Guns & Roses
Chapter 22


I squirmed in my seat as I felt soft kisses trailing up and down my neck. Tilting to give better access, I can’t help but let out a small moan in pleasure.

“I’m not sure if you’re having a wet dream or you’re just highly constipated”

What? Forcing my eyes open, I was greeted by the sight of Viktor’s face inches from mine. Closing my eyes out of frustration and quite frankly, embarrassment, I still felt Viktor’s face close to mine, snickering like an idiot. Without any second thoughts, I head butted Viktor as hard as I could as he let out a scream far too pitchy for his “manliness”.

“Fucking Hell Tatiana! What was that for?!” Viktor yelled, clutching the bridge of his nose.

“You deserved it for ruining my sleep. And besides...” I trailed, gesturing to his nose with a spot of blood on the corner.

“Message received, never wake you up when you’re obviously enjoying a good dream” Viktor managed to say, all the while wiping the blood off.

I felt my face heat up automatically as I recalled the dream I had before Viktor ruined it.

“Aha! So it was a wet dream! For a second there, I really thought you were just constipated” He said, grinning teasingly.

“Fuck off”

“Already did, love” he said as he winked at someone from behind. Peering over, I saw it was the flight attendant whose face was of someone who did the walk of shame.

Rolling my eyes at him, I stood up from my position and suddenly came face to face with a rock hard chest.

“Ow” clutching my most-likely-red-nose, Dimitri leaning down to my level, handling my face with both of his hands.

“Are you okay love?” He asked. Worry evident on his face, and sincerity clearly seen in his eyes. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I-I’m alright” I stuttered. The look he’s giving me right now is so pure and sincere that it’s hard to match up with the tough exterior he portrays.

He leaned down and planted a soft kiss on the tip of my nose and that gesture alone made my whole face heat up. I’m pretty sure my nose isn’t the only thing red.

“What was that for?” I barely whispered.

Dimitri leaned on further, his lips near my ear, “If I could right now, that’s not the only thing I want to kiss” he said, his eyes turning darker as he stared at me.

Well Damn.


Say what? I’m pretty sure I did not just say that out loud. Dimitri looked smug as he gave my face a soft caress.

“Later, mishka” he said as he went towards his seat and probably started on working again ever since we boarded the plane.

Letting out a breath I didn’t know I was holding, I glared at Viktor for his unending teasing and went towards the pantry where I was supposed to be headed at the first place.

This flight was going to be frustrating as hell.


After the grueling 10-hour flight, we finally managed to arrive at New York City. I was so tired from the flight that I barely managed to make sense on how we’re now standing in front of a huge metal gate with guards stationed not-so-discreetly.

The huge gates opened and the sight before me left my jaw hanging. An uphill driveway with a beautiful angel fountain in the middle.

Quite cliché if I say so myself, but damn, I won’t complain.

When the SUV finally reached the top, men ushered quickly to the door, giving a hand for me to hold. As I was about to take the man’s hand, he quickly withdrew it as if I was going to burn him. The man had his head down and I looked over from behind me only to see an empty seat where Dimitri was. And when I was about to step down, Dimitri had his hand held out for me to take.

“Damn possessive mafia men” I muttered, rolling my eyes at him.

I took his hand and Dimitri pulled me quickly to him as he bent down to my level and whispered in my ear

“Only for you my love” his voice gruff.

We reached the doors, still hand in hand. This open display of our ‘relationship’ is making me very antsy.

“Don’t think worry about it too much”

Looking up at Dimitri, his sincere smile made my worries disappear for the mean time. Flashing him a reassuring smile, he pushed open the doors to a magnificent sight.

And when I say magnificent... like holy shit!

What greeted me was a sight that screamed loaded. Marble floors and a grand staircase right in the middle. Looking up, a graceful chandelier hang from above, the sparkling light it gives off adds to the beauty of the mansion.

“I’m glad you like it” Dimitri’s voice sounded, cutting me off from my reverie.

“It’s beautiful” I said.

“It’s my grandparents’ house” he said, sounding distant.

I looked up at Dimitri to see a slight change in his eyes, an emotion I wasn’t so sure what to label. But as quick as it came, it was gone, replaced by his signature mask.

It was the first time I ever heard Dimitri speak of his family. Given that we didn’t actually have the time to talk about those things seeing that we’re kind of preoccupied most of the time.

“Come on, I’ll show you to your room” Dimitri said, holding my suitcase on his other hand and ushering me towards the stairs.

I let him lead me the way freely as I took the chance to survey my surroundings. Searching for any clue that might give me a sneak onto what Dimitri’s life was like.

“OY DIOS MIO! Dimitri!!”

Startled by the sudden scream. I looked up to see a sweet looking elderly woman, dressed in what seemed to be a maid’s uniform.

“Ola Carmen” Dimitri greeted the woman, leaning down to her massively short height and giving her a hug.

“Why did you not inform me boy! You are going to give me a heart attack because of this surprises!” She went on, lecturing Dimitri like a delinquent.

“I’m sorry Carmen, you know I did not intend to” Dimitri sounded apologetic.


“Hush hush, I know, don’t give me that sad look” she said, but her face said otherwise. The exchange was quite cute, it’s not often you see someone like Dimitri get told off by a five foot sweet old lady.

“Oh my! And who is this? You finally brought home a girl! And look at her hips! Wide enough to bear many children hijo” Carmen bantered, all the while I was stunned to silence, and I’m pretty sure my face is as red as a tomato.

“Carmen slow down, this is Tatiana, Tatiana, this is carmen” He introduced.

“Hi, it’s nice meeting you Carmen” I greeted, silently thanking that I recovered fast enough from her rambling.

“Hermosa!! It’s nice to meet you too hija, I’m Carmen, and I am the one responsible for taking care of the house and Dimitri when he is here” she explained.

A sudden ringing of a phone sounded. Looking at Dimitri, he got out his phone from his back pocket and answered.

They were talking in hush tones and I couldn’t pick up much from it. Seconds after, Dimitri ended the call, his ambiance shifted completely.

“Carmen, can you lead Tatiana to her room please?”

“Of course” Carmen answered.

“What’s the matter?” I asked.

“Something came up, I’ll fill you in later” He said, leaving us immediately.

“Of course something came up, That’s why I asked” I muttered quietly.

“You’ll get used to it dear”

Shit. I forgot Carmen was still there.

“Come on, I bet you’re tired from the flight. Let’s get you freshened up and fed” Carmen said, leaving no room to complain.

The room here was much more nicer and simpler compared to the one I was situated back in Russia. It still screamed loaded, but the ambiance here conveys humility.

Carmen left me shortly after making sure I had all the necessities a woman should have. She even brought make up which surprised me. My face was the last thing I had in mind.

After taking a long deserved hot bath, I dressed myself in a fluffy white robe and laid down on the bed.

I must have dozed off because I woke up to the feeling of someone kissing me on my nose, my cheeks, then my neck.

“Why do I keep having these dreams?” I muttered to myself sleepily, still keeping my eyes closed.

“I’m flattered to know that mishka”

At the sound of Dimitri’s voice, my eyes automatically opened and voila, low and behold, Dimitri was indeed there and I wasn’t actually dreaming.

“Shit” I muttered, closing my eyes hoping this was just a dream. I’m melting in embarrassment here!

“I uh, I..” I trailed, lost for words. If this soft mattress magically swallowed me up, I’ll forever be grateful. But life once again, isn’t on my side.

Dimitri raised an eyebrow at me, a glint in his eyes showing he was amused as much as I was embarrassed ay the turn of events.

Throwing the comforter over my face, hoping Dimitri would just leave. “I’ve honestly got nothing to say other than I’m utterly mortified”

Dimitri just laughed at me. Laughed. His laughter was just as manly as he was and it’s literally turning me on right now.

Peeking from under the blanket, I saw Dimitri leaning on his side getting comfortable. With one swift movement, he threw away the comforter I hid under and held my face in his hand.

“You shouldn’t hide from me ever again” he whispered as he gently leaned down and connected his lips with mine.

As soon as our lips touched, I closed my eyes and savored the tingles that erupted from our kiss. He was so soft and gentle and damn.

Before I could even kiss him more, he pulled away. It took an insane amount of effort to hold of my whine. What a tease.

“I’m afraid if I go on any further I won’t be able to stop” he said while caressing the side of my face. “And I’m not a tease mishka, you are” he added.

Oh shit. Did I actually say the last part out loud? And what tease?

Seeing my confusion, Dimitri released his hand on my face and gently slid it to my neck and then to my robe near my chest. All without breaking eye contact, he fixed my bathrobe which was totally disheveled while I was sleeping.

I. Cannot. Anymore.

“Get dressed, we have a meeting in an hour at my office” Dimitri said as he pecked me on my lips and walked out the door leaving me totally flustered and hot as hell.

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