Aeldit POV

"I want to show you something."

I said cutting him off before he could finish that sentence and I was forced to tell him what was bothering me. That I couldn't touch in more than a friendly way without having this fear that I was going to hurt. Somehow I knew he wouldn't like or be comfortable around me ever again.

He sat and rubbed his eyes a bit and looked at him. I could tell he felt that something wasn't right with me, but I stood up and walked towards the edge of the cliff and bent down.

I watched as he pulled the garment his was wearing up till his mid thighs, and I tried my best not to stare at his beautifully paled skin as he opened his legs and climbed onto my neck. Once he was settled on my neck, he took hold of the two horn like talons that were at the back of my head and told me that he was ready.

I smiled as I flew off the cliff and flapped my wings as I few us to the place that I wanted to show him.

The very first time he had flown on my back was about a week ago. I had left to get him more birds while he slept and when he woke up and asked me where I went, he insisted even begged me to take him onto my back the next time I went.

He told me how he loved to paint when he was at the palace, and how he mostly loved to paint different kinds of birds. He told me how he would have loved to see them so closely and just that dazzling look in his eyes was enough to make me want to fly him around all the time.

I remember the very first time he sat on my back, I could feel all this odd sensations throughout my body when his skin touched mine. It was not like anything I had ever felt before.

The contrast between his soft skin and my rough scaly one, was something that overwhelmed me so much that I was so lost, I couldn't even tell where I was flying to.

"It's so beautiful up here. I can never get tired of this." He said as he leaned forward and pressed his chest onto my back, and turned his head, placing his cheek onto my back while I flew.

I tried to fly faster, not trusting myself not to touch him if he didn't stop this, whatever it was that he was doing. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

It wasn't long before I reached my destination and landed gently. I lowered out my left wing, so he could climb down safely.

"Wow." He said looking wide eyed at the waterfalls in front of us.

"The waterfalls in my kingdom hold nothing against this" he said and walked slowly to the bank and dipped his foot inside.

"It's cold." He squealed and laughed while he looked ahead.

"Aeldit, it's so beautiful." He said turning to face me and smiling at me.

I didn't say anything back, mainly because I didn't know what to say. He was saying the waterfalls were beautiful when all I could think about was how beautiful he was. Everything about him was so beautiful to me.

I gasped out loud when I saw him stripping, till he was standing completely naked in front of me,and although he was facing his back to me, it didn't make it any easier for me.

He stood there for a few seconds, and I couldn't tear my gaze from him even if I tried to. I looked at his beautiful pale skin and at the leanness of his back as he stretched out and my gaze trailed down to those perfect round mounds of flesh just below his lower back.

His perfect buttocks.

I couldn't understand why seeing a human naked, was doing this to me. It felt like I suddenly became so hot that it was unbearable, and for a creature made from fire, that was definitely saying something.

I wanted to do so many things a dragon has never done before. I so badly wanted to touch and kiss every inch of his body. I wanted to run my tongue along his body and taste him everywhere.

"It's really cold!" He squeaked when he had gotten into the water and was standing so stiff, it actually made me want to laugh.

"I knew you'd like it here."

"It's amazing. Thank you." He said before he submerged himself into the water and came up.

He threw his head back and wiped his eyes with his hands. He looked at me, while the water droplets rolled down his face. As the morning sunshine shone against his face, I couldn't help but think that those water droplets looked like little jewels against his skin, and made him look all the more mesmerizing.

"What?" He smiled when he saw me staring at him and I quickly shook my head and looked to the side, hearing him laugh while he splashed around and occasionally threw water at me in the process.

After a few minutes, he was calling me forward to blow fire onto the fish that he had caught. That was another thing that he had learnt in the time that he was here, he now caught his own food even when I told him that I would do it for him, the only thing he let me do was cook it for him.

He sat there munching on his fish and talking about random things while he ate, even going as far as forcing me to have a few, despite knowing how I disliked eating dead things.

As he spoke, I couldn't even concentrate on what he was saying, all I could see and focus on was his wet body and the different ways his lips would form as he spoke and said different words.

I wondered what those lips felt like, if there were as soft as they looked, and what kind of soft they were. Was it the kind of soft I felt when the skin on his thighs touched my back whenever he rode on my back, or was it the kind of soft I felt when he ran his palm over my head.

"I'm so full, I can't even stand up." He said laughing as he laid down on his back.

"Can we sleep here tonight?" He asked as he looked at me, and I couldn't say no to that, so I nodded my head.

We spent the rest of the day like that, with him laying because he was too full to get up, while I just sat there and listened to all the stories he told me about his childhood and his brothers.

"You miss them don't you?"

Somehow after I asked him that question, I knew I regretted it, because what was I going to do if he wanted to go back. I had gotten so used to seeing him everyday and every night, that I knew definitely that I could not survive ever being alone again.

I needed him.

"I do. I miss them everyday, but one day, I'll see them again." He said smiling with his eyes closed.

"What do you mean?"

"I can't leave you here all alone, so I'll stay with you, and when you're ready, you'll take me back. However long it takes." He said as he opened his eyes and looked at me. I looked back at him and thought..

What if I'm never ready to let you go?

Before I knew it, it was already sun down, and there was a slight chill in the air, most likely coming from the water falls, and although I told him that it would be warmer if I took him back to our castle, he kept saying that he was fine, it was then that I froze in my place.

Did I just call it 'our castle.'

But that is just it, in the short time that I came to know him, he became everything to me. Everything that I was, I wanted it to be his, and everything that he was, I wanted to be mine.

"Come closer to me."

I watched as he scooted closer to me without thinking twice about and it spread a smile across my face, that he felt so comfortable and safe with me.

I wrapped my wing over him, shielding him for the chilly weather while he pressed his body against my side.

"You're really warm." He said in a sleepy voice and I smiled at that.

"Sleep well."

As he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep with my wing wrapped around him securely, I couldn't help but think..

This is as close as I will ever get to touching him.

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