Guns & Roses
Chapter 18


“Tsk. Missed you by a second sweetheart” Viktor’s teasing voice sounded from the opposite tree.

“You” pointing my finger at him. “You were the one responsible for switching the pants with shorts!” Accusing him.

Viktor laughed as he took hold of a branch for support. “You know me too well, although I would very much prefer the shorts than those” he said pointing to my pants “because let’s admit it, where’s the fun in that?”

Rolling my eyes at him, I slid my gun to my back and took one of the knives that were stashed in my combat boots.

Viktor raised his eyebrow as he followed my movements. “You know you could easily shoot me right here right now, why go through the trouble?”

“Where’s the fun in that sweetheart?” Mimicking him.

“This is going to be fun” he said as he started to jump from one branch to another until he came down.

I followed suit as I jumped through one branch and jumped onto the ground landing gracefully. Being a sniper meant having good sense of balance and being fearless with height.

“I’ll make sure to win this time” I smiled at him tauntingly.

“Don’t get your hopes up” he winked.

I quickly charged towards him and as expected, he managed to dodge it effortlessly. And when he aimed his knife on me I swiftly blocked it with mine, we continued for a while, both attacking and blocking until the both of us were panting hard.

“You’ve gotten good sweetheart, I admit” Viktor said, breathing hard.

“Less talking more attacking” I said.

Viktor was quick-witted and the only way to beat him is by a false surprise attack. I needed to corner him.

I ran towards him at a fast speed and he instantly avoided my attack by sidestepping me. But that wasn’t what I was aiming for, using the tree behind were he stood seconds ago, I boosted myself up with one foot and slung myself towards him, landing a kick on his abdominal area.

Viktor landed on his back and before he even got the chance to move, I threw my knife with such force that it lodged itself on the tree millimeters from Viktor’s neck.

Viktor’s eyes widened in surprise as he reached for his neck with blue paint spluttered all over.

“Are you fucking crazy?!” Viktor shouted.

“What?” I asked innocently.

"What? You could’ve killed me!” He shouted hysterically.

“You’re alive aren’t you?” I said, suppressing the smile that was threatening to come out.

“That’s not the point Tatiana! Christ!” He said as he started to get up.

I offered him a hand and he took it hoisting himself up. I got my knife out of the tree with ease as it wasn’t that lodged that deep. Viktor dusted himself off while he was sending me daggers.

When I was about to reach my team through the intercom, all I was getting were broken static. I pulled off the device and I saw that one of the wires were loose, probably when Viktor and I were sparring.

“Great. My intercom’s broken” I muttered as I threw the broken device on the ground. “What am I supposed to do now” I said, pinching the bridge of my nose.

I checked my wristwatch and saw that an hour has already passed. There’s a great possibility that they’re already on the move. It was a good thing we made backup plans if things like this were to happen.

“If it’s any consolation, you’d only have to deal with Team Delta, Anton’s group. I know the twin’s team is already eliminated” Viktor said even though I kind of forgot he was still there.

“Whose team got them?” I asked as I stored the knife inside my boot again.

“Anton’s, the two idiots went straight for the Delta team. I came across them when me and my team were on our way here” Viktor explained.

“About how many of the defense line are already beaten?”

“Out of the sixty men, probably forty are still on the game right now” He stated.

I took into consideration the info Viktor gave me. Chances are, we only get to encounter half of them if we stayed on one route. So that’s thirty plus Dimitri’s main defense group.

I needed to find my group if we wanted to have a shot at winning this.

“Thanks Viktor, I’ll get going” I told him as I ran towards west.

“Welcome sweetheart! See you at dinner later!” Viktor shouted from the distance. I chuckled at his choice of words as I made my way deeper into the forest.

I’ve been walking on edge for the last thirty minutes and there were still no sign of my team. This was turning out to be a solo mission after all.

When I reached a sort of clearing with scraps of metal, I quickly took cover by the sacks of sand on my right.

I wasn’t sure if I was going right into a trap but it’s better to be safe than sorry. I sneaked a peak and saw green and orange paint all mixed up together.

I heard rustling from the other side and my senses were instantly on alert. I can’t take down a whole group by myself especially if I’m in the ground right now.

I sneaked a peak from my hiding place and I saw two men with their whole head gear on so I couldn’t see who it was. Aiming my gun, I shot the nearest tree beside them as they quickly stopped and raised both of their hands in surrender.

They both turned around at the same time and removed their head gear.

“What are the both of you still doing here?!” I asked the twins as I relaxed my stance.

“We’re on our way back to the base but we thought you were Viktor and wanted to give him a surprise” Alexei explained.

“But clearly your team won” Andrei said impressed.

“And the said team is currently missing. My intercom’s broken and I can’t contact any of them” I explained.

“Well you better get a move on if you want a chance at winning this. Last thing we heard Anton’s team is already headed towards the main center” Alexei said.

“Why? What’s in the main center?” I asked.

They both gave me the ‘look’.

“They strategically placed us all around the site, which leaves the fifth team in the center” Andrei offered.

“Yeah, I get what you mean though, but isn’t that a little too obvious? You’re underestimating Dimitri, he wouldn’t make this exercise so easy” I explained. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“So what’s in the main center if the flag isn’t there?”

“It’s a trap, it has to be. Either Dimitri’s team is there excluding him or the rest of the defense line is positioned there. It’s a diversion” I answered.

“So where’s the flag?” Alexei asked.

“The place you’d least expect it” I answered vaguely.

“See you later boys!” I said as I waved the goodbye.

Shifting my gun towards my back, I quickly ran towards the opposite way determined to win this battle.

I’ve been running for a couple of minutes until I stopped to catch my breath. When I heard noice coming from the other corner I ducked for cover and assessed the situation. There were five of them and from the looks of it, they’re the defense line.

I can’t give my cover away without securing my spot. Climbing up the tree as fast and as quiet as I can, I positioned myself deep within the tree and aimed for one of the men.

They automatically swayed their heads back and forth searching for me but I was well hidden. Another shot broke free shooting at another one but that shot didn’t come from me. Shit. I hope this wasn’t Anton’s team.

The remaining three men aimed their guns upwards and ducked for cover. I crossed over to the next tree silently and aimed for the third guy. I heard him muttering a ‘shit’ as his two fellowmen sunk lower to the ground hiding.

I heard another gun shot sound off and the fourth guy was eliminated. I couldn’t see the color of the paint so I had no idea whose team it was.

I climbed down to a lower branch and sat myself up, hooking my legs in between the sturdy branch.

When I saw the fifth guy heading towards the tree I was on, he failed to notice me as I slid myself upside down, legs hooked to the branch and aimed right at his chest.

“Boo” I said as he let out a yelp and turned on his front only to get blue paint spluttered all over his gear.

“Fuck” he grunted as he took off his head gear angrily and went off.

I swung myself up and jumped off the tree just as the rustling of leaves caught my attention. I quickly drew my gun at the culprit’s face only to find Justin’s wide eyes and arms raised in surrender.

“It’s me” He said.

“Where are the others?” I asked as I lowered my gun.

“Levi’s the only one standing and we got separated too” He explained.


“We got to the main center a few minutes after Team Delta arrived. It was a trap, most of the defense line was there and Team Echo but the Boss wasn’t there. Levi and I managed to fall back but the rest weren’t so lucky” He explained.

So I was right. I knew Dimitri was someone who’d come up with this sort of surprises.

“Looks like it’s just the two of us. Come on”

“Where to? If the flag isn’t at the main center where could it be?” Justin asked.

“It’s just a hunch, but I feel strongly about it. It’s a place where they could see everything and the least place anyone would think of, the starting line"

I gotta admit, that was pretty clever of Dimitri and Boris to play us around like that. I bet they’re both in the tower right now watching this all play out.

My internal rant was disturbed by a bird’s chirping. I looked up to find a small bird perched on the edge of a branch. I squinted my eyes to get a better look at it and I can’t help but let out a sarcastic laugh.

“What?” Justin asked from behind me.

“The fun’s just about to start” I said as I winked at the mechanical bird.

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