Chapter 18 

Chapter 13 

Andrew was almost amused at her pitiful expression, but he managed to hold back. Then, he nodded and replied. I’ll have the butler arrange it later.” 

I’m hungry. I want something to eat now.” 

Sure. I’ll have someone bring it up for you.” 

And I don’t want to see you these days.” 

Don’t push it. Andrew gave her a cold glance and immediately refused, sticking to his principles

Elizabeth gritted her teeth and hammered the pillow beneath her with her fist

She was so embarrassed today. Not only had she fallen in the bathroom like a child, but Andrew had also seen her naked

Just thinking about it made her heart ache. It was so frustrating

However, Andrew acted like nothing had happened, remaining calm and collected. It made Elizabeth even more frustrated. She picked up the pillow and threw it at him

Andrew caught it and tossed it back onto the bed

The fall had forced Elizabeth to rest at home for a whole week. She felt like a useless person, barely leaving her bed

But the rest had done her good, and she could now move around normally without any pain

Now that she was wellrested, it was time to continue with her plan

Elizabeth went to Andrew, who was in his study at the moment. She asked, Are you free today?” 

Andrew looked up at her and asked, What do you want to do?” 

I want to go shopping. Can yougo with me?” 

Andrew frowned, but he suddenly realized that Elizabeth had been stuck at home for a solid week, and he felt a twinge of sympathy for her. After a moment’s thought, he agreed reluctantly

I’ll go with you after I finish up with Robert.” 


Hearing this, Elizabeth was overjoyed

While Andrew went to talk to Robert, Elizabeth quietly contacted a team. They were going to be a big help later

The two of them decided to go shopping at a nearby mall. After arriving there, Elizabeth dragged Andrew straight to the clothing store

I don’t need anything.he said

I want to personally pick something out for you,” Elizabeth replied, firmly taking his arm and leading him into the clothing


Elizabeth personally tried every piece of clothing she liked on Andrew, who seemed to be impatient but still did as she said. Then, they told the manager to have everything they bought delivered to the Hayes family home

I’m gonna go to the restroom. Can you wait here while I go?Elizabeth asked after they had visited five stores. She suddenly clutched her stomach and said she wasn’t feeling well, telling Andrew to go on shopping without her

Okay,” Andrew agreed 

Then, under Andrew’s gaze, Elizabeth went in the direction of the restroom at the mall

As soon as Elizabeth turned the corner and was out of sight, she suddenly turned around and found a concealed vantage point to watch Andrew as he wandered around the store Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Let’s get started,” she said. 

Elizabeth sent a text message to the people she had previously arranged with, instructing them to approach Andrew in the store. She needed to figure out just how serious his illness was

Andrew was surrounded by several women. None of them backed down despite his cold demeanor and domineering aura because they were a professional group of actresses hired by Elizabeth, who was now secretly watching the situation unfold. The women surrounded Andrew and kept speaking to him, but none of them could get close to him

Andrew always seemed so normal. After all, his intimidating face kept everyone at bay

Judging from what she had learned from Peter, Elizabeth had a rough idea of what was going on, test her theory

and now was 

the time to 

Chapter 13 

Andrew looked impatient, but Elizabeth sensed that he was also anxious. As she watched him reach his breaking point, she appeared at a critical moment

Honey, are these fanatical ladies looking for trouble?” 

Elizabeth squeezed her way into the group of women and wrapped her arm around Andrew. She even felt him trembling

Get lost!” 

Andrew shouted with his eyes closed; which startled Elizabeth. She quickly signaled to the women with her eyes, and they all dispersed

Andrew had not yet regained his composure, and Elizabeth wondered if this experiment of hers had been too cruel

Andrew endeavored to hold back his disgust. As soon as he opened his eyes, he locked eyes with Elizabeth, and the chill in his gaze 

made her shudder

You put on a good show, didn’t you?” 

It was at this moment that she came to realize that he had figured it out

Elizabeth quickly composed herself. What are you talking about, honey? How could I possibly…” 

Before she could finish her sentence, Andrew grabbed her by the shoulder and pushed her against the wall, almost lifting her up. He was expressionless, his eyes cold, and his lips tightly pursed

Elizabeth Hayes!” 

He squeezed her shoulder, making her unable to move. His eyes were dark and bottomless, and the emotions in them were churning so fiercely that Elizabeth was scared. She didn’t even know how to explain herself

Elizabeth stared into Andrew’s eyes and whispered, “Honey, are you okay?” 

Was Andrew having an episode

Let’s go home.” 

Andrew stared at her for several moments. His body was tense and stiff, and tiny beads of sweat were forming on his forehead

Okay. Let’s go home right away.” 

Elizabeth didn’t dare to delay and followed Andrew back home

Along the way, Andrew didn’t say a word, and the atmosphere in the car was thick with tension. Elizabeth constantly observed his expression and body language and came to a conclusion. Andrew was definitely not feeling well

When they got home, Andrew went straight upstairs. Elizabeth followed him and slipped into the bedroom just as he was about to close the door


Andrew propped the door open with force and grabbed Elizabeth’s collar, about to throw her out

Elizabeth struggled and managed to escape his grasp

Listen to me. You’d better tell me everything about how you’re feeling right now so I can help you better” 

Psychological illnesses were often caused by trauma, and Andrew was no exception. Since he had a deepseated hatred for women, Elizabeth suspected that the root of his problem must lie with them. Once she found the source, it would be much easier to help him

Elizabeth held Andrew’s arm gently and spoke in a gentle and soothing tone, trying to calm him down

Get out.” 

Sweat dripped from Andrew’s forehead, and his face was pale. However, his eyes became increasingly fierce, as if he wanted to tear apart the person who had been blocking him

If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s fine. Are you feeling unwell? Do you want me to help you to bed?” 

Elizabeth did not force him. Instead, she looked at Andrew with concern

Andrew lowered his head, and sweat trickled down his cheek, making him look incredibly sexy

Suddenly, Andrew, who had been trying to manage his anger for a while, burst into laughter. His mouth curled up, and his hand, which had been clutching Elizabeth’s collar, loosened and skillfully moved to her waist


He took Elizabeth’s earlobe in his mouth and nibbled on it lightly, sending shivers down her spine

Elizabeth screamed and almost sprang to her feet

Chapter 13 

If you don’t want to leave, then stay.” 

Andrew took off his tie and skillfully tied Elizabeth’s hands behind her back.. 

You wanna cure me?” 

He threw Elizabeth onto the bed and slowly approached. He lifted her chin and asked, How do you plan to cure me?” 

His slender fingers unbuttoned Elizabeth’s shirt, revealing her fair skin

Elizabeth panicked

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