Guns & Roses
Chapter 24: Part 2

Dimitri’s POV (Chapter 24)

As Tatiana left towards the door, I can’t help but feel I said something wrong. We we’re okay this past few days, what have suddenly happened?

The familiar click on the door sounded which brought me out of my reverie. I headed towards my desk and and took a seat at my leather chair, leaning backwards as low as the chair could get.

“I won’t hold myself responsible if I burst out laughing when you fall down”

My eyes darted towards Viktor as he took his place near the desk and leaned on it.

“What do you want Vik? I’m tired so no funny business” I stated plainly.

“Oooooh.. trouble in paradise I see” Viktor smirked as I glared at him.

“I can’t deal with this right now” I said as I closed my eyes shut and felt the a migraine coming.

Tatiana was one thing, but our war with the Mortelli’s was another. If someone on the outside were watching our feud, they’d simply think it was a war on power struggle. But they are absolutely fucking wrong.

I wasn’t petty enough to pick fights just for territory and clients. If you make your own strong and big enough, you wouldn’t stoop low as to steal from others.

This ‘game’ the Mortelli’s are playing is just foreplay. Both families know the grudge runs deep and it won’t stop until one disappears from the game field.

Clap. A sudden clap brought me to attention.

“What the hell Viktor?!” I shouted at him.

“I’m sorry!! But you were totally out of it! I’ve been calling your name five times and you won’t respond” he explained.

“Is it about them?” He asked after a while of silence, the tone on his voice changing to a more serious one.

“Yeah” I answered, not denying the truth. Viktor knows the story and the unfortunate happenings that took place.

“Don’t worry about it. They’ll get what they deserve. Especially him” Viktor said, anger laced in his tone.

“I know.. and I won’t stop until they go down. They’ll pay for what they took from us” I said as my anger boils thinking about them.

“I hope you won’t get mad if I ask this.. and I know the plan’s already started.. but are you really willing to put Tatiana at the center of this?” Viktor asked.

I stayed silent, knowing quite well what the answer to his question was. Even if I didn’t want to, and my feelings for her grow stronger by the day, she plays an important role in this chaos.

I wasn’t a hundred percent sure about her identity, but my hunch says otherwise. She isn’t just an orphan who was recruited by the agency, and I need to know the truth.

I doubt Tatiana knows about it. I didn’t as well until a source of mine gave me intel about them. And how the description perfectly fitted Tatiana.

Once again, my attention was brought by Viktor’s waving hand in front of my face.

“What?!” I grunted.

“You’ve been spacing out again” he said.

“I won’t let any harm get to Tatiana if that’s what you were thinking”

“I know that, but the real question is, are you just using her?” He went on.

My temper spiked at his words and I suddenly find myself gripping the collars of his shirt tightly and saw nothing but red.

“I’m not anything like him” I quietly said as I released him from my hold.

Viktor flattened out the creases of his shirt until they were presentable enough. He looked up to me and smiled. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I know you aren’t. Just telling you before the rage blinds you like your father was”

“Shut up. I don’t want to talk about him” I said as I controlled my breathing and walked out the office leaving Viktor alone.

I needed to release some pent up tension and I knew exactly where to go.


Pounding. I didn’t stop even though I knew the one receiving it was probably getting hurt. I didn’t care one bit.

I didn’t want to think about anything. I just released all of my frustrations as I threw myself harder and stronger as the other person released grunts with every pound I did.

“Dimitri stop it already. You’re going to end up hurting yourself” Boris panted as he put his gloved hand onto his knees.

“No, scratch that. I might be the one who’s battered and bruised after this so just take deep breaths and calm the fuck down. For my sake more than yours” he explained.

I closed my eyes and settled on the floor. I was breathing hard until a sudden coldness was on my cheek.

I took the bottled water from Boris until he settled down on the mat as well.

We stayed in silence for a while until Boris broke it by saying the words I didn’t want to hear.

“This revenge, this war we’re currently on, won’t change a thing Dimitri. It won’t bring them back”

Boris was the only one who can talk freely about the subject. Even though it was a sensitive topic, Boris had every right to talk about it. After all, he was practically my pillar after all the chaos was released back then.

“I know that. But that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t pay for it”

“Just make sure you aren’t going to hurt someone in the process” Boris stated as he stood up and took his leave.

I collapsed to the ground and stared at the lights that illuminated the gym. I needed to tell Tatiana the truth, the history as to why we we’re currently in this war and why she’s unintentionally, in the middle of it.


After my temper tantrum last night, I went directly to my room and slept the frustrations away.

I was aware that Anya must have probably woken up Tatiana around this time because she argued it takes hours to ‘glam up’ girls as she put it. And I sincerely doubt Tatiana was going to enjoy this.

I needed to tell Tatiana tonight. There shouldn’t be any secrets between us so there wouldn’t be any misunderstandings. The truth might hurt, but I’ll take the chance. She needed to know.

The day went pretty fast. I was practically in my office doing work while the hours flew by fast. I didn’t join the rest for lunch even though I knew Tatiana wasn’t going to be there.

A knock on the door brought me out of my attention and in came Viktor with a tux in hand.

“Why are you still working? It’s already past six, you have to get ready” he explained, lifting the tux up to clarify his point.

“It won’t take long to get ready anyway” I said as I removed my glasses and shut my laptop.

I stood up from my chair and took the tux from Viktor. When I turned away, a hand landed on my shoulder.

“You have to tell her Dimitri. No matter what. And let her make the decision” Viktor said.

“I know”

Viktor removed his hand as he let me get ready for the party.

After getting ready, I walked out of my room and headed towards Tatiana’s. On the way there, I met up with the twins.

“Is it ready?” I asked.

“It is. Here” Andrei handed me a flat velvet box.

“We already tested it, and it can go as pretty far with the signal still strong” Alexei explained.

“Alright. Good job guys” I said as I took my leave and headed towards Tatiana.

When I reached her room, Viktor was just about to close the door as he gave me a wink.

“Good luck resisting bro” he said teasingly as he laughed walking away.

I reached for the door knob but the sight the greeted me stopped me from pushing the door open further.

Tatiana had her foot perched up the chair, her long wavy hair gracefully hanging down her neck, the cute little crease present in between her brows, and her breast practically pushed out and damn, her back. I can feel my arousal starting.

I need to stop before I look like a stalker. Clearing my throat to announce my presence, I walked in further until I reached her side.

Hell. Viktor wasn’t lying.

I noticed Tatiana looking me up and down and I smirked, teasing her. Her face suddenly flush red as she looked away.

“You look beautiful mishka” I said.

“U-um thanks. You do too” she said stuttering and I can’t help but find it cute. She was getting redder by the minute.

“This is for you” I said, remembering the necklace. Pulling it out of my inner pocket as I handed it to Tatiana.

Her reaction was everything. I had made the necklace custom made to fit her personality well. I decided it to be a moon because she was my light in this darkness that consumed my life.

“I can’t take that” she said.

Honestly it wasn’t a surprise, but the rejection still hurt. She was stubborn like that. I already asked Anya how to handle this situation since Tatiana finds it hard to receive gifts and kindness in general. I can’t blame her for that, with the kind of environment she grew up in.

“If you don’t want it, you can just wear it for tonight’s ball. And besides, it goes well with your dress” I said. Anya had already coached me into what and what not to say.

Coughing again to get her attention, I stepped forward.

“May I?” I asked, gesturing the necklace. I can see her doubts and confusion in her face but she answered anyway.

“Alright, if you insist” she said nonchalantly. But the sparkle in her eyes says otherwise. And that made me happy.

I stepped behind her as she gently removed some of the hair that’s on the way.

Fuck. Did I make the wrong move? Probably. Will I regret it? Hell no.

“Are you okay? Does your throat hurt?” She asked.

“N-no” I said as I cleared my throat again. “I’m fine, I’ll just drink water later” I need to control my damn hormones or else we won’t be able to attend the ball.

“Oh, okay” She said, brushing it off.

I securely locked the necklace and saw Tatiana playing with the pendant, tracing the intricate designs. I’m happy she likes it.

“It’s beautiful” She said honestly. “I’ll be sure to be careful”

I resisted myself into saying it’s hers, but remembered Anya’s words.

She faced me with a stern look, a look I’ve seen countless times already.

“Are you ready?” I asked confidently.

“As I’ll ever be” she said.

The truth will have to wait. After the ball. At least for now we could enjoy each other’s company.

Just the two of us. Because I know once she knows the truth, things will change from that point on.

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