Guns & Roses
Chapter 25


“Oh my gosh”

Dimitri smirked as he pulled out the key from the mini glass cabinet perched on one of the pillars.

“Do you like it?” He asked

“Like? I love it!” I said, expressing my delight as I ran a hand through the matte black Audi Q5.

He merely chuckled at my excitement. He opened the passenger seat and held out a hand towards me. I placed my hand and pulled up the dress while I placed the other onto his hand.

The moment our hands touched I swear electrifying feelings coursed. I mumbled a thanks as I took my seat and proceeded on admiring the interior of his car.

Dimitri gave me one last look before starting the car and heading outside his garage.

We were currently listening to some soft music and even noticed Dimitri tapping his fingers on the wheel. We passed the busy streets and were now on road that were filled with just dirt and gravel. The place must be pretty secluded. I thought.

The silence inside the car was comfortable, I find it peaceful which was something I rarely feel. Sad, I know.

I sneaked a peak through the corner of my eye and admired this man beside me. He was truly gorgeous. The five o’ clock shadow, thick wavy hair, kissable lips.. I can’t believe I’m actually agreeing with those authors who described their leading males as “carved by Adonis himself” because damn.

“A picture lasts longer, love” Dimitri said teasingly.

I immediately blushed because he caught me ogling him. But it was so totally worth it. Even though my feelings for him were unclear at the moment, I can’t let the opportunity of admiring him pass.

“No thanks, I need to save memory” I retorted. Seriously Tatiana? That’s the best you came up with?! I thought groaning inwardly.

“But your blush says otherwise, love” he said smirking.

Damn my complexion.

After a while of silence again, Dimitri asked me a question I was dreading but was expecting at the same time.

“Are we okay Tatiana?” He asked. And I swear the mood changed from playful to serious in a matter of seconds.


“Uh, what?” I said, pretending not to understand what he meant with the question. Because that’s what we do in situations you don’t want to face. Play the innocent card.

“I know you heard it the first time and I’m aware you know what I meant” he said.

“I don’t want to talk about it” I sighed.

The car suddenly made a right and Dimitri parked the car on the roadside turning on the hazard lights.

“What the-”

It was deadly silent. I was afraid to look at him in the eye but I can’t help notice the grip he had on the steering wheel, his knuckles were already turning white.

After a while, I heard him sigh as he let go of the wheel.

“I’m not used to these kinds of things Tatiana... I don’t do relationships so I have no fucking clue what I did wrong” he said not looking at me.

“Then answer me this Dimitri... why am I here for?” I quietly said.

I saw his jaw clench and the look on his face like I just hit a sensitive topic. Well I for one don’t care if it’s a sensitive subject, I want to know the truth, even if it’ll definitely hurt someone’s feelings in the end.

Even though I knew it’s my feelings who’s going to be shattered by the end of this conversation.

“It’s not that simple Tatiana” he finally answered and that wasn’t the answer I was hoping hear which only made my blood boil.

“What’s not simple about it Dimitri? I just want you to admit that I’m here as fucking tool for this fucked up war you’re having with the Mortellis!”

“It’s not like that” he grunted.

“Well if it isn’t, tell me why! ’cause I’m sick and tired of you playing with my feelings! One moment I feel like the most loved girl on earth only to hear the next day that I’m nothing but some sort of chess piece you’re using”

I was trying so hard not to let the tears fall down and I was so sure my nose and cheeks were turning red due to my outburst.

“No no no. Baby please don’t cry” Dimitri’s said worriedly as I felt his both of his hands cup my face.

And you know when someone says ‘don’t cry’ you only end up crying harder. Yeah, that happened.

I let out a small sob and leaned my face towards his hand. This was the most vulnerable I ever let myself show in front of another. And even though I kind of hate him right now, it honestly felt good to rely on another. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Even though there are things I cannot tell you right now, please know that my love for you is true. This is me being the most honest and true despite my tainted life...” he explained.

“I love you Tatiana”

At the sound of those three words my head snapped up and I stared into his face in shock. Even in the darkness, his bright blue eyes shone honesty. I was about to reply, but no words were formed. To say that I was shocked was an understatement.

“You don’t have to say anything... I understand that my reputation makes it hard for you to trust me and to trust my words but what I’m saying is the truth. I’ve never felt this way about anyone and I’m asking you to be patient, things will make sense in the right time” he explained as his thumbs was stroking my cheek.

“You l-love me?” I asked stuttering.

Dimitri let out a small laugh as he brushed his hand through his hair and shut his eyes for a while, a smile on his face.

“Why? What’s so funny?” I asked genuinely confused.

“That’s all you got? After all the things I said about things you can’t know right now, you’re asking me if I love you?” The smirk was back and he was finding this amusing.

I blushed and looked away letting his hand fall down.

“Well it’s not everyday you get a confession from a Mafia Boss” I said crossing both of my arms and trying desperately to hide the redness of my face.

“You’re making it extremely hard for me to resist mishka” he said as his hand suddenly cupped my cheek and went around my neck as he crashed his lips onto mine.

It took me a few moments before I got over the shock and started kissing him as well. This kiss was hard, more passionate until he suddenly stopped. I wanted to protest, but I didn’t want to look so needy.

“I’m afraid if we don’t stop right now we might never get to the party. And we’re already late as it is” he said staring right through me.

I was breathing hard, he was breathing hard, and I was sure it wasn’t the only hard on him right now.

Desperately calming my erratic breathing, I internally counted one to ten. But it was quite futile. Dimitri actually confessed and to say those three words stunned me to silence. It’s the first time someone actually said those words to me and I’m feeling so giddy.

I didn’t notice we were almost there until colorful lights lighted up the sky. We continued to drive until we saw a big mansion on a sort of elevated hill. We went towards the big metal gates and entered the circular drive way. When we reached the front of thw building, Dimitri put the car on park and got out of the car towards my side. He opened the door and lent me a hand. I offered him a small thanks as I straightened out my dress. But what caught my attention was the young vallet who was staring at Dimitri. I knew Dimitri was an intimidating man but the look on this kid’s face was unusual.

Dimitri merely raised an eyebrow at him and handed him the keys. And once Dimitri turned to me, my eyes widened and that’s when everything went crystal clear.

I was resisting to laugh my ass off because I know I’ll surely be in big trouble if I did. I cupped Dimitri’s jaw and started wiping off the red smudges of my lipstick while trying not to laugh.

“That’s why the boy looked at me weirdly” he said.

“Don’t worry, it didn’t damage your ‘intimidating vibe’ and besides red looks good on you” I said laughing.

Dimitri rolled his eyes as his hand curled around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He bent down to my ear and whispered “you’ll regret saying that later”

I highly doubt that. I thought.

We finally reached the top of the stairs and entered through the giant mahogany doors. The men who guarded it opened them as soon as they saw Dimitri even though I saw them checking the other visitors identities.

The first thing I noted was that everything was sparkling. Yes, sparkling. The lobby had an enormous chandelier that looked liked it belong on some castle from the 1800′s. I was busy admiring the place that I didn’t notice we were already at the entrance. Dimitri suddenly stopped and looked down at me.

“You’ll meet a lot of people here Tatiana, most of them dangerous, but some are good. At one point we’ll probably be separated but don’t let your guard down alright?”

I was trying to decipher the look on his face but I can’t quite pin it. Is it something to do with the things he can’t tell me right now?

He kissed me in between my brows and smiled warmly down at me.

“Don’t worry about it. Try to enjoy the party but please don’t get drunk. They spike the drinks here” he chuckled as we entered the room side by side.

Soft music filled the area and I immediately felt a lot of eyes on us. We headed down the stairs towards the center of the room and more and more heads turned towards us.

“Don’t let them intimidate you” he quietly said.

I simply nodded and held his hand. He gave me a slight squeeze and as soon as we reached the last step, a man was already in front of us.

“Dimitri my man!! It’s a surprise seeing you here!” the man said with an accent I can’t pinpoint.

He was tall, but not as tall as Dimitri. He had brown hair and a face that screamed a lady’s man. He was cute but the mischievous glint in his eyes was hard to miss.

“Carlos” Dimitri greeted. He was so closed off, so serious. They both did the man hug and his eyes darted towards me.

“So who is this gorgeous lady beside you Dimitri?” Carlos said, his brown eyes scanning me up and down, staying on a particular area longer until his eyes were on mine again.

Men. I thought, resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

“Eyes up here buddy” I said, faking a sweet smile at him.

“Oooh. Feisty!” he said as he wiggled his brows suggestively. I felt Dimitri tense but I knew he can’t go all cave man here.

“Carlos, meet Tatiana Romanov, Tatiana, this is Carlos Sterling”

He reached for my hand and surprisingly placed a small kiss on the back of my hand.

“Ravi de vous recontrer magnifique” he said in french.

“Moi aussi” I replied out of politeness.

He raised a brow at me and then looked at Dimitri.

“Interesting. So you speak french as well? With a perfect accent at that too. I’m guessing you are no ordinary girl Dimitri has brought here with” he smiled and that mischievous glint showed again.

“If you’ll excuse us Carlos, I have to meet with the others” Dimitri said.

“Of course! Don’t let me stop you from socializing, we all know you lack that” he teased. “Toute à l’heure!” He said walking off.

“Who was that?” I asked Dimitri when I was sure Carlos was out of hearing range.

“One of my closest friends you’ll meet tonight”

I faked a gasp. “You have friends?!”

“Ha ha. Very funny mishka. Anyway come on, I do have to meet up with someone”

Oh boy. This was going to be a long night.

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