Phantom Regency
Chapter 19

The office of Regency is a lonely calling. A Regent has no peers, no friends. He alone has the gift. He alone can operate the mysterious Nexus. He alone feels the Spirit energy coursing through his body. He can trust no one. He must balance the will of the people, the will of the Grand Council and the will of the Sky Man. It is his responsibility to cultivate doctrinal purity among the acolytes and adepts. No one feels the weight of his destiny more than a Regent. No one.

-Cynrus Thaxius, the last Thaxian Regent (366 G. E.)

Eamor waited patiently aboard the freighter pod. He had felt it being loaded aboard Infinity Station several hours ago. I have a man on the inside, Ailan had said. Eamor was still awaiting his arrival. He was not fearful. He had food and water for several more days. He could open the pod himself, but that would be dangerous, anyone could be outside.

He grabbed his holo-reader and picked up where he had left off. He was perusing the Phantom Rites, which was written by several Regents primarily in the second century. Some of the earlier writings contained amazing insights into the realities of the Phantom Realm, but much of the book devolved into detailed rules of the religious order of the late Thaxian Regents.

He had read for several hours when he heard the machinery of the hatch activate. He stood quickly and faced the hatch. He fingered the collapsible nerve stick on his belt.

The hatch opened to reveal a wizened old man leaning heavily on a cane. He was dressed in the ceremonial robes of an acolyte. Eamor walked out. The old man approached slowly, his eyes misty, his face radiant.

“My Lord Regent, long have I waited to see your face.” He bowed slightly. “Welcome home.”

He reached for Eamor’s neck and pulled him close. He kissed him on the forehead. “The Sky Man be thanked for you. May he empower you for the task ahead.”

He released Eamor and stepped back. “I am Zangor, servant and seer of the Sky Man, and acolyte of the Regency.” He produced another robe like his own. “Here, put this on. I will take you to young Vlademor.”

Eamor’s flesh crawled at the mention of the name. The Vlademors persecuted his family, killed his father. He wrestled briefly with anger and pain. The reality that he would meet the usurper face to face dawned on him. He had no wisdom to go on, just the assurance that Sky Man wanted them to meet. He was not afraid.

Zangor took him by the arm and they slowly shuffled through the station. Eamor kept his hood low, not knowing who might recognize his face. As they walked Zangor shared about Xim’s doubt and questions. For some months, they had met in secret often. Zangor was concerned. Xim was not able to loosen himself from his past, nor from his present dedication to the dragons. He had high hopes that the true Regent would have the power to free Xim.

They finally approached the Regent’s office. Zangor spoke briefly with the secretary, and then waited. Eamor did not fail to notice the discreet presence of many heavily armed guards all over the anteroom. If Sky Man did not show him favor with Xim, his life was in danger.

“You may go in,” the secretary said.

Zangor led the way into a richly appointed office. Xim Vlademor was seated behind an imposing desk. Flags and banners of the STARegency and the Dominions decorated the room. Eamor followed Zangor down the thick, soft carpet to the front of the desk. Xim looked exactly like Eamor had dreamed. In person, he could sense Xim’s fear and sadness more clearly.

Zangor spoke, “This is the new adept you wanted to meet.” He slightly stressed the word “adept”. Eamor wondered if he were afraid someone might be watching.

“Yes, wait here.” Xim said. He arose from his desk and headed for the corner of the room. He motioned for Eamor to follow. A small section of the wall opened up. Eamor followed Xim inside. They walked silently down a narrow corridor, which soon opened up into a maze of passages, pipes, conduits and machinery.

Xim stopped and turned around. He sighed heavily. Eamor was not exactly whom he expected. He was taller than average with a prominent scar on his cheek, but other than that looked pretty ordinary. As he stood in silence for a moment, he began to feel the peace and presence of the other. He trembled inside. He had no idea why he was doing this. They were enemies. Their forebears were enemies. Only one of them could be the Regent. What possible good could come from this? The words of Zangor came to remembrance; It is by him you will be liberated.

Eamor pulled off his hood and smiled slightly. “Sky Man asked me to come see you.”

Xim was silent. At the mention of Sky Man, his heart skipped a beat.

“I am grateful that you agreed to meet me. I have dreamed of you. I know you. I feel for you. And now I see you.” Eamor spoke gently, softly.

Xim felt peace and power course through him as Eamor spoke. Tears sprang involuntarily to his eyes. “I have dreamed of you, too,” he said weakly. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Eamor closed his eyes. He stood still as a statue for so long Xim thought he had fallen into a trance or something.

“Sky Man,” Eamor said quietly, his eyes still closed.

“Sky Man,” he said again, opening his eyes.

“Sky Man!” he said louder, his eyes piercing Xim’s.

Xim began wailing as if in agony. He dropped to the floor and began writhing around. His mind was racing. He could not think. He did not know what was happening to him.

He felt Eamor’s hands on his body. He suddenly became still. Eamor was leaning over him, peering intently at his face. Xim looked at him. A sudden hate filled his heart. His pride overcame him like a flood. “I am the Regent!” he screamed. He tried to get up but the gentle pressure of Eamor’s hands held him to the ground like several tons were upon him. Xim raged and screamed almost incoherently. He couldn’t believe what he was saying. He was strangely disconnected. He loathed himself. He wanted to stop. He couldn’t stop. The torrent of hate poured forth. Eamor endured it patiently. Xim finally tired and fell silent. His eyes rolled back in his head. A weak cry escaped his lips. “Help me.”

Eamor laid a hand on his forehead. He spoke in short sentences by the phantom power of counsel, each one followed by several breaths of silence. “Only Sky Man can help you… You have talked to dragons… You are trapped… You are poisoned… Your own pride and lust give them power… Ask Sky Man to set you free… He has the power... You know this… Your only peace is at the Nexus… You have felt his presence there… Call out to that presence... Call out to your liberator.”

Xim felt light. The feeling of the floor beneath him disappeared. He opened his eyes and saw Eamor leaning over him. His sight quickly faded. He saw only a soft green glow. He began weeping softly. His vision clarified. The green glow became the indistinct form of a man. He was vibrant and full of life and power. He glowed a soft yellow-green.

“Sky Man!” Xim said in awe. The figure held out a hand to him. Xim started to reach out. With a deafening roar a giant dragon figure interposed himself between Xim and Sky Man. It snarled and hissed.

Xim was desperate. “Sky Man, I cannot reach you, I will die.”

The figure replied. His voice felt like music all through Xim’s body. “You will die. All must go to the Phantom Realm. Child, it is not when you die that is important, it is how you live.”

Zangor had told him the same thing. Now he knew he could live differently. Sudden courage filled Xim’s heart. He had never experienced true courage before. He liked it. He lunged for Sky Man, heedless of the dragon. It struck quickly and grabbed Xim’s torso in its mouth. The crushing teeth sent stabs of pain through his body. He continued to stretch and reach for his liberator. He finally touched Sky Man’s warm, glowing hand and the vision faded immediately.

Eamor watched him arouse slowly. When he looked at Eamor, the light of Sky Man was in his eyes.

Eamor helped him to his feet and embraced him. Xim was much shorter and buried his head in Eamor’s chest. He clutched him fiercely and held on for a long time. Eamor spoke to Sky Man in his heart. He could hardly believe what had happened.

Xim finally pulled away. “I saw him,” he said wide-eyed.

“I saw him once, too. When my mother died.”

They fell silent for several minutes. The moment seemed too sacred for words. Then Xim began chuckling softly. Their eyes met and they both started laughing in true joy.

“So…” Xim began, “How did you get the scar?”

They spent the next hours sharing their stories. They were each fascinated by the stark difference in their short lives. They were encouraged by how much they had in common. They grieved their parents afresh, but did it together. They extolled their respective mentors, Ailan and Zangor. It became as if they had known each other their whole lives.

“We must leave now. Go with Zangor to his quarters. I will see you there late tonight. We must speak of the future. Of Sky Man’s will for our Regency,” Xim concluded.

Eamor spent a joyful afternoon conversing with Zangor in his small room. The old acolyte was quite different from Ailan. He followed the old formal ways of the Thaxians, and yet still had a close connection with Sky Man. He was less gentle with people than Ailan was, but every scathing rebuke also brought tears to his eyes. He loved his enemies and his friends. He had hoped against hope for many years for young Xim. He was beside himself with gratitude to Sky Man and to Eamor.

Eamor learned much of the politics of the Regency. It became clear why the Advocates wanted to move fast now. The galaxy was falling apart at the seams. He also perceived that the fleet that they must build would not be needed against the Regency but against the SERPENT Authority, whose armada was poised to fight for the dragons.

Zangor talked much of his own death. He felt like he had fulfilled his purpose. “Soon, I will go to the Phantom Realm. I have finally seen the true Regent with my own eyes.”

Eamor wanted to encourage him to still look to the future but he held back. He didn’t feel right about it.

Later that day Xim entered the room. His eyes were red and puffy, but his face was radiant. “Eamor, Zangor. I have scheduled a holo-conference for tomorrow.”

“Why?” Eamor asked.

“To announce my resignation. You are the true Regent. I can no longer continue in my office. I will stay on at your side as long as you need,” Xim replied.

“No!” exclaimed Zangor, rising from his bed behind him. “This is not the will of the Sky Man. Eamor cannot reveal himself yet. They will kill him.”

“I don’t understand,” Xim replied.

Eamor sat on the edge of the bed near Xim. He explained to him the plan Sky Man had unfolded to the Advocates of the Watchers. When he mentioned the fleet, Xim became animated.

“I have forty-eight phantom cylinders in reserve! I was to give them to the Authority at the onset of the coming war. You must take them.”

“Good. We will find a way to retrieve them,” Eamor replied.

The door opened behind Zangor, who had been standing listening. The old man suddenly lurched forward. Kaelin sprung over his body and attacked Xim. She pounded him with her fists and slapped him. He desperately fended off her blows.

“How could you!? Why are you with our enemy!? You fool! You weak fool!”

She slumped over in mid-rant. Eamor had slipped out of the way and hit her with his nerve stick.

Xim pushed her body off of him. “Zangor! Zangor!” he cried. The old man was face down on the floor. Kaelin’s Dragonblade was in his back. He knelt before him and wept.

Eamor knelt beside him. “Xim, the time to grieve will come. We must act.”

“You are right.”

“Who is she?” Eamor asked, gesturing at Kaelin.

“She is my older sister. She is zealous for the dragons. Thankfully she was focused on me and did not even look at you. It would have been terrible had she recognized you.”

Xim took charge. Eamor was surprised at the cool efficiency of his leadership. He knew how to solve problems. He knew how to navigate sticky situations. Kaelin would be sent away. Xim would see to it that she was blamed for Zangor’s death but would not risk a public trial. The M.S.P. would deal with it. He sent Eamor in the freighter pod, this time his destination was Ostia, the Dominion capital on the outer rim. Talon and Rylen would be meeting him there.

They hugged fiercely before Eamor’s departure.

Eamor encouraged Xim. “It will be hard for you. You must lead a failing Regency, steering its fall toward the liberation of Sky Man. Take heart. Yoshun will return. Sky Man will rule. We are but small parts of his plan. I am grateful for the part you play. I am honored to call you friend.”

At that, Xim wept openly. He was still awed by the change that had been wrought in his heart. “I will not cease speaking to Sky Man of you. You are the true Regent. I am honored to take your place for a short while more. I too am glad to call you friend.”

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