Alex needed some patching up, but he was up and about soon enough.

Chris and James were bedridden, still being treated at the University of Saintess Enya.

Alex was cutting up an apple sat beside Chris.

“Thanks for the apple.” Chris said, “You don’t have to stay with me, you know.”

“What about the apple?” Alex asked as he stuffed a piece of apple in his mouth.

“You jerk.”

“I don’t want to leave you alone. You saved my life back then by blocking the blow meant for me, thank you.”

“Thank you, for saving my life too.” Chris said and then coughed a bit.

“How’s James doing? Is he getting any better?” Chris asked

“Still asleep. Adeline said that he is recovering quickly though.”

“That’s Adeline for you. She’s amazing.”

“Is she single?”

“She’s way out of your league!” Chris said laughing again. “Ow. It hurts to laugh.”

Alex smirked and then felt a sharp blow in the back of his head.

“Ouch! Who is the wise guy who? Oh.” He looked back to see a very angry Claudia.

“Uh. Hi, Claudia. What are you doing here?” Alex asked nervously as he was being glared at by Claudia.

“Visiting with my darling. How about you tell me what you did to him?” She asked angrily.

“Uh, it’s a long story. Don’t worry, it was just a scratch. Nothing to worry about.”

“Yeah, Claudia. I only almost died only a few times this time.” Chris commented

“That’s not funny.” Claudia said still glaring at Alex.

“Thanks for assisting in calming her down, Chris.”

“No problem, Alex.”

Alex rolled his eyes and gave Chris the sliced apple.

“Thanks for the apple, Alex. You don’t have to stay with me, you know.” Chris said.

“What about the apple?” Alex asked as he stuffed another piece of apple in his mouth.

“You know what Alex. I was going to help you with a love potion now I don’t think so.”

Alex paused.

“Oh yeah I remember I did ask for that earlier. Well, I don’t need it I got my charming smile.” Alex said with a big grin.

“That’s what your mom said.”

“I’ll miss our banter.” Alex gave a boisterous laugh and slapped down. Hitting Chris’s chest.

Chris groaned in pain.

Claudia’s glare only got worse.

“Oops, sorry about that.” Alex said and then saw Claudia pull back her fist.

“Woah! Wait!” Alex said holding up his hands defensively.

“Stop. You guys are too much. It hurts to laugh.” Chris said trying not to laugh.

“Don’t hurt, Chris. I need to speak with you, Alex.” James said as he came into the room.

Alex turned to Chris, “looks like duty calls. What comes for you next?”

Chris sighed, “It’s time to go home. Once I get affairs back in order here. I’m taking the family back to Kurkenburg. Things in the north was much more dangerous than I originally realize. Claudia and I will finally get married at our church in Kurkenburg. Find a house, I’m sure Claudia’s father can help us out.”

Alex gave Chris a smile, “you take care, Chris.”

Chris smiled back, “I will. You should write.” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I will. I promise.”

Alex took one last look back at Chris and Claudia.

Claudia was blushing and had a bright smile as she talked with Chris.

Alex’s heart swelled thinking how happy both must feel to be together again at last.

Chris, Claudia, and Sophie. They will be alright.

“let’s walk and talk.” James said as Alex joined up with him.

“Sounds good.”


Chris watched as the two of them left and then looked back at Claudia.

“Sheesh, Chris. I can’t take my eyes off you for a moment.” Claudia said.

“I told there was nothing to worry, Claudia.” Chris said as he reached over to hold her hand.

“I worry. I always will. And now you want to go home back to Kurkenburg? I know it’s dangerous up here in the north, but I was hoping we could stay longer. Sophie seemed to really love living in Svarostadt.”

“Claudia, my mind is set. We need to be married properly and see our family again. I’m sure Sophie will love it back home too.”

Claudia sighed, “I know. I wish you would stop getting yourself in dangerous situations.”

“It’s my duty as a member of the Order of the Goddess Herta.”

“That you are and also my true love, Chris.”

Chris gave Claudia a big smile, “thank you, Claudia.”

Chris got a better look at Claudia.

Her blue eyes that sparkled with life.

Her long blonde hair that had the same sparkle in her eyes.

“Hey, lean over would you Claudia?” Chris asked

“Why?” Claudia asked.

“I need to get a better look at your face.”

“Ok?...What’s this for?”

Chris kissed her.

“I love you, Claudia.”

“I love you too, Chris.”


Alex and James walked into a garden on the side of the campus.

“Soon after I’m discharged. I have made arrangements for Edwin’s burial. I will see him laid to rest as requested, by his daughter and wife standing upright Forever watching over them.”

Alex nodded, “He was a good man. He was trying to do right by his daughter and wife. The least we can do for him.”

“I suppose so. I told Paul to tell everyone that Edwin died eliminating the cult of Fear and Hunger in the city.”

“That’s a lie.”

“In a sense, yes. We can’t let the people know he killed the duke. He’s still respected by the people, no telling what would happen if the truth came out.”

Alex frowned, “so we lie.”

“Sometimes the people deserve a lie over the truth.”

“There is still a chance the Restorationists could return, what then? What about those children at the orphanage?”

“Not just a chance, they will someday. But we will deal with it when that day comes. For the children, Gideon is still taking care of them. Paul is working to eventually give over control to others.”

“Back down there in the underground passageways. I confronted Felix, the assassin who assisted in killing Rudolf and Joshua. He got away.”

James sighed, “Another loose end along with the girl Edwin mentioned. We’ll find them, one day.”

Alex stopped and looked at James, “what will you do now? I’m sure you don’t want to be stuck in this city.”

James shook his head, “as soon as I’m done burying Edwin I will go back to the capital and report back to the Grand Military Council. Then I'll have the chance to see my sons. After that respite I’m going to search for the girl Edwin mentioned at his death must have been important for him to ask me to protect her. I asked Gideon about this, but he didn’t tell me anything.”

“So that’s it then?”

“Not quite.” James said as he sat down.

He looked up at Alex with a troubled expression. “There was a price for Adeline’s help. She had her own agenda on all of this.”


James sighed, “tell me what I could have done. As military commissioner I got everything that was found in the passageways by Commander Paul. Including the research done on the aspect of the God of Fear and Hunger. Tell me what I should have done with it?”

Alex recoiled in horror and disgust, “You can’t be serious, James. They used the suffering children for it. Burn it all, condemn their horrid research to oblivion and let the spirits of the children who died rest in peace.”

James nodded, “That was my thought as well. I have a personal connection to what horrible actions they have done in the name of their twisted god. Adeline wanted it. She said the information was valuable. There is still much the Hospitallers could learn about the human mind from the research. That was her price for her help, so I gave it over.”

“Forget Adeline’s price. Should of just destroy the research and forget you even found it.”

“That would have been the perhaps the right and safe thing to do. The storybook ending to this whole affair. Too bad this is reality. So that is my burden now. It’s mine to carry.”

Alex sat down besides James, “so that’s it then...did we do the right thing in the end? Edwin and Gideon were fueled by revenge for what was done to them. They murdered Rudolf and Joshua but they also destroyed the cult of Fear and Hunger in the city and freed children and gave them a home, love and care. It wasn’t just as simple as good and evil.”

James looked over to Alex, “we did what we thought was right, in the end. Life is complex like that. We are not gods. We make mistakes and must deal with the consequences of our actions. If we aren’t perfect, we can at least try to be good.”

“I guess so.” Alex replied with a sigh.

He then smiled, “we made a pretty good team though.”

James laughed, “We did.”

“I guess we grew on each other and helped each other. You have my gratitude, James. I was a cocky idiot when we first met.”

“You still are.”

“At least I have my stunning good looks.”

“Yes, your stunning good looks.”

The two sat together in silence for a moment in each other’s company.


The turnout was massive. Alex thought

As Edwin’s casket pass through Svarostadt’s streets. The casket was carried by castle guards.

As they pass, Alex watched and saw the citizens. Men, women, boys, and girls, old and young. People of all races. All watching somberly. Some crying, others just watching with a look of grim understanding.

A true northern hero was dead. A man who fought for his people until the very end.

They buried him on a small hill overlooking a lake. Edwin and his family loved this view of the city and clear blue water. He was buried the spot he always wanted to be, by his family.

Alex looked over to the children of the orphanage who all crowded around.

Alex recognized William among them. Comforting little Alice as she wept. Alex remembers dazzling William as a knight and playing football with him. It seemed like a lifetime ago.

“Don’t cry. Edwin wouldn’t want us to cry. We should be the grateful for the time we had with him. His memory serves as an example for us, and he trusted that his life had meaning because we will remember him. His death been set, can’t be changed. We can only move one step forward. To a better future.” William said to Alice.

William then looked back at the grave and smiled,

“Thank you, Edwin. Thank you for giving us a chance to write our own stories. We will live good lives and honor your memory.”

James looked troubled and was going to walk over to them. Alex put a hand on his shoulder, “Let’s leave the children be. I think we done quite enough already. You heard them, right? Let them write their own stories.”

James sighed,

“You are right. Let us leave it in their capable hands. I am entrusting a glorious and honorable knight like yourself to watch over them as they write their stories. In fact, I’m leaving Svarostadt to you as a heroic Knight of Lyris.”

“I will protect them. I promise you, James.”


Alex patrolled through Svarostadt. The townsfolk waved and greeted him as the appointed knight of Lyris to the city.

Alex thought of the people he met along the way and what happened to them.

Chris took his family back home. James went back to the capital.

Gideon was still under house arrest, but he was also still caring for the orphanage.

Adeline was already busy back at the University of Saintess Enya.

Doctor Viktor turned out to be Rudolf’s brother much to Alex’s surprise and James unsurprise.

“I already knew that.” James said blandly.

Viktor was made Duke of Augustein. He was driven by the desire to make right the previous wrongs of his predecessors. He appointed Paul to be commander of the castle guard.

Cecilia was given Viktor’s estate in Misni and she cared for the animals there.

And Felix. Who knows what became of him?

Alex felt a tap on his left shoulder, he looked back to see nothing there.

“Jeezs, fell for it again. When will you learn? What you been daydreaming about anyways.” Hanna said as she emerged on Alex’s right.

Alex jumped up, “oh come on! It’s not even funny. I was just thinking about what happened.”

“Is that so?” Hanna said with a smile.

“Well, no point in dwelling on the past. You can move one step forward. To a better future that can always be changed.”

Alex smirked, “is that so? Still like using that expression huh?”

“Yes, hero knight.” Hanna said with a bright smile. “I haven’t had the time to thank you. You brought my father back alive I was told about how you stood up to James for him. It means a lot to me, truly.”

“You don’t have to thank me. It was the right thing to do.”

“Something a story book knight would do?”

“Yeah, it would be.”

"How are things back in the orphanage?"

"Good, well as good as they can be. Gideon still is head of the circus but Adeline as members from the university working there now."

"I met two kids in particular, William and Alice. How are they?"

Hanna frowned, "Alice is doing fine. But Willy...he took an old sword and left. I'm not sure where, perhaps to join the Restorationists."

"Should I go and try to find him?"

Hanna shook her head, "my father never talked to us about the Restorationist cause. Not once. Not a single word as he cared for everyone. Willy did this on his own choice. How he wants his story to unfold. Lets leave it be and hopefully one day he will come back."

Hanna then smiled, “That’s all I wanted to say, now let’s go.”

“Where?” Alex asked, following Hanna as she walked.

“Just wanted to spend time with my hero knight.”

Alex smirked, “Alright, alright. I suppose I have the time.”

Alex and Hanna walked through Svarostadt, just enjoying each other’s company.

Things didn’t turn out too bad for Alex after all.

Alex the knight of Lyris, standing for what is right and protecting those in need.

An unknown path.

But that’s what makes life fun.

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