Edwin was bathed in a pitch black fire.

The fire faded. Edwin had transformed.

Into some sort of eldritch being. A grotesque creature made of flesh and bone. Its limbs were long and twisted, a pair of flesh wings sprouted from its back and it had a mouth of sharp teeth and glowing red eyes.

James stepped back, “Hrafnagud preserve us!”

The aspect of the God of Fear and Hunger.

The creature lunged at James. A clawed hand swung at James’s face.

James dropped his sword and dodged out of the way, just barely. James slashed overhead and landed a good strike on the shoulder. The creature didn’t seem fazed and then slashed James in the chest, James went to the ground, and he yelled in pain.

Alex ran to James, “get up! Get up!”

The creature then charged at Alex. Alex screamed as he ran at the creature.

Alex struck the creature with his blade and channeled Hrafnagud’s will, and lightning surged from the blade, striking the creature.

The creature fell back, it seemed to be stunned but only briefly.

“Chris now! Gods be fucking damn, hit this thing!” Alex cried out

James watched from the ground as Chris channeled a fireball that struck the creature.

It seemed to work for a moment, but the fireball just seemed to be absorbed by the creature. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Edwin, or rather the creature that was Edwin lunged at Alex again.

Alex was knocked to the ground. As it readied another strike, Chris blocked the strike with his body, taking a direct blow.

Chris cried out in pain and was knocked back.

“Chris, no!” Alex screamed and he slashed at the creature again, striking it with lightning again.

The creature staggered back.

Get up, gods be damned. James thought.

Still bleeding heavily James got up and moved next to Alex, his sword ready.

“I’m so sorry Sophie, please take care of mommy. Claudia, I pray you find happiness without me.” Chris muttered in pain.

“Alex take Chris and get out of here I’ll hold him off.” James said to Alex

“Fuck you, Chris. Fuck you, James. Both of you aren’t dying here.”

The two stood their ground as the creature came in for another strike, its arm morphed into a scythe made of bone and flesh.

Alex blocked with his sword, as he tried to hold the creature back.

“Go James!” Alex yelled. As James moved forward and sliced at the creature.

It stumbled back, as James struck the chest. The creature grabbed James and pulled him towards its open maw. James yelled in terror as his flesh felt like it was boiling. James screamed in pain as he held on tightly to his sword, holding it deep within the creature’s chest.

Alex struck the creature with a lightning spear.

The creature roared and threw James across the room.

James laid on the ground, not moving. He could barely breath, barely think.

A terrible pain was coming from his chest. He coughed up blood as he struggled to breath.

“gods be fucking damned. Get up, old man!” Alex cried out as he attacked with his sword.

The creature’s scythe like arm morphed again to a claw. Alex was struck by the creature’s bone claw and sent flying across the room.

“What’s with this thing? I can’t fucking kill it!?” Alex screamed as he scrambled back up as the creature moved towards Alex.

It will soon strike down Alex and soon Chris and James. It’s all over. James thought

James only wished he could have seen his family one last time.

But then a bolt of frost struck the creature, James turned to see Adeline enter the chamber. She was flanked by two Hospitaller knights.

“I’m sorry I took so long.” Adeline said

The creature howled in agony. It was trying to move away but it slowed by the ice.

Adeline then cast another ice spell. The ice was so spread so quickly. Spreading and cracking the ground around the creature.

The creature howled in agony again as it was frozen in place.

Adeline moved forward gracefully. She took a talisman and jammed into the chest of the creature.

It screamed, a horrifying noise that seemed to cause the very air itself to shake.

Adeline said her prayers to Herta, “dispel. And rest now, old friend. May Herta grant you peace.”

With that the creature fell apart and vanished into dust.

Leaving behind Edwin, just like before his transformation.

It’s like every wound he received came to him at the same time, Edwin grunted and collapsed to the ground.

He was going to die. James could feel it.

James crawled over to Edwin and grabbed his shoulder.

“Why? Why didn’t you flee?” James demanded

“Simple. I am a soldier, and I still had a duty.” Edwin replied.

He then chuckled, “At least I die a man.”

He looked James in the eyes,

“James...there is a girl. Please protect her...”

James nodded. He would try to find this girl.

Edwin smiled,

“Promise me you will bury me upright. By the side of my daughter and wife so I can still remain vigilant.”

Edwin’s body then went limp as his last breath escaped him.

James stood up, he was bleeding and in pain, but he was alive.

He limped over to Adeline, “how did you know?”

Adeline smiled, “I had my silly goose over here hold on to something for me. Let me track you all down here. We need to get you treated right away.”

“The others? What of Commander Paul?” James asked as he took Adeline’s hand.

Adeline took one look and sighed.

“They were struggling but I had some of my knights assist in subduing him. It’s over.”

James felt like he was dreaming, he heard her words but couldn’t register their meaning. He collapsed from pain and exhaustion.


Alex rushed over to James, “is he going to be alright?” He asked Adeline.

“He will be alright, but he needs to rest and healing. You should get the same.”

“No! This isn’t over that mercenary. The assassin, Felix. He’s still out there!”

Alex grabbed Edwin’s sword and rushed out.

“Alex! Wait!” Adeline called out.

But Alex didn’t listen. He ran down the stairs and went down into a separate passageway.

It was too late, Alex realized that Felix had already fled. Probably been long gone before the fighting even began.

The passageway led to an empty room with an open window. Alex could see that the sun was starting to rise.

“Gods be damned!” Alex cried out in frustration.

Alex went back to the main chamber when he was jumped on from the shadows.

Before he could even react, Alex was knocked to the ground.

“Oof!” Alex felt the pain and aches from his wounds, he was in no shape for a fight it seemed.

“I would stay down if I were you.” The voice said

Alex looked up to see Felix, “Shit you are that mercenary!”

“And you are that boy knight from the castle underway.”

“Are you going to kill me?” Alex asked with dread.

“I’m not getting paid to kill you so no. Unless you have someone who hates your guts, what about siblings?”

“No. I have good relationship with my siblings.”

“Ah figured.”

“Aren’t you going to avenge Edwin?”

He shrugged, “the man is a lost cause. Also, what’s the use of being paid if you can’t spend it?”

“What do you mean by lost cause?”

“I been around him long enough to see that he long since ran out of reasons to live. He was just finding more reasons to die.”


“Yeah, that’s just how men like them are. I have seen their type for years they need some sort of vice to keep them going forward. Country, honor, if not that the gods.”

“And what’s your vice? There has been some reason why you are doing this.”

He grinned, “didn’t I already tell you? Have you ever enjoyed a steak where the marbled meat melts in your mouth? Paired with a fine red lush wine? It’s divine. My vice? A good life of luxuries and plenty. I want to eat my fill and then some before I go to the Underworld.”

Felix stood up and dusted himself off. He grabbed Edwin’s sword from Alex. Felix then pulled out a pouch.

“Here. For the sword and for your wounds.”

Felix tossed the pouch at Alex’s feet and walked away without a look back.

Alex stared at the pouch for a moment and sighed.

That wasn’t going to go down in storybook of his life, a bit embarrassing really.

Alex stood back up and grabbed the pouch, it jingled with coin.

He walked back to the main chamber to find James and Chris being tended to. Gideon was in cuffs surrounded by city guard, Hospitaller knights and Commander Paul.

Alex joined back up to the group to see Gideon went over Edwin and knelt in front of him.

Gideon said quietly, “You were a good man. I know I treated you poorly and I am sorry for that. You should have never had to shoulder this burden. My friend...rest easy. Your duty is over.”

James came over to loom over Gideon, “According to the laws of kingdom and edicts from the Grand Military Council, I should have executed for treason without even having to take before the military tribunal for your sentencing.”

Gideon chuckled, “I wouldn’t expect any less, commissioner. I had a good life.”

Alex nearly exploded in anger, enough was enough. “What are you doing, James? You are just going to kill him just like that? This is wrong. Even if Gideon is a traitor, he doesn’t deserve this.”

James sighed, “It’s just the way things are, Alex. Military law is very clear on the matter.”

“Military law is shit! There is no justice here. So, you are just going to kill Gideon just like they killed his son? They murdered a boy just on the suspicion of being part of the resistance. Is this what you want to become? Is this truly what you aspire to be?”

James looked down in shame.

Commander Paul seemed inspired by Alex’s words. “That’s right, we need to take a stand against this! I think everyone agrees that the laws of the Grand Military Council need to be changed. This is just cruel and unjust even worse than the before the civil war. I’m so tired of seeing people die for this fucked up kingdom we now live in.”

Both James and Alex were taken aback, a man that always seemed so nervous and afraid of James before now had some fire in his eyes.

“And what would you have me do then?” James asked

“Let me keep Gideon under house arrest. We will try him when we have the new duke. Let me keep an eye on him, he is a good man, and he deserves a chance.” Commander Paul said

James paused and thought it over for a moment. He then turned to Gideon, “...will you still take care of the children of the orphanage? Even under arrest?”

Gideon smiled and nodded, “of course I will. I promise you that, commissioner.”

“...fine. Keep him under your protection Commander Paul. And keep an eye on him. If anything goes wrong, I’m coming back for you Paul, you better believe it.”

“On my honor.” Paul replied.

Gideon was released from his cuffs. Commander Paul and the guardsmen escorting Gideon away.

James grabbed Gideon’s shoulder, “It’s James.”

“What?” Gideon asked in confusion.

James looked Gideon in the eyes, “James, not commissioner.”

Gideon gave a small smile “...thank you, James. May you find peace one day.”

As Gideon and Commander Paul left out of the room James turned around and looked back at everyone, “let’s go. The sun is up. Time to face a new day.”

Alex smiled, “I could use some food. I’m hungry.”

“I could eat.” Chris agreed.

“Me too.” Adeline added.

So they left this place to face a new day.

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