I made sure my shower was extra cold the next morning. 

It had taken everything in me to disentangle myself from my little mate when getting out of bed. She had slept nestled into my chest the entire night, seeking as much physical contact as possible. 

After leaving her, I stood at the edge of our bed for at least an hour, staring down at her as she slept in only one of my shirts. 

The bottom half of her was still covered by the sheet, but her shirt had ridden up, exposing her stomach and the bottoms of her breasts to my hungry eyes. 

I was painfully aware of how she was under those sheets too. She seemed to have just “forgotten” to put on bottoms last night–or even underwear. 

Which meant her sweet pussy would be so easily accessible by one simple tug of the blankets. 

face between her legs, I knew she needed her sleep after everything I put her through 

It was a miracle I was able to walk away from her. As much as I would’ve liked to have woken her up 

with my 


She had no idea she had been sleeping next to a starving beast the entire night. 

About five minutes into my shower, I heard Belle start to toss and turn in bed. My ears perked up, so attuned to every movement she made.  sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I hadn’t wanted her to wake up, but I also knew that my absence would eventually cause her to stir. The mating bond was a bitch, pushing her to crave my nearness until we were mated fully. 

Seconds later, I heard her sit up in bed, fully awake now. She sat there for a short moment before the sounds of her gentle steps approached the bathroom. 

She didn’t even bother knocking before entering the bathroom. I was immediately assaulted by the intense scent of her mating pheromones as they filled the small room and nearly suffocated me. 

Despite the cold as fu*ck shower I was standing in, I felt every inch of my body begin to bead with sweat, an all–consuming thirst taking over. 

My cock was rigid, standing angrily against my lower abs, and I was suddenly hit with the vicious need to make Belle squealgasp and cry out while I made her gorgeous tits bounce as I pounded into her from behind. 


Belle didn’t say anything as she stood in the middle of the bathroom, but I could feel the mating sparks dance over my skin, even through the frosted glass of the shower door. 

All she could see was my silhouette, and yet the sparks were so strong I was racked with shudders. 

“Belle, what are you doing?” I asked her, my voice so jagged, I barely even recognized it. 

I placed my hands above me on the shower wall and leaned into them so that the cold water was hitting me head–on. 

It made little difference. I took in ragged breaths in an effort to keep my cager wolf at bay. 

“Waiting,” she stated, her voice coming out just as needy and cager as I had imagined it. I held in a groan. “Patiently,” she added breathlessly. 

This had to be some sort of extreme method of torture. “For?” I bit out. 

“For you to come out of the shower.” 

I waited a few seconds, barely seeing straight. I was certain all the blood in my body was in my dick. “You care to explain why?” 

“Not really. I guess you’ll just have to come out here to find out. 

“Why don’t you just join me in here before I go out there and grab you?” 

I could hear her mischievous smile in her voice. “Hmm, I would, but I’m already plenty wet.” 

I let out a vicious growl. My cock bounced unhappily up against my abs, sticky precum leaking out the top. 

I turned and looked at her through the glass, her body just a blurry silhouette. I slid the glass open and stepped out, completely naked and dripping wet. 

Belle was standing in the doorway of the bathroom in only my long shirt, her hard as f*uck nipples. sticking out through the fabric, her hands clasped behind her back. 

Belle’s bright blue eyes didn’t hesitate to take in all of me, moving slowly down my body and stopping with exact precision on my bobbing cock. 

It gave a massive leap just from having her eyes on it, and her wide gaze snapped up to meet mine, a pretty blush forming on her checks. 

She approached slowly, swaying her se*xy hips with each tempting step. Once she was in front of me, she looked up at me with her big, blue, sparkling eyes, blinking innocently. 

Her hands slowly made their way up my arms and across my shoulders, then down my chest and 


I tried staying still, but it was getting harder and harder with every passing second. My fists curled into balls at my sides. “Belle….” I warned. 

“What?” she replied just as innocently as before, her hands still continuing their maddening exploration of my skin. 

My knees nearly buckled when the back of her hand gently brushed up against my cock. I was salivating. Sweating. Barely keeping it together. 

Belle…,” I said again, lower this time, warning her that she was on extremely thin ice. 

I could no longer keep my hands to myself. 

They fell onto my mate, immediately fisting the shirt she was wearing, so it dragged up her form, giving me a teasing view of the li*ps of her sweet little pussy. 

I instantly regretted this as it did nothing to improve the situation I was in. 

Or maybe it improved it a little too much. 

Belle wasn’t doing much better than I was. 

I could smell how soaked she was getting, and I was positive I would be greeted by a dripping wet hole if I were to throw her up onto the bathroom counter and spread her legs wide like the beast inside of me was demanding I do.. 

The image itself was enough to cause a shudder to run through my form. 

My li

8ps dragged across her hairline. I loved how her fingers felt on me as they swept over the deep lines of my absone of her favorite spots to touch when she was working herself up. 

She was sure to keep her touch gentle and teasing but never strayed too far from my aching cock. 

In other words, I was in hell. And yet, I couldn’t bring myself to walk away or force her to stop. 

“I thought we were going to help each other out,” I groaned against her hair, sucking in deep gulps of her scent. 

“You were going to give me a few days to figure things out, remember? You’re not playing very fair, 


She looked up at me and smiled sweetly. “I’m just appreciating my man’s body. Is that a crime?” 

I knew all of her flirting and teasing touches this morning were a result of her finding out about the prophecy. 

Now that she had confirmation that I wanted her just as much as she wanted me, her confidence around me was through the roof. It was fu*cking se*xy. It was also what would put me in the grave early. 

“Not a crime,” I replied. “Just very, very mean. Do you know what blue balls are?” 

She giggled. 

“Is there a point to this sweet torture?” I asked. 

She licked her li*ps and tried to inconspicuously rub her legs together. 

Fu*cking. Hell. 

“I’ve been thinking…… 

Here we go. “Go on.” 

she began. 

Her eyes were zeroed in on my li*ps and her body started to gravitate forward, toward me. It was clear that my little mate wanted to kiss me. 


And I wanted to let her. 

I’ve been thinking” Her hand slowly made its way down my stomach and nearly brought me to my knees when it brushed up against the head of my erect cock. 

I want to have se*x with you. Today. Like, right now, actually.” 

Like fire to gasoline, my entire body lit up. My wolf exploded forward in my consciousness, accompanied by my very excited vampire, and forced a vicious growling hissing noise out of my 


I slammed Belle’s body against mine–because it was either that or slam her li

ps against mine–and 


She didn’t let my intense reaction distract her. 

Even pinned against me with one of my hands tangled in her hair, forcing her face against my wet chest, she kissed my pec, sucking on the skin there, probably leaving a hickey behind. 

“It’s time, Grayson,” she whispered. Another kiss. A small lick. “There’s nothing else we can do. We need to just let whatever happens happen.” 

I was shaking with need, so unbelievably close to giving in. 

“Don’t you want me, Grayson? Don’t you want this whole thing to be over? To be finally fully mated. and connected?” 

“You know I do.” I didn’t even recognize my own voice. 

She peered up at me through her long lashes. 

And I knew I couldn’t wait any longer. 

I slammed my li*ps down on hers. 

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