With my hands squeezing her perfect ass, I lifted Belle and dropped her down on the bathroom counter. Her legs were already open, inviting me in, making it easy for me to wedge my way between them. 

I slammed my l*ips back against hers the same moment I ground my bare cock against her panties, snarling when I felt how soaked she was even through the thin layer of fabric separating us. 

I couldn’t help myself, disregarding how rough I was being with her, basically viciously humping her as if she were a dog in heat–which I suppose wasn’t far off from our situation. 

Thankfully, Belle didn’t seem to mind, though, whining against my mouth, pulling at my hair, and meeting my movements with her own small hip rotations. 

My vampire was purring for her–loudly. It was adorable and a huge turn–on how much my little. mate seemed to love the noise, rubbing her chest against mine so the vibrations would travel through her body. 

I swallowed each one of her moans and sucked on her tongue, totally lost in the taste of her. 

My alpha male was coming out, my need to control and dominate her. 

These instincts I’d been trying to suppress for far too long were nearly overwhelming as I gripped her head and forcefully tilted her head to the side so she was at the angle I wanted her. 

One that made it easy for me to explore every inch of her mouth with my tongue. 

Belle let me, turning to goo in my hold, finding comfort in my control. I was sure we were a shocking sight to behold, desperately kissing and rubbing up against each other the way we were. 

Belle tried to pull away from me but I wouldn’t allow it. I growled and yanked her back, thrusting my tongue back into her mouth. She slumped against me, giving in to the kiss once again. 

It was only a momentary distraction though because seconds later, she was trying to pull away once more. “Grayson,” she whimpered against my li*ps

I groaned, loving how breathy my name came out of her mouth but was too distracted to answer her. I was drunk off of the scent of her intense arousal and my own need to mate her, a man possessed. 

Belle finally managed to pull away, but I couldn’t stop kissing her, sucking, nipping, licking my way down her chin and neck, all the way to my mark on her throat. 

Chapter 52 of 59: Chapter 52 

I latched on to it with my mouth and scraped my fangs against it, finding great satisfaction in the way her head tilted to the side and her hips jerked forward against mine. 

The mark had healed so nicely since our time apart, thriving from our close proximity and turning into a white scar that sat so beautifully on her neck where everyone could see it. 

I loved that anyone who looked at her would know she was mine. 

Meanwhile, my hand skated up the inside of one of her spread thighs until it was cupping her soaking pussy. She shivered when I circled her clit once with my thumb and opened her legs wider. 

F*uck, I needed her naked and under me. 

“Grayson….” she mewled again. “Bed. Pleuse. Take me to the bed.” 


Grayson was practically rabid as he lifted me off the bathroom counter and carried me to our bedroom, his hands squeezing either side of my ass and grinding his cock. 

I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, while he continued to suck on my 


He was nonstop growling, purring, and snarling while thrusting his huge, rock–hard cock between the folds of my pussy, brushing up against my bare clit every time. 

I don’t even think he was trying to bring me to orgasm, but I was still so unbelievably close to tumbling over the edge

He was finally letting go. I could tell. He wasn’t going to fight me anymore. He was going to mate with me. 

“Grayson,” I moaned. I was clinging to him as if I would die if he let me go. Which I probably would. You’re going to make me come if you keep going.” 

The snarl that he let out only made more wet arousal flow from between my legs and onto his cock. My clit throbbed when he started to jerk more violently against me. 

It only took moments for me to fly over the edge, coming against his thrusting dick, completely soaking him with my intense release. 

Next thing I knew, Grayson used his vampire speed to carry us across his room in a flash, and I was 

I blinked as I took in my mate above me. I was not expecting Grayson to look so…unhinged. 

His massive chest was heaving with every strangled breath he took in

His hair was still dripping from his shower and falling over his forehead, his muscles were strained and much larger than normal, and dark hair was sprouting from his skin. 

I gasped. I knew he wasn’t about to shift or anything, but his rough appearance made it extremely clear that I wasn’t the only person excited about what was about to happen. It was honestly kind of 


His hands gripped the insides of my thighs and pushed them open nice and wide so that he could fit himself between them. 

He took in my frazzled appearance with greedy, crimson eyes. 

He started with my flushed cheeks and swollen li*ps, then moved down to my heaving breasts and pointed nipples, which were visible through the thin fabric of my shirt, and ended with my very exposed and still dripping wet se*x. 

To my utter mortification, my pussy involuntarily clenched and released under his gaze, needing to be filled. More wetness leaked from me and onto the sheets beneath us. 

My checks darkened over my uncontrollable display of shamelessness and need, but I wasn’t embarrassed enough to stop myself from whimpering and squirming, trying to get closer to him. 

Thankfully, Grayson seemed to be having just as hard a time keeping his own need under control. 

His long cock, which jutted out gloriously between his legs, gave a mighty jump, a clear string of precum oozing out from the purplish head. 

Yeah, if he didn’t push that thing into me within the next five minutes, I was pretty sure we were both going to lose our damn minds. 

I was just about to start begging when, without warning, his sharp claws ripped through my shirt and tore it from my body, throwing the ruined fabric across the room. 

I didn’t have time to reprimand him for destroying one of my favorite shirts to sleep in–well, one of his shirts, reallybecause his l*ips covered my breast a moment later, sucking my nipple into his wet, hot mouth. 

All coherent thoughts flew from my head. I became completely mindless

He switched back and forth between breasts, cupping me, suckling on me, worshiping both sides Chapter 52 of 59: Chapter 52 

Every lap of his tongue, every pull of his teeth, sent electricity down to my core. 

I didn’t even notice when I started to thrust up against him once more, rubbing my s*ex on his cock repeatedly, needing more, more, more. 

He began leaving wet kisses on my stomach, moving down my body toward my spread thighs. He had given me enough orgasms with his tongue for me to know what he was doing. 

Panic scized my chest. Had he changed his mind about mating with me? Was he going to lap at my pussy until I came and then make up some excuse to leave me like he always did? 

I would surely die if that were the case. I couldn’t take one more minute of not being fully connected 

to him. 

I grabbed his hair in my fists and tried to tug him back up but he wouldn’t budge. “No, Grayson, please.” 

My desperate words were barely comprehensible, driven by my all–consuming arousal. “I want your cock. Please. Not your mouth. Please give me your cock.” 

A carnal growl exploded from his mouth, and his entire body gave a violent shudder, but he didn’t cease his l*ips‘ journey downward. 

Hush, mate,” he growled over my skin. His wild eyes flashed up to mine for a single second. “I will take care of you.” 

What the hell did that mean? 

The only way I wanted him to take care of me was to shove that huge piece of meat between his legs deep inside me, but he didn’t seem to be anywhere near close to doing that. 

His hands gripped each of my thighs with unrelenting force, his fingers digging into my skin, distracting me from my fight momentarily. 

He spread me open even further so I was exposed to the utmost level and positioned himself so that his nose was right in front of my slit

He breathed in deeply, taking in my scent in a long gulp of air. 

Before I could stop him or even begin to understand what he was doing, he nudged his nose between my folds, running it from my hole all the way up to my clit. 

He circled it once, twice, while continuing to breathe me in. His eyes closed in bliss the same” moment my head fell back against the bed, my back arching. 

Chapter 52 of 59: Chapter 52 

Holy fuc*k, was he going to make me come with his nose? That would be a new one

I only looked back down at him when he abruptly pulled back a few seconds later. He was already looking at me. The length of his nose glistened with my arousal. I swallowed roughly. 

He never broke eye contact as he leaned forward and placed a single, slow kiss on my flexing pussy. Then he thrust his tongue into me, growling so hard it shook the bed. I nearly came then and there. 

As good as it felt, though, it wasn’t what I wanted–needed. If he thought I was about to let him. distract me with his tongue and then run away again, he had another thing coming. 

I let him know my objection by pushing at his head and struggling to close my legs around, all the while trying to squirm away from him. 

“Stop,” he demanded, his mouth still on my slit. His arm pinned me down by my stomach, trying to prevent my movements. 

“No,” I fired back. “You stop.” I kicked my leg, hitting his thigh with a hard strike of my foot. 


Then I jutted my hips upward and was finally able to move from him. I mean, it was only about an inch but, hey, it was far enough to get his attention. 

Faster than I could even comprehend, his face was right above mine, his breath fanning over my li*ps, one of his hands pinning my wrists down above. my head. 

His other hand continued to play with my se*x, lazily circling my clit in a way that made my toes curl. 

If you do not stop your squirming, I will be forced to restrain you,” he cautioned. His voice was low, rough. It made a violent shiver race down my spine. “We are doing this my way, mate.” 

His threat should have scared me, but all it did instead was turn me on even more, which I didn’t know was even possible. 

Here comes the begging again. Desperate tears formed in the corners of my eyes. “Please just fu*ck. me, Grayson. I can’t take it anymore. I don’t want you to make me come. I just need you.” 

His hard expression turned soft and then amused as he finally seemed to understand what I was saying. My Grayson. 

A smirk took over his li*ps. “Oh, I see, little mate.” He pressed a kiss to the corner of my li*ps at the same moment he thrust one of his fingers into me. 

I immediately moaned, arching my back so my sensitive breasts pressed up against his hard chest. Chapter 52 of 59: Chapter 52 

“You can stop your worrying. I will take this sweet pussy today.” His finger continued to work. 

“I will thrust my cock into your tight hole and make you come for hours before finally releasing into you myself and tying you to me forever.” 

His thumb massaged my clit, lighting my whole body on fire. “That is what you want, yes?” 

I clenched around his finger, barely holding it together. I was already teetering on the edge of orgasm and he had only really been touching me for a few minutes. “Yes,” I moaned. 

He chuckled and dragged his tongue up the side of my face in a gesture that reminded me of the animal side that he was hiding. I squeezed my eyes shut. “I want you to fu*ck me.” 

He snarled. “I know you do. And that is what you will get,” he said soothingly. “But you’re just going to have to wait. I need to get you ready first, though.” 

Another finger joined the first one. This caused a notable pinch of pain as I was stretched. I whimpered slightly. 

I thought I was fine, but then he started to thrust his fingers in and out of me, curling them slightly. each time they were seated fully inside of me. 

But I breathed through the discomfort, still reaching for 

or my next 

my next orgasm. 

“But I–I’m already so wet. You made me come once. I’m ready,” I continued to whine, despite the extreme pleasure he was causing me. 

I knew I shouldn’t be complaining, but my mind was one–track. If it weren’t for his hold on my wrists, my hand would already be wrapped around his cock as I tried to guide him to where I wanted 


“Why can’t you just take me now?” 

His fingers picked up their speed, and my brain nearly short–circuited. I mewled as that familiar ball started to grow in my stomach, telling me my next orgasm was near and about to consume me. 

But right as I was about to hit my peak, Grayson plunged a third finger into me. And everything changed. 

I cried out as pain raced through my core and my legs unintentionally tried to shut, only to be stopped by Grayson’s huge form still between them. 

He kept me in place even as I tried to squirm away from him, trying to escape the pain. 

“That’s why,” Grayson said. His tone was much gentler now. He paused his movements, letting me get used to how far he was stretching me. 

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to keep myself from pushing away from him. 

He kissed my forehead. “Had I known we were going to be doing this so soon, I would’ve better prepared you. 

“You’ve only ever had two of my fingers in you–and my cock is a lot bigger than my two fingers. I need to make sure you’re ready for what’s coming. 

His thumb started to rub circles over my aching clit again, giving me a much–needed distraction from the pain I was experiencing. “If you can come on four of my fingers, then I’ll let you have my cock.” 

“Grayson…” It was all I could manage to say. I wasn’t sure I could do it. It hurt enough to distract me from the pleasure. 

Was this what it would feel like when he finally took my virginity? Would it be worse? 

“Shh…” he murmured against my hair. “Just try to relax for me. You’re tensing up when I need you to stay nice and loose.” 

He released his hold on my wrists, using his newly freed hand to caress and massage my side. “Focus on relaxing your muscles, Belle.” 

His thumb picked up the speed on my clit, helping me to follow his orders. I took in a deep breath and focused on staying calm. 

I forced my body to soften and sink into the bed beneath me, giving full control to my mate, knowing that Grayson would take care of me. 

“That’s it, baby.” He nipped at the mark on my throat and I nearly convulsed with pleasure, tilting my head to the side to give him better access. 

The sting of pain was beginning to be overtaken by pleasure, even as his fingers started to thrust again

All I could focus on was the way he continued to massage my clit and suck on my mark, all the while making sure that his fingers brushed up against my Gspot with exact precision with every move he made. 

You’re starting to like it, aren’t you?” 

I nodded my head, pushing my hips down against his hold. “Yes…Grayson…,” I moaned. 

“That’s what I like to see,” he groaned in my ear. “You’re riding my fingers so well, baby girl. I can’t wait to see what you’ll do with my cock.” 

He hummed and licked my ear. “You think you’re ready to take one more finger?” 

I nodded again. “Please,” I begged. Not only did I think I was ready for it, but I was craving it now, craving the feeling of being stretched. I needed it. It all felt so good now. 

Grayson snarled. “Fu*ucking squeezing me. Such a good little mate.” 

With that, he slowly eased a fourth finger into my tight hole. I gasped and tensed, the pain of that simple stretch overwhelming me once more. 

“My poor baby girl,” he said against my hair. “Does that hurt?” He curled his fingers, running them. over my G–spot. 

My electrified pussy felt like it had caught on fire. His other hand traveled up and cupped one of my breasts, palming it, tweaking my nipple between his thumb and pointer. 

I shook my head, forcing my legs to fall open instead of continuing to clench around his hips  S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

in an effort to close them. I didn’t want him to think I couldn’t handle it. I didn’t want him to stop. 

“N–no,” I stumbled over the simple word. 

“No?” Grayson repeated, sounding amused. He nuzzled his nose against my hair. 

“No. I–I…like it,I gasped out. It wasn’t necessarily a lic-I did really like it, but it still definitely 


But by some miracle, it somehow hurt less to have four fingers inside of me than it did to have three, probably because I was so unbelievably turned on. 

But no amount of pain was going to stop me from coming again so that I could finally have what I really wanted. 

Hmm, I’m sure you do.” He nibbled on my ear. You’re taking it so well, Belle. So perfect.” 

Hic thumb darted to circle.mulit with mom enthuclarm and be heean thrusting his fingers again. 

Chanter 52 of 59. Chanter 52 


in and out, at a perfect pace to make my mind go completely numb. 

I elenched around him, happy to feel his ministrations. 

“Are you about to come for me again already?” he asked, the hunger in his voice sending an unexpected jolt through my already frazzled system. 

my mate the holy grail of virgins, so perfect that it only takes a few seconds after being stretched to the brim to start screaming my name again?” He licked at my mark with a dark chuckle. 

1 arched my back, my eyes rolling to the back of my head. Although the pain was still present, it was overshadowed by the pleasure he was bringing me. 

I nodded vigorously, “Yes. Don’t stop. I love it so much. Please don’t stop.” 

“I don’t plan on it, baby.” His hand started to pick up its pace, causing colors to flash behind my eyelids. My hips jerked up, and I realized just how powerful this orgasm was about to be. 

I had never felt anything like this. Grayson had made me.come countless times, but never when stretching me open like this, 

Never when he was sucking on my mark, pinching my nipples, playing with my clit, and brushing up against my G–spot with each thrust of his four fingers deep inside of me. 

I was on the edge of nirvana. 

“Come, Belle,” Grayson demanded. The head of his dick brushed against my bundle of nerves, and everything in me clenched. “Let me see it.” 

I didn’t even begin to try to fight that orgasm. I willingly let the power of it take me captive. 

A scream ripped from my throat, and I was shaking and writhing under his hold as my nervous system short–circuited with deliciously intoxicating pleasure that seemed to know no bounds. 

Grayson held and caressed me throughout it all, never slowing his movements. Incoherent noises of bliss escaped my mouth. 

His purrs and growls against my throat only heightened the whole experience, throwing me into a pleasure that never seemed to end. 

It felt like hours had passed when I finally managed to come back to reality. 

I was panting, shaking uncontrollably, my pussy still convulsing around his fingers, although his movements had slowed to a lazy caress. 

Chapter 52 of 59: Chapter 52 

It had been a nearly out–of–body experience that Grayson helped soothe me out of. 

He pulled back from my mark, looking down at me with green eyes that I could easily get lost in. The look of utter adoration he wore on his face had pride blooming in my chest, warming me to my 

very core. 

“That was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen,” he whispered. “I f*ucking love you so f*ucking much.” 

I chewed on my lower l*ip and grinned. “I love you too.” 

With one final circle around my clit and a gentle curl of his fingers against my G–spot, he eased his hand away from me. 

I whined, already missing the feeling of fullness. I could have easily come again like that…and again and again. 

But my mind was already on other things–specifically the massive cock that was currently nestled between the folds of my still tingling pussy. 

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