Asgeir POV

I have never felt so sick to my stomach, in my entire life, as I did right now.

It had been a few days since that encounter with Gregor and his ridiculous accusations against me. And since then, it was like he was two different people. He was all smiles and loving gestures when he was in front of my family. Holding my hand, kissing my cheek at times and even smiling at me, but it was like a switch was turned the second it was just the two of us.

He wouldn't even smile at me, nor touch me in any way, not that it bothered me, what bothered me most was his ability to be so fake in front of everyone, it was actually scary.

I sighed as I walked through the royal market, with his hand laced in mine, while he smiled at everyone who looked at us with envious eyes.

If only they knew what two faced psycho he really was.

"What is the problem now ?" He asked holding my hand and leading me through the market.

I didn't actually understand what the purpose of this market really was, when we never did our own shopping. Even something like my wedding garments,we had servants to do that, and we would just choose from what they had sewn. I guess it was just my Father's way of showing our people that we were just as normal as they were.

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"Nothing, I'm just tired." I said.

He didn't say anything and just continued walking until we saw Armod and Arvid standing and talking to one of the soldiers and laughing.

"If it isn't the love birds. The entire kingdom is talking about your upcoming wedding. If I didn't know better, I'd say they're more excited for yours than they were for Father's" Arvid said laughing.

I just smiled back at him, not really knowing what I should say back. I mean I couldn't possibly tell him that I was dreading to marry the man standing next to me. The main reason among many being, that he was egotistical self absorbed asshole, who thought that the world revolved around him.

I knew my Father would be disappointed in me if I had to voice out that I in fact did not want to marry Gregor. Despite the love my father had for each and everyone one of his sons, I knew protecting his kingdom was just as important.

If it wasn't for Gregor and his army, our kingdom would have most likely been destroyed by the dragons. I suppose that is why I felt that I had to at least do this , for my father.

"What's wrong?" Arvid asked as he came to stand next to me while Gregor continued to speak with Armod and the soldier.

"Nothing. I'm tired." I said smiling at him, to which he smiled back and continued with his conversation, though I barely heard any of it, since my thoughts were all over the place.

I didn't expect Arvid to sense that I was not in fact okay and that I was bothered by this whole marriage thing, after all, the only person who was able to read me like a book was , Arkyn.

I found myself smiling at that thought, and I just wished I could see him or even talk to him right now, but he insisted that I spend some time with my 'fiancé' and instead he spent his time with Dad.

After talking to Arvid for a few more minutes, Gregor excused us and said that we were going to see the falls to which I raised an eyebrow, clearly not remembering any mention of going to the falls with him. I tried to get out of it by telling him that it would be sunset soon, and that it was terribly chilly at the falls this time of the afternoon, but to my dismay , he insisted and told my brothers that he'd have me home before dinner. I found myself sighing for the one hundredth time, and allowed him to lead me onto his horse.

He placed his arms around me and took the reins as he rose away.

Throughout the ride, I fell so stuffy and suffocated, I just wanted to get away from him so I could breathe again. It didn't take me long to realize that I felt that way whenever he was near me and I knew I had to snap out of it, with our wedding just tomorrow, how on earth was I going to allow him to bed me if I couldn't even let him touch me for a few seconds?

After he got off his horse, he helped me off and held my hand while he led us to the edge of the cliff.

If I didn't know any better, I'd think he was going to push me over.

He sat down and let his legs dangle over while he looked ahead at the falls. I watched him from the slight distance I put between us and narrowed my eyes when I saw him actually smile, and for once it wasn't those fake smiles he showed me when people were looking, no this smile looked genuine, and actually made him look handsome.

Even though that nagging voice and feeling at the back of my mind, was telling me that whole thing was a bad idea, I couldn't help but notice that he was actually very handsome. His slightly long hair, that reached his shoulders, was a dusty shade of blond and actually shone in the afternoon sunlight. His blue eyes, that looked ahead at the water falls, reminded me of the summer sky I liked to paint as a child.

"It's so beautiful. I've heard about the mesmerizing falls of Valeor , but I had no idea they were this beautiful." He said smiling as he turned his head and looked at me. He motioned for me to come and sit down next to him and I contemplated over it for a few seconds before I walked and sat down.

"I'm surprised you actually did it, what makes you think I won't push you over." He said smirking at me.

"The thought crossed my mind, but then I realized that you wouldn't possibly ruin your only chance of becoming the strongest if not wealthiest heir of your fathers by killing your fiancé." I said smirking back at him, to which his smirk faded and instead he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Your kingdom might have been instrumental in saving mine, but by marrying me, not only will that make you double the amount of riches your already own, but our children will carry my blood in their veins, thus making you have the strongest bloodline among all your siblings. Why would you want to ruin that?" I said and looked back at the falls.

"Do you think that's the only reason why I want to marry you?" He asked in such a low voice that it almost didn't sound like his.

"That and the fact that I have a dick, other than that, there's no other reason is there?" I asked not looking at him.

I could feel and see him for the corner of my eye, staring at me, and I refused to look at him, not wanting to see those cruel eyes of his looking at me like I was something worthless and dirty as he referred to me.

Eventually when he realized that I was not going to look at him, he sighed and looked away.

"I suppose not." He replied to my question and although I expected that as an answer, I somehow hoped that he would at least tell me that I was more than that to him, but who was I kidding.

"So we're getting married tomorrow huh." He said leaning back against the palms of his hand.

I bit the inside of my cheek to refrain from saying anything that would only dig a bigger grave for myself, and instead nodded at him, while I uttered.


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