Guns & Roses
Chapter 24: Part 1


I honestly found the whole process stressful. Instead of finding it relaxing like most girls would, I absolutely found it torture.

At first it was tolerable, but then Anya brought women from a salon that did home service and started threading my brows, waxing my upper lip, placing a nose pore tape, waxing my legs, underarms and even down there. Which I fought so hard to stop but Anya was like a woman on a mission.

After seven painful hours, I was literally glowing. Glowing Red from the pain.

“Are we almost done yet?” I asked tired.

“Not really.. the stylist is on his way though, together hair and make up team” Anya added, not looking up from her phone.

A few minutes have passed and a knock on the door caught both of our attention.

“Come in Lorenzo!!” Anya shouted excitedly.

A bald man with an all black outfit strutted his way in. When I said strutted, I mean strutted.

“Yes, it is I, Lorenzo at your service” he bowed dramatically as I suppressed the groan that’s threatening to come out.

Anya and Lorenzo both did the girly kiss on the cheeks without really touching each other.

“Lorenzo, this is Tatiana, Tatiana, this is Lorenzo, our Stylist” Anya explained.

Lorenzo made his way and circled me like a predator would.

“Very beautiful hija. Nice curves and beautiful hair” he examined as he caught strands of my hair and glided his hands through it.

I resisted to roll my eyes and counted internally to calm myself down. I’d rather train in the battlefield that go through this again.

“Come come! I know the perfect look!” Lorenzo stated.

They set up their materials and made me sit on the rotating high chair. Lorenzo started with my makeup while his two assistants started on with curling my hair.

I honestly felt like I was in the Princess Diaries movies. Except that they didn’t provide cucumbers and I’m no princess.

I think an hour or two have passed and Lorenzo was almost done. I noticed Anya coming into the room with a big box in hand. She laid it out in the bed and let out a very girly squeal as she opened the box.

“Oh my gosh!!! De Marco did a fantastic job!”

As I was about to stand up, Anya hurriedly pulled me up and lead me towards the bathroom.

“Here!” She placed the dress carefully onto my hands. “There’s also a new set of underwear on the bag near the sink” she winked as she shut the door on my face.

I carefully placed the bluish-black dress on the rack and went towards the sink to get the underwear.

I didn’t know I have to have new underwear for balls like this. The pair I had on was plain and simple, it’s not as if I would be parading myself in undies.

When I opened the paperbag, boy did I just realize what that wink meant. Inside the bag were the skimpiest, sluttiest underw- no, lingerie I have ever seen in my life.

Don’t get me wrong, I own a pair or three of lingerie but I still choose ones that provide decent coverage.

The material was made out of lace and straps that seem very confusing to wear. And the bra? just a set of pads that are like taped on or strapped on? I was seriously confused.

Without further choice, I stripped out of my bathrobe and underwear and wore the barely-there panties. Next is the black butterfly shaped bra which I managed to tape onto my boobs and strapped it up, causing my breast to push up even more. I honestly felt very slutty yet sexy at the same time.

Going to the rack, I studied the dress and figured out how to wear it. The dress was a beautiful midnight blue to black off shoulder dress with loose sleeves that made you look like a greek goddess. And the back, well, to put it simply, it wasn’t there. It had a huge dip up until my tailbone. Zipping up the dress on the side, I went towards the sink until I realized it also had a very high slit on the right side.

I gripped the edges of the vanity and closed my eyes. “It’s okay Tatiana, it’s just a dress, it’s only for one night” I said, giving myself a pep talk.

A knock on the door brought my attention back.

“Are you done Tatiana? We have to make the finishing touches” Anya said from the other side.


I stepped out the door and heard gasps from the room.

“What??” I asked confused. Was there something on my face?

“You look gorgeous Tatiana! Omg I bet all the guys would be looking at you during the ball!!!” Anya was ranting until she realized the look I was giving. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“My masterpiece..” Lorenzo appreciated as he wiped a fake tear on his eyes. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes because all this pampering was very stressful and a heck lot painful.

“Oooh! I almost forgot, the shoes!!” Anya declared.

She pulled out a loubutin box and set out a classic black pair with red soles. I had no issues with heels as I have practiced a lot in them, the agency believed it was crucial for girls to know how to since we go undercover in different situations a lot. We were trained to run in them, shoot and duck, and trust me, that was pure torture.

I wore the shoes and it immediately made me taller than the rest. Anya handed me a clutch with a knowing look and made me stand in front of the full length mirror.

I haven’t had the chance to really stare at my reflection... but damn. I felt beautiful. My hair was curled loosely and tied to one side like those old Hollywood divas and my make up was a subtle smokey eyes plus red lips.

I turned to look at the back and well... I literally see my back.

My mini appreciation moment were stopped when we heard a knock from the door and Viktor’s head popped up.

“Holy shit” he breathed out.

He entered still looking at me, well technically down there.

“Eyes are up here buddy”

“Hmm?” He said as he brought his attention back to me with a teasing glint to his eyes.

Rolling my eyes at him, I turned to Anya to see her taking a picture of me.

“Anya stop.. I’m not really in the mood for taking pictures”

“Just one more... okay done!” She happily concluded. And as if just noticing his brother she turned to look at him. “What are you doing here doofus?”

“Ouch, that hurt dumbass” he replied.

“Anyway, I’m here to bring your phone and some other stuff” he trailed glancing at Lorenzo and the others.

“Okay! That’s our cue. Lovely meeting you Tatiana! Ciao!” Lorenzo said as his assistants already packed up their stuff and made their way out.

When the familiar click of the door sounded, Viktor started pulling out stuff from his coat. He handed me my phone first which I practically snatched from him.

I checked for messages and all I got was notifications of bills that need to be paid and the canceled delivery of flowers.

What did you expect Tatiana? You have no one back home. I thought bitterly.

“What’s with the face kroshka?” Viktor asked concern laced on his tone.

“It’s nothing” I brushed off. “So what else do you have for me?” I asked, putting the phone inside my clutch.

Viktor gave me that look that said I’m not going to pressure you in answering right now but I will later look and proceeded getting the items out of his pocket.

He handed me a credit card style swiss army knife, a super tiny earpiece, a thin elastic leg holster and a small gun.

I carefully placed the earpiece inside my ear immediately heard the twins’ bickering which made my ear hurt.

“If they’re going to be like this all night I won’t wear this anymore” I said to Viktor.

“Don’t worry. Boris will be supervising them, and besides, that ear piece is crucial and it’s a two way system so we could hear you if anything happens” he explained.

If anything happens.

Well yeah, how could it not happen. Trouble follows me everywhere like a dog would chasing a damn squirrel.

“Wait, are you attending the ball too?” I asked, taking notice of his attire.

“Of course doll! How could I miss the party of the year” he smirked.

“I bet you’re just going to get drunk and pick up women”

Viktor faked a gasped and placed his hand on his heart.

“I would not!” He said. ” but then again, no promises” he said raising his eyebrows suggestively.

“Alright alright we get it you manwhore!” Anya stepped in. “I can’t comprehend the fact that we are related, and much more, twins” she said exasperated.

She pushed Viktor out of the room and before closing the door managed to wink at me and yelled a faint ‘have fun’. This girl and her winks. I’m starting to get nervous at what those winks meant.

Glancing at the clock, i noticed it was almost seven pm. Nobody goes to a party on time and it was a quick 30-minute drive to the venue.

Deciding to put on the card near the side of my boobs. Yes, it actually fit. I proceeded on getting the leg holster and lifted my leg up on vanity chair, the slit opening up.

I carefully slid on the holster and grabbed the small gun from the table, I checked for bullets and after examining it, I placed the gun on the holder and locked it in place.

A small cough broke through the silence and my head snapped towards the source of the noice. And Holy cheeseballs. This man.

I think I stopped breathing because the next thing I know he was smirking at my temporary loss of words and proceeded on standing near me.

Dimitri was wearing a classic tux and his hair swept up in a very chic and manly way. He has w light scruff that made him look more handsome than he already is.

“You look beautiful mishka” his rough voice sounded.

“U-um thanks. You do too” I said, stuttering a bit.

Get yourself together Tatiana! Remember? We’re currently mad and confused about his intentions with us. My inner voice reasoned.

“This is for you” he suddenly said as he grabbed something from his inner pocket.

A beautiful tear drop moonstone necklace was suddenly in front of me. It was situated within a set of golden vines and mini jewels as if it was the most precious item in the world. The way it was crafted showed how the person it was for seemed very loved.

“I can’t take that” I said.

There was a slight change in his expression as if he was hurt from the rejection. But quickly masked it off.

“If you don’t want it, you can just wear it for tonight’s ball. And besides, it goes well with your dress” Dimitri said as his eyes went lower and suddenly redirecting them somewhere.

Coughing again, he went a step forward.

“May I?” He asked, gesturing for him to put on the necklace on me.

“Alright, if you insist” I said. Although deep down I was excited to wear something so beautiful. I rarely get to wear jewelries as it was a hassle for someone who’s profession is like mine.

Dimitri stepped behind me and I gently removed some of the hair that’s on the way. Hearing a grunt from Dimitri.

“Are you okay? Does your throat hurt?” I asked.

“N-no” Dimitri said as he cleared his throat again. “I’m fine, I’ll just drink water later” he said.

“Oh, okay” I said, not thinking too much about it.

As Dimitri placed the necklace around my neck and securely locked it. I took the chance to place my fingers on it and gently trace the intricate patterns the pendant had.

“It’s beautiful” I said honestly. “I’ll be sure to be careful” reminding myself I still need to return it.

Glancing one last time on the necklace, I faced Dimitri with a stern look. My ‘game face’ on.

“Are you ready?” He asked confidently, a smirk back on his face.

“As I’ll ever be”

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