Chapter 5 

Jasmine hurriedly turned behind. She froze to see Daphnia standing in front of her. She had a boisterous smug on her face and also seemed a little exhausted while walking close to her. 

“So, you are finally leaving, huh?” An arrogant smug appeared on her face as Daphnia grunted at her, “Too bad, Bryan didn’t even want to see you one last time. But I thought I should at least pay you one last visit, as the Future Luna of Rosewood pack.” 

The sneer widened on her jaws as she sounded boisterous, “I also came here to let you know that Bryan had marked me last night. So, now…we are paired with each other for the whole life. And for you, I hope you would be able to survive in the Carpasian kingdom…miraculously!” 

Her words sounded like thorns being stabbed deep into her heart which was already wrecked in betrayal. Holding a heavy silence, Jasmine tucked a small amount of sand from the ground in her handkerchief. 

While wrapping it into a knot, she uttered coldly, “Please give my one last message to Bryan. The day we meet again, I will splatter the sand all over Bryan’s face. Till then, I will keep it with me as a keepsake.” 

Daphnia was startled by her words as she had hoped to see her bawling her eyes after hearing that Bryan had marked her. But rather than watching her strongly walk away, she gritted her jaws, ‘Crazy b*tch…keep dreaming to come back alive here.” 

As Jasmine stepped inside the carriage, the doors were closed, and soon enough she began the journey of being taken to the dangerous territory as the offered maiden. Watching her poor mother sob painfully at the doorstep, she took a heavy sigh with tears. 

Jasmine clenched her hands over her belly as she mumbled to her unborn child, ‘I promise…I will survive there and I will protect you with my all 


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Chapter 3 

might…no matter what choice I have to opt for that…‘ 

After a long–anticipated journey for an entire day, the horse carriage finally entered the Carpasian territory past sunset. The guards escorting her checked a few times during the whole journey, but none of them said. 

a word. 

Pursing her soft l*ps, while she was contemplating what to do next, the gate of her carriage was opened and a giant royal guard commanded her, “Hurry and get off. We have reached our destination.” 

In that brief communication exchanged with those guards, Jasmine certainly had understood that all of them only saw her as a mere ‘offered maiden‘ for their lycan prince. Hence, none of them bothered to show her even minimal courtesy. Still, without any objection, she quietly followed them. 

Jasmine was awestruck for a while by the beautifully crafted castle, putting her worries aside for a second. 

But when they reached further inside, she saw ten maids standing in their way, and in front of them, an old lady in her late 50s, who seemed like their senior had a very serious expression on her face. 

The old lady bowed humbly before the guards and when she lifted her glance at Jasmine, she spoke, “I am Martha, the senior lady servant of this royal castle. We were anticipating your arrival. Please note that I will be in charge of your grooming before we escort you to His Grace’s chamber.” 

Her serious grimace somehow left Jasmine the impression of the dangerous storm she was about to encounter anyway. 

“Prepare her neatly before taking her to His Grace’s chamber, Lady Martha. Beware of his worsened mood.” The royal guard made a dubious expression as he answered, glancing at Jasmine. 

“I understand. Now, please excuse us.” After a humble bow, the old lady 


Chapter 5 

gently held Jasmine by her arm and took her along with her, followed by the other maids behind them. 


As she was being taken away again by these unknown people, Jasmine. couldn’t help but feel petrified about the words the royal guard said. Soon enough Jasmine was taken to a giant exquisite bathhouse with a huge bathtub filled with warm rose water and fragrant potions. 

“This maiden is very pretty,” suddenly Jasmine heard a faint whisper from the maids surrounding the bathtub and noticed each of them were looking at her with pitiful gazes as well as murmuring among them. “She seems very young too. Unfortunately, such a young life is going to perish. today…” 

The sound of those whispers grew more prominent in her ears making Jasmine crawl her toes in fear. 

“Quiet!” Suddenly, Lady Martha howled at those maids in a loud cranky voice that immediately silenced all of them at once. It seemed as if she had noticed Jasmine’s face getting paler from hearing those whispers. 

Lady Martha even brought a laced red colored veil and put it on top of her head, covering the upper half of her face as she mumbled, “Please make sure not to take off this veil to show your face, Miss.” 

“But why?” Jasmine curiously urged. 

Even though she pursed her l*ps with an awkward pause, another young maid standing beside her jumped forward to speak, “We have noticed the maidens with their face covered by veils suffer a less brutal death in comparison to others. Maybe that’s why, Madam asked you so.” 

“Why all of you are already expecting my death when I am still alive?” Suddenly, her anxiety and emotional turmoil were triggered by that comment that made Jasmine scowl aloud, wadding her eyes in anger. She gritted her jaws and removed the veil from her head, “I won’t die in there! 



Chapter 5 

Mark my words…I will definitely survive!” 

“All the maidens before said these same words, but none of them ever lasted for a night.” The young maid smirked at her temperament and rather uttered calmly, “We are just trying to help you get a less painful. death, why are you acting cranky?” 

44% 18:31 

“We don’t have time for arguments.” Once again, Lady Martha silenced that maid and glanced pitifully at Jasmine as she exhaled a heavy sigh. Soon, she picked up a glass vial with brown colored small tablets in it and tried to hand it over to Jasmine as she spoke, “At least take one of this medicine.” 

“What is this?” Narrowing her gaze at her, Jasmine sounded very dubious. as she looked at the glass vial, that gave her the deja vu of the Lilith toxin from earlier. “I won’t consume anything unless you tell me the real purpose of it.” 

“Your wolf won’t emit any scent after you take one of this medicine.” Lady Martha exhaled another heavy sigh, as her voice sounded concerned for her. “His Grace detests any kind of scent emitted from the she–wolves, so please take it.” 

“It’s useless for me.” Jasmine coldly declined, putting the vial away from her hand. She initially thought of skipping the truth about her, but she couldn’t endanger her unborn child’s life as she mumbled, “My wolf isn’t awakened yet, so currently, I am wolfless. Naturally, I won’t emit any 


“What? Rosewood pack sent a wolfless female this time? Goodness, she isn’t even going to last a minute in there!!” 

Once again the faint gossiping murmurs were heard among the maids. surrounding her, as every one of them glanced at her skeptically. 

Even Lady Martha seemed shocked by her honest declaration as she 



Chapter 5  Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

paused for a few minutes before urging another maid in a cold voice, “Alright, her grooming is now finished. Escort Milady safely to His Grace’s chamber.” 

As soon as they reached the doorstep, Jasmine realized now she had to leap ahead alone, without having anyone to save her from this dangerous moment anymore. 

Jasmine grabbed the doorknob with her shivering palm and opened the door. 

When she took her first step inside, her eyes automatically closed in fright contemplating what was awaited inside for her from the ‘Hideous Monster. But surprisingly as a few seconds passed by, she mustered her courage to open her teary eyes and glance around her surroundings. 

Prince Lucian’s room was extremely large and spacious, neatly decorated by lavish pieces of furniture. But the room was strangely shabby, darker, and seemed more mysterious than what she had expected. 

There were three giant glass windows in that room, attached to a beautiful balcony, but strangely all of them were covered by black curtains as if to forbid sunlight to enter the room. While stepping inside, Jasmine felt a strange chill running down her spine as she unknowingly reached closer to those closed windows. 

“The room seems pretty large but why is it so dark? Doesn’t it feel suffocating?‘ Wondering inside, Jasmine impulsively opened all those windows and even pulled the curtains aside, allowing à bright beam of sunrays to enter the room. 

But in the flick of a second, the door was opened making a strange noise. and stomping footsteps approached her from behind. Before Jasmine could turn around, a loud raspy masculine voice growled at her, “How dare you touch an object of my room!!??” 



HUINAS 18:31 

The sudden growl was so unexpected that it almost paused Jasmine’s heart for a second. The black curtains drifted with the breeze entering the room but she turned around, pulling down the blowing curtain with her hand, for the first time their eyes met each other, 

Standing at a few feet apart from her, a tall young man decked in a black royal attire with the left side of his face covered by a black mask was glaring scornfully at her. 

His hair was sleek black and long, spreading down to his shoulder. His unique porcelain skin seemed to turn redden in anger but that man had an impressive buff b*dy! His sharp jawline was twitching a little, giving hint of his irked temperament on their very first encounter. 

Just by glancing at him once, Jasmine immediately realized this was the 

rumored ‘Hideous Monster, Prince Lucian of the Carpasian lycan kingdom whom everyone dreaded in her pack more than their lives. She froze in fear and unknowingly staggered a step back from him, as her eyes rolled. 

On the other hand, the first time Lucian locked eyes with her, his cold- heart unusually throbbed for the first time ever from the sight of her. Standing at the corner of his room, she was trembling like a leaf, but he couldn’t deny himself that she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his entire life. Her petrified ocean eyes looked enchanting, pulling him. towards her like a magnet. 

But getting a hold of his uneasy emotions, Lucian growled again, walking at few steps to reach her close. “I asked you a question! Why did you touch an object in my room!!?” 

The more he walked close, the more Jasmine retreated behind towards the wall, covered in a cold sweat, “I…I…just t–thought…t–the room…w–was too… dark…Your G–Grace, t–that’s all! P–Please, f–forgive m–my insolence!” 

The more he moved closer, he could strangely sense a mystic sweet scent. 


Chapter 5 

emitting out of her which he had never sensed in any woman before. Getting irked by his uneasy emotions, he scowled to scare her more, “At this point, all the maidens sent before used to wail and shiver in fear or start begging for my mercy, but you rather seem to be brave to face me. So, do you not fear me?” 

“T–That’s not true…” Clenching the hem of her silk gown, Jasmine gulped as she could feel her throat getting choked in fear before him, “I…I just… wanted to g–greet you properly first…” 


A twisted smirk curved the corner of his crimson l*ps as Lucian walked even closer to her, pushing Jasmine’s back to reach a wall behind and leaving no space for her to retreat anymore. 

Barely keeping a distance of a few inches between them, he lowered hist face a little to view her from close and saw her shivering while she tried to look up at him. 

“So do you think using these tactics on me will help you change your fate?” He deepened his voice as his face moved a little close, and even rolled his cryptic black eyes on her. “Do you not know what happened to all the previous maidens who were sent here before?” 

“W–We…can’t erase or alter our destiny.” Jasmine murmured in a shaky low voice, still mustering her strength to look into his eyes as she uttered, “But, I believe… I might get a chance today to alter my destiny.” 

“Pfft! What??” Suddenly, Lucian burst into a sharp squeal of sarcastic laughter and put both his arms on the wall aside from her, almost locking Jasmine with his mighty posture. 

After a brief chuckle, he snorted while moving his face a little down close. to her, almost touching her nose tip, “How audacious of you to have such a thought! I must say and-” 


But before he could finish his words, suddenly Laucian’s smile faded from his face, leaving his expression tainted in the dark. His onyx eyes suddenly rolled wide, looking a bit restless. His brows furrowed deep and glaring intensely into her scared eyes, he grumbled in a deep voice, 

“You are…pregnant?” 

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