I’m used to the constant feeling of needing to throw up while watching a hockey game. That’s nothing new. My brother, the team’s star goalie, has always been calm under the pressure, but I joke with him that’s only because I’m nervous enough for the both of us. Still, I wouldn’t miss this game for all the money in the world—queasy stomach aside.

My chest tightens as I lean forward in my third row seat, watching the action on the ice unfold. The guys have only been playing for a couple of minutes now, and as nice as it is watching Owen play, my eyes are on someone else tonight.

Justin Brady. Number thirty-six. And my own personal walking, and skating, fantasy come to life. God, he’s perfection.

He and I both had a busy week, and haven’t spent any time alone together since I snuck out of his apartment in the middle of the night after the banquet, but that doesn’t mean he’s been far from my thoughts. I’ve been able to think of little else. We’ve also texted every night. And the last few nights, our texting has been kicking up a notch, turning naughty and sexy.

Our nightly messages are something I now look forward to. He’s funny. And sweet. But of course, I’m still on guard. I know with certainty that I can’t fall for him. This is just for fun. As long as I remember that, I’ll be fine.

Watching him skate and move almost defies logic. He’s so quick and agile, but so aggressive at the same time. It’s kind of a turn on if I’m being honest. His broad shoulders twist as he angles his body away from the opposing player charging at him, managing to stay upright in the process.

“You want anything?” Becca asks from beside me. “I’m going to get some food from the concessions. I’m starving.”

I shake my head, eyes still out on the action. “I’ll wait until intermission.” There’s no way I want to miss a single moment of this game.

She chuckles at me as she rises to her feet. “I’ll bring you back a pretzel.”

Eyes still on the ice, I grin. She knows me well. “Perfect.” The number of times I’ve eaten a soft pretzel for dinner is insurmountable. It’s a carb bomb, but whatever, it’s freaking delicious and a girl’s gotta eat.

There’s a lull in the action and the sound of upbeat music blasts through the arena. I realize the song is Macklemore’s “Can’t Hold Us” and I start nodding my head along to the rhythm. Justin looks up at that exact moment and meets my eyes, grinning at me.

I chuckle and shake my head.

What? I mouth to him. It’s a great song.

He no longer has a black eye and he looks so damn good on the ice. His discipline over the off-season has paid off tremendously. The dude is in perfect shape. He simply grins at me once more before skating away to rejoin the pack of players.

Play resumes on the ice as Becca slides back into the seat beside me. I accept the warm pretzel and the stack of napkins she hands me. But then Justin takes a shot and scores, and I’m on my feet, cheering loudly. By the time I remember to take a bite of the pretzel in my hand, it’s gone cold.

The guys win the game two to one, and after, Becca and I wait for them to shower and change before we all head out to the nearby bar. Their season is off to an amazing start, and even Becca is in a great mood.

“One drink,” I hear her saying beside me as I watch for them.

“That’s fine with me.”

Owen emerges first. His hair is damp from the shower, and he’s dressed in a charcoal gray suit with a black shirt beneath. A huge grin is painted across his features and his blue-gray eyes sparkle with happiness.

Justin is right behind him and the second his gaze meets mine, I fill with nerves. Dear God. This hulking six-foot two of a man who’s so bulky and muscled is headed straight toward me. He thrusts a hand through his freshly styled hair and I have to force my eyes away. The perfectly tailored suit he’s wearing leaves very little to the imagination, as his powerful thighs carry him toward me, my eyes are drawn briefly to the bulge behind his zipper that hints at an exquisite package. I can barely stop my mouth from watering. My gaze wanders up and I note the way his white button down is open at the collar and the way the navy jacket really brings out his eyes. He looks so hot, but humping him in front of my brother is not an option I can entertain.

When they get closer, Owen lifts Becca into his arms, spinning them both around. She giggles and slaps his shoulder. “Put me down, you big idiot.”

He smirks. “We’re on fire. Did you see that save I had in the third?”

She nods, and pats his head, looking at Owen warmly. “You did good.”

My brother chuckles, watching her with a soft expression.

Becca and I have been friends for four years, and she and Owen have grown close during that time too. It’s been pretty much inevitable since we all spend so much time together.

“Nice goal,” I say to Justin as we stroll side by side toward the back exit of the arena.

“Thank you,” he says casually, lips twitching with a smile.

We pass by a group of female fans who are not at all dressed for the chilly temperatures inside the rink, and I grin as they shoot Becca and I dirty looks. Yes, we’re the ones leaving with the guys but we’re the furthest thing from puck bunnies you could ever get. Neither of us has ever dated a hockey player. And we probably never will. Becca, because she works here and doesn’t want to complicate her work and personal life, and me because of my brother’s role on the team.

Once at the bar, we find an empty table and place our order with the server. The guys are always starving after a game and so they order food along with our drinks. Soon Becca and Owen are enthralled in a story about the game, and I listen on while trying not to be distracted by how handsome Justin looks sitting there nursing his beer.

“I’m happy you broke up with Andy,” Owen says out of the blue.

“Thanks?” I say. I don’t bother pointing out that Andy was the one who broke up with me.

“Yeah, I just think you should stay single. You’re young.” Owen takes another sip of his beer.

“I could not agree more.” Becca nods. Her aversion to relationships is well-known.

Justin stays quiet, and I’m not sure what to think.

“I’m not looking for anything serious, but I wouldn’t mind a fling,” I say, looking directly at Justin. He doesn’t react in any way, and a weird tingling in my stomach makes me feel a little uneasy.

Soon their food is delivered, and they dig in with gusto and I’m thankful the conversation of my love life is forgotten because fries. At least my brother doesn’t put up a fight when Becca and I raid his plate for fries.

As promised, Becca and I stay for exactly one drink, which is fine with Owen, because he says he’s tired anyways. Justin’s hot gaze tracks my every movement, and when I try to pay my tab, he shakes his head.

“Let me.” His voice is deep and firm and I find him difficult to say no to, so I nod weakly.

“Thank you.” I rise to my feet and shoulder the strap of my purse. Owen helps Becca out of her chair and into her jacket.

Justin remains where he is. “I think I’m going to stick around for a bit.”

Owen shoots him a curious glare. “You sure?”

Justin nods. “Yeah. I’m not tired yet.”

I assume Owen thinks this is guy code for he’s going to stay here and try to score. I pray like hell it’s actually him throwing Owen off his trail in case he comes to my place later. But honestly, I’m not exactly sure what to think since we haven’t had a moment of privacy all night. I take one last lingering look at Justin and then follow my brother and Becca to the exit.

Outside in the cool night air, Becca and I decide to share a ride home while Owen waves goodnight and gets into his own car.

“What was that about?” Becca asks as soon as we’re alone inside the car, her tone practically a hiss.

“I’m not sure,” I admit. My phone chirps from inside my purse and I immediately pull it out.

It’s a text from Justin.

You want some company tonight?

I swallow, my mouth suddenly dry and flash the screen toward Becca so she can read the text message.

She grins. “What are you going to say?”

“I don’t know.” I consider his question. “I need to write something flirty.”

She nods as my fingers get busy typing.

That depends.


If you’re going to stick around tonight or rush out on me in the middle of the action?

The action? Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

I chuckle at his response as Becca grabs the phone from my hand.

“Let me see,” she whines. “I need to live vicariously through you. It’s been ages since I’ve even flirted with a member of the opposite sex. At this point, I wouldn’t even remember how.”

I don’t deny her, letting her take my phone, and soon she’s giggling.

“Oh you guys are cute together.”

“We’re not together,” I snap. “We’re fuck buddies, Becca. I need to keep that straight.”

The driver clears his throat and I can feel my cheeks turning pink.


Come over, I write next.

He sends back: See you in ten.

• • •

I have just enough time to straighten my apartment and brush my teeth when there’s a buzz from the intercom system.

He’s here.

Butterflies fill my stomach as I head toward the door to let him in. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Recalling the way he set the mood for us last time in his bedroom with the low lighting and the music, I feel a little self-conscious. My apartment isn’t romantic or even all that nice, especially not compared to the luxury penthouse he and my brother own.

But once I open the front door, none of that matters. I’m not sure how it’s possible, but he looks even better than before. His entire frame fills my doorway, and his features have transformed—his jaw set and chiseled and his eyes are dark with predatory desire.

“Hey,” he says softly, looking directly at me. “Can I come in?”

My neck feels warm, like I’m already dangerously close to blushing, and I step aside, nodding. “Of course.”

Justin wanders into my living room and I’m reminded of the last time he was here. We ate tacos and then had one of the most monumental conversations of our entire friendship. Trailing behind him I stuff my hands in my pockets, unsure what else to do with myself.

“Do you … want something to drink? We could watch TV,” I offer, voice a little higher than I intended.

He turns to face me, his gaze warmly tracking over me. “Come here.”

I take three steps and then his strong arms draw me in close to his chest. His masculine scent washes over me as his mouth lowers to mine. His kiss is so soft at first, exploratory and sweet. But then I lift up onto my toes and bring my hands around to the back of his neck, threading them into his hair, and then Justin’s lifting me in his arms like I weigh nothing at all.

“I’ve been waiting a week for that kiss.” His voice is husky and I smile, bringing my lips to his again. We kiss again, my lips parting to accept his tongue. I suck it into my mouth and he makes a low noise in his throat.

“Do you want to watch TV?” he asks, a little breathless.

I wrap my legs around his hips and I can feel that he’s already hard.

This is moving so much faster than I imagined and I have exactly zero issues with that.

“No,” I murmur. “I’m good.” In fact, I’m completely fine with the direction this night is heading.

His mouth moves to my neck, which he treats to warm, slow kisses and I practically melt into his arms. It feels so nice.

“Where’s your bedroom?” he asks, voice tight.

“Down the hall.” I squirm, lifting my chin to give him even better access to my neck.

With purposeful strides, Justin carries me down the short hallway to my room, his lips still at my throat. My heartbeat ratchets up to eight thousand beats per minute.

He lowers me down to the edge of the bed, and suddenly I’m eye level with his groin. I can see the material of his dress pants straining with his excitement.

He looks down at me in amusement. “See something you want?”

I look up and nod at him. “Very much.”

Palming him through his pants, I watch for his reaction. His eyes are dark and stormy and filled with want. But he doesn’t react, just lets me touch him lightly, squeezing the firm ridge.

When I begin to unbutton his pants, his hands on my wrists stop me. “If you think I’m going to let you do that before I touch you, you’re insane.”

He releases my wrists, and then draws my shirt off over my head. And then his talented fingers are reaching back and unclasping my bra. It slides down my arms and he drops it beside the bed, his gaze leaving mine to track hotly down my body.

He groans. “You’re perfect.”

He helps me to my feet, and standing in this position, our height difference is so exaggerated, the top of my head barely clears his chin.

After removing his jacket, his hands span over my ribs and then slide up to cup my breasts. They’re small, but perky and he makes a pleased sound as he caresses me.

His mouth latches onto mine, and we kiss deeply for several long moments as he caresses my breasts, lighting pinching my nipples. I feel his touch as though it’s between my legs instead of on my breasts, and I give a soft moan.

His lips move to my throat while his hands move down to unbutton my pants. He shoves them down over my hips and then works one hand inside my panties, rubbing me with soft touches that are teasing and gentle and make me hungry for more.

“Mmm … Justin,” I moan as my pulse thrums in my veins.

His mouth leaves my neck and he straightens, watching me as he slowly sinks one thick finger inside me. “That feel good?” His voice is so deep and husky. My nipples pebble at the sound of it.

I bite my lower lip, nodding. Clutching his firm biceps while his fingers continue to do magical things to my body, I let out a soft whimper.

“I need a taste,” he whispers, pressing one more brief kiss to my damp lips before dropping to his knees on the floor in front of me.

With a hungry look in his eyes, he brings his mouth to my core and treats me to a slow wet lap of his tongue that makes my knees tremble. My thighs part automatically, but I touch his shoulder in protest.

“You don’t have to do that…” I groan. “Last time…”

“Last time I enjoyed myself immensely. And I thought you did too,” he murmurs, his teeth lightly grazing the soft flesh of my inner thigh.

Oh God. I shudder, remembering what those teeth can do.

“Yes, but I mean you were left …” I wiggle my eyebrows and make a point of looking down at his crotch.

He shakes his head, frowning. “Last time I abandoned you alone at my apartment while I snuck your brother out like a coward.”

Now I’m just confused. I thought that was the right thing to do. At the time, I was nothing but appreciative of his quick thinking. “What else would you have done?”

He shrugs. “I don’t know. Man up. Talk to him.” His hands skim my hips, and he pulls me down onto the bed so I’m sitting and we’re closer to eye-level.

“And say what?” I stare at him, confused. “That we messed up and drunkenly slept together months ago and it almost ruined everything, but now we’ve decided to just give in to our lust and have a re-do.”

He rubs one hand along the back of his neck. “Yeah, it does sound kind of fucking insane when you word it like that.”

I chuckle, dryly. “There’s no other way to word it. We’re friends. With a couple of extra fringe benefits. He does not need to know about this, Justin. He can’t.”

He’s quiet for a moment, and then he nods. “I know. You’re right.”

Hands sliding along my waist, he reaches one breast and touches my nipple, lightly pinching it. And the mood I just ruined? Comes roaring back to life.

Justin grabs my thighs and pulls me close. I fall back onto my elbows as he resumes his task from before—teasing me with light licks and kisses against my core.

His hands hold me in place—with my thighs spread for him—and he doesn’t stop until I’m panting in pleasure and moving beneath him, rocking my hips into his mouth shamelessly.

“Oh God,” I groan, the sound long and throaty.

He looks up at me, mouth still working and smirks. “You keep calling me that and I’m going to develop a complex.”

Pushing one hand into his hair, I thrust my hips up, rubbing myself all over his lips and tongue. I’m so close. Right there. And he’s fucking teasing me. But then he lightly bites my clit as his finger slides home and I go off like a bottle rocket on the Fourth of July.

Waves of intense pleasure pulse over me, one after the other while Justin watches me from beneath those dark lashes, his finger moving slowly and surely as if to draw out my pleasure. This man knows exactly how to use the gifts God blessed him with.

Finally, the waves subside and I lay back against the bed, body loose and languid. Rising from his spot on the floor, he leans over me, stripping his shirt off so we’re bare chest to bare chest. It feels divine.

“You are so sexy when you come.” He kisses me deeply while I cling to him, bringing my arms around the tense muscles of his back. “And I was totally kidding before. You can call me God anytime you want.”

He rocks into me, letting me feel how hard he is and my body suddenly gets a lot of new ideas.

I kiss him one last time and then meet his eyes with a determined gaze. “Get naked.”

He grins. “Yes ma’am.”

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