I woke with hunger racing through my body, I groan and slowly open my eyes, I go to move to the edge of the bed but I'm pulled into strong arms.

"Stay." I hear Dontae mumble as he buried his head into my hair.

"But I'm hungry Donny" I slowly spin around to face him, he opens one eyes to look at me with. I bat my eye lids and pout my lips as I stare into his eyes, the minute he groans I know I've won. Dontae lets me go and then rolls on his back, I watch as he throws an arm over his eyes. "Is this what I have to look forward to every day?" he grumbles, making me burst out laughing.

"Honey this ain't nothing yet, give me a few weeks and you'll be wishing I wasn't pregnant.” I couldn't help the slow smirk from appearing on my lips as I sat up in bed about to get off it.

"I'm looking forward to seeing you all round and hormonal with our baby, I think you will look sexy as shit." a smile was on his lips and lust was in his eyes, slowly his eyes travel up and down my body. I could feel a blush forming on my face and then the next thing I know his lips are on mine in a heated make out. sliding my arms around his neck I climb onto his lap and push my chest into his, I felt his arms tighten around my waist while his friend pokes into my thigh, making me moan into his mouth. Dontae gives out a sexy growl, I throw my head back and start running myself on his shaft in a slow movement. His lips kiss, lick and nip there way from my jaw to my collar bone.

Damn he was sending my body and hormones crazy.


Dontae's phone goes off, he doesn't move only increased his onslaught on my body.


His phone rang for a second time and as he goes to pull away I pull his head towards me and lick his lips, he growls deeply at me.


This time he answers his phone so I take my turn and kiss my way very slowly across his jaw.

"What do you want?" He demands as one hand goes up my shirt straight towards my left beast.

"Well deal with it." Dontae’s voice shows he is beyond annoyed with his caller. I run my hands down his chest until I come in contact with his shaft and start to move my hand up and down. I hear him hiss in enjoyment so I push him backwards in the bed to lay down and then start to kiss my way down his body.

Call it the mate bond or the pregnancy hormones but I just couldn't stop myself from taking him into my mouth and running my tongue up as I sucked slowly on his cock

"Owe fuck," I hear his moans.

"No she will not go see him.” Donny yells, I go harder in the hopes to calm his wolf, it works as a growl of pleasure vibrates through his chest. "No and that's..." I move to straddle his waist.

"Damn it women." I laugh warmly at him as I grind into him. I grab his phone while still grinding hard into him and answer his phone. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Hello who is this?" I ask sweetly, I watch as my mate rips my shirt off my body and leaves me in just my panties

"This is James, head of security here ma'am, I was just telling the king that we had a rogue here wanting to have a word with our queen.” I close my eyes and wonder why a rogue would want to talk with Chrissy. "Your Queen Chrissy is unable to come at this moment but I'll see is J can change the king's mind." I tell him, Dontae pops a nipple in his mouth and starts sucking while lightly flickering his tongue across a hard peak. I dig my fingers into his hair and harshly slam his head closer to my chest.

"Not Queen Chrissy..." and the phone is being now flung across the room, I squill when my body is flipped so I'm now under my mate who is ripping my panties off.

"Mine" he growls and then in one thrust I feel ALL of him inside of me, I moan louder then ever.

"Damn you feel so good." he mumbled as he makes a quick rhythm with his thrusts. I dig my nails into his back as I enjoy his hips harshly grinding into my own, just as I'm about to hit my peak he changes to slow thrust. I glare up at him only to see a grin on his face.

"Donny." I warn as slam my hips up into his.

"That's for teasing me while I was in the phone.” He starts buying my left breast making me scream in pain and enjoyment. I scratch down his arms and relish in his hiss of pain. He goes harder again and just when I'm at my peak he rams his teeth into the top of my left breast sending me in waves of pleasuring highs.

"Fuck...Donny." I scream out loud, slowly he stops and pulls away to lie on his back, I stare up at the roof. To be honest I wasn't sure what to say to him, just yesterday we where at each other's throats and now where sleeping with each other like nothing happened. we really are one fucked up set of mates, I try not to laugh at the thought.

"What's wrong? Did I hurt the baby?" he places a gentle hand on my cheek, I look into his eyes to see worry in them. I smile at him in the hopes to reassure him I'm okay.

"The baby is fine, as long as we have some time each day with each other then the baby will grow stronger, and I was just thinking is all.” I admit to him, Dontae puts his head on my stomach and rubs little circles near my hip.

"I can hear the babies heart beat." he was in awe at the fact and so I run my fingers through hair as I watch him interact with my growing belly. "You my little one are going to grow big and strong, daddy will make sure of it." he seals his promise with a kiss where he can hear out little one.

"I really need to get up now and get a feed.” He nods and then stands up, I follow and then head for the wardrobe to grab a long dress with clean underwear and then make my way to the shower. I climb into the warm water and sigh as it hits my body. I don't stay in for very long in the shower, climbing back out I dry off and then get dressed. quickly I put my hair up in a high ponytail and then leav the bathroom. I head straight for the kitchen where I find plates full of pancakes and a bowl! of fruits.

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