Guns & Roses
Chapter 19


When Tatiana winked at the bird cam, I can’t help but feel that it’s directed at me. I smiled to myself thinking how this exercise will go down.

“She’s good Dimitri, and to think it’s her first time training at this site” Boris said interrupting my thoughts.

I nodded my head in agreement. It was true, Tatiana was indeed good. I was amazed at how she fought it out with Viktor knowing she could have easily taken him down with her gun yet she chose to fight fairly. That’s my girl.

As expected, the twins faced Anton’s group head on and have failed miserably. I admit, I wasn’t so sure on who would win between Tatiana and Viktor’s group but the results were favorable nonetheless.

I noticed Tatiana and Anton’s tactics were quite similar, although Tatiana was more quick-witted, Anton’s group headed straight towards our trap and was before he even realized it was too late for them to back out.

As I watched the screen showing Tatiana’s movements, it will only be a matter of time before she gets here.

“Send another set of men to her coordinates. I’ll be at the rooftop waiting” I ordered Boris as I made my way outside.

“Do you think she’ll win?” Boris added.

“We’ll see” I replied as I shut the metal door.



After encountering the mechanical bird I was pretty sure this whole place is wired with cameras and bugs.

Shifting my gun in position, I signaled Justin to go forward. With a nod of his head, we continued our path towards the tower at the entrance of this training site.

Technically the tower in itself is within the vicinity which doesn’t exclude itself as a potential hiding area of the flag. I bet both Dimitri and Boris were having a field day watching us from there.

Hearing crunches from the ground, I immediately took cover behind the tree beside me while Justin did the same. I sneaked a peak from my hiding spot and I noted three to five men heading our way. It was a good thing they haven’t noticed our presence yet.

I looked over at Justin and beckoned him to climb the tree. Following my orders, he situated himself up the tree hidden behind the leaves.

I shifted my gun behind me and reached out for my knife that was tucked inside my boot. Climbing up the tree I was hidden behind, I positioned myself ready to attack the men.

When they were in clear view, I took note that there were indeed five men. Most of them handling hand guns and the others with knives. When the first man stood exactly under me, I jumped off the branch and landed on his shoulders while I pulled him down with much force as I slashed my knife onto his uniform.

I heard two gun shots and by the sound of angry men, two were already taken down by Justin. Sensing someone from behind me, I quickly drew my gun onto my front and aimed for the guy. Thank goodness for fast reflexes.

“That’s five of them” Justin said as he climbed down from his position.

“Just how many are there?” I asked frustrated.

I guess I spoke to soon because we heard men coming from the opposite direction. This is bad. If I continue to fight off men, I don’t know if I would still have the energy to defeat Dimitri.

“You go, I’ll stay and hold them off” Justin offered.

“What kind of leader would I be if I let you do that” I retorted.

“You’re our only chance at winning this thing, all the other teams are eliminated anyway” he explained.

I looked at him for a moment surprised at his change in attitude.

“Hurry up!”

“Fine, I’ll do this for the team” I concluded. It was the least I could do for my team.With a nod towards Justin, I sprinted in the direction going to the main tower.

When I can see the view of the tower, I slowed my steps and placed my hands on my knees as I struggled to catch my breath. Maybe I really should start on my cardio.

I looked up to see a white flag standing out from the gray skies. I squinted my eyes to make out if there were any visible threats but all I could see was the flag as few drops of rain started to fall down. Great.

Without much choice, I continued my way towards the side of the tower where the emergency staircase were. I don’t want to risk going through more men to reach the top.

I gripped the bars tightly and started to climb all the way to the top. It was getting harder to see as the drops of rain hinders my view. I was almost at the top when one of my foot slipped.

“Shit!” I grabbed hold on the bars as tightly as I could, the rain getting harder by the second.

Not letting my little mishap get on the way, I continued to climb up until I reached the top. Pulling myself up, I quickly scanned through the rooftop and saw that the flag was missing.

“What the hell?” I asked myself wondering if I misjudged my sight earlier.

Before I could even take one step further, a voice interrupted me.

“Mishka” Dimitri greeted as he stepped out of the shadows.

Just his voice was enough to make me still. And I’m having a hard time understanding whether his effect was a good or bad thing. Damn hormones.

“Where’s the flag Dimitri?” I asked, masking my feelings the best I could.

He only smirked and that glint in his eyes suggested he was going to have his fun. And I’m sure we both have different definitions of fun at the moment.

He pointed towards his belt hoop on the side of his hips and sure enough, the white flag was tied around it.

“If you can pin me down for at least ten seconds I would give the flag to you, love” he said smugly.

I knew it was close to impossible defeating Dimitri in a one on one combat, and more importantly, I don’t think I have the energy left to do so.

This is the last stage Tatiana, you can do it. You have to. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Ten seconds?” I clarified confidently.

“If you can” He teasingly said. I rolled my eyes at him. I can’t wait to get this over with.

“With pleasure” I said.

Seeing as he had no other weapons with him, I presumed this was going to be purely body combat.

I took off my sniper gun and placed it on the ground. I also removed any weapon holsters on my body and bent down to retrieve the knives stored on my boots.

As I straightened my posture, I saw that Dimitri was staring right at me. The look his giving me is enough to make the tiny hairs on my body stand up. Breaking his gaze, he cleared his throat and the familiar smirk was back on his face.

I nodded my head towards his direction and without further notice I charged towards him with speed and threw a punch I knew he’d easily block off.

When he encased his hand on my fist, I swiftly did a round house kick but his other arm blocked off my attack. With both of his hands occupied with blocking, I used his arms for support and boosted myself up and with a grace of a gymnast I hooked my left leg onto his shoulders and did the same on my other leg, clutching my legs tightly around his throat though it’s far from anything sexual, I brought the both of us down onto the cemented ground.

My back was hurting but I needed to subdue Dimitri for at least ten seconds. But alas, it was a complete failure because only seconds later, he was able to break free of my hold as I quickly regained my stance.

“Are you okay?” He asked. For a moment there I was completely stunned.

“You do know we’re in the middle of a fight?” I asked incredulous.

“So?” He countered.

“So? You’re not supposed to ask this things” I said, eyeing him suspiciously. Is this part of his plan? So I could fall for his charms?

“I’m serious Tatiana, I don’t give two shits about the exercise right now” He said seriously.

“I’m fine okay? Let’s just get this over with” I stated.

I charged towards him without waiting for his reply and aimed for his head, he blocked off every single punch and kick I threw at him so I came to my last resort.

Targeting his jaw, I threw a punch that he quickly blocked off, but in the process of doing so, I efficiently hooked my left foot onto his aiming for him to fall. But what I haven’t anticipated is him bringing me down as well.

We landed with a thud and our face were merely inches apart. The rain was pouring harder now but all I could focus on is his face. I never noticed how he had a tiny white scar on his eyebrow or how his lips was parted right now as his breathing was ragged.

I was so sure he could feel my heart beat going crazy right now but all I could do was stare. As I brought my gaze towards his eyes they were very dark and dated in contrast to his blues.

I guess I was staring because without a further second his lips crashed on mine. I immediately responded to his kisses because I knew it would only be futile to resist.

His hands were roaming all over my body as he lifted up my soaked top and the feel of his warm hands on my bare skin was leaving me wanting more.

I suddenly remembered we were still in the middle of a fight and a tiny thought popped inside my head.

I brought both my hands up and let the other trail towards his body. I started from his chest and onto his abs, he was groaning and frankly, it was turning me on.


I inserted my hand into his shirt and let my other hand reach for the flag. When I felt the knot loosen, I quickly snatched it off and pushed myself up. When I stood up too quickly, I felt a slightly dizzy.

Dimitri also stood up and before I could take another step, I felt my surroundings started blacking out. And Dimitri’s faint shouting as I completely blacked out.

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