Guns & Roses
Chapter 20


I feel warm, very warm. I snuggled closer to the source of heat I felt and came in contact with a hard wall. Wall? Since when did the corners of my bed had a wall?

I forced my eyes open and saw the familiar light the fireplace gives as it reflects all over the room. When my vision started clearing, I looked up to see a naked chest. My eyebrows knitted in response to my confusion, when suddenly a deep husky voice sounded.

“You’re awake?”

I tilted my head up and faced a sleepy looking Dimitri and my eyes widen in response. I let out a yelp and backed myself up quickly. Misjudging our current position, I didn’t realize we were on the corner until I fell down on the side of the bed.

“Ouch...” I mumbled groaning. My butt hurt but most of all the shred of dignity left of me. I was cuddling with the Boss himself. Way to go Tatiana!

“Are you okay?” Dimitri asked hurriedly as he got up from the bed and offered me a hand.

“Uh yeah.. Why am I here?” I asked, grabbing hold of his hand as I felt tingles from the contact.

He pulled me up with so much force I ended up getting shoved into him and just in time as Dimitri wrapped an arm around to steady me.

“You don’t remember?” He questioned, his eyes staring right through me.

Did we...? Yeah no, that’s impossible. I would’ve remembered.

“The mock battle? You fainting? Remember now mishka?” He asked interrupting my internal debate.

I closed my eyes shut and faced down, willed myself not to blush for thinking of such thoughts. How could I forget the mock battle. Our fight in the rain followed by our hot make out scene, also in the rain. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Mishka?” Dimitri said.

“Y-yes?” I looked up and felt Dimitri’s gaze darken.

“Are you seriously okay now? The doctor said you fainted from fatigue and that you should just rest up” he explained.

“A little sore, but I feel good” I replied. As if suddenly realizing the double meaning behind my words I felt myself blush.

“I-I mean fine, I feel fine” I quickly corrected.

Dimitri only raised an eyebrow at me but his eyes and that awful sexy smirk speak otherwise.

I fiddled with the hem of my shirt and I suddenly realized this wasn’t mine.

“What happened to my clothes?”

“You were soaking wet” he started, as my eyes widened at his words.

“...because of the rain” he finished, his smirk growing wide.

“Oh... of course” I answered. Damn my dirty little mind. Internally face palming myself for thinking differently. Then a sudden realization hit me again. Holy shit! Did he change my clothes himself? But then again it’s nothing he haven’t seen...

“You must be starving, I got Anya to bring up some food earlier” He suddenly said, and as if on cue, my stomach started grumbling.

He only chuckled at my embarrassment and went to the table and took off the cover. The smell of chicken soup immediately filled the room. I walked towards the table and sat on the sofa in front of it.

Dimitri did the same and sat opposite of me as he offered the bowl of soup and placed a spoon in it. I promptly accepted it with both of my hands as our fingers slightly brushed.

I withdrew my hands quickly and offered him a thanks. I brought the bowl near my face as I smelled the familiar savory goodness. I brought both my feet up and crossed my legs as I started to scoop some of the soup.

Before I could bring the spoon up, I sent a glance at Dimitri and saw that he had a hard glare on his face. Confused by his look, I followed the direction of his eyes and looked down to see that my shirt had already ridden up. And the crucial fact that I was wearing nothing but underwear and this shirt.

“Shit!” I muttered as I quickly sat properly, Dimitri looked away and cleared his throat.

“Sorry I f-forgot” I stuttered, I quickly scooped some of the soup.

After a few minutes, I noticed Dimitri hasn’t eaten anything. “You’re not eating” I pointed out.

“Aren’t you hungry?”

“Very” he said huskily.

“So..? Dig in” I gestured towards the table.

“If you insist, mishka” he said, suddenly standing up.

I followed his movements until he was right in front of me. I felt the energy of the whole room suddenly change and I think it was getting hotter by the second.

He placed a hand on the sofa and leaned down, his face merely inches from mine.

“I’m starving mishka” he whispered in my ear. I felt shivers run down all over my body as he faced me once again.

“For you” he said as he crashed his lips on mine. I was stunned until I felt him reaching for the bowl and placing it on the table.

His lips urged mine to reciprocate and without a second, I willingly surrendered to the temptation. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his hands placed themselves on my waist. He gently pushed me further to the edge of the sofa as I felt his body slowly covering mine.

He reached for my leg and placed it around him so he was in between me. The added closeness only made our needs heighten. I reached out for his hair and slightly tugged on it making him groan.

He suddenly brought ourselves up in a sitting position, me on top of him as his lips trailed open mouth kisses all over my neck, my collarbones and behind my ear. Moaning loudly at the pleasure his kisses were bringing, I felt the hardness of him in between my legs.

He brought his mouth on my lips again as his hands trailed down to my butt giving it a squeeze. Gasping at the sudden act, he quickly took his chance and dipped his tongue inside me.

Bringing my hands on to his front, I placed my hands on his bare chest and slowly trailed them down to his abs as I felt his body react to my touch. When my hands neared his belt he suddenly grabbed hold of my wrists and stopped kissing me.

“If you don’t stop, I don’t think I can hold back” he said, his voice ragged.

I searched his eyes for a clue as to why he was acting like this. And all I could find was sincerity. He was giving me an opportunity to stop. A choice on whether or not I want this. And I do. I really fucking do. With a newfound confidence, I bravely placed my lips near his ear.

“Then don’t” I whispered seductively as I gently nibbled on his earlobe.

He suddenly grabbed hold of my face and smashed his lips on mine. This kiss was different, it was rough and fueled with a lot of lust and a whole shitload of sexual frustration.

His hands trailed down to the edge of my shirt and swiftly brought it up and threw it on the ground. Grabbing me by my ass, he stood up as I automatically hooked my legs around him.

He walked us both to the door and pushed me against it, kissing me harder by the minute. I heard the familiar lock of the door and I suddenly remembered the times we were interrupted.

“” he said in between kisses. He trailed his mouth down to my chest and I felt my need growing more and more. I reached out for one of his hands and brought it up to my mouth sucking his forefinger as seductively as I could. I was staring right at him as did he and when I removed his finger from my mouth I slowly guided it towards my entrance.

When I felt his finger inside me, I shut my eyes closed as I let out a moan. I rocked myself at him as he added another finger inside me and moved it in ways that was making me moan in so much pleasure. I trailed kissed all over his neck as his fingers moved inside me in a flicking and circular motion.

I was rocking myself faster as I felt my orgasm nearing. His movements also sped up as he inserted another finger inside of me.

“Let go, love” he whispered in my ear.

With a flick of his finger I felt myself tense and closed my eyes as I orgasmed, moaning out his name in pleasure, the warm fluid soaking up my panties.

I felt Dimitri remove his fingers and I opened my eyes to see him sucking each one of them. My breathing was still ragged from my high but my need for him only grew stronger. I reached out for his head and kissed him with so much force.

I felt him walking us towards the bed until the soft mattress greeted my back. Without breaking the kiss, he pushed us forward until we were in the center of the bed.

“Are you sure, love?” He asked.

“Shut up and kiss me already” I said. I felt his lips move upwards in a smile. I honestly didn’t know where all of this courage is coming from but all I want and need right now is Dimitri.

I brought my hands towards his belt and efficiently unhooked it. He took of the button and zipped down his fly and I immediately felt more of his hardness.

He stood up and removed his pants. He reached out for the drawer and took the metallic foil and threw the small pack at me. I sat up and ripped open the pack using my teeth. Dimitri was looking at me with so much lust it was only turning me on.

He removed the last piece of clothing on him and threw his boxers aside. I was greeted with a very hard, very big...

I must be staring because Dimitri held my hand, knowing what he was implying, I stood on my knees in front of him and slid the condom all the way his shaft.

Hearing his sharp intake of breath at my touch, I looked at him in the eye as I ran my hand through his length. I felt him tense as he grabbed hold of my wrists and pushed me down the bed, bringing my hands up above my head.

With one hand holding my wrists, his other hand went on my back as he unhooked the clasps of my bra, releasing my breasts.

“You are so beautiful” he whispered looking at my eyes, before he brought his mouth onto my breast, sucking while he released his hold on me and went to grab my other breast in a pleasurable manner.

Placing my hands on his head, I tugged on his hair as I arched my body more towards him. Moaning and grunting in pleasure.

After giving his attention to each of my breasts, he trailed kisses down my stomach until he reached the hem of my panties. He ripped the material and threw it away. He brought his lips on mine as he positioned himself near my entrance.

With no warning, he pushed himself inside me as I tensed and shut my eyes closed due to the pain.

“Are you okay? We can stop-” Dimitri asked worriedly.

“No, it’s just.. it’s been a very long time since..” I trailed.

“Sshh. I’ll take care of you” he said, smiling warmly at me.

I nodded in response as I felt myself ease up, accommodating his size and length. I urged him to continue and he obliged. He started moving in a slow agonizing motion and I was getting frustrated by it.

“F-faster Dimitri” I moaned.

“As you wish my love” he said seductively.

His movements were getting faster as he slipped a finger inside of me. He’d slide himself out and slam himself inside me making me moan out loud. Our kisses were getting rough as I mirrored his movements so we could be in synch.

I felt the familiar tension and tingles from my body signaling my orgasm. We moved faster until I finally reached my peak. Dimitri was still pounding himself inside me and a few seconds later I felt his body tense as he came to climax as well.

He slid out of me and threw away the condom on the nearby bin. I felt my eyes drooping in as Dimitri climbed on the bed holding me close to him.

He threw the covers around us and placed his arms around me, my back to his front.

“Sleep my love” He whispered in my ear as he placed a kiss on my temple.

I mumbled a garbled response at him. I think I heard Dimitri say something but I didn’t catch what he said as sleep was already taking over.

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