
Chapter 12 

Chapter 12 

Elizabeth was so angry that she clenched her teeth, but she couldn’t do anything about it. She just turned around and wrapped herself tightly in the covers before falling asleep

Since she had promised to cure Andrew, she had been observing him, collecting information, and assessing his condition

She had a deep understanding of the violent tendencies of his second personality, which were always suppressed by the primary personality for fear of even greater outbursts

When Andrew was in his study in the afternoon, Elizabeth went to the old butler, Peter

Peter, how long have you worked for the Hayes family?Elizabeth asked in a casual tone

Peter didn’t mind, and instead, he liked this girl who got along well with Andrew

I’ve worked for the Hayes family since before Mr. Andrew was born. At that time, Mr. Hayes was still young, and now, it’s been so many years. Peter shook his head in reminiscence

Elizabeth thought there might be a chance

Do you remember when Andrew’s character started to become strange?she asked

It wasn’t strange, actually. Mr. Andrew’s character was quite outstanding among all the heirs of the Hayes family,” Peter said. He turned off the tap and began to recall the past

In fact, Mr. Andrew was always popular with little girls when he was young. Every time a little girl came, she showed strong affection for him, so strong that later” 

Elizabeth was listening carefully when Peter suddenly stopped talking

What happened later?Elizabeth asked

Peter’s eyes flickered with pain

I never knew that some children could be so bad from such a young age. They drugged Mr. Andrew, and he suffered a lot in the hospital… 

Elizabeth’s heart sank. She was sure that the drug that Peter mentioned was the kind she had in mind

Those girls were just so obsessed with Andrew that they dared to do something crazy like that

Peter let out a long sigh and looked at Elizabeth with a loving gaze

Mrs. Hayes, you might be special to Mr. Andrew,he said

Elizabeth knew a little about the meaning of the word special, knowing that marriage had a different meaning to Andrew

She was determined to see the second personality tonight

This time, she didn’t need Robert to help her. She had prepared everything herself in adva 

As Elizabeth was taking a bath in the evening, she was thinking about how to find a convincing reason to turn on the light. But she slipped and fell when she stepped out of the bathtub


The scream made Andrew throw away the covers at once and walk into the bathroom. Standing outside the door, he asked, What’s wrong?” 

Elizabeth was in so much pain that tears were streaming down her face. She fell to the ground and her tailbone was about to 


She was afraid that Andrew would come in, so she quickly said, I’mI’m fine… 

But her voice, which was filled with tears, didn’t sound convincing at all

Andrew frowned, pushed open the bathroom door, and walked in. Even in the darkness, the moonlight allowed him to see her clearly

Elizabeth had just come out of the bath, and her delicate skin looked a little pink due to the heat of bathwater. Seeing this, Andrew couldn’t help but want to take a bite

Elizabeth was stunned when she saw Andrew walk in. She instinctively bit her lip and covered her chest in a daze, tears in her 


She hadn’t even had time to put on her bathrobel 

Andrew’s Adam’s apple moved as he looked at her, his eyes glowing with a dark light

Get out!Elizabeth shouted

Chapter 12 

Andrew took a deep breath before moving forward instead of leaving

If I leave, you won’t even be able to stand up,he said

In fact, he was telling the truth

Andrew bent down to pick her up, feeling her smooth skin against his palms. It felt better than any topquality silk he had ever touched. He walked toward the bed and put her on it

Elizabeth immediately pulled the blanket over herself

Do you 

need me to call you a doctor?” 

The moment Andrew spoke up, he found his voice hoarse

Elizabeth sensed the ambiguous atmosphere, and her heart was pounding

There’s no need. I’ll see a doctor tomorrow.”  Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Andrew stood still, which made Elizabeth even more anxious


Have I spoiled you too much, Elizabeth?Andrew stared at her neck, her snowwhite skin looking particularly dazzling in the yellow light of the bedroom. It made him want to have her as his for the rest of his life. But this woman, whose eyes were red at the moment, was pitifully telling him that nothing was wrong, which suddenly made him a little irritable

You promised to cure me, right? But if you hurt yourself, who will treat me?” 

Elizabeth paused for a moment but didn’t say anything

It seemed to be an argument that she couldn’t refute

Andrew looked away, turned around, and walked out of the bedroom before he called for Robert. Go get Dr. James” 

Robert was worried. Mr. Andrew, are you not feeling well?” 

No. It’s her, Andrew replied

Robert breathed a sigh of relief. Oh, okay.” 

Then, Andrew stopped him. Get a female doctor.” 

Robert turned around and saw that Andrew’s ears had turned red in a strange way. His heart skipped a beat. Okay, I’ll go right away.” 

The female doctor arrived quickly, accompanied by a nurse

Andrew let them both into the room and stood outside the door, knowing that Elizabeth didn’t want to see him at the 


Robert sensed the tense atmosphere but had to remind Andrew, Mr. Andrew, there’s an online meeting at 11 o’clock today that you need to attend. You” 

Andrew impatiently waved his hand. Cancel it.” 

Robert paused for a moment before saying, Okay… 

Inside the room, the doctor examined Elizabeth and found that her fall wasn’t too serious. She had no bone fractures. There were just some superficial injuries

Just rest for a while, and you’ll be okay.” 

The doctor breathed a sigh of relief. When the Hayes family called her, she thought something big had happened and rushed over with her assistant. She didn’t expect it to be just a fall

When did Mr. Hayes start caring so much about women?the doctor asked inwardly

Elizabeth breathed a sigh of relief. She was very afraid of pain, and any pain would be magnified infinitely in her mind. making her extremely nervous. If it weren’t for Andrew being there, she would have cried

I’ll apply some ointment to your wounds. If it hurts, take some painkillers.” 

The doctor took out a cotton swab and carefully applied ointment to Elizabeth’s injuries. The cool ointment made her gasp in pain. 10 minutes later, the doctor finished and left with her assistant

However, Andrew stopped the doctor on her way out

Now is she?he asked

She’s okay. There’re no fractures but some minor injuries,” the doctor replied

Andrew nodded and looked at the closed door. Suddenly, he asked, Did she cry?” 

Chapter 12 

The doctor shook her head. No. Even though it seemed very painful, she didn’t cry.” 

Andrew furrowed his brows deeply. He asked Robert to show the doctor out and pushed the door open to enter the room. Elizabeth was in 

Elizabeth had already changed her clothes with the help of the doctor and was lying on the bed on her stomach, feeling upset. She tilted her head to the side, looking at the door

From now on, we’ll sleep in separate rooms.” 

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