Guns & Roses
Chapter 7


I trotted down the stairs feeling refreshed. Taking a left turn, I was knocked down by something or more like someone. I fell on my butt and clutched my throbbing nose.

“Oh shit” a man’s voice said.

“Bro, you are so dead” another one said.

I looked up to see two figures hunched down looking straight at me. When my vision cleared, I pointed to the two of them, going back and forth.

“I must’ve hit my head hard, I’m seeing double” I said, massaging my forehead.

They both chuckled at the same time. I did hit my head hard.

“I’m sorry, I was catching the ball and didn’t see you from the back” the one in the left said.

As if remembering I was still on the floor, the both of them offered their hands at the same time.

I took each, and they easily lifted me up like I weighed nothing. But judging from the size of their arms, I had no doubt they could carry me easily.

I muttered a small thanks and dusted off my pants.

“Oh, I’m Alexei” the one in the right said.

“And I’m Andrei. We’re identical twins, if that isn’t obvious enough” the one in the left said.

“Tatiana” I said, shaking both of their hands firmly.

“Seriously though, are you okay? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to” Andrei said.

“No, it’s alright. It’s partially my fault too anyway, I wasn’t looking” I explained.

“Well come on then, dinner’s about to be served” Alexei said, leading the way to the dining room. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

While we were walking I took a good look between the twins and noticed how handsome they were and freakishly identical. If it weren’t for the clothes they were wearing, I would have probably mixed them up right away. I guess I was staring too long because Andrei smiled as he looked at me.

“Take a picture, it’ll last longer, doll” Andrei said, winking at me.

I rolled my eyes at him. Clucking my tongue, “I don’t know... I would, but then again I wouldn’t want my phone to ran out of space, given that huge ego of yours”

From beside him, Alexei started laughing out loud.

“Buuuuurn” he said, while clutching his stomach.

Andrei just brushed it off and took a seat beside Viktor who’s already seated on the side. I took a seat opposite Viktor and Alexei sat down next to me, brushing off the tears from snickering.

“Why is your nose so red?” Viktor asked.

Before I could explain, Alexei beat me to it.

“It’s Andrei’s fault. He knocked her down” Alexei explained, trying to contain his laughter.

“It’s because you threw the football!” Andrei countered.

They started bickering back and forth, it was quite adorable at first, before they started shoving each other causing the utensils to fall out of the table.

“SHUT IT” An irritated voice sounded from the entrance. And two words from the man was enough to silence the twins and acted like obedient puppies who got scolded.

Dimitri walked towards the head of the table, beside me and Viktor.

Everybody was silent until Dimitri broke the silence.

“What happened to your nose, mishka?” He asked.

Memories from our earlier encounter and that very surreal dream resurfaced. And I’m positive that my nose isn’t the only thing red by now.

“It’s nothing” I brushed it away, looking at anywhere but Dimitri’s piercing gaze.

“I’m sorry I’m late” Another voice piped in, and I could feel my body tense at the sudden addition to the table.

I snatched a quick glance at Dimitri, and sure enough he was raising an eyebrow at my sudden change of demeanor.

Anton walked in and took a seat beside Andrei. I could feel his intense gaze at me, and I willed myself not to look. I don’t want a repeat of my emotional breakdown. Especially in front of these men. The last thing I want is to become more inferior than I already was. Stupid gender inequality.

I don’t know if Dimitri knows but I don’t plan on sharing my life’s story any time soon. Thankfully, Anya came out of the kitchen door and helped served the main dishes.

The awkward tension was unbearable! I was trapped between two hard gazes, one from the blue eyed hottie, and one from my long lost friend. Ex-friend.

The only sounds you can hear was Viktor and Anya’s chatting and Andrei and Alexei’s bickering. I guess the twins have a world of their own. While the three of us were stuck on an uncomfortable silence.

Dimitri cleared his throat waiting for the rest of the people to quiet down. I looked at him expectedly wondering what he was about to explain. I was eager, anything was better than getting stuck on a staring triangle.

“Two weeks from now, we’re going back to New York” he said looking at each and every one of us.

“Use the time to train and prepare, there will be an official meeting tomorrow morning at 9, do not be late.” Dimitri said and I had a feeling his words were aimed at Anton. A collective ‘yes’ was heard and nodding, Dimitri stood up and went out of the room.

Wiping my mouth with the cloth, I muttered a thanks and an excuse. Standing up, I began to walk towards my room.

When I reached the foyer, a hand grabbed my arm, stopping me effectively. I glared at the man grasping my upper arm.

“Let go of me” I hissed angrily.

“Please, Ti, let me explain” Anton argued.

Anton pushed me to the wall caging me with his arms. Familiar memories surfaced from the intimacy of our contact.

I looked up to see Anton looking at me with more intensity.

You see, if you were wondering why, Anton and I used to be more than friends. To put it simply, friends with benefits. Back in the agency, love and romance was not in our books, but doesn’t mean it stopped us from fulfilling each other’s needs. We maintained our friendship that way, no strings attached.

But more than anything, it still hurt me that he left, what kind of friend leaves you to die? Ever since then I remained celibate, so that’s roughly three years of no sexual adventures.

Our mini heated moment came to a stop when we heard a cough from the distance.

Dimitri was standing there glaring at Anton, if looks could kill, Anton would be six feet under. Anton hurriedly let go of me, and I unconsciously rubbed my arm where he was grabbing it a moment ago. I was sure it was going to bruise in the morning.

And that little action of mine didn’t go unnoticed by Dimitri, as if like a bull seeing red, he trudged towards us shoving Anton in the process. Dimitri grabbed Anton’s collar and was about to punch him when I shouted for them to stop.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” I asked Dimitri.

He took a deep breath and released Anton.

“He hurt you” Dimitri answered, looking at my arm and glaring at Anton.

“I’ll talk to you some other time, Ti” Anton said, walking away.

Just the sound of my nickname coming from Anton seems to spike Dimitri’s temper again. Time for a diversion.

“Do you have some ointment I could use?” I asked Dimitri.

I knew there was a first aid kit in my room, but if I didn’t distract Dimitri, a fight would surely break. And I wasn’t so keen on a battle of testosterones at nine in the evening.

“Come on, I have some in my room” He placed a hand on my back and guided me towards the elevator.

He punched the number five, with his hand still on my lower back, he guided me through the hallways and within a minute or so, I was already standing inside his office.

I was kinda distracted with the tingles his hand did to my body that I didn’t notice Dimitri standing in front of the bookshelf.

“I’m pretty sure the ointment I’m looking is in a first aid kit, not a bookshelf?” I offered. Wondering why he was standing there.

He just chuckled and pressed a button from the inside of the shelf. And like some mission impossible shit, the shelf opened to reveal a room inside.


My eyes grew wide and I’m pretty sure my mouth’s open ungracefully.

“Are you coming in or what?” Dimitri said, with glint in his eyes. I’m glad he finds this amusing.

When I walked through the shelf / door, a huge room greeted me. This just proves my point that this house is no “mansion” it was more in the lines of castle.

“Take a seat, I’ll get the ointment” he walked towards what seem to be the bathroom.

I took a seat on his bed and wow. If I had this kind of bed, I’d probably be sleeping all the time.

Feeling the smoothness of the fabric with my hands, I looked around the room. It’s clearly a man’s room, dark walls, with a minimalist theme. Just like its owner, I can’t quite get an idea of what his personal life could be from this.

Dimitri came back with dark brown bottle. He opened the cap, and the smell of heavy mint and eucalyptus assaulted my nose.

“May I?” Dimitri asked, gesturing to my flannel.

I only nodded in response, his close proximity was doing things to me, one of which is currently taking away my capability to thin and speak.

His hands gently slid off my flannel, the way his hands trailed over my shoulders to my arms left warm tingles and goose bumps. Leaving me in my camisole, I felt the room hotter than usual.

I’m sure he could hear how fast my heart was beating.

I can’t help but in take a sharp breath when he applied the cool ointment on my arm. I looked down and sure enough, a mint green ointment was all over my arm, a cooling sensation, relieving my sore arm.

When I looked back up, Dimitri was so close to me, so close that I could feel his ragged breath on me.

“You’re so beautiful” He whispered, his voice ten times huskier than before.

He glanced down on my lips and I can’t help but reciprocate the action. I bit my lower lip in anticipation, and before I knew it, his soft lips were on mine.

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