Rumours start and spread like wildfires. They create fear. But they also create doubt. The first day the students and the rest of the staff returned was anything but a happy occasion. The expectation was everything would return to normal but reality usually defeats expectation. While most of the staff members returned, thirty percent of the student body was missing. A lot of those who came looked anxious and scared. It was to be expected because just a few weeks ago, the Northern Lux and L.S.A. were attacked. What was bothering was the rumours saying that the academy was no longer safe and needed to be closed.

Nate heard this everywhere he went. A lot of the students also looked wary of him. He wondered if his friends were also experiencing the same. He hoped not. He noticed that the professors were doing their best so the students would focus their attention on other things. One decided to watch movies instead. But it was never easy to chase away fear. By noon, he noticed some students crying and others anxiously looking at their phones. Not everyone was like that. Most of the students didn’t seem to mind but the number of those who looked restless was hard to ignore. Nate skipped his next class to meet with Skhy.

“A group asked me if we’re going to be attacked,” Clyne said with a deep frown. All Nate’s friends skipped the afternoon classes and regrouped in the Premier’s office. Although they went with reservation because the office technically belongs to the highest authority, aside from the Consortium, in the academy; it was the only place without students. They feared that if they go to the library, some anxious students would spy on them to get classified information.

“A girl cried saying that we’re going to die,” Aria said after she took a seat near the chair of the Premier. She and Hunter were the only ones who didn’t look bothered that they were inside the Premier’s office.

“There’s only a few,” Lei started, “so I don’t think we have to worry.” Skhy remained quiet since they met in front of the main building.

“We can’t blame them,” Tessa said while gripping a thick folder, “We’re also scared.”

“Not me.” She turned to glare at Hunter. Nate sat down beside Tessa so he was facing Skhy.

“Do you have to talk to the Consortium?” Skhy glanced at him.

“They’re coming now,” he replied. Nate nodded in response. Clyne, Lei, and Aria started conversing about activities for the students but he noticed Tessa fixing the contents of the folder so he turned to her.

“Do you need help?” he asked.

“No. Don’t worry.” She began checking each paper. Her brown hair fell from behind her ears, covering her face. When he heard the door opening, he turned around to look. Skhy immediately stood up. Savvier, in his uniform, had an irritated look on his face while massaging the area between his eyebrows. Aubree followed close behind her, looking strangely depressed. Karl and Mr. Laccquare were too engrossed in their conversation when they entered. Mr. Castledgrey was missing.

“Everyone’s here,” Karl observed. “Please sit.” He was referring to Hunter who stood behind the couch where Nate and Tessa sat. Hunter only nodded but didn’t move. There were enough seats for everyone with four long huge white and gold couches in the middle of the wide white titled floor. A gold chandelier with fist-sized crystals hanged from it, looking like rain falling. Two life-sized statutes stood near each of the two white and empty walls. Nate felt like they were in a ballroom hall than an office.

“We didn’t plan it,” Skhy responded, “But everyone wanted to do something about the issue.”

“There’s nothing to do about it,” Savvier coldly replied. He sat beside Aubree on the opposite couch.

“We expect this,” Mr. Laccquare said while stroking his long white beard. “And the professors are experienced.” Then why did the Consortium gathered? As if he read Nate’s mind, Karl replied. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“We’re going to meet with the Elders’ Chamber to pick the new Premier,” Aubree explained with a small smile. I see… Nate glanced at Savvier who still looked irritated.

“I still think it’s too early,” Savvier pressed.

“We talked about this, Zircon.” Karl didn’t spare Savvier a glance as he said this.

“The Chamber said as early as practicable,” Aubree pointed out, “They probably heard about the commotion today too.”

“They want to assure the Concordians by immediately installing someone in the position?” Skhy asked. Mr. Laccquare, Karl, and Aubree nodded in response. Nate glanced to his right, a few feet from them were the long white table and red cushioned chair engraved with the golden letters LSA on the top. He imagined Mr. Knightwood sitting on it just a few weeks ago.

“They’re probably thinking that the Chamber will assign a new Consortium.” His eyes widened a bit when he heard Tessa’s whisper. He turned toward her. She was adjusting the thick folder on her lap but it kept on slipping so he gently grabbed and placed it on his lap.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“Why do you think so?” he asked. Her golden orbs widened a bit when she realized that he heard her.

“Aubree looked sad.” Nate nodded in understanding. The Consortium and the rest except Hunter began talking about possible activities to lift the students’ spirit.

“Don’t worry. Aubree and the rest will handle everything professionally.” Tessa gave him a small but thankful smile. Nate noticed someone staring at his face so he looked up. Hunter was narrowing his eyes at him, which Nate ignored with an innocent smile.

“Do you meet them in an office or something like that?” Clyne asked. What were they talking about now? The remaining members of the Consortium glanced at each other before Mr. Laccquare answered.

“No.” Nothing was said after. Nate figured that the Chamber was as secretive as the Consortium. It took a moment before Clyne understood the connotation behind the librarian’s answer.

“Then we’re not going to waste your time,” Skhy said and stood. “We’ll meet the faculty members to plan.” Tessa was about to take the folder from Nate but he gripped it.

“I’ll hold on to it for now.” She smiled in response. Before any of them can open the door, Karl spoke. Everyone looked back.

“I promise to talk to you about your parents’ connection once this is over.” Nate gulped down the feeling he couldn’t describe. It felt like relief but at the same time fear. He knew that their parents were connected but they didn’t know how. Even though Nate wanted to know, he was bound to discover how his parents die during the process.

Their footsteps echoed in the long tiled hallway of the top floor of the main building. The group left the Consortium to deal with their business.

“Are they going to teleport to the location?” It was Clyne who cut the heavy and tensed silence.

“Probably,” Skhy replied, “Aubree can teleport.”

“Aside from Aubree and Savvier, we haven’t seen your other friends use their elementals,” Clyne observed once they were inside the elevator.

“They’re still too weak.” It was Aria who answered.

“Tessa?” Skhy turned to her.

“Yes, this is the certificate of order from the Consortium.” Tessa opened her palm, revealing a round golden medal with white short lace. There were engraved words that Nate couldn’t understand.

“There are nine divisions,” Skhy said, “Aubree probably contacted each department’s head.”

“Ventus, Aqua, Scrobis, Fulgur, Ignis, Petram, Tenebris, Mettalium, Tempus Locus…” Clyne started counting.

“Where are we going to meet them?” Nate asked. There were a lot of conference rooms in the main building and students’ buildings.

“Tempus Locus is the quietest one,” Hunter said. The elevator door opened on the ground floor.

“What do you think?” Lei asked Skhy. It was also usually quiet in the main building but the students decided to hang out in the café to calm their nerves.

“We’ll do that.” Skhy waved at the group and ran toward the Legionnaire’s Office and Chambers.

“We still have three hours before the meeting.” Aria was checking her wristwatch.

“Do you plan to go back to class?” Nate asked. He wanted to but at the same time didn’t want to. The students’ anxious state was rubbing on him.

“No way,” Clyne exclaimed. Aria nodded in agreement.

“So what now?” Clyne asked. Nate thought about returning to their apartment.

“I have to go to the Students Council office in SBCO,” Tessa informed them, “I’ll see you later.” She gently took the folder from Nate’s grasp with a smile. Hunter moved toward her.

“I’ll go to the canteen,” Aria said. Clyne nodded with a huge smile. Lei said that she would come with them.

“What about you, Nate?” Lei asked. Tessa carefully collected the papers that were about to fall from the folder. Hunter had his right hand below the folder.

“Can I come?” Nate asked without much thought.

“With who?”

“With Tessa and Hunter.” The two looked up from the stack of papers. The silence lasted for a minute before Tessa spoke. Nate couldn’t see the others’ expressions because he was waiting for Tessa and Hunter’s response.

“Sure.” She had a smile on her face while Hunter was frowning at him. Someone suddenly grabbed his arm and turned him around.

“What are you doing?” Clyne whispered.

“Coming with them.” Clyne pouted.

“Let them go on their own,” Clyne insisted, “Can’t you see what’s happening?” He glanced behind Nate.

“I can.” Clyne raised one of his eyebrows. “But I’m coming with them.” He sighed, exasperated.

“Don’t worry. I’m just going to check the Student Council’s office then I’ll leave,” Nate added with a small smile. Clyne is supportive… He wondered if Skhy knew. Glancing at Lei, he noticed her confused expression as if asking about his intention.

“Let’s go?” He turned around to face Tessa and nodded.

“I just want to see what their office looked like,” he explained to the others who seemed convinced by his reason. He had been curious about the Student Council’s floor in the Students’ Board, Council and Organizations Building (SBCO) behind the main building. While all of the organizations have at least one room each there, most of the students were forbidden to climb to the Council’s floors.

As expected, it was quiet, wide, and polished. The fourth floor had several empty rooms but Tessa said that they use every single one of them. Hunter opened the door of the office for Tessa. Before she could walk in, he stopped her. A leaf rested on her hair. He gently removed it without a word. Nate stood unmoving, watching them. This is bad... or is it?

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