Chapter Twenty-six: First Date.

Kellan POV Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I wanted to spend my day with my baby, the fact that she got six daddies other than I is comforting I never have enough time. I'm almost always too busy, it's either the hospital or the clinic or some pack member getting sick and needing help. Sometimes I hardly even have time to shower and sleep, I love my job, love helping people all I hope is for Nala to be a bit understanding when it comes to my tight schedules.

But no matter how busy I am, I'll always find some time for my baby. Today is all about her.

After thanking my friend Finn for his time I asked Nala if she wants to go out and eat with me, just me and her.

"Like a date?" she asks all excited.

"Yes if you want to call it that" I replied but sure wasn't expecting her excitement.

"Really yes yes...I'm going to go get ready” she says while jumping up and down from all her excitement.

She skipped toward the house calling Kyle and something about a fashion emergency. Well, I guess I'm taking my baby on a date, if this is the first time we spend time together, with just the both of us then better make it worth it.

Kyle stormed into my room demanding I treat his baby well, that I compliment her all night. And for the love of God, I get dressed in something worthy. Here he threw some clothes on my bed before he stormed back out muttering about tight schedules.

About an hour later Nala came down the stairs in a beautiful royal blue dress, a silver choker, and matching flats. Her hair was down in the beach wave style. She looked stunning, simply stunning. Kyle didn’t have to threaten me so I will compliment her, I will be doing that all night as is.

Good thing Kyle insisted I dress up, in a royal blue blazer, white shirt, and black pants. we were matching which made her smile, she has a beautiful smile.

Nala POV:

I couldn't believe that I'm actually on a real date, it never been one of my priority, you know food and shelter come first. But I was so happy Kyle insisted to dress me up to the max and do my hair and makeup. I use the word makeup loosely cause he only added some mascara and lip gloss saying I already looked beautiful. I know I'm not that pretty but I don't argue.

Stefan took my hand calling me beautiful, stunning, and another compliment while walking me toward his car. I guess Kyle's work was worth it.

Stefan opened the car door for me making sure I'm in before he buckled my seat belt careful with my dress and closing my door. He gets in next and gives me a warm smile I never saw on his face before. The ride to wherever we were going was filled with small chats here and there mostly him saying I'm beautiful. I had to draw a line with the compliments or we'll stay in the car the whole night.

Once we get to the restaurant, which turns out to be a well-known Italian restaurant that people make reservations month prior. I looked at Stefan confused at how we going to get in and he just smiles, gets out of the car, takes my seat belt off, and helps me step out of the car.

He takes my hand again and leads me toward the hostess.

"Reservation for two, Dr. Stefan grey”

"Of course right this way Dr" the hostess takes us to a corner where it's more private she hands us our menus and leaves us to it.

I'm looking at the plate names confused.

"Would you like me to order for you princess” Stefan offers

I blush at the nickname, but I do feel like a princess with him. I just node and look down my lap. Daddy ordered some starters, whine for him, and a fizzy drink for me

Jace was trying to make me eat more healthy so anything with sugar in it is good for me.

Our plates were brought and we sat there eating, I got my courage to ask about Stefan's work and why he always busy.

"I'm sorry that you feel that I'm too busy for you princess, I promise I never do it intentionally. But being a doctor and helping people mean so much for me" Stefan explain

I nod my understanding although I still don't approve of him not spending enough time with me. "Daddy why did u decide to be a doctor," I ask him curious about his carrier choice

"I'm not sure it's a story you would like to hear while on a date" Stefan answers.

I just shrug and tell him now is a good time as any.

"My mother got sick after giving birth to me, she wasn't very strong, to begin with so giving birth to a child took hold of her. I grew up with a sick mum and my father who loved us both very much. But princess we were poor, my old pack wasn't the richest, to begin with. We couldn't afford to have a permanent doctor in the pack. So every time mum got worst we had to travel to the next pack so their doc can check on her or we would go to a human doctor who didn't understand what's wrong with her.

We were okay, she was okay" Stefan says with a sad smile and a lone tear going down his cheek, I hold his hand a squeeze showing him my support.

"One night she had a heart attack, we didn't even have time to take her to the nearest hospital she died in our hands.

After that, I decided I want to be a doctor, that I want to help the poor, that I would never be a snob like a pack doctor who used to check her and he acts like that cause we could hardly pay him.

I went back to high school and got straight As and got to go to medical school under a scholarship. And here I am"

I smile at him, yeah I get him a bit better now and he smiles back seeing that I'm totally on board with him. I was poor, I know what's that feels like.

"Where's your dad now? He must be proud of you" I ask.

"Yeah he is, I think. My dad has a kind of dementia it started after mum died but it got worst with the years. He's in special home care"

"Ohh Stefan” I couldn't help it I got out of my seat and give him a big hug and kisses.

After we finished dinner and shared a dessert we got in the car and I start to yawn.

"Ohh princess you had a long night, come on I'll take you home to bed," Stefan says with a smile. "Your bed?" I ask with a blush I wasn't ready to be parted with him yet.

He nods and I smile and close my eyes, best date ever.

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