Guns & Roses
Chapter 6


After my emotional episode a couple of days ago, a momentary sign of weakness, I psyched myself up that this was just a little mishap. Anton being here shouldn’t be a major issue. Anya went to my room that day but I said I wasn’t hungry, she didn’t pester me after that. She just got a maid to deliver my food and that’s that. I’m pretty sure they’re not aware of mine and Anton’s relationship. If you could even call it that.

A week has already passed and I was always on the training rooms. Nobody really bothered me every time I practiced my shooting and assembling drills.

It has been my routine now, wake up, do my bathroom necessities, my food delivered and then I dress up for training. Walking out of my room, I knew someone was watching me, but I didn’t know who. I brushed it off and headed towards the training area.

I’ve seen Dimitri around the mansion and every time I saw him he was seriously a different person. You couldn’t see any traces of emotion in his eyes and he looked every bit of the ruthless mafia man he was. Even so, the amount of respect his men has for him was seen visibly. We’d make eye contact every now and then but I was always the one to break the contact. I don’t get intimidated too easily but his aura was enough to put me unease.

Walking down the halls, Viktor suddenly came out of the other hall with a smile on his face.

“Are you training today?” He asked swinging an arm around me.

“Yes” I said shrugging off his arm.

“That’s good, come on. I bet you’ll love this”

“Love what?” I asked nonchalantly. But the truth was, what he said caught my attention. I was bored out of my mind and maybe something different would appease my boredom.

“You’ll see” he said as he took my wrist and ushered the both of us.

He led us through a series of hallways and finally came face to face with a metal door.

“Where are we? Anya didn’t show me this part of the place?”

“It’s because she’s not allowed here”

“And why is that?” I asked.

“You ask too many questions kroshka” Viktor said punching a code near the door.

I rolled my eyes at his sassiness and crossed my arms. The light turned green and our access was granted.

“Oh my god” I said in awe.

They do have a shit ton of money. In front us was like every assassin’s dream training room. It was filled with interactive obstacle courses and shooting ranges at the same time. It was like American Ninja Warrior in real life.

“I’d maybe want to close my mouth...?” Viktor teased.

“Shut up” I snapped as he laughed loudly.

“Oh, before we start, remember not to take on the final course without supervision. That course is literally a killing machine” he said.

“Yeah yeah” I said brushing it off.

We proceeded on training separately. It was obvious that the place was an advanced course and that it isn’t used that much. I came to realize that the farther the course goes, the harder it gets. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

The first few stages was easy, just robotic dummies that needed to be thrown off physically. Using my knowledge in taekwando and jujitsu, I applied the moves I was thought and took them down in under five minutes. The next course was like a dodge ball ring, instead they throw mini bullet like foams. It was like hard pellets that hurt even though they aren’t technically metal. Standing in front of the course, I gave full attention to it. The first ball striked with a whizzing sound and damn was it fast. I dodged it in the nick of time. The balls where coming towards me so fast I was like a gymnast in double speed. By the time it was over, I was already exhausted. I managed to get hit in the arm once, trying to block off a ball from hitting my face and it really did hurt like a bitch.

Course after course, I basically applied every skill I was taught and mastered.

When I finally arrived at the final course, I surveyed it and came to a conclusion that it was a course to test out your agility and core strength. It would prove how long you’ll last and you should have a strong stamina. The final course was set up like a parkour ground with swinging obstacles that could knock the daylights out of you with just one hit.

Breathing in, I rotated my neck and psyched myself up. I knew Viktor was busy with the other courses and I knew he was just messing around with his ‘caution’.

I leaped and landed as graceful as my panting self could. My thighs were burning with exhaustion but I pushed myself harder. When I was in the middle of the final course, I was met with a seven feet wall. I also noticed the swinging balls at the top.

Okay Tatiana, you just have to run, jump, grab hold of the ledge and pray to god you won’t be pushed off by a wrecking ball and fall to your imminent death. Sheesh. Easy.

Positioning myself a couple feet away, I crouched down and ran at a fast speed. My hand almost reached the ledge but it wasn’t enough as I slid down in a failed attempt to reach the top.

Trying for the second time, I gave it my all and ran my fastest and using my feet and arms to boost me up more, I finally managed to grab hold of the ledge. I pulled myself up with all that’s left of my arm strength.

When I successfully pushed myself up, it only took me seconds to register the swinging ball that’s heading straight towards me. I tried sidestepping it, but since I was drained, I lost my footing and missed a step.

You know that cold feeling when you know you’ll evidently fall? I felt it the second I slipped. I closed my eyes in anticipation of my fall but it never came as strong hands suddenly took hold of my wrist and the other slid around my waist as we both fell down with grunt.

“Are fucking out of your mind?!” My savior shouted and I immediately realized it was Dimitri.

“Well are you?!” He shouted and I noted he was angry. Scratch that, he was furious. His grip tightened around me which brought me out of my shock.

We were both at the top of the course, Dimitri seated and I was in his arms. Our proximity suddenly came to my realization as I tried to break away from his hold but he only secured me in his arms tightly.

“Don’t be reckless, do you want to fall to your death?” He asked as he breathed out and shut his eyes in frustration.

“I-I’m sorry” My voice quivering. Dimitri’s anger and shouting brought bad memories I did not wish to resurface.

Noticing my change in behavior, Dimitri’s expression calmed down and he directed his eyes at me with concern. I know he must’ve heard my erratic heartbeat and I was ashamed that I looked so weak.

“Relax Tatiana, you’re okay” he said as he patted my back. “You’re okay”

I leaned my head on his shoulder and shut my eyes willing myself to calm down. After a couple of minutes, my senses have already settled down and Viktor’s voice piped in.

“What happened?” He asked frantically, seeing our position.

I quickly distanced myself from Dimitri and tried my hardest to hide the blush that’s surely to come out.

I stood up uneasily and Dimitri was already up and about ready to still my unsteady balance.

“Um.. thank you” I said looking directly at Dimitri’s mesmerizing eyes. “I should go” I said excusing myself.

Dimitri only nodded and Viktor suddenly brought his attention to me.

“Join us for dinner Tatiana” He said hopefully.

I glanced over at Dimitri and saw that he was staring at me with an unknown expression.

“Okay..” I answered unsurely.

I took the ladder down and went out the training room. All the while I kept replaying what just transpired between Dimitri and me.

I finally arrived at my room, opening the door, I went directly to the bathroom, I ran the water on the foot-claw style bathtub and put on the necessary oils. Closing the bathroom door, I stripped out my clothes and left them on the floor. Testing the water’s temperature, I stepped inside and carefully slid down. I closed my eyes letting the exhaustion fade away. And in just a few seconds, I could feel myself drifting off.

I heard a knock on the bathroom door and waited to see who was behind it.

“It’s just me” Dimitri said. I haven’t even seen him and his voice already sends shivers down my spine. Did the water suddenly turn cold?

“What do you want?” I asked, looking anywhere but him. Thank heavens the tub was full of bubbles.

“You” He said confidently.

Startled at his straightforwardness, I didn’t realize he was already leaning in...

“Tatiana” he said.


Why is he shouting?

I woke up to someone tapping my face softly and repeatedly. With a fright I screamed and flailed my arms hitting the culprit.

Outbalancing myself, I felt my butt slip through the tub, effectively sliding me and drowning me at the same time.

All my sleepiness was gone in a flash and I sat up, clutching the sides of the tub, I coughed up until I felt strong hands patting my back.

When I looked up, a pair of blue orbs were staring at me worriedly.

“Are you okay Tatiana? I thought you weren’t breathing anymore, you were very pale” Dimitri said worriedly.

All I could do was stare at his face, until a cold reality swept through me. I am naked, very very naked.

With a yelp, I effectively covered my breasts from his view.

“GET OUT!!” I shouted at Dimitri, not caring whether or not he’s the Mafia Boss and someone who undoubtedly saved my ass earlier.

Putting both hands in the air, he smiled that devilishly smile “Alright, alright, mishka” he said smirking, eyes glinting with mischief.

I huffed in annoyance as he closed the door. Giving it one last look, I stood up from the bathtub and pulled out the fluffy white bathrobe on the rails. Tying it securely around my body, I walked out of the bathroom to see Dimitri sitting on the bed tinkering with the handcuffs that was still locked on the bed post.

Just the sight of him, on the bed, with those handcuffs... Ugh. My poor ovaries.

Clearing my throat as if to announce my presence, I stood in the corner of the room as far away from him as possible.

“You can come a bit closer, mishka. I won’t bite” he said patting the bed.

I could feel my cheeks heating up, and I’m blaming the defective heater. Yeah. That’s right. It’s the heater’s fault.

“I can hear perfectly well from here” I countered.

“Suit yourself” He said shrugging. “I came here to get you for dinner and I heard no response. Just so you know I knocked more than ten times already. I came in and found you looking pale and I thought something happened” he explained.

“I didn’t mean to intrude on your privacy, I apologize” Dimitri said with sincerity.

I melted then and there. Just his voice was enough to clear my annoyance away. Stop it Tatiana!

“It’s okay, don’t worry about it” I replied coolly. Well, at least I hope I sounded like that.

“I’ll let you get dressed” Dimitri said. Looking at his rolex “Dinner starts in 15" he added.

I only nodded in response, the awkward tension lingering in the air. Awkward, really? More like sexual tension. A nagging voice popped in my head.

When I was sure he wasn’t going to appear any time soon, I walked towards the walk in closet. I threw open the drawers I haven’t opened and what I saw made me roll my eyes at the view. Lacy undergarments. Lace lace lace. I for one love sexy undergarments once in a while, but not when they’re riding up all the way in your ass while doing sniper duties. Trust me, it’s hours and hours of irritation.

Pulling out the drawer I knew contained the regular cotton underwear, I opted for a plain black set.

Looking through the hangers, I threw on the first garment I saw which was a white cami paired with a plaid long sleeve. I searched for jeans and chose a classic one. I wore a simple skinny faded jeans and paired them with my trusty combat boots.

Letting my wet wavy hair air dry, I walked out of the room and towards the Dining area.

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