"Well that was interesting.” I hear Louisa say, I turn to look at her and see her grinding at me. Next thing I know all three of us are laughing. Ant puts the kettle back on and then sits down, Louisa makes the drinks while I take a seat.

"You know he is so possessive when it comes to you, it's funny he's not like that with her.” I smile at Anthony's words as they make my heart swell with happiness.

"I don’t think she really is his second mate." Louisa hands us our drinks and then sits back down beside me.

"Why's that?" I ask as I take a sip of my drink.

"Because his wolf hasn't marked her as his, they only mated." her words make me frown as I stare at her with a questioning look on my face "how can he give her his mated mark but not his true mark? that's what binds you both together.” I knew I still had HIS mark but I though he also claimed her as his an not just give her the mate mark.

I was beyond confused at this moment.

"The mate mark is what makes her our queen, but because she doesn't have his own claim upon her skin then that means she is not truly his nor does she have the power to make everyone now to her." I slowly nod as I try to comprehend the information I was just given.

"So where does that leave me?” I finally managed to ask.

"As you are his first mate he marked you as his and gave you the mated mark am I correct?” I blush and not at the same time. it was a little weird to talk to my ex's mother about this kind of stuff.

"Then as he gave away the mated mark, you lost the title of Queen, but as he hasn't marked her as his, then you should still have yours and from what I'm told he renewed his bond with you and you gave him your mark.” She starts to laugh like a crazy women.

"That was an accident.” I mumble softly and make the both laugh out louder

"His wolf is probably waiting for you to mark him as your own" Anthony pops in and they start there laughing fits again. I drop my head on the table in embarrassment as my cheeks tint a bright pink

"Anyway, I came to see if you needed anything?" Louisa asked sweetly. "Yes acutely, I need some chips, a block of cherry ripe chocolate and cooked chicken.” food was all I could think of at this very moment.

"I'l go tell the cook your order."With that Anthony left the room.

"I had a weird craving when I had Dontae, Karleen and Megan. My mate thought it would be funny to hide food from me. I showed him it wasn't good to piss off a pregnant women when it comes to food." laugh at the thought of her beating her mate for his stunt.

"I remember when I was pregnant with Xaiden, my mum cooked Dada up a pie, I gave him the puppy fac and he caves in and gav me the whole pie."we both giggle as we tell our pregnancy stories.

I loved hearing about how she was so excited but also scared so she cried all day. I was amazed that she had opened up about everything after all that had happened in the past.

Not long later dinner arrived and we both are together still chatting away. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Well I guess I better be off" we stand and head to the door.

"Call me if you need anything okay my dear.” with that she pulls me into her arms.

"Help him." Louisa whispers in my ear and then leaves out the door. she is a beautiful women with long black hair half way down her back and piercing blue eyes that looked as though they could see straight through you.

I shake my head and head back to the kitchen where I clean the dishes and then put them away. Moving into the lounge room I dial my mum's number and sit down, within seconds she answers.

"How are you my dear?" Her worried voice comes through the phone. "I'm fine mum how is my baby boy?" I question in the hopes to change the subject off me.

"He's doing really well, your dad thinks he might be able to go home soon.” she sounded so happy until the end, but I was so looking forward to holding my baby.

"Is he close by?" I asked excitedly.

"Yes he is, I'll just get him for you" with that the phone went dead, I stared at the TV that was playing captain America.

"Hi mummy, I miss you." Damn his little voice brought tears to my eyes "Hi baby, I miss you too, how is your training going?" I snuggl up into the chair as I talk.

"It's really good, my Wolfy is starting to come out. Grandpa says by Thursday I might have shifted and the old king says my Wolfy is very strong.” he was so excited about finally being able to shift and both my wolf and I couldn't be more prouder of our young pup.

"That's so cool sweetheart, I'm so proud of you."l tell him as a softly smile hits my lips, I hear his little laugh come through the phone making me laugh softly as well.

"Nana says it's time for my shower now mummy, will you call me tomorrow?" he ask in an innocent voice that makes me wanna hold him tight.

"Of course I will call you tomorrow, I love you Baby boy." a tear starts to run down my cheek.

"I love you to mummy...bye." with that he hangs up on me, I sigh and then put my phone down. Over four weeks without my baby was starting to drive me crazy. I was missing him badly, by the time he gets home I won't be able to let him leave my side or even a second.

I cried my self to sleep on the sofa, my head rested on the sofa cushions

I feel my body being risen and without thinking I snuggle up to the warmness that was moving carefully throughout the place. Very gently I feel my body being lowered to the soft bed. The warmness starts to pull away from my body and I start to crave it. Without thinking I grab it and pull it closer to me.

"Stay with me."l mumble in a sleepy voice, I hear a soft purr that sends a chill down my spine. A few seconds later the bed dips and then I'm pulled into a warm naked chest, bi wrap my self around the body and cling tight.

"please don't leave me little one.” I hear a whisper in my ear while fingers gently ran through my hair in a soothing rhythm. I didn't reply I just snuggled closer to the chest and enjoyed. the hand running down my back. it didn't take me long to fall back to sleep in all honesty it was the best sleep I have had in a very long time. I knew I would probably pay for it in the morning but right now it was what I needed.

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