promptly closing it again. I should wait. I didn’t want to interrupt his work.


“Yes,” Ben shouted, startling me out of my thoughts.

He threw his arms up in victory, looking at me with excitement. His spicy sweet scent filled the room, and I couldn’t help but mirror his smile.

“You did it?”

“Hell yeah, I did,” he said, grabbing his phone. “Maybe Charlie needs help since she’s being so slo—”

His words trailed off. “What? No. How could she possibly have beat me?”

He typed furiously and I hid my grin behind my hand. Competitive Ben was equal parts adorable and sexy.

With a huff, he fell back into his chair, mumbling something about “just wait until next time.”

Ben met my gaze and held his arms out to me. “You’re too far away,” he pouted.

Before I could respond, Theo and Cam entered the library. Shit. My window for getting Ben on board first had closed.

Theo set the takeout bags on the coffee table and leaned over to kiss me. He tasted so good that my greedy hands reached out to grab him, pulling him down beside me. He was dressed uncharacteristically in a t-shirt and sweatpants, and I wondered if it was because I mentioned liking sweatpants yesterday. The outline of his cock was visible, especially as I ran my hand down his chest. Theo grunted, shifting in his seat but not doing anything to stop me.

Cam leaned over Ben’s chair, looking at the laptop screen. He must have felt my eyes on him because he glanced up with a panty-melting smile. His hair was tied back in a half-up top knot like I’d shown him after his shower yesterday. He winked, eyes smoldering, before turning back towards Ben.

“You got it?” Cam asked, clasping his hand on Ben’s shoulder.

“I think we got everything we were looking for,” Ben said. “I’ll talk with Charlie later to confirm, but I grabbed close to ten thousand emails.”

“Shit,” Cam said. “Great job. Hopefully, something in there will give us information about the kidnapped omegas.”

Ben’s cheeks pinkened as he tried to hide how happy Cam’s approval made him.

Cam started pulling the food containers out of the bag, and my mouth watered at the stacks of waffles, pancakes, and hash browns.

“I thought we could get in the hot tub after we ate,” he said, his eyes dark and heated.

Yes, please.

Wait, no.

“I need to go to Jewel’s today at 1 pm,” I blurted out.

Cam raised his eyebrows, the waffle he was plating hovering in midair.

“Why’s that?” Theo asked, tugging me closer to his side.

I took a deep breath. Just rip off the band-aid.

“Umm, okay. So, when we were there for the meeting, Jewel told me that the serum to disable the device is ready. They think it can also have a long-term effect of making omegas not susceptible to alpha barks, even once the device is removed. The Alliance got the serum, and Angie will be at Jewel’s to give it to me today.”

A silence fell in the room as my alphas processed my explanation.

“What?” Theo furrowed his brow. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

“I didn’t want to get my hopes up,” I said. “They’re not sure if it will work. Not many people have taken it yet.”

“How many is not many?” Cam asked, his jaw set in a way that told me his alpha was pushing through.

“I’m not sure of the exact number,” I hedged.

I looked at Ben for help, but his arms were crossed and brow furrowed.

“Okay, I think I might be like the second person. But the first person was the omega who made the serum, and she’s fine.” I bit my lip, realizing Jewel hadn’t specifically said that the omega was fine after the serum. Maybe I should have asked more questions.

“What’s in the serum? What are the side effects?” Theo asked as he played with my hair.

“I’m sure they’ll tell us when we get there,” I said. My face heated with embarrassment at how little I knew. Was I being an idiot? How had I agreed to this without getting more information?

“Hey,” Theo said, pulling me close. “What’s wrong?”

I didn’t understand why I felt so ashamed right now, why I had the urge to push myself out of Theo’s arms and run and hide in the nest.

Stupid little omega.

You’ll never amount to anything.

I flinched at the cruel voice that sounded suspiciously like my pack fathers.

“I didn’t get the chance to ask a lot of questions,” I said.

“That’s okay, love,” Theo said, his expression adorably bewildered as he tried to soothe me.

“Maybe it’s a stupid idea. It probably won’t even work,” I said, looking down at my hands.

“You don’t have to figure this out alone,” Ben murmured sweetly, moving to sit next to me. “Theo can talk with Angie when we get there.”

“You’re not going to tell me not to do it?” I asked, glancing up to meet Cam’s gaze.

I had expected them to freak out and tell me it wasn’t safe. Now they were being so reasonable and I wasn’t sure what to do with that.

Cam sat down on the coffee table across from me and his hand encircled my thigh. “If this is safe and it works, that’s good news.”

“Do you think…” I started before hesitating, scared to even voice my question.

“Hmm?” Theo prompted.

“If the serum works, does that mean we can bond?”

My three guys froze before their heated gazes met mine.

“Fuck,” Cam said. “I hadn’t thought about that.” He looked at Theo.

“If it neutralizes the effect of the device, I don’t see why not,” Theo said, a slow smile spreading across his face.

Ben stood. “In that case, we should go right away.”

I giggled. “I’m sure Angie’s not there yet.” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Ben huffed, sitting back down next to me.

“You need waffles,” Cam said, holding out a plate of food to me, eyeing me to make sure I wouldn’t get upset again.

I took the plate, nurturing that tiny tendril of hope in my heart as we ate.

I stumbled straight into Theo’s chest as I walked out of my room, letting out a squeak. His arms wrapped around me to keep me from losing my balance.

“Sorry, love. Didn’t mean to startle you,” he said with a chuckle. His body enveloped me, settling some of the anxiety tightening my chest. I’d just finished getting ready to leave after our brief time in the hot tub.

Theo grasped my chin and ran his thumb across my lips. “You’re so beautiful.”

I leaned into his touch and closed my eyes.

“Before we go, I have something to give you.”

My eyes flew open at that and he chuckled.

Theo fished a small package wrapped in brown paper out of his pocket. My fingers itched to rip off the paper, but I played it cool, unwrapping it carefully. I opened the box and pulled out a silicon bracelet with beads attached to it. As far as jewelry went, it was pretty ugly.

“Um, thanks?”

Theo grinned. “Each one of these beads contains an alpha tab. This way, you’ll always have them on you. And the entire bracelet is waterproof.”

My eyes widened. “Seriously? That’s amazing.” I threw my arms around him, tugging his head down to kiss him. He had given me this gift of security, of knowing I could defend myself against other alphas. It was the best present I’d ever been given.

“Just want you to be safe, angel,” he murmured between kisses.

I pressed myself flush with his body, pushing him until his back was against the wall. He groaned, cupping my ass and pulling my core flush with his growing hard-on.

“What’s taking so long?” Ben asked, coming up the stairs. “Aha, what do we have here?” he said, inhaling sharply. Before I could process what was happening, he was pressed against my back.

I moaned, arching against Ben as I continued kissing Theo. Ben’s hand tightly gripped my hip, and the other cupped my breast. I whimpered when he pinched my nipple, and slick soaked my underwear.

“Look how sexy you are between us, precious. So sweet for us,” Ben murmured, his hand snaking down to cup my mound. All thoughts escaped me as I rocked against his hand. Theo gripped my hair, tilting my head back as he nipped the sensitive skin on my neck. Ben put pressure against my clit and it was everything I needed as my orgasm built. I surrendered to the sensation, coming with a cry as pleasure overwhelmed me.

“Good girl,” Ben said, pressing his hard cock against my ass.

“For fuck’s sake. I was waiting in the car. It’s almost one.” Cam’s voice reached me as he stomped up the stairs, his growl sending another shiver through my body.

I was jostled around until I ended up in Cam’s arms, my legs wrapped around him.

“She was stressed,” Theo said, winking at me over Cam’s shoulder. “I had to help her relax.”

I pressed my grin into Cam’s neck. Theo’s plan had worked. My body felt boneless, the anxiety I’d felt moments earlier a distant memory.

“You were?” Cam asked sweetly, holding me tighter to his chest. “We don’t have to do this.”

“I want to go,” I said, running my nose down Cam’s neck. My mouth watered at his sweet scent, making me want to sink my teeth into his skin.

“Let’s change your underwear then, baby girl. You made a mess of them.”

My cheeks flushed, but I couldn’t find it in myself to be embarrassed, even as Cam brought me back into the room, changed my underwear and leggings for me, and smacked my ass as we headed down the stairs.

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