Belle looked up at me with glazed eyes, which had seemed so satisfied mere moments ago but were now replaced with the same hunger she had displayed before I’d made her come so hard I was momentarily worried for her safety. 

I was not sure why I ever doubted that she wouldn’t be able to handle me. It was part of the reason I’d avoided mating with her for so long. 

Besides worrying about her shifting into a fairy, I didn’t want to hurt her with my…let’s just say. bigger than average size. 

But I had just stretched her out as wide as she had ever gone and she had given me the most heart–wrenching, horny little orgasm I had witnessed. It took my breath away. 

It also made me harder than I had ever been

She was so perfect. Made just for me. Made to take my cock, to let me love and care for her, and to stand by my side for the rest of eternity as my queen and partner. 

She shifted her hips, a mischievous glint appearing in her gaze as she brushed her pink, beautiful, dripping se*x against my 


Chapter 52 of 59: Chapter 52 

I met her thrusts with a few of my own, coating myself with her slickness in preparation, before bending down and molding my l*ips to hers in a deep kiss that quickly turned rough and passionate

With one of her hands gripping my shoulder, her other one traveled down my pecs and abs, until it wrapped itself around my hard length. 

My hands morphed into tight fists on either side of her head. 

I smashed my li*ps harder to hers, my vampire purring so loud that it drowned out every other sound around us besides the sound of her sweet moaning mewls against my l*ips. 

Every move she made, every wiggle, every breath, and flutter of her eyelashes made me feel like I was on the edge of madness, so close to losing what little control I had left. 

F*uck, I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed to be inside her. I was starving for it. Salivating. Panting and licking mindlessly into her mouth while I f*ucked her hand. 

Belle pulled away just long enough to say, “Are you going to mate me now?” before kissing me 


Meanwhile, she ran her thumb over the tip of my cock, coating it with the precum spilling out of it, and positioned it at her entrance, opening her legs nice and wide for me. 

It took everything in me not to shove into her then and there. 

I pulled back from her sinful mouth and grabbed my cock from her hold, tucking the head even more snugly at her entrance, stroking myself in the direction of heaven. 

“Belle, look at me,” I grunted, hanging on by the skin of my teeth. 

Belle was back to writhing, arching her back, trying desperately to get closer to me. How I was so lucky to get a mate so horny for my cock was beyond me. 

Mute,” I snapped. I needed her full attention. 

Her hooded eyes immediately found mine. She whimpered. 

“You better tell me right now if you’re not absolutely one hundred percent sure about this,” I growled. 

“Because once I push into this tight–asfuc*k pussy with this big werewolf cock, there’s no going back. There’s no back. There’s no stopping me from making you mine forever. 

“My animal side will take over, and I won’t stop until Eve filled you with my seed, until my cum is dripping out of you, and until we are forced to stop solely out of sheer exhaustion. 

“My wolf wants every inch of you covered in my sperm so that every male who comes within fifty. feet of you will be able to smell who you belong to because I’ll be etched into your very being. 

“There is no escaping me after this. You’ll be mine whether you like it or not.” 

She blabbered something incoherent in response. 

It was clear that she was too consumed by her need to think clearly, jerking her hips down as she tried to push me into her, her tits swaying in a mesmerizing pattern that pulled a low growl from my chest. 

I grabbed her hips to stop her. If she kept up with that, there was no telling what I would do to her. 

Answer me, little mute,” I demanded, barely recognizing my own voice. I squeezed her hips and her gaze focused on me once more. “Tell me that is what you want. I need verbal confirmation.” 

“Yes!” she finally screamed out. Her hole twitched against the tip of my cock. Yes, that is what I want. More thanoh, my god–more than anything.” She licked her l*ips. “Is…Is that what you 


I smirked down at her. Even while she was gasping for breath, looking like she would pass out if I didn’t fill her up soon, she still had to make sure I was comfortable and wanted her just as much as she wanted me. 

One of 


hands reached out and grabbed her jaw in an iron grip. You never even have to ask, baby girl.” I couldn’t help but squeeze her chin, needing to dominate her. 

My wolf surged forward, ready to force my instinctual, more animalistic side to take over, but I pushed him down one final time, needing to say one last thing. 

If anything happens, if the pain gets to be too much, or“-my teeth ground together-“or if you start to shift, you let me know. I might seem a bit…rabid.” That was putting it mildly. 

I was going to fu*cking lose it when I finally slammed into her. I was already halfway there. But I will stop if it’s a matter of your safety. Understand?” 

She nodded, wiggling, knowing it was time. “I understand,she whimpered and pushed her breasts 

  1. up. 

I felt the color of my eyes change, turning dark red as I released her jaw and placed my hand on her Chapter 52 of 59: Chapter 52 

I felt the color of my eyes change, turning dark red as I released her jaw and placed my hand on her hip. My other hand grabbed my cock and nudged her legs open as wide as they would go. 

Without wasting another second, I let out a feral snarl and plunged my cock into my mate, finally taking her as mine. 


With a strangled roar, Grayson punched his hips forward, taking my virginity with a single thrust, filling me to the hilt with his monster cock and unleashing total euphoria in me.. 

I cried out once he was seated fully inside of me, digging my nails into his back as searing pain raced through me. 

Jesus Christ, he was big. Big and long–touching a part so deep inside of me that I didn’t even 

know it existed. 

“So–f*uck–so tiny and tight. So wet and perfect. My perfect girl,” Grayson panted against my neck. His voice was low and tortured, filled with the evidence of his inner beast. 

He stilled on top of me, giving me time to adjust while he lapped and nipped at my mark, growling in my ear. He was so rigid on top of me. 

Every muscle was coiled tight, straining under his skin. It was obviously costing him a great effort not to move, but I appreciated every bit of time he was able to give me. 

The pain was bad but not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. Grayson had been right- getting me used to his fingers first had definitely been the way to go. 

Even though it still felt like I was being split in two, I was able to stay calm. 

“Breathe, Belle,” my mate bit out through clenched teeth. 

I didn’t even realize I had been holding my breath. I released a breath with a puff. 

Good. Try to relax your muscles.” He grabbed a fistful of my hair and tilted my head to the side, exposing my neck for a long lick. A bite and a rough suck. 

It was like he was unable to stop himself; keeping his mouth on me was the only thing keeping him sanc. Your body was made for mine. Your sweet pussy was made for this–to take my cock.” 

His hand ran down my body until his fingers were on my swollen clit, rubbing it in tight circles. 

Colors sparked and flashed behind my eyes, and I loosened my hold on his shoulders, trying to focus on how good his fingers felt, toying with my bundle of nerves. 

I breathed like he told me to, and the walls of my pussy eventually relaxed around his cock. I didn’t even realize he wasn’t in me all the way until I felt him slide forward another inch, his balls hitting 

my ass. 

Chapter 53 of 50- Chanter 53 


Good girl,Grayson said, praising me even as his arms shook with the effort it took to control himself. You’re doing so fu*cking good. I can’t even believe how amazing you feel.” 

A few more seconds passed before the pain finally seemed to diminish enough for me to think clearly again

To test it out, I clenched around Grayson, and immediately moaned when sparks exploded from my core and my whole body heated as if it were on fire. 

Grayson slammed his free hand down on the bed beside my head and bit down on my neck, right over my mark. 

He never broke skin or caused me any harm, but the way his teeth pressed into my mark caused an intense physical reaction. 

I clenched around him again, squeezing his shaft and slickness pooled from me. 

Belle.” Grayson’s voice was deeper than I had ever heard it. Filled with gravel. “Don’t do that unless you’re ready for me to start moving unless you’re ready for a f*ucking.” 

Giddiness expanded in my chest. Without saying another word, I tightened around him once more and rolled my hips against his. 

“Fu*ck!” Grayson exploded. His hips pulled back and then immediately surged forward as if on their own accord. We both groaned. 

“Yeesss,” I mewled. It was good–so good

And that was when his thrusts began. Each one was harder, faster than the last, taking my breath. 


I threw my head back as a bliss–filled scream escaped my mouth. 

Grayson made a broken sound and started hammering into me without mercy. 

His eyes were wild, hungry, whipping over every inch of my body, drinking in my reactions as he took me with animalistic force. All I could do was lie there and take everything he was giving me. 

My body was alive with sparks. Every move he made caused tremors to sweep through me, my femininity clamping down on him with every thrust as if it never wanted him to leave. 

My mouth fell open as he started to move faster, faster, faster. Grayson was a man reduced to a beast above me. The look in his eyes was all determination and voraciousness and I did not mind at all. 

I would have been freaked out if I weren’t so engrossed in the sensation he was causing to race through me. But this was my mate. This was the moment I had been waiting for for months. 

I panted and mewled as he plowed into me again and again without mercy, causing me to feel things I never had before. I had entered a different plane of existence one filled solely with mind–blowing ecstasy. 

Oh God, why did we wait so long to do this? 

I would never turn away the opportunity to have Grayson’s tongue running between my legs, but it was nothing compared to having his incredible cock thrusting between them. 

Without warning, he let out a savage growl and slammed his mouth down onto mine without pausing his hip movements. 

I moaned against his li*ps, gripping his neck and shoulders, my nails digging into his skin, pulling him impossibly closer to me. 

I sucked on his tongue while I listened to the sound of the bed creaking beneath us. He was so damn strong that the bed slid back and forth with every move he made. 

He was pounding me so hard that my teeth would be clacking together if it weren’t for his tongue in my mouth. 

I didn’t think it could get any better, but then he started thrusting his hard dick in a way that hit a specific spot inside of me over and over. 

I screamed and arched against him, so my pointed nipples rubbed up against his chest. I cried out his name, not even recognizing my own need–filled voice. 

He licked at my li*ps, his purring so loud in my cars that it drowned out any other thought. “I love your little fu*ck noises,” he growled. “Come, mate. Come around your mate’s cock. Do it now.” 

I couldn’t help but follow his orders. My eyes rolled to the back of my head. My body jerked and spasmed. The whole world paused as the most powerful orgasm I had ever experienced took over. 

Meanwhile, Grayson continued with his relentless command of my body. The sight of his eyes swirling between colors–black, red, greenonly seemed to heighten everything I was feeling. 

He was power and beauty in motion, like a racehorse. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. 

Veins popped out from his taut muscles and his face was in such a state of intense focus and determination; it was honestly beautiful. 

Emergency calls only 

It felt like an eternity before I finally came down from the high of my climax 1 ww wwww. blabbering, weak mess, a total slave to his rough fuc*king that never seemed wand. 

I was still fluttering around him when he leaned down and sucked on my mark. I whinged, overwhelmed by sensations, yet so eager for him to continue. 

“So fu*cking beautiful,” he said, the words rumbling against my skin. “Come for me again, beautiful.” 

I moaned in confusion, unable to bring myself to say anything else. There was no way I could come again so soon, no matter how good he was making me feel. 

“You heard me, Belle,” he continued, voice low, almost threatening. 

I barely even comprehended what was happening when, all of a sudden, Grayson was sinking his teeth into my mark. And just like that, as if it were magic, I immediately came again, 

When I came for the second time, I heard someone screaming and it took a moment for me to realize 

that it was mic. 

Grayson was growling nonstop above me and I decided then and there that it was one of my favorite 

sounds ever. 

Before I could even comprehend what was happening, Grayson pulled himself from me and flipped me around so that I was on my knees and he was behind me. 

He bent me forward with his hands on my shoulders and then thrust his length back into me without wasting a second. I accepted it with an enthusiastic groan. 

He kept me in that position for a few minutes, plowing into me like a jackhammer before pulling me upright, so we were back to back. 

And, still never ceasing his movements, he latched his l*ips onto my neck. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that this new position he had us in was to give him better access to my mark 

His tongue, his mouth, and his teeth went crazy on the skin of my neck while he took me from behind without mercy, 

“Mine,” he kept growling, one of his hands kneading my breast, tweaking my nipple. “Mine, mine, 


Then, without warning, he sunk his teeth into my neck, simultaneously marking me and using the 

It felt like an eternity before I finally came down from the high of my climax. I was reduced to a blabbering, weak mess, a total slave to his rough fu*cking that never seemed to end. 

I was still fluttering around him when he leaned down and sucked on my mark. I whimpered, overwhelmed by sensations, yet so eager for him to continue. 

“So fu*cking beautiful,” he said, the words rumbling against my skin. “Come for me again, beautiful.” 

I moaned in confusion, unable to bring myself to say anything else. There was no way I could come again so soon, no matter how good he was making me feel. 

“You heard me, Belle,” he continued, voice low, almost threatening. 

I barely even comprehended what was happening when, all of a sudden, Grayson was sinking hist teeth into my mark. And just like that, as if it were magic, I immediately came again. 

When I came for the second time, I heard someone screaming and it took a moment for me to realize that it was me. 

Grayson was growling nonstop above me and I decided then and there that it was one of my favorite sounds ever. 

Before I could even comprehend what was happening, Grayson pulled himself from me and flipped me around so that I was on my knees and he was behind me. 

He bent me forward with his hands on my shoulders and then thrust his length back into me without wasting a second. I accepted it with an enthusiastic groan

He kept me in that position for a few minutes, plowing into me like a jackhammer before pulling me upright, so we were back to back. 

And, still never ceasing his movements, he latched his l*ips onto my neck. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that this new position he had us in was to give him better access to my mark. 

His tongue, his mouth, and his teeth went crazy on the skin of my neck while he took me from behind without mercy

“Mine,he kept growling, one of his hands kneading my breast, tweaking my nipple. “Mine, mine, 


Then, without warning, he sunk his teeth into my neck, simultaneously marking me and using the fangs of his vampire to suck my blood. 

3 MEN. AL. 

I had already been shockingly close to another orgasm, and, oh God, I couldn’t have stopped that landslide even if I wanted to. 

F*uck!” Grayson roared as the most intimate part of me seized around him. “Yes. Squeeze me, baby. Jesus fu8cking Christ, I can’t get enough of you coming around me.” 

His voice was deranged at this point, full of the most animal side of him and laced with the his vampire and I would be lying if I said it didn’t add to the high of 

y orgasm. 

purr of 

There was something about the act of him losing control that was so unbelievably hot, I didn’t even know what to do about it. I loved that I could do that to him, that I had that sort of power over him. 

Yes,” he boomed against my sweaty neck. “I’m close, mate. About to fill you up. About to make you mine forever. Once and for all.” 

An uneven nod was the only response I could manage. I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t do anything. I was breathless. Voiceless. Thoughtless. 

I was on another planet entirely, one filled solely with pleasure and orgasmic bliss. 

My climax was still in complete control of my body, rolling over me with mind–numbing wave after mind–numbing wave. 

My legs threatened to give out beneath me as I shook and flailed, but Grayson knew just what to do. 

Without pulling his cock from my spasming pussy, he flipped me around once more, so I was on my back, looking up at him. 

I was trapped beneath his huge, muscular body, holding onto his shoulders for dear life as his hips became faster, sloppier with every deep thrust. 

He was riding me so hard now that my teeth were clacking together, and I could tell by the wild look In his eyes that he was seconds away from his own release. 

I wanted it. I could already feel our bond solidifying between us, and I craved that moment when we were finally fully connected more than anything else. 

With that in mind, I seized my Intimate muscles around him so tightly that he couldn’t even withdraw from me and watched with great satisfaction as Grayson’s eyes went blind. 

He became uncontrolled. Primal. Savage. There was no stopping him now. 

Finally, finally, he let out a feral roar, his giant form Juddering as something hot and wet started to fill me. 

Rope after rope of his hot cum shot into me, warming me from the inside until it was leaking from my pussy and onto the inside of my thighs and the bed beneath us. 

An overwhelming feeling of…love and blind devotion for the man above me filled my chest nearly to the point of bursting. 

I quickly realized that it was the mate bond. 

The feeling of our bond finally becoming whole, connecting us on a level that I didn’t even think possible, was so intense and…magical that I instantly came again. 

The cuphoric pleasure was so intense that my limbs flailed, my breathing stalled, my back arched, and fireworks exploded behind my closed eyelids. 

I almost didn’t think I would survive the pleasure. 

Grayson melded his sweaty forehead to mine, placing sloppy kisses against my li*ps while both our bodies continued to jerk in the throes of passion. 

“I love you. I love you,” he gasped through elevated breaths. He chanted those words over and over. again. “My mate. My everything. I love you. I f*ucking love you.” 

“I love you too,” I breathed, my own voice thick with emotion. My weak hands gripped his face, searching for something to anchor myself to. “I love you, Grayson.” 

It took several moments for us to finally calm down, for our breathing to slow, and our bodies to stop shaking. 

And still, he kept himself deep inside of me, not making any moves to pull out of me any time soon. 

He licked my face and caressed my sides, all the while purring so loudly, I could barely even hear myself think. Not that I minded. I was happy to remain mindless for a while longer. 

I was shocked by how clearly I could sense his emotions now, almost as if they were my own. I could feel his love and adoration for me whirling around us like a cloud. 

I could also feel how happy his wolf and vampire were now that I was claimed, although they were already ramping up for another round. 

My alpha mate was feeling territorial so soon after mating. 

He conjured up images of tying me to the bed and forcing every other living soul out of the palace for at least a week while he took me over and over again until he was sure that the bond fully took. 

I giggled, thoroughly overjoyed by our new level of connection. 

“Tell me you’re okay, Belle,” he growled against my cheek as he tenderly wiped some of my hair away from my face and played with the sweaty strands between his fingers. 

I smiled dreamily. “I’m okay,” I affirmed. And I really was. In fact, I was happier than I had ever been. 

I could tell Grayson could feel the truth behind my words. He could also probably feel my happiness mixing with his. “Good. Because I’m not even close to being done with you. 

His cock immediately started to harden inside of me. I gasped and squeezed around him in shock. ” 

“What?” I asked, eyes wide, nails already digging into the skin of his shoulders. “A–Again? Already?” 

Grayson nodded. Should I rephrase my question?” he breathed between laps of his tongue against my jaw, my throat, even my ear. 

What I should have asked was, are you okay enough to take me again? And again? And again?” He slowly–teasingly–rolled his hips against mine. 

I whimpered and gasped, wetness already pooling from my greedy hole, coating his hard length in preparation for a second round. 

“Because, now that I’ve had you, now that I’ve discovered the bliss of around my cock while I plow into you, I don’t think I can hold back. 

your sinful  sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

pussy coming. 

I don’t think I can ever let you leave this room or this bed again.” 

“Grayson,” I moaned at the promise in his words. I opened my legs wider for him, trying to encourage him to move again with my own needy hip jerks. 

I couldn’t believe how quickly I wanted him again after my first time. Shouldn’t I be in pain? Instead, I only felt desperation. 

Grayson chuckled and pinned my hips down with his torso so I couldn’t move. I huffed in annoyance, which only pulled another amused rumble of laughter from Grayson’s chest. 

“I need to hear you say it, Belle.” He leaned back so he could look me in the eye. “Tell me you’re ready for more. Or tell me you need to rest. 

I’ll give you what you want no matter what 

you decide. 

“But choose quickly because I don’t think I can last another second of your pussy drowning me in your sweet–asfu*ck arousal or squeezing me like it’s begging to milk my cock again without going 


My nod was embarrassingly eager. “I’m ready for more. Please give me more.” 

His li8ps turned up into a dark grin. “Your wish is my command.” 


v did Gr 

bear a resemblance to the beauty of a racehorse when he f*ucked me, but he 

also had the stamina of one. 

It was well into the late afternoon when he finally pulled out of me, whispering that I needed my rest. now. He was right, of course. 

I could barely keep my eyes open at that point, still riding the roller coaster of bliss that he kept buying me tickets for. 

He disappeared for a moment, leaving me alone and confused in the bed, only to return mere seconds later with a wet washcloth in his hand.. 

I swear, sometimes the man moved so fast that it was impossible for me to keep track of where he was going. 

The act of him cleaning me somehow felt more intimate than the hours that we had just spent going at it like rabbits, and I found myself shying away for some reason. 

I shooed his hands away with lazy slaps when he tried to reach for me. He pinned me with a warning look. His wolf was still in charge and wasn’t going to let me sleep until he had cleaned me. 

  1. up. 

I could see it in his swirling, dark eyes. He looked dangerously handsome. 

How Grayson seemed unfazed by our mating–other than the thin layer of sweat that glistened over his toned muscles–was beyond me. 

I probably looked like a mess. Hair everywhere, sweat dripping, and skin red and blotchy from 


“You’ve never looked more beautiful,Grayson said, cutting my thoughts short with a stiff tone. It occurred to me that he could probably sense what I had been thinking. 

Emergency calls only 

10087% 12.02 

The mate bond would never cease to amaze me. “Worn out by my hard f*ucking, eyes glazed over with complete satisfaction and exhaustion. I’m tempted to go get a camera.” 

“Don’t you dare,” I murmured through a yawn. My voice sounded slow and drowsy even to my ears. 

The gentle rumble of his laughter settled deep within my bones, filling me with warmth. “Good thing I’ve got a memory like a steel trap.” 

His eyes swept over my body in one lazy take before snapping up to meet my gaze once more. “Now open your legs for me, beautiful. Gotta clean my sleepy mate up.‘ 

I was such a sucker for the way he called me beautiful, as if it were my name: I followed his orders and allowed him to clean me without argument. 

Once he was done, he threw the cloth on the ground and crawled into bed next to me. He picked up my body and tucked me into his purring chest before hooking his leg over me and caging me to him

The position would have probably felt a bit suffocating to any normal couple, but I knew that his need to dominate and control me was still at full force so soon after mating. 

And, at least for the time being, I didn’t mind letting him have his way. I would knock him down a few pegs and remind him of who was boss later. 

His fingertips trailed over my spine, and I hummed in complete contentment as I drifted off into a dreamless sleep. 

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