Her Soul and His Blood
Chapter 11: 11. The Necklace

The Red stone

But it was interrupted soon even before starting by banging of doors and screaming of peoples. Suddenly they heard some sounds in the counter. The waiters and others are down the floor. And there is nobody else. Lance held Zella's hand and rushed her into the car.

Zella asked Lance "what happened.."

"No time to explain. Get in, you are no more safe here, we have to go." Lance murmured.

"what? l-am not safe, but how?"

Lance didn't speak a word. Many people surrounded the hotel. Their skin were very white, and their eyes had been transformed from their usual blue to a mingling of violet and cobalt that was softly iridescent. Their hairs had a highly luminous sheen.

There were blood on their lips and all of them were staring at Zella. The look was like they will pierce her with their looks and kill her like they killed others.

As if out of the shadows, a tall figure emerged. His skin was paler than the moon and his facial features flawless. His eyes were black which turned blood red like a fire. He looked at them and then to Zella. One among them tried to attack Zella, but Lance kicked him away. He hit Lance from behind. A sudden gush of pain jolted throughout Lance's body. His stomach ached, his arms lost tension. "He will not get the better of me," he thought as he dropped to the ground. His tongue was soaked in the taste of blood. Bruised and winded, with a leg in agony, he grabbed the foot of the captain and pulled him to the ground His head was pounding. He brought a fist to the captain's face, snapping his nose into a grotesquerie.

He get into the car and drove the car as fast as possible. They started chasing him and trying to hit the car. Lance increased the speed and drove the car. Zella is really scared and she was literally crying. "Lance, what is happening? Why are they chasing us? Why are they attacking us?"

Lance speaks nothing. A car hits their car and they are thrown off the road but Lance tries to keep the lane and drive as fast as possible.

He park his car near his house, a huge banglaw. They are still behind Zella, but stopped few distance before Lance's house with a sudden break. They all were staring at Zella and Lance with anger and thirst. Lance took Zella into the house and looked behind to see them. They looked him viciously with their fangs out. Lance put his fangs out as a warning for them that they are crossing their limit. They kind of got scared and went back.

Lance rang the calling bell. Mr.Peterson and Mrs Peterson stared at both of them.Merlin came in front. Zella identified her. She is the one who was there in the night party. She took Zella with her. She saw the bruises on Lance's face.

" come lets go inside." she took her to her bedroom which is upstairs, watching Lance through her shoulders.

While Zella went upstairs Mr.Peterson and his wife asked Lance "Who attacked you ? why did you bring her home,that too late night. Are you out of your mind?"

"No dad, The out clans attacked her. They were into her. And she was once attacked by Hance. That means Zella is his target and she is in danger. And this out clans is his followers. So I thought she wont be safe outside. So I brought her here. Since the out clans are restricted from entering here. " he steps back with a regretful face. "Hance was there with them."

"what should I do dad,I cant risk her." Lance says in a low voice.

" but why my son?" Mrs. Peterson asks

"firstly im in love with her,I cant even think of Zella getting harmed. Second she has the RED STONE with her, so she has to do something with that."

"RED STONE" they both says spontaneously.

Their eyes widened. They both looked each other and then gazed into Lance.

"yes, the Red stone, the necklace with a blue stone locket and hemisphere covered by it, which changes its color when the protector needs its protection, energy, power. When the protector has intense feelings and emotions. Her eyes changes colors too. She has it and she always do were it. When I asked her who gave it, she said that its there since her childhood."


so what are you saying?" said Mr Peterson.

" she is in danger and we need to protect her." Said Lance in a sharp voice.

Peterson was quite for a moment and then" but son what if she comes to know what we are and how we live."

Lance kept quite for this question.



In room Merlin stares at Zella's necklace. She looks at it so deeply and then

" from where did you buy this?"

Zella smiled and said "I didn't buy it, my grandma gave me when I was a kid."

Merlin went into a deep thought for a second, she held Zella's shoulder and told her

" see, today you have to stay here. You cant go anywhere. You are not safe outside, those people who chased you two will be waiting for you."

Zella is shocked to hear this, she questioned

"who are they, why are they following me? My parents will be panicked to hear that I wont be going home today and they wont allow me to stay here."

" don't worry Zella I will call them and ask permission. Don't tell them that you were attacked. Just tell them you two lost route and it became night so you are staying here." She paused" is that okay?" She asked politely

Zella felt so comfortable with Merlin. She agreed to stay there today.

" can I touch your necklace?" Asked Merlin.

yea off-course"

Merlin went forward and touched Zella's necklace. Merlin withdrawn her hand with extempore. She felt a shock on her hand but she gave a blank expression not showing that to Zella.

Suddenly Zella cried with pain


"What happened?"


'its my birthmark, I dont know why its paining and its burning."

Merlin saw that the blue stone inside the hemisphere was glowing into intermediate red and blue in color. Merlin was surprised.

" can I check your birthmark"

"ohh ok..." she said with little shyness and pain.

Merlin saw her birthmark and was surprised and shocked to see that its exactly which was described in their ancestral books. Merlins eyes widened and her forehead is sweating. She started shiver but she controlled herself not showing it outside.

"nothing to worry, sometimes I have this burning sensation, you have nothing to do with that" Zella smiled. She said it so innocently because Zella thought that she made her nervous.

Merlin told herself " she is so innocent too. Then it will be her."

Merlin is full of confusions. Zella held merlins hand suddenly Zella had a vision that


They are in some other corner of the same room. Merlin is near her wardrobe. She is searching for some clothes. Finally she took a pink top and black pant. She hold the pink top tightly, she hugged it and kissed it and whispered " this is my fav" and then she came back to the place where Zella was. Merlin is handing over the clothes to Zella.

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The vision faded away and Zella came back to normal when Merlin shook her.

"what are you dreaming?" Merlin laughed.

Merlin liked Zella because of her innocence. She is nice towards her. But actually she is not nice towards everyone. She don't like humans but Zella became one of her favorite. Which is very rare to happen. May be because of the necklace.

"I will get you some clothes so that you can fresh up and change these." Merlin went to get her clothes.

Zella smiled and was waiting for Merlin. Merlin came back with some clothes. She gave it to Zella. Zella was shocked. The same pink dress and pant which she just saw in her dream or hallucination whatever she calls. Her face and lips became pale. With terror in her eyes and shivering voice she asked Merlin

" is this your favorite dress?"

Merlin was surprised.

"yes, how did you know?"

"O My God.. im scared" Zella mumbled with fear. Her legs were shuddering. Her extremities became cold.

"Zella what happened?"


'I just saw you taking this dress from your wardrobe and hugging it tight. You were whispering its your favorite"

"Did you really mean that you saw all these before it happened. "She folded her hands.

"yes" she screamed and continued "what is happening with me? How is it possible? How can I see something before it happens? What is wrong with me?" Zella covered her face with her arms. She couldn't control her tears.

Merlin comforted her " Dont worry, sometimes such things happens. Is this your first time ?" Merlin enquired.

"no, I saw such things before too, but I thought I was hallucinating. Now I'm scared." She bursted out into a loud cry. "Can you tell me what is happening with me?"

Merlin patted and hugged her and said " Zella, I think you are stressed. You need to freshen up. Go take a bath. We will talk about it later. "

Zella shook her head and went to washroom. After a while Merlin was thinking about all that happened today and that she had experienced with Zella. She came into some conclusions. Suddenly she heard a voice from balcony. She saw some movements and a shadow.

She went near the balcony. She was completely aware and ready for a fight.


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