God I could eat her all night. Elise squirms on my bed, her pale curves so beautiful against my bedding. I plant chaste kisses along the lace of her panties and appreciate the way she whimpers and thrusts her hands into my hair.

After one last open-mouthed kiss right over her center, I peel her damp panties away, tugging until she lifts her ass and I can remove them completely. Her natural instinct is to close her knees, but I shake my head.

“Don’t hide this perfect pussy from me.” My voice comes out so deep and husky, but I don’t bother clearing my throat because I doubt it will help. I’m so fucking turned on right now, my dick is leaking pre-come in my boxer briefs and she hasn’t even touched me yet.

She groans and throws her forearm over her eyes. “Oh God. You don’t have to…”

“Have to what?” I grin up at her, amused by her shy reaction. “Eat your pussy?”

She nods, cheeks slightly pink.

“Trust me, baby, I do. I’ve been dreaming of this moment for way too long.”

She lets out a squeak of surprise that turns into a moan the second my tongue touches her sweet flesh.

“Oh my fuck,” she gasps, gripping the back of my neck with one trembling hand.

“That’s it,” I murmur, tongue lapping against her in a slow, steady rhythm. “Let me make this pretty little pussy come.” I bite her inner thigh and give her perfect cunt a light slap. “Would that be okay with you?”

“Oh fuck,” Elise moans, shivering from the pleasure when I return my mouth to its rightful place and take a long, deep suck of her clit.

If I weren’t so incredibly turned on right now, I could almost chuckle at her responses. She’s so primal and needy, grinding against my face, pressing my head closer with her hands, and pushing her hips off the bed to get my mouth closer—which I am not opposed to—trust me. I love how into this she is, and I really love that it’s me causing these reactions from her.

I reach into my pants and give the base of my cock a warning squeeze. I’m so heavy and hard, I need to calm myself the fuck down before I embarrass myself. It’s like my dick knows how good the sex is going to be and it’s eager to blow this for me. Actually the word blow is not helping matters. The visual of Elise on her knees before me, those pouty lips taking my cock is too hot for words.

I make a sound that’s half grunt, half frustrated need and lightly bite her clit.

Her hips shoot off the bed. “Did you just bite me?”

I look up at her and grin. “Yes.”

“Ohhh.” Her eyes sink closed in pleasure and she moans long and low in her throat.

I give her another gentle nibble before adding one finger, pushing my middle finger slowly inside her hot, tight heat.

I groan again when I feel how warm and wet she is and my cock jerks behind my zipper.

“Oh God.” She shudders.

I take my time, licking and sucking her in time to the steady movement of my finger. I could do this all fucking night. I made a lot of mistakes the first time we were together. I don’t intend to make any tonight. In fact, I vow to make it my mission to see to it that she has as many orgasms as she can handle.

I increase my tempo and Elise pants.

“Yes. Like that. Fuck.” Her voice is hoarse and so sexy. “Just like that.”

Her muscles tighten and I sense how close she is. I don’t let up, not even when she curses my name and her tight body clenches around my finger.

Letting her ride the high of her orgasm for as long as possible—until her body twitches with overstimulation—I finally withdraw my finger and plant an open-mouthed kiss on her inner thigh.

“That feel good, baby?”

“That was …” She pants and lifts up on her elbows, mouth lifting in a satisfied smile. “Get up here.”

I’m grinning as I make my way up over her body and onto the bed. I pull her warm, pliable body into my arms and Elise sighs.

My lips slant over hers at the exact moment we both hear it. The slamming of the front door and heavy, uncoordinated footsteps falling over the wood floors. My heart stutters for a moment and my stomach tightens.

“Brady!” Owen calls from the hall. “You in there?”

Oh fuck.

My erection is pressed right up against her wet pussy.

I swallow down a wave of nerves, fighting to compose myself so I don’t sound like I’m about to blow my load. “Yeah. I’m a little busy at the moment. Talk later?”

He laughs. “Sorry to interrupt.”

Elise’s eyes, wide with panic are latched onto mine. “Oh my God!” she whispers, clamping one hand over her lips.

“Shh. It’s okay.” Meeting her eyes, I smooth one hand over her hair. I hope my voice is more convincing than I sound, because there’s no denying how fucked up this is. My tongue still tastes like Elise’s delicious pussy and her brother is standing on the other side of my door. My unlocked bedroom door.

“Do you want to keep going?” I ask. “I can lock the door.”

She shakes her head. “How am I going to get out of here?” she whispers.

I press my lips to hers. “It’ll be okay.”


I fucking hope.

With superhuman strength, I leave the warmth of her on my bed and stand. I have to adjust myself again, tucking my cock beneath the waistband of my pants because there’s no way my erection is going to fade after what I just experienced.

Fuck, I don’t know how I’ll ever not be hard again.

Elise’s gaze tracking my every movement is not helping matters. There’s still a want in her eyes that’s hard to ignore.

“Stay here,” I whisper.

She shakes her head eyes still wide with worry.

I press a kiss to her forehead. “Stay here. It’ll be okay. Lock the door behind me if you want.”

Understanding registers in her eyes. I’m going to try my best to get rid of him, but if he’s intoxicated, I’m not quite sure how this is going to go.

I shrug on a t-shirt from my closet as Elise quickly puts her panties and dress back on. I’m actually pissed off about the fact that her bra never came off, but I thought we had all night. Vowing to rectify that next time, I swallow my anger and exit the room, heading out into the hall.

Owen’s sitting on the couch, the remote in his hand, some sports highlights show on the TV.

“Hey, dude.”

His head turns toward mine. “Hey.” Then his eyebrows wiggle. “You busy fucking?”

I force myself to laugh, but I actually feel more like throwing up. That’s his baby fucking sister in there. I can still feel the way she clenched around my finger and moaned my name when she came. I am a grade A asshole.

My stomach tightens as I sit down next to him on the couch. Owen keeps talking but I don’t hear a damn word he says. Blood thunders in my ears and guilt swarms inside me.

“You have someone in there?” he finally says, turning toward me with a confused expression.

“No.” I deny it too quickly and I’m sure he’s suspicious.

“I heard … sounds.” He grins.

“Oh yeah.” I thrust one hand through my hair. “I was watching porn.”

The lie tastes bitter on my tongue, but what the fuck else can I say?

Owen laughs. “Right on, dude. I struck out tonight too.”

I’m a little surprised, considering he left with a woman, but I don’t press him.

“Then let’s go get out of here, let’s go get one more beer. My treat.” I rise to my feet, hoping like hell he takes the bait.

After a moment’s hesitation, he shrugs. “Why the fuck not.”

It’s not the most genius plan in the world, but I need to get Owen out of the apartment so Elise can sneak out. It’s the only thing I can think of when I still having a raging, and rather neglected, erection between my thighs.

After Owen and I exit the apartment, I shoot off a text to Elise.

I am so fucking sorry. I didn’t think he’d come home tonight.

She replies after a few seconds.

Did you guys just leave?

Owen’s busy on his phone, and so I don’t hesitate I snap a quick reply back to her.

Yes, I thought it best to get him out of the apartment so you could leave. Again, I’m so fucking sorry.

Her reply is just a laughing face emoji.

I release a slow exhale, thankful she’s not pissed off. I just asked her to sneak out of my apartment rather than deal with the situation like a man. It’s not my best moment.

Oh my God thank you. You’re a genius. I’m leaving now.

I don’t feel like a genius, I feel like an asshole. An asshole who needs to blow my load. We exit the elevator and then leave our building, walking toward the little dive bar that’s closest to our place. Tonight feels like the punchline to a bad joke. I’ve waited three months for this and all I get is the taste of her perfect pussy on my lips and the world’s worst case of blue balls. My fingers are busy typing out another apology to Elise.

I feel awful. How mad are you right now?

Her reply comes in just as we reach the front door to the bar. I pull it open and wait for Owen to step through. While he leads the way to the bar, I look down to read her response.

Not mad. I feel bad about leaving you like THAT.

I get the sense that THAT is code for the monster erection that’s still aching in my pants.

I force my thumbs into action.

I’ll live.

I didn’t get to return the favor.


God, this girl. She’s fucking killing me.

I probably deserved it.

Owen and I reach the bar, and we take a seat on two barstools. The place is mostly deserted tonight. I take a brief glance down to see Elise’s reply.

I guess it’s karma for you ghosting before.

I shake my head and chuckle, then type:


“Who are you texting with? You’re so distracted,” Owens asks, eyes narrowing.

“No one. Sorry.” I shove my phone into my pocket so I’m not tempted to look at it again.

“This guy’s paying,” he announces to the bartender with a smirk, then he orders the most expensive whiskey on the menu. Thirty bucks a glass.

I reach for my back pocket and shake my head. Shit. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I forgot my wallet,” I croak.

Owen rolls his eyes. “Fucker.”

In my haste to get out of the apartment, I’m dressed in a pair of tuxedo pants, a Nirvana t-shirt, and my Vans with no socks. And apparently no wallet. It’s quite an ensemble.

I order a beer on Owen and promise to pay him back, but he just shakes his head. He makes millions of dollars a year. He doesn’t need me to buy him a drink anyway.

As I listen to him give a recap on his night, I find myself drifting away to memories of my own night. Memories of how stunning Elise looked in that little pink dress, of how good she felt in my arms. I’m desperate to pull my phone out and check for more messages from her, but I don’t dare do it yet.

Finally, Owen excuses himself to the bathroom, and I fumble for my phone, fucking up the passcode three times in my haste to unlock it.

I quickly type out a message and hit send.

Just wanted to make sure you got home safe.

Her reply is quick: I’m home now. Thank you for tonight.

Thank you for sharing your gorgeous body with me, I type back.

It’s a little cheesy, but fuck it. I click send just as Owen comes strolling back from the restroom. He sits down beside me and takes a sip of his whiskey.

As I slip my phone back in my pocket, he turns to me and slaps a hand on my shoulder.

“Thanks for bringing Elise tonight so she could hang out with Becca. I know she’s been down since that guy dumped her.”

Guilt churns low in my stomach. “It was nothing,” I choke out the words and take a long drink of the beer that’s been placed in front of me.

He shakes his head and gives me a slight smile. “You’re a good friend.”

He wouldn’t be saying that to me if he knew that I still have the taste of her on my tongue, and that my dick is aching to be inside of her as we speak.

I feel like a huge, lying asshole, and I hate how my choices are either to hurt Elise or to lie to Owen. There’s just no gray area, only black and white about this situation, and it sucks.

Rock meet hard place.

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