Guns & Roses
Chapter 23


After Dimitri’s little tease stunt, I finally got up from my very comfortable bed and headed towards the bathroom to get ready for the meeting.

Stepping out of the shower, I took the white towel that hanged from the rack and covered myself with it. I went to the sink and wiped off the moisture from the mirror using my arm.

Staring at my reflection, the familiar birthmark caught my attention. I don’t remember a lot from my childhood, but one thing that keeps on popping from time to time was the nickname “luna”. I had a crescent shaped moon just above my collarbone. Sometimes I would get dreams where someone was calling me their “little luna” but everytime I turn to look at their faces I would wake up.

I traced the birthmark and an unfamiliar feeling crept up. Longingness. But I quickly dismissed the feeling and started on brushing my teeth determined to forget that. Feelings were such a no-no in my book, and I was already in deep shit for being inlov- love? My eyes widened at where my thoughts were heading.

I quickly finished up and headed towards the walk-in closet. I was surprised to see it was already loaded with clothes my size. Not wanting to intrude, I still made my way towards the suitcase that on the corner. Opening it up, I saw the same set of clothes I was given from my stay back at Russia.

Pulling out underwear, skinny jeans and some v-neck shirt, I quickly put my clothes on and ran a hand through my still wet-hair.

I was almost in search of my phone but then I remembered they probably still have it. Tying my ever faithful combats, I walked outside the room, closing the door in the process.

I walked down the familiar hall until I spotted the twins. Alexei turned his head towards me and his face lit up. “Tatiana! There’s our favorite girl” he walked up and slinging a hand over my shoulders. Rolling my eyes at him and shrugging off his arm

“I’m not your girl” I said as Andrei sling his arm over my shoulders as well.

“Of course you are!” Andrei said. “Come on the meeting’s about to start” Alexei smirked as he put his arm on my shoulders again as all three of us headed towards the meeting.

When we walked up to a set of double doors, Andrei opening one of the doors as we all headed inside to see the rest of the gang already present.

I made eye contact with Dimitri and noticed that his eyes darted to both of the twins’ arms draped around me. Rolling my eyes for the second time, I shrugged both of their arms to avoid unnecessary drama. I took my seat on the right side beside Boris who’s busy looking at what seemed like a blue print of a building.

“What are you looking at?” I asked him.

“It’s the blue print of Firenze’s Banquet Hall, the original one, that is” he said not looking up.

Firenze’s was an old Italian Style Banquet Hall here in the US. I haven’t been there as it was only open to those belonging to the higher scale. Even in my time at the agency, the seniors would always get the mission if it were held there.

Dimitri’s cough sounded which brought all of our attention to him.

“As you all know, Arturo is currently here in the US. He’s been taunting us lately with these petty attacks on our minor locations, but we know it’s only the beginning” Dimitri said as he rested his elbows on his desk and stared at each and one of us.

“He knows we are his biggest threat and he’ll stop at nothing to eliminate us. So I think it’s only right we get a head start, don’t you think?” He asked.

I felt the vibe of the room turn from relaxed to seriousness and excitement. Figures. These were mafia men, they live off of fighting, adrenaline and the excitement of being number one.

How did I ever get myself in this situation again?

“As I have mentioned before, there’s going to be a Senator’s Ball held at the Firenze’s Banquet Hall. And that hall happened to be owned by the Mortelli’s”

Oh. That’s why. That explains the blue print and that explains why he asked me out. It hurt a little that I thought he asked me as his date, not as his tool in winning this freaking mafia war.

“Right Tatiana?”

“Huh, What?” I asked, distracted by my pathetic thoughts.

“You’ll go to the ball with me” he clarified.

“Yes, of course. That’s what I’m here for right?” I said. I hope the bitterness did not show because I didn’t want to look pathetic as I already felt.

The whole meeting went by like a blur. The next thing I know, the guys were already standing up and I heard my name being called.

“Yes?” I asked plainly.

“Are you alright?” Dimitri asked, concern etched on his face.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” I answered, trying to make eye contact but failed miserably.

“You were zoned out for most of the meeting” he said, trying to make me talk.

“Oh. It’s nothing. Just a cramp” I said. Just a cramp? Seriously? Was that the best I could do?

“Oh. Okay... I just wanted to tell you that a stylist will be available for the ball tomorrow” he notified.

“The ball is tomorrow?!” I asked surprised at the information.

“Yeah, weren’t you listening?”

“Uh-y-yeah. Just missed out that part” I reasoned lamely.

“Don’t worry about it too much. We’re just going to attend to scout the area and maybe get some intel if we could” he said.

“Okay” I said. “If that’s all, may I be excused?” I asked formally as I saw Dimitri’s jaw tick.

“Of course” he said, his voice strained.

I left the room as quickly as I could and walked aimlessly. What have I gotten myself in to? I knew there wasn’t a way out of this situation but then I had a choice when it came to Dimitri. I should have stayed away when I got the chance. It’s only been a few weeks yet I feel like I’m in a very very deep hole.

Is he really telling the truth? Or is he just using me as a tool? Trust issues and overthinking were never a good pair. I hate that I’m feeling this way because I really really lo-, like him.

“Get a grip Tatiana” I mumbled to myself.

“It’s cute that you never got rid of that habit” a familiar voice interrupted.

“What?” I asked Anton with a raised eyebrow.

“You always have pep talks with yourself when you’re overthinking about something” he said, leaning on the wall making himself comfortable.

Damn. He saw right through me.

“Many people do it” I shrugged, dismissing him.

As I started walking towards nowhere in particular, Anton seemed keen on pushing the subject because he was now walking alongside me.

“So what’s bothering you Ti?” He asked. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I scrunched up my nose at his nickname. “We aren’t really buddy buddy yet so I suggest not using that name”.

“AHA! You said yet, which implies you may forgive me in the future” he cheekily said.

I rolled my eyes at him. “Whatever makes you sleep at night”

I felt him suddenly stop and I turned my back to see him sporting a sad smile. I was about to ask him what’s the matter when his words stopped me.

“I know I screwed up big Tatiana, and I wish I could turn back time, but know that despite the past, I’m still here for you. I also know what we had in the past will remain in the past... so at least treat me like your best friend” he said.

“Even though it’ll feel like shit” he mumbled but I still heard.

I took the small steps to reach him and threw my hands around him. I hugged him briefly before pulling away.

“I appreciate the apology, although I’m not sure things will go back to the way they were easily”

“I know. Baby steps I guess” he said, scratching the back of his neck.

“Something like that” I said turning my back at him and started walking aimlessly in this gigantic house.

At least I sorted out one issue out of a thousand in this fucked up life of mine.


Tomorrow came too early. I was woken up by Anya who was more cheerful than usual.

“What time is it?” I asked, while Anya suddenly spread the curtains wide enough for a burning sunlight to hit my eyesight.

I squinted my eyes and threw a glare at Anya.

“What?” She asked innocently. Rolling her eyes, she started fixing the bed.

“It’s already 9 am and the ball is at 7 pm” she reasoned.

“That’s like 10 hours Anya!”

“Excuse you! If it were up to me I’ll need more than ten hours to doll you up. This event is like the met gala for crime families. You have to be dazzled up to look your best!!” She half shouted.

“Alright alright! Can you lower down your voice” I said.

“I can’t help it!! It’s the first time Dimitri’s bringing a date so of course I’m ecstatic as he is” she said.

“I sincerely doubt it” date? Oh come on.

“It’s true. Dimitri always go solo, sometimes we tag along but Dimitri doesn’t bring a date ever since he took over the business”

I was absorbing everything Anya was telling. Before my thoughts could even wander, a measuring tape was suddenly around my waist.

“What are you doing?” I asked Anya as she was about to write down on a pad of paper.

“I’m sending your measurements to the stylist”

I didn’t want to argue anymore. It was so early in the morning and I just wanted to sleep until we needed to go to that damned ball.

After Anya got my measurements, she briefly went out of the room and came back with a paper bag filled with items I’m not sure I wanted to know.

Little did I know it didn’t stop with just the paper bag. Anya dumped the items of the bag into the bed and started opening packages and placed items on my face. Moisturizer for this and that. A fluffy head band to keep all of my baby hair in place, a beeswax balm for my lips and countless other items that she said would leave me ‘glowing’ later.

At least Anya had the decency to order McDonald’s as I let her do whatever she wanted for the ten hour period we had.

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